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Arranged to Meet The Course: Learning Assessment

Lecturer: Rusiyah S.Pd,. M.Sc

Compiled By:

Sry Rahayu Kaino







Thank god we raise the presence of Allah SWT who has given grace and blessings to
all of us, so that thanks to His Gift we can complete the study of the Learning Assessment
Course paper.

This paper is about all the materials from the Learning Assessment. Our hope is that
this paper can improve our understanding of the socio-cultural sciences in society and can be
applied in everyday life.

Of course, in the preparation of this paper can not be separated from various parties
who have helped a lot. Therefore, we would like to thank you very much for helping in
completing this paper.

We recognize that this paper is not perfect, therefore we receive criticism and advice
from all constructive parties. We always hope for the perfection of this paper and for the
improvement of the next paper creation. I hope this paper will benefit us all.

Gorontalo , February 24 , 2022

Sry Rahayu Kaino

Table of Contents

Introductory Words
Isiii List
Chapter 1 Advance1
1.1 Background1
1.2 Problem Formulation1
1.3 Writing Purpose2
Chapter II Discussion
2.1 Learning Outcome Assessment
2.2 Learning Outcome Assessment Tool
Chapter III Closing
3.1 Conclusion
3.2 Suggestions


1.1 Background

Learning evaluation is one of the important points that must be done by a

teacher to find out student learning outcomes. The task that teachers do in evaluating
learning is to carry out an assessment of learning processes and outcomes. Teachers
and prospective teachers must have competence in evaluating learning because it is a
responsibility in evaluating students according to Sax (1980) evaluation is a process
where consideration or decision of a value is made from various observations,
backgrounds and training from evaluators. Arifin (2012) explains that evaluation is a
systematic and continuous process to determine the quality (value and meaning) of
something, based on certain considerations and criteria for making a decision. In the
field of education, evaluation is an activity that must be done by teachers to find out
student learning results, namely by conducting assessments, measurements, and tests.
Through this paper will be discussed about the entire material of the Assessment of
1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem is
1. How is the assessment of learning outcomes?
2. How is the learning outcome assessment tool?
1.3 Purpose
Based on the formulation of the above problem, the oenulisan objectives contained
in this paper are as follows:
1. Can find out the assessment of learning outcomes.
2. Can find out the learning outcome assessment tool.


2.1 Assessment of Learning Outcomes

2.1.1 Understanding Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Assessment is a systematic process that includes the collection of information

(numbers or verbal descriptions), analysis, and interpretation to make decisions.
While educational assessment is the process of collecting and processing information
to determine the achievement of student learning outcomes.
According to Permendikbud number 104 of 2014, assessment of learning
outcomes by the pollster is the process of collecting inforrnasi / evidence about the
learning achievements of students with the competence of spiritual attitudes and
social attitudes, knowledge competencies, and archival competencies carried out in a
planned and systematic manner, during and after the process of exploration.
For this reason, data is needed as reliable information as the basis for decision
making, In this case, decisions related to the success or not of students and achieve a
competency. So, assessment is one of the pillars of the implementation of
Competency-based Kurikulurn.
Assessment of a process carried out through planning steps, preparation of
assessment tools, collection of information through a number of evidence that shows
the achievement of student learning outcomes, processing, and the use of information
about student learning outcomes. Assessment is carried out through various forms,
including: performance assessment ( performance ), attitude assessment, written
assessment (paper and pencil test), project assessment, assessment rnelalui kurnpulan
basil work / work of students (portofollo), and self-assessment.
2.1.2 Assessment Criteria

Assessment of teaching and learning activities with educational programs will

be able to achieve the desired goal carefully if the measuring instrument used meets
kriterla or the requirements of a good and correct measuring instrument; well
administrated and objectively processed according to the right criteria. A good
measuring instrument should meet several conditions, including:
a) Validity.

