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JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No.

5, 523 – 544
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494



Saparuddin Siregar 1
Mutiara Shifa 2*
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Akademi Manajemen Informatika Komputer MEDICOM, Indonesia
e-mail: Mutiarashifa1993@gmail.com1, 2

Submitted: 10 November 2021, Revised: 12 December 2021, Accepted: 14 December 2021

Abstract. The problem in this study is how the financial performance problems of BUMN Islamic
banks using the RGEC and SCnP models and the comparison of the two methods. This study aims
to determine the financial performance of state-owned Islamic banks using the RGEC and SCnP
models and to compare the two methods. The type of research that the author uses is quantitative
research. Data collection techniques using documentation through financial reports obtained from
the official website of PT. BRI Syariah Tbk, PT. BNI Syariah, and PT. Bank Mandiri Syariah. The data
analysis technique uses financial ratios and Sharia Conformity and Profitability (SCP) as measured
by indicators of sharia conformity and profitability. The results showed that PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk in
2017, 2018, and 2019 based on the RGEC method, respectively, were at a composite rank of 3, while
in the SCnP Model, each PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk is in the LLQ, LRQ, and LRQ quadrants. For PT. BNI
Syariah in 2017, 2018, and 2019 based on the RGEC method was ranked 2, 2, and 1, respectively,
while in the SCnP Model, PT. BNI Syariah is in the ULQ, ULQ, and URQ quadrants. Then PT. Bank
Syariah Mandiri in 2017, 2018, and 2019 based on the RGEC method was respectively ranked 2, 2,
and 1, while in the SCnP Model, PT. Mandiri Syariah Bank is in the next LLQ, LRQ, and URQ

Keywords: financial performance, RGEC, SCnP

DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i5.43
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 524

INTRODUCTION evidenced by the data on the number of

In today's modern world, support from Islamic Commercial Banks. (BUS), Sharia
a sound and stable financial system is the Business Unit (UUS) and Sharia Rural Bank
most crucial factor in developing a country. (BPRS). The following is Table 1. which
The rapid development of the times has shows the development of Islamic Banks in
become one of the triggers for the Indonesia:
development of the economy in recent Table 1. Development of Islamic Banks in
years, which has caused the public's need Indonesia
for the services of financial institutions to 20 20 20 20 20
15 16 17 18 19
also increase in terms of quantity and
BUS 12 13 13 14 14
quality. As a country where the majority of
UUS 22 21 21 20 20
the population is Muslim, Indonesia has
BPRS 16 16 16 16 16
long desired the presence of a financial 3 6 7 7 4
institution system that meets the demands Source: Banking Statistics, 2019
of not only financial needs but also moral The table above shows that the
demands (Muhammad, 2004). development of Islamic banking in
Sharia banking developed significantly Indonesia is increasing. From the data
in Indonesia in 2008, which coincided with above, it can be seen that the number of
the enactment of the Sharia banking law in BUS increased from 2015, which only
the family in order to be in line with the amounted to 12 BUS, then increased in
national development goals to achieve the 2019 to 14 BUS. The increase in the number
creation of a just and prosperous society of BUS in Indonesia shows good
based on economic democracy by development, which must be in line with
developing an economic system based on the increase in the performance of the BUS
the value of justice, equality, equity, and itself.
benefits following sharia principles The government's attitude in
(Anshori, 2018). developing Islamic banking in Indonesia is
The development of the Islamic also reflected in the concrete actions of
economy is currently the subject of three Islamic banks (PT. BRI Syariah Tbk, PT.
discussion for economic actors. The BNI Syariah, and PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri),
phenomenon that many financial which will soon be merged into one
institutions apply sharia principles is a form company merger. The three banks are
of success in developing Islamic economics. banks that will be merged to become PT.
The development of Islamic banking in Bank Syariah Indonesia in 2021. The
Indonesia can be said to be very rapid, both Ministry of Law and Human Rights
in terms of the number of openings of new (KEMENKUMHAM) has issued a letter of
branch offices, the type of bank business, receipt of notification regarding the merger
and the volume of activities carried out, as of three state-owned Islamic commercial
evidenced since the opening of the first banks. In letter No. AHU-AH.01.10-0011384
Islamic Bank in 1992, the growth of this on January 28, which was signed by the
industry is considered quite progressive, as Director-General of General Legal

DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i5.43
525 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
Conformity and Profitability) Model

