TLA Outbreak Investigation

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University of the Immaculate Conception

College Department
College of Medical and Biological Science
1st Semester S.Y 2022-2023

Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________

Score: ____________

Teaching Learning Activity (Outbreak Investigation)


Days after the Hudyaka 116th UIC Fiesta, a number of students were admitted to several
hospitals with chief complaints of severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. As a team you are
tasked to gather data, draw an hypothesis and test the hypothesis. You must identify the
possible causative agent based on the clinical manifestation and incubation period. Identify
source of contamination (food item).
4 students - had participated in Hudyaka 116th UIC
Fiesta (Dec. 8) wherein they
indulge themselves with the unlimited hamburger,
bbq and egg sandwich. On Dec. 9 they
experienced severe abdominal pain
with diarrhea and later fever.
This lasted until Dec. 16. They got confined on Dec. 10. Laboratory test
confirmed the presence of blood in theyr stool sample.
8 students – had participated in Hudyaka 116th UIC Fiesta (Dec. 8) wherein they indulge
themselves with the
unlimited hamburger, bbq and fruit
shake. On Dec. 10 they
experienced severe abdominal pain
with diarrhea and later fever.
This lasted until Dec. 16. They got confined on Dec. 12. Laboratory test
confirmed the presence of blood in theyr stool sample.
4 students - had participated in Hudyaka 116th UIC Fiesta (Dec. 8) wherein they indulge
themselves with the
unlimited hamburger, fruit shake
and egg sandwich. On Dec. 11 they
experienced severe abdominal pain
with diarrhea and later fever.
This lasted until Dec. 16. They got confined on Dec. 13.
Laboratory test confirmed the presence
of blood in theyr stool sample.
2 students - had participated in Hudyaka 116th UIC Fiesta (Dec. 8) wherein they indulge
themselves with the
unlimited hamburger, fruit shake
and egg sandwich. On Dec. 9 they
experienced severe abdominal pain
with diarrhea and later fever.
This lasted until Dec. 16. They got confined on Dec. 10. Laboratory test is
still pending.
2 students -  have participated in Hudyaka 116th UIC Fiesta (Dec. 8) wherein they indulge
themselves with the
unlimited hamburger, and 
fruit shake. On Dec. 11 they
experienced severe abdominal pain
with diarrhea. This lasted until Dec. 16.
They got confined on Dec. 13. Laboratory test is still pending.
4 students - have participated in Hudyaka 116th UIC Fiesta (Dec. 8) wherein they indulge
themselves with the
unlimited hamburger and 
fruit shake. They feel healthy.
13 students - have participated in Hudyaka 116th UIC Fiesta (Dec. 8) wherein they indulge
themselves with the unlimited bbq, egg sandwich
and  fruit shake. They feel healthy.

1) Descriptive profile of your case.

2) Create an epidemic curve.
3) a. What is the causative agent of the disease? Defend your answer.
b. What other laboratory test could be
performed to confirm your answer.
4) a. Create a table for Attack Rates By Items Served during Hudyaka.
b. What is the risk ratio for each food
c.i. Which item shows the highest risk
c.ii. Proportion of cases exposed?
c.iii. Population attributable risk
5) Run a chi-square test to determine if exposure with your answer in 3.c.i is associated
with disease.

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