Validity means assessing what should be assessed using appropriate tools for
competency. For example, in the Indonesian, educators / teachers want to rnenilai
kornpetensi speak. The form of assessment is valid if using an oral test, if using a
written test the assessment is invalid.
b) Reliability.

Reliability is related to the consistency (complexity) of the assessment

results. Reliable assessment allows reliable comparison and guarantees
consistency. For example, the teacher rnenilai with the project, the assessment will
be reliable if the results obtained tend to be the same if the project is done again
with relatively the same conditions. To ensure a reliable assessment of the project
implementation instructions and its suspension must be clear.
c) Focusing on competence

In the implementation of a competency-based education unit level

curriculum, assessment should focus on achieving competencies (ability sets), not
just on material mastery (knowledge).
d) Comprehensive/Comprehensive

Assessment must be thorough by using various ways and tools to assess

various competencies or abilities of learners, so that the profile of learners' abilities
is spread.

e) Objectivity.

The assessment must be carried out objectively. For this reason, the
assessment must be fair , planned, continuous, clan applies clear criteria in scoring.

2.1.3 Assessment Implementation

The implementation of the assessment, in accordance with the kriteri used, can
be done in two ways. The first way, namely processing the score using the
benchmark reference approach (PAP) and the second way using the norm reference
assessment approach (PAN). Dalarn Permendikbud number I 04 of 2014 concerning
the assessment of there are three references in the study, namely:

a. Assessment uses Reference Criteria which is an assessment of the progress of

learners compared to the criteria for achievement of established competencies.
The score obtained from the results of an assessment both formative and
surnative of a learner is not compared with the scores of other learners but
compared with the required mastery of competencies.

b. For those who have not managed to achieve the criteria, given the ability to
follow remedial learning carried out after an assessment activity (not at the end
of the semester) either individually, group, or class. For those who succeed can
be given an enrichment program in accordance with the time available both
individually and in groups, the enrichment program is the diversification or
expansion of the competencies learned.

c. Reference Criteria use modes for attitude, average for knowledge, and optimum
achievements for skills.

2.1.4 Benefits of Learning Outcome Assessment

a) Benefits of assessment for teachers

1) By carrying out the assessment, the teacher will obtain data on the student's
learning progress.

2) The teacher will find out whether the material he teaches is in accordance
with the student's ability, so that it can be taken into consideration to
determine the next subject matter.

3) By carrying out research, the teacher will find out whether the teaching
method he uses is appropriate or not.

4) The results of the assessment can be used by teachers to report the progress
of student learning to the student's parents / guardians.

b). Benefits of assessment for students in general

1) Assessment results can be a driver for students to study harder.

2) The results of the assessment can be used by students to find out the speed
of learning.

3) The results of the assessment are data on whether the way of learning that
is carried out is appropriate or not.

c). Assessment benefits for students who require remedial

Teachers must believe that every learner in his class is able to achieve the
criteria for the completion of each competency, if the learner gets the right help, for
example, assistance in accordance with the learner's learning style at the right time
so that difficulties and failures do not accumulate. Thus, students are not
discouraged in achieving the competencies that must be mastered. Remedial is
carried out by teachers, class teachers or other teachers who have the ability to
provide assistance and know the shortcomings of learners. Activities can be face-to-
face with the teacher or given the opportunity to learn on their own, then an
assessment is carried out by answering questions, making a summary of lessons, or
doing assignments. Remedial time is regulated based on the agreement between
learners and teachers, can be carried out at or outside effective hours. Remedial is
only given for incomplete indicators.