Administration, the data in the form of the performance must be considered and
entry merger stored in the system improved to maintain the soundness of the
administrator of the legal entity was based Bank. The following table 1.2 shows the
on the notarial deed number 27 on January financial ratios of BUS in Indonesia.
14, 2021, which made a notary Jose Dima Table 2. Financial Ratios of Islamic
Satria domiciled in Jakarta. (Idries et al., Commercial Banks in Indonesia
2021) The merger of three state-owned Indi
201 201 201 201 201
Islamic banks is valid effective on February cati
5 6 7 8 9
1, 2021. The merger of the three state- ons
CAR 15.0 16.6 17.9 20.3 20.5
owned Islamic banks is predicted to be a
2% 3% 1% 9% 9%
catalyst for the development of the sharia
ROA 0.49 0.63 0.63 1 ,28 1.73
industry in Indonesia and is expected to be % % % % %
included in the TOP 10 global sharia banks NPF 4.84 4.42 4.76 3.26 3.23
in terms of market capitalization with total % % % % %
assets of IDR 214.6 trillion (CNBC Indonesia, FOR 88.0 85.9 79.6 78.5 77.9
2021) 3% 9% 1% 3% 1%
In line with this, of course, the BOP 97.0 96.2 94.9 89.8 84.4
O 1% 2% 1% 1% 6%
development of Islamic banking is also
Source: Sharia Banking Statistics 2015-2019
expected to be in line with the growth of
The data above shows the value of the
the financial performance of the Islamic
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has increased
Bank. (Fahmi, 2012) stated that
from year to year, from 2015 to 2015. 2019
performance is an activity carried out by
has continuously increased. This condition
the company to measure company
shows that Islamic commercial banks are
performance effectively and efficiently to
better at maintaining their capital
achieve company goals. In general, it can
adequacy. In other words, Islamic
also be said that performance is an
commercial banks are getting better in the
achievement that the organization can
capital. The ability to earn profits
achieve within a certain period.
represented by Return on Assets (ROA) in
Performance is an important factor used to
2015 reached 0.49%, which then increased
measure the effectiveness and efficiency of
in 2016 to 0.63%. However, in 2017, ROA
the organization. Based on the Financial
did not increase or decrease in the
Services Authority Regulation Number
following year. Continued in 2018, it
8/POJK.03/2014 concerning the
increased to 1.28% and continued in 2019
assessment of the soundness level of
to 1.73%. This indicates that Islamic
Islamic Commercial Bank Sharia Bank's
commercial banks in terms of ROA can be
soundness level and Business Units, the
result of an assessment of the Bank's
In terms of Non-Performing Financing
condition based on risks related to the
(NPF) in 2015, it was 4.84%, then decreased
implementation of sharia principles and the
in 2016 to 4.42%, but in 2017 the NPF value
Bank's performance or referred to as Risk-
increased to 4.76% and fell again in the
Based Bank. Ratings. Therefore, the Bank's
following year 2018 and 2019 to 3 .26%,
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 526

3.23%. The increase in the NPF value in 9% 3% 0% 2% 4%

2017 indicates that Islamic commercial PT. BNI Syariah
banks are not maintaining the principle of CAR 15.4 14.9 20.1 19.3 18.8
prudence in channeling their funds, 8% 2% 4% 1% 8%
ROA 1.43 1.44 1.31 1.42 1.82
increasing the NPF side. In terms of the
% % % % %
Financial to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Islamic
NPF 2.53 2 ,94 2.89 2.93 3.33
commercial banks had decreased from % % % % %
88.03% in 2015 to 77.91% in 2019. This FDR 91.9 84.5 80.2 79.6 74.3
illustrates that third-party funds channeled 4% 7% 1% % %
for financing by Islamic commercial banks BOPO 89.6 86.8 87.2 85 ,3 81.2
in facilitating between owners capital with 3% 8% 6% 7% 6%
parties who need funds has decreased PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri
CAR 14.0 12.8 15.8 16.2 16.1
1% 5% 9% 6% 5%
In terms of the Ratio of Operating
ROA 0.56 0.59 0.59 0.88 1.69
Expenses to Operating Income (BOPO) of % % % % %
Islamic banks in 2015 to 2019 always NPF 6.06 4.92 2.44 3.28 4.53
experienced a decline which in 2015 % % % % %
became 97.01%, decreased until 2019 to FDR 81.9 % 77.6 77.2 75.5
84.46%, this illustrates that Islamic banks in 9% 6% 5% 4%
Indonesia from The BOPO side can be said
to be good and has met the average BOPO
BOPO 94.7 94.1 94.4 91.1 82.8
standard according to Bank Indonesia. The 9% 2% 4% 6% 9%
following table 1.3 shows the financial Source: Sharia Banking Statistics 2015-2019
ratios of BUMN Sharia Commercial Banks in The above data shows the financial
Indonesia. ratios of Islamic Commercial Banks in
Table 3. Financial Ratios of BUMN Sharia Indonesia from 2015 to 2019. Seen from
Commercial Banks in Indonesia the CAR ratio of PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk from
Indica 201 201 201 201 201 2015 to 2019 experienced an increase and
tions 5 6 7 8 9 decrease in the value of the CAR ratio, and
PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk this illustrates that PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk has
CAR 13.9 20.6 20.0 29.7 %
not been good in maintaining its capital
4% 3% 5% 3%
adequacy. For ROA at PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk
6 also experienced an increase and decrease
ROA 0.78 0.95 0.51 0.43 0.31 in the value of ROA, which shows PT. BRI
% % % % % Syariah, Tbk has not been good in the
NPF 4.86 4.57 3.87 6.73 5.22 ability to earn a profit. For the value of the
% % % % % NPF ratio of PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk
FDR 84.1 % 81.4 71.8 75.4 experienced fluctuation, which shows that
6 7% 7% 9%
PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk does not maintain the
principle of prudence in distributing its
BOPO 93.7 91.3 96.8 95,3 95.3 funds. In terms of the FDR ratio of PT. BRI
527 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
Conformity and Profitability) Model

Syariah, Tbk experienced a decrease and BNI Syariah, from 2015 to 2019,
increase in the value of FDR, which experienced fluctuations in the value of the
describes PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk that third CAR ratio. This illustrates that PT. BNI
party funds channeled for financing by PT. Syariah has not been good at maintaining
BRI Syariah, Tbk in facilitating between its capital adequacy. For ROA at BNI,
owners of capital and parties who need Syariah also increased and only slightly
funds has increased its function. Lastly, for decreased the ROA value, which shows PT.
the financial ratios seen from the BOPO of BNI Syariah is good in terms of the ability
PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk experienced a decrease to earn profits. For the value of the NPF
and increase in the value of BOPO, which ratio of PT. BNI Syariah has fluctuated,
illustrates that PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk from the which shows that PT. BNI Syariah does not
BOPO side cannot be said to be good in maintain the principle of prudence in
meeting the average BOPO standard distributing its funds. In terms of the FDR
according to Bank Indonesia. ratio of PT. BNI Syariah experienced a
In the journal (Al Ghifari et al., 2015) it decrease in the value of FDR, which
is stated that the Sharia Conformity and describes PT. BNI Syariah that third party
Profitability (SCnP) Model is one of the funds channeled for financing by BNI
research models of financial performance Syariah in facilitating between capital
in banking, especially in Islamic banking. owners and parties who need funds have
The SCnP model used is a research model decreased in function. Lastly, for the
for assessing the financial performance of financial ratios seen from the BOPO of PT.
Islamic banking that has been carried out BNI Syariah broadly PT. BNI Syariah
by (Kuppusamy et al., 2010). This model experienced a decrease in the BOPO value
combines its orientation on profitability which illustrates that BRIS from the BOPO
indicators used to assess conventional side can be said to be good in meeting the
financial performance with the orientation average BOPO standard according to Bank
of the conformity index to the sharia Indonesia.
system to assess socio-economic After doing this research, it is clear that
conditions. -economic obligations of the differences analyzed from those seen
Islamic banks. before and now differ significantly.
This study aims to compare the
financial performance measurement of MATERIALS AND METHODS
BUMN Sharia Commercial Banks (PT. BRI
SyariahTbk, PT. BNI Syariah and PT. Bank The author uses field research using a
Syariah Mandiri) using the Risk Profile, quantitative descriptive approach, namely
Good Corporate Governance, Earning, research that is carried out intensively, in
Capital (RGEC) methods and methods the detail, and in-depth through a qualitative
Shariah Conformity And Profitability (SCP) approach. The quantitative research
method for the 2017-2019 period. method is a type of research whose
For the financial ratios of PT. BNI specifications are systematic, planned, and
Syariah is seen from the CAR ratio of PT. structured from the beginning to the
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 528

making of research designs (Sugiyono, Bank and calculate financial ratios with a
2017). predetermined formula.
The type of data used is secondary
data, namely the type of data obtained RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
indirectly from the source. The source of
the data used in this study is financial Islamic banking or Islamic banking is a
reports for the years 2017-2019. The banking system whose implementation is
financial statements are obtained through based on Islamic law (Sharia). The
the official website of the concerned Islamic formation of this system is based on the
Bank, which has published its financial prohibition in Islam to borrow or collect
statements. loans by charging interest on loans (Riba),
This research was conducted on 3 as well as the prohibition to invest in
state-owned Islamic banks in Indonesia businesses categorized as forbidden
through the website official of the Islamic (haram) in their investments, for example in
Bank concerned from December 2020 to businesses related to the production of
January 2021. food or beverages. Haram, must be non-
The method used in data collection in Islamic media or entertainment, etc.
this study is the documentation method. (Naf’an, 2014) As explained in the word of
The documentation method is a source of God in Surah Al-Imran verse 130.
data used to complete research, both in
َ ‫ضعَافًآٰ ُّمضعَفَةًٰٓ َّۖواتَّقُوا ه‬
ٰٓ‫ّٰٰٓللا‬ ِ ‫يٰٓاَيُّ َهآٰالَّ ِذيْنَٰٓا َمنُ ْوا ََٰٓلٰٓت َأ ْ ُكلُوا‬
ْ َ ‫ٰٓالربوآٰا‬
written sources, films, pictures (photos), َٰٓ‫لَ َعلَّ ُك ْمٰٓت ُ ْف ِل ُح ْون‬
and monumental works, all of which
provide information for the research
“O you who believe! Do not feed on
process (Echdar, 2017). This method uses
usury, compounded over and over,
secondary data in the form of financial
and fear God, so that you may
statements consisting of the financial
statements of PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk in 2017-
In this case, Islamic banking is present
2019, published through the website
as a solution for sharia-based financial
official, the
transactions. The basis of Islamic banking
financial statements of PT. BNI Syariah in
refers to the teachings of the Islamic
2017 – 2019 through the website official
religion which are sourced from the Qur'an,, and the
al-hadith or as-sunnah and ijtihad. The
financial statements of PT. Bank Syariah
teachings of Islam which are sourced from
Mandiri in 2071-2019 through the
divine revelation and as-sunnah teach its
website official http://www.mandirisyariah.
people to try to get a good life in this world
while at the same time getting a good life
The data analysis technique used in
in the hereafter. The verses of the Qur'an
this study is to collect the data needed to
that explain transactions in accordance
measure the financial performance of
with Islamic teachings are as follows: God's
Islamic commercial banks obtained from
word in Surat an-Nisa ': 29
the annual financial statements of each
529 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
Conformity and Profitability) Model

ِ ‫ياَيُّ َها ٰٓالَّ ِذيْنَ ٰٓا َمنُ ْوا ََٰٓل ٰٓت َأ ْ ُكلُ ْوا ٰٓا َ ْم َوالَ ُك ْم ٰٓ َب ْينَ ُك ْم ٰٓ ِب ْال َب‬
ٰٓ‫اط ِل ٰٓا ََِّل ٰٓاَ ْن‬ representative and aspirational level of
َ ‫ٰۗٓو ََل ٰٓت َ ْقتُلُ ْوآٰا َ ْنفُ َس ُك ْمٰٰٓۗٓا َِّن ه‬
ٰٓ‫ّٰٰٓللا‬ َ ٰٓ‫ٰٓم ْن ُك ْم‬
ِ ‫اض‬ ٍ ‫ارة ً ٰٓ َع ْن ٰٓت ََر‬ َ ‫ت َ ُك ْونَ ٰٓتِ َج‬ flexibility in order to realize the company's
َ ‫َكانَ ٰٰٓٓبِ ُك ْم‬
‫ٰٓر ِح ْي ًما‬
vision and mission by using the people in
Meaning: the organization to the fullest (Fahmi,
“O you who believe! Do not consume 2012).
each other’s xwealth illicitly, but trade The company's financial performance
by mutual consent. And do not kill is the result of various decisions that are
yourselves, for God is Merciful towards made continuously to achieve certain goals
you”. in terms of finance where the company
This means that doing life in this world needs to involve an analysis of the
cannot be done by justifying any means, cumulative financial and economic impacts
but must be done through righteous deeds. of decisions and considerations using
Islamic bank is a bank whose business comparative measures (Ratnasari &
activities are carried out based on sharia Handayani, 2013). Financial performance is
principles. Meanwhile, sharia principles are an analysis carried out to see the extent to
agreement rules based on Islamic law which a company has implemented it using
(Indonesia, 2008). financial implementation rules properly
Islamic banks are banks that operate and correctly (Fahmi, 2012)
without relying on interest. Islamic banks The standard for conducting bank
can also be defined as financial/banking health assessments has been determined
institutions whose operations and products by the government through Bank
are developed based on the Qur'an and the Indonesia, which has now shifted
hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Antonio responsibility to the OJK. Based on
and Perwata atmadja distinguish into two Financial Services Authority Regulation
meanings, namely Islamic banks and banks Number 8/POJK.03/2014 concerning
that operate with Islamic sharia principles. Assessment of Soundness Level of Sharia
Islamic banks are banks that operate with Commercial Banks (P. O. J. Keuangan, 2014)
Islamic sharia principles and whose and Sharia Business Units and Financial
operating procedures refer to the Services Authority Circular Letter Number
provisions of the Qur'an and Hadith. Banks 10/SEOJK.03/2014 concerning Assessment
that operate in accordance with Islamic of Soundness Level of Sharia Commercial
sharia principles are banks that in their Banks and Sharia Business Units with using
operations follow the provisions of Islamic a risk approach (Risk Based Bank Rating)
sharia, especially those concerning the both individually and on a consolidated
procedures for muamalah in Islam. basis (O. J. Keuangan, 2014). This
Performance is the result obtained by assessment procedure is better known as
a company both profit oriented and non the RGEC method, which stands for Risk
profit oriented which is produced over a Profile, Good Corporate Governance (GCG),
period of time. Performance management Earning, and Capital.
is a science that combines art in it to apply
a management concept that has a
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 530

The explanation of the components of the factor Good Corporate Governance

the RGEC method is as follows in one of the assessments of the
a. Risk Profile soundness of banks, the company really
According to (P. O. J. Keuangan, needs to have a great responsibility in
2014) which refers to (SEBI maintaining the stability of the banking
No.13/24/DPNP in 2011) Risk Profile system so that it can obtain the title of
factor assessment is an assessment of implementing sound corporate
inherent risk and quality of governance (P. O. J. Keuangan, 2014).
implementation risk management in the Implementation of Good Corporate
Bank's operational activities. Risk in the Governance for Islamic Banks explained
banking context is a potential event, in Bank Indonesia Regulation (SEOJK 10
both predictable and unpredictable, / SEOJK.03 / 2014) that good corporate
which has a negative impact on income governance is a governance of Islamic
and capital. These risks cannot be banks to apply the principles of
avoided, but can be managed and transparency, accountability,
controlled. Risks that must be assessed responsibility, Professional, and fairness
consist of 8 types of risk, namely credit c. Earning Profitability
risk, market risk, operational risk, Earning Profitability is an assessment of the
liquidity risk, legal risk, strategic risk, condition of the ability of banks and
compliance risk and reputation risk UUS to generate profits in order to
(POJK No.8/03/2014 Assessment of the support operational and capital
Soundness of Islamic Commercial Banks activities (Indonesia, 2012). Profitability
and Units Sharia Business). In this study, ratio is often referred to as business
the authors measure the factor risk profitability. This ratio is used to
profile using two indicators, namely the measure the level of business efficiency
financing risk factor using the NPF and profitability achieved by the bank
formula and liquidity risk using the FDR concerned. The profit earned from the
formula (P. O. J. Keuangan, 2014). activities carried out is a reflection of the
b. GCG (Good Corporate Governance) performance of a company in running its
Corporate Governance or corporate business. In other words, the profitability
governance is a system used to direct ratio in addition to aiming to increase
and control the company's business the ability of banks to generate profits
activities. Corporate governance can during a certain period, also aims to
also be interpreted as the relationship measure the level of management
between the board of commissioners, effectiveness in carrying out the
the board of directors, stakeholders, and company's operations (Kasmir, 2014).
company shareholders. In the Increased profitability indicates the
Regulation (SEOJK No.10/seojk.03/2014 company's efficiency in generating
concerning the Assessment of the profits and this indicates a healthy
Soundness of BUS and UUS) which banking condition. Earnings quality
requires banks in Indonesia to include determines the bank's ability to earn
531 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
Conformity and Profitability) Model

consistent profits. GCG(GCG) ● implementation of the

d. Capital duties and
In order to ensure and maintain the responsibilities of the
board of directors
soundness of Islamic banking, banks
● implementation of the
that conduct business based on sharia
duties and
principles are required to meet the responsibilities of the
minimum capital adequacy ratio (CAR) board of directors
atau Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) as ● Completeness and
stipulated in Bank Indonesia regulation. implementation of the
The provisions in Article 11 of Law No. duties of the committees
● Implementation of the
21 of 2008 confirms that the minimum
duties and
amount of paid-up capital to establish a
responsibilities of DPS
sharia bank is stipulated in a Bank ● Implementation of
Indonesia Regulation (Indonesia, 2008). sharia principles in the
Capital assessment is an assessment collection and
of the adequacy of bank capital, both distribution of funds as
BUS and UUS, in securing current risks well as services
● Handling conflicts of
and anticipating risks that will occur in
the future. Banks that have a CAR below ● Implementation of
8% must immediately receive serious compliance
attention and treatment for immediate ● functions
repair. The addition of CAR to achieve as Implementation of
set out takes time until the government internal audit
● functions
also gives time in accordance with the
Implementation of
provisions. If until the specified time, the
external functions
CAR target is not achieved, the bank ● Maximum limits of fund
concerned will be subject to sanctions distribution
(Nur Wijayanti, 2018). ● Transparency of
Table 4. Component Rating Bank with financial condition of
Method RGEC non-financial funds BUS,
GCG implementation
Component reports and internal
Risk ● Risk financing to total
Earning ● Ratio of net profit before
Profile financing
(Rentabili tax to total assets
(risk ● risk of total financing
ty) ● Ratio of operating
profile) provided to third party
income to operating
Capital ● Ratio of capital to assets
(Capital) weighted risk-
Shariah Conformity and Profitability
(SCnP) Model is one of the performance
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 532

appraisal models in banking, especially in Return on Equity (ROE), and Profit

sharia banking. The SCnP model used is a Margin.
research model for assessing banking Measurement of Financial
financial performance that was carried out Performance Using the SCnP Model
by (Kuppusamy et al., 2010) in 2010. This classifies Islamic banks into four squares
model combines its orientation on consisting of the Upper Right Quadrant
profitability indicators used to assess (URQ) which indicates that Islamic banks
conventional financial performance with have conformity with sharia principles
the orientation of the conformity index to and high profitability. Lower Right
the sharia system to assess socio-economic Quadrant (LRQ) which indicates that
obligations. Islamic banks (Ratnaputri, Islamic banks have high compliance with
2013). sharia principles, but low profitability.
Shariah Conformity and Profitability Upper Left Quadrant (ULQ) which
(SCnP) The model in this study uses two indicates that Islamic banks have low
indicators, namely Shariah Conformity and compliance with sharia principles, but
Profitability. Shariah Conformity or sharia high profitability. Lower Left Quadrant
compliance will measure how much the (LLQ) which indicates that Islamic banks
bank is able to meet its compliance with the have compliance with sharia principles
sharia system, whether its investment, and low profitability . The following is a
income or profit sharing uses the sharia picture of the sharia conformity and
system or not, while profitability or profitability (SCnP) model.
profitability will measure how much Islamic
banks are able to generate profits during a
certain period, by managing their business
in that period (Ratnaputri, 2013).
a. Sharia Conformity
The financial performance of Islamic
banks can be measured using both
conventional and sharia financial
indicators. (Kuppusamy et al., 2010) in
(Ratnaputri, 2013) explain that Shariah
Conformity can be measured using
indicators of sharia investment, sharia
income, and profit sharing ratios. Figure 1. Image of SCnP Model
b. Profitability According to (Prasetyowati &
In the SCnP Model, the Handoko, 2016) in their journal entitled
measurement of financial performance "Analisis Kinerja Perbankan Syariah Di
is measured by one of the financial Indonesia Dan Malaysia Dengan
indicators, namely profitability. Bank Pendekatan Maqashid Indeks" from this
profitability can be measured using the study it can be concluded that the index
indicators of Return on Assets (ROA), measurement shows varying results and
533 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
Conformity and Profitability) Model

the majority of BUS in Indonesia shows a using the SCnP Model successively The
fluctuating performance with a vulnerable bank is in the Upper Left Quadrant (ULQ),
index between 0.16901-0.34297. The best Lower Left Quadrant (LLQ), Lower Right
performance was achieved by BMI who Quadrant (LRQ), Upper Right Quadrant
consistently maintained performance with (URQ) and Lower Left Quadrant (LLQ). This
a total MI in the range of 0.29403-0.34031 means that for five years the bank's
and managed to rank 1 and 2 for four position is in four quadrants with different
consecutive years. acquisition values. Broadly speaking, banks
Dewi Fitriani in her thesis entitled are to the left of the X line and below the Y
"Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Syariah line, which means that the conformity of
Antara Sharia Conformity And Profitability sharia principles and BMI's profitability is
(Scnp) Dan Sharia Maqashid Index (Smi) low. With these results, it can be concluded
Pada Bank Umum Syariah Di Indonesia that the results of this study are relevant to
Periode 2011-2016" from this study it can what is happening to BMI (Muchtar & Rofi,
be concluded that the measurement of the 2020).
financial performance of Islamic banks Iin Afriani Risda in her thesis entitled
Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) IN “Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah
Indonesia in the period 2011-2016 which is Dengan Model Risk Based Bank Rating Dan
viewed from the aspect of Shariah Sharia Conformity And Profitability (SCnP)
Conformity and Profitability produces an Model Di Indonesia (Periode 2013-2015)"
average value for the variable shariah from this study it can be concluded that
conformity of 0.7791 and the average value Sharia Compliance Performance by using
for the variable is profitability 0.0715 Sharia Conformity and Profitability (SCnP)
(Fitriani, 2018). The BUS that obtained the Model in Islamic Commercial Banks is in
highest score for achieving shariah different conditions. In the final period, BRI
conformity were Panin Bank Syariah (PBS) Syariah, BCA Syariah, Panin Syariah Bank,
and the BUS that obtained the highest Bukopin Syariah Bank and Syariah National
score on the variable of Profitability Bank Pension Savings Bank had a high level of
Mega Syariah (BMS). The position of obedience and profitability while Bank
achieving the shariah conformity low estis Victoria Syariah had a high level of sharia
Bank Mega Syariah (BMS) while the compliance but low profitability (Risda,
achievement of Profitability lowestis at 2016).
Bank Syariah Bukopin. The BPD West Java Banten Syariah, BNI
Evan Hamzah Muchtar and Mohamad Syariah, Bank Syariah Mandiri and Bank
Rofi in their journal entitled "Measurement Mega Syariah Indonesia have a low level of
of the Financial Performance of Bank sharia compliance with a high level of
Muamalat Indonesia with the Shariah profitability and Maybank Syariah
Conformity and Profitability (SCNP) Indonesia has a level of sharia compliance
Method" from this study it can be and a low level of profitability. The results
concluded that the results of research on of the analysis using the model Risk-Based
Bank Muamalat Indonesia in 2013-2017 Bank Rating and the Share Conformity and
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 534

Profitability model illustrate that good with average NPL values of 2.55%, 2.35%,
financial performance does not necessarily 2.35%, and LDR of 85.50%, 9094%, 90.59%.
have good sharia compliance and vice (2) The GCG aspect in 2012 was in very
versa, low financial performance does not healthy condition with an average score of
necessarily have low sharia compliance. 1.36, but in 2013 and 2014 it decreased to
Tuti Alawiyah in her thesis entitled 2.07 and 1.78 with healthy criteria. (3)
"Analysis of Assessment of Bank Soundness Aspects of ROA of 3.20%, 3.29%, 3.02%, and
Using the RGEC Method in State-Owned NIM of 6.11%, very healthy with average
Commercial Banks Listed on the Indonesia CAR values of 16.70%, 15.66% and 16.44%.
Stock Exchange in 2012-2014" from this (5) The overall GCG aspect is in the
study it can be concluded that during 2012- Composite Rating 1 which is very healthy
2014: (1) Aspects of the Risk Profile Bank'sIn with a score of 90.00%, 86.68% and 86.67%
general, SOEs are in a healthy condition (Alawiyah, 2016).

Figure 2. Framework Thinking

Risk profile assessment assesses the Table 5. Financing Risk of State-Owned

quality of risk management Sharia Banks in Indonesia
implementation in bank operational Perio NPF
d Rati Criteri
activities. The ratios used to assess the Name of Bank
Repor o a
soundness of banks in terms of risk profile t (%)
are as follows: PT. BRI Syariah, 2017 3.87 Health
Tbk % y
2018 6.73 Fairly
% health
535 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
Conformity and Profitability) Model

y where the NPF of PT. BNI Syariah is

2019 5.22 Health classified as healthy because it has a small
% y NPF value of 5% and a large equal of 2%.
enoug This illustrates that BNI Syariah is good at
resolving non-performing financing, and
PT. BNI Syariah 2017 2.89 Health
banks are more careful in distributing funds
% y
financing to customers.
2018 2.93 Health
Same as before, PT. Bank Mandiri
% y
Syariah in 2017-2019 also experienced an
2019 3.33 Health
% y increase in the NPF ratio, namely in 2017,
PT. Bank 2017 2.44 Health the NPF ratio of PT. Bank Mandiri Syariah
MandiriSya % y by 2.44% increased to 3.28% in 2018 and
riah 2018 3.28 Health 4.53% in 2019. Although there was an
% y increase in the NPF ratio of PT. Bank
2019 4.53 Health Mandiri Syariah is still considered healthy
% y because it has a small NPF value of 5% and
Source: Annual Financial Ratio Report a large one equal to 2%. This describes PT.
In table 5 it can be seen that for three
Bank Mandiri Syariah as good at resolving
consecutive years, BRI Syariah has a
non-performing financing, and PT. Bank
fluctuating NPF ratio. In 2017 the NPF ratio
Mandiri Syariah is more careful in
of PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk amounted to 3.87%,
distributing funds financing to customers.
classified as healthy because the NPF value
Table 6. Liquidity Risk of State-Owned
is smaller than 5% and large is equal to 2%. Sharia Banks in Indonesia
While for 2018 and 2019, the NPF ratio of FDR
Name of Period
PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk experienced an Ratio Criteria
Bank Report
increase in value from the previous year, (%)
namely 6.73% and 5.22%, where the NPF of PT. BRI 2017 71.87% Very
BRI Syariah was relatively healthy because Syariah, Tbk healthy
the NPF value was small from 8% and large 2018 75.49% Healthy
equal to 5%. This describes PT. BRI Syariah, 2019 80.12% Healthy
Tbk is quite good at resolving non- PT. BNI 2017 80.21% Healthy
Syariah 2018 79.6% Healthy
performing financing and PT. BRI Syariah,
Tbk is quite careful in distributing financing 2019 74.3% Very
funds to customers.
PT. Bank 2017 77.66% Healthy
In table 5, it can also be seen that for
Mandiri 2018 77.25% Healthy
three consecutive years, PT. BNI Syariah Syariah 2019 77.54% Healthy
experienced an increase in the NPF ratio
Source: Annual Financial Ratio Report
but PT. BNI Syariah still maintains a healthy
Based on table 6, the FDR ratio of PT
NPF ratio. In 2017 NPF PT. BNI Syariah by
can be seen. BRI Syariah, Tbk in 2017
2.89% increased to 2.93% in 2018 and
received a very healthy rating. This is
increased the following year to 3.33%
because the FDR is below 75%, which
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 536

means that the lower the FDR value Syariah 2018 2 Good
indicates that the Bank is liquid and able to 2019 2 Good
meet its maturing obligations, and PT. Bank 2017 1 Very Good
conversely, the higher the FDR indicates Mandiri 2018 1 Very Good
that a bank is less liquid, the greater the Syariah 2019 1 Very Good
distribution of funds in the form of Source: Annual Financial Ratio Report
financing compared to the FDR. with In table 7 GCG, PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk in
deposits or customer deposits, the greater 2017, 2018, and 2019 respectively ranked
the risk borne by the Bank. While for 2018 2nd with "good" criteria, based on the
and 2019, the FDR ratio of PT. BRI Syariah, results of the self-assessment of the Bank
Tbk experienced an increase in value to PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk obtained from the
75.49% and 80.12%, where the FDR ratio is corporate governance report. This proves
considered healthy because it is above 75% that in 2017, 2018, and 2019 PT. BRI Syariah,
and below 85%. Tbk conducts good management and
For the FDR ratio of PT. BNI Syariah, follows the principles of Good Corporate
from 2017-2019 always experienced the Governance following the provisions
value of the FDR ratio. In 2017 and 2018, stipulated by Bank Indonesia Regulations.
the FDR value of PT. BNI Syariah has a Suppose there are weaknesses in applying
healthy rating of 80.21% and 79.6%, which the principles of Good Corporate
means PT. BNI Syariah is liquid and able to Governance, in general. In that case, these
meet maturing obligations. While for 2019 weaknesses are less significant and can be
PT. BNI Syariah has a radio FDR value of resolved by standard actions by the
74%, categorized into a very healthy rating management of PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk.
which means PT. BNI Syariah is liquid and For the assessment of Good Corporate
very capable of meeting its maturing Governance PT. BNI Syariah in 2017, 2018,
obligations. and 2019 respectively ranked 2nd with
As for the FDR ratio at PT. Bank Syariah "good" criteria, based on the results of the
Mandiri from 2017-2019 is in a healthy self-assessment of the Bank PT. BNI Syariah
rating with its value respectively 77.66%, obtained from the corporate governance
77.25%, and 77.54%. This means that PT. report. This proves that in 2017, 2018, and
Bank Syariah Mandiri is liquid and able to 2019, bank PT. BNI Syariah conducts good
meet its maturing obligations. management and follows the principles of
Table 7. Good Corporate Good Corporate Governance under the
Governance BUMN Sharia Banks in provisions stipulated by Bank Indonesia
Indonesia Regulations. Suppose there are weaknesses
Period in applying the principles of Good
Name Predicate Informati
Repor Corporate Governance, in general. In that
of Bank GCG on
case, these weaknesses are less significant
PT. BRI 2017 2 Good
and can be resolved by standard actions by
Syariah, 2018 2 Good
Tbk the management of PT. BNI Syariah.
2019 2 Good
As for the assessment of Good
PT. BNI 2017 2 Good
537 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
Conformity and Profitability) Model

Corporate Governance at PT. Bank Syariah the ROA ratio is below 1.5% and above
Mandiri received a very healthy predicate 0.5%. This shows that the productivity of
because Bank Syariah Mandiri had BRI Syariah in managing funds to generate
implemented Integrated Governance which maximum profits. While for 2018 and 2019,
was generally very good under the POJK in the ROA ratio of PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk is in
a comprehensive manner. This is reflected the unhealthy category. This is due to a
inadequate compliance with the decrease in the value of the ROA ratio from
implementation of Integrated Governance year to year, namely 0.43% in 2018 and
principles. The Board of Directors has 0.31% in 2019. This illustrates that PT. BRI
directed, monitored, and evaluated the Syariah, Tbk is less productive in managing
implementation of corporate governance funds to generate maximum profit.
and carried out its duties and Based on table 8 it can also be seen
responsibilities related to risk management that in 2017 and 2018 the ROA of PT. BNI
under the jurisdiction of the local Syariah obtained a healthy rating, and this
authorities or supervisors. The Board of is because the ROA ratio value is below
Commissioners and Directors has adequate 1.5% and above 1.25%. This shows that PT.
integrity, competence, and financial BNI Syariah is good at managing funds so
reputation. that it generates maximum profits. For 2019
ROA PT. BNI Syariah received a very healthy
Table 8. ROA ratio of BUMN Islamic Banks rating with a ROA ratio of 1.82%. This shows
in Indonesia that the productivity of PT. BNI Syariah
Ratio manages funds to generate maximum
Name of Period
ROA Criteria profit is better than the previous year.
Bank Report
For the value of ROA RATIO at PT. Bank
PT. BRI Fairly
2017 0.51% Syariah Mandiri based on table 8, it can be
Syariah, Tbk healthy
seen that in 2017 and 2018 ROA of PT. Bank
2018 0.43% Unhealthy
Syariah Mandiri received a relatively
2019 0.31% Unhealthy
healthy rating because the ROA ratio is
PT. BNI 2017 1.31% Healthy
Syariah below 1.25% and above 0.5%. However, in
2018 1.42% Healthy
2019 the ROA ratio value of PT. Bank
2019 1.82% Syariah Mandiri experienced an increase in
PT. Bank Healthy value from the previous year to 1.69%,
2017 0.59%
Mandiri enough which could be categorized as very healthy.
Syariah Healthy This shows that PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri is
2018 0.88%
enough getting better and more productive in
Very managing funds to generate maximum
2019 1.69%
healthy profits. Because the greater the value of a
Source: Annual Financial Ratio Report bank's ROA ratios illustrate banks are
Based on table 8 it can be seen that in
getting better at managing the assets to
2017 the ROA ratio of PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk
generate a maximum profit of the Bank.
obtained a relatively healthy rating because
Table 9. BOPO Ratio of BUMN Sharia
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 538

Banks in Indonesia However, the value of the BOPO ratio PT.

BOPO Bank Syariah Mandiri is still in the unhealthy
Name of Report
Ratio Criteria category. Meanwhile, in 2019 the value of
Bank Period
(%) the BOPO ratio also experienced a
PT. BRI 2017 96.80% Unhealthy
significant decrease from the previous year
Syariah, 2018 95.32% Unhealthy
to 82.89%. This shows that PT. Bank Syariah
Tbk 2019 95.34% Unhealthy
Mandiri in 2019 was very efficient in
PT. BNI 2017 87.26% Unhealthy
managing costs incurred in bank
Syariah Fairly
2018 85.37% operational activities. The lower the value
of the BOPO ratio means the more efficient
2019 81.26% the operational costs incurred by the Bank
concerned. The possibility of the Bank
PT. Bank in 2017 94.44% Unhealthy
Syariah 2018 91.16% Unhealthy being in a problematic condition is getting
Mandiri Very smaller.
2019 82.89% Table 10. CAR Ratio of BUMN Islamic
Source: Annual Financial Ratio Report Banks in Indonesia
Based on table 9, the ratio of ROA PT Name of Period Ratio
can be seen. BRI Syariah, Tbk from 2017 to Bank Report CAR(%)

2019 was ranked as unhealthy because the PT. BRI Very

2017 20.05%
Syariah, Tbk healthy
BOPO ratio was small of 89%. The BOPO
ratio is a ratio that describes the Bank's 2018 29.73%
ability to carry out its operational activities.
The higher the BOPO value of a bank, the 2019 25.26%
greater the costs incurred by the Bank in its PT. BNI Very
operational process. 2017 20.14%
Syariah healthy
For the value of the BOPO ratio at PT. Very
2018 19.31%
BNI Syariah from table 9 shows that from healthy
2017 to 2019, it continued to experience a Very
2019 18.88%
decline in the value of the BOPO