d). Manfat assessment for students who need enrichment

Enrichment is carried out for students who have faster mastery than other
learners, tau learners who achieve complete learning when most of the other students
have not. Students who perform well need to get enrichment, in order to develop
their potential optimally. One of the enrichment activities is to provide additional
materials, additional exercises or individual tasks that aim to enrich the
competencies they have achieved. The results of the assessment of enrichment
activities can increase the mastery / value of students in the subjects concerned.
Enrichment can be done at any time either at or outside effective hours For learners
who consistently always achieve competence faster, can be given an acceleration
2.2 Learning Outcome Assessment Tool
2.2.1 Your
The word test comes from ancient French which means a plate to set aside
precious metals referred to here is by using a tool in the form of a plate will be able
to obtain types of precious metals of high value, Test is a tool or procedure used to
know or measure something in the atmosphere, with caara and rules that have been
determined. (Arikunto, 2013) .
From the above understanding, it can be estimated that the understanding of
the test is the way used or the procedure taken in the framework of measurement and
assessment in the field of education, which provides tasks and a series of tasks given
by the schingga teacher can be produced a value that symbolizes the behavior or
achievements of students. Test techniques or carrying out tests can be classified into
3 ways, namely:
1. Written Test
In the written test, which is to answer the test in writing on the answer sheet,
the written test is very useful to find out the end of the test in the correct writing
technique, arrange sentences according to the rules of good and correct language
efficiently, express the fruits of the mind through written language with their own
2.. Oral Test
In oral tests, the answer given by the testi is in the form of oral expressions.
The lnstrument used can be presented in written form can also be in oral form. In
general, oral tests are in the form of direct questions and answers orally between the
tester and the testi. This Oral Test is very useful for students to train themselves in
expressing their opinions or thoughts orally and improving their ability to speak.
3. Deed Test
The test of the deed requires the test to do a certain deed, it is not enough just
to answer the ters. Deed tests are given in the form of tasks or exercises that must be
completed individually or in groups. In mathematics learning, the test of deeds can
be in the form of demonstrating whether a flat revival is a jarring-net I make or not,
describing a space building and showing all diagonals and altered fields, making
paintings using long periods, bars, and arcs of degrees, and so on.
2.2.2 You don't have
a) Questionnaire is a list of questions or statements that must be answered by
respondents. Questionnaires serve as data collection tools. The data is in the
form of circumstances or personal data, experience, knowledge, attitudes,
opinions about a thing.
b) Interviewing is a data collection technique by communicating with sources. The
communication is carried out by dialogue (Q&A) orally, either directly or
indirectly (using communication tools).
c) Observation is the process of systematic, logical, objective, and rational
observation and recording of various phenomena, both in actual situations and
in artificial situations to achieve a specific goal.
d) A Check List is a list that contains the subject and aspects to be observed. A
check list can allow the teacher as an appraiser to record each event that is
however small, but considered important. There are various aspects of the act
that are usually included in the check list, then just put a check mark on each
aspect in accordance with the results of the assessment. Check lists have many
benefits, among others, helping teachers to remember what to observe, and can
provide information to stakeholders.
3.1 Conclusion

Evaluation is a systematic and ongoing process for rnengurnpulknn, describing,

interpreting and disseminating information to be used as a basis for making decisions
and/or making policies. The purpose of evaluation is to obtain accurate and objective
interpretation of a program. The inforrnasi can be in the form of the implementation
process achieved, efficiency and utilization of evaluation results focused on the
program itself, namely taking the pain of whether it continues. repaired or galvanized.
Moreover. Also used for the preparation of the next program and the preparation of
policies related to the program.

3.2 Suggestions

In this paper there are still many shortcomings, so please ask the reader to
develop again the material contained in this paper.

Arifin, Zainal. 2012. Learning Evaluation. Jakarta: Directorate General of Islamic
Education of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

National Standards Board of Education. 2006. Assessment Standards. Jakarta:

Ministry of Education

Mone. 2005. Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005, concerning National Standards

of Education. Jakarta: Ministry of Education.

Purwanto, Edy. 2005. Evaluation of Processes and Outcomes in Learning

(Application in the Field of Geography Studies). Unfortunate: UM Press.
PEKERTI-AA Team. 2007. Learning Evaluation Guide. Surakarta: Educational
Development Institute of Sebelas Maret University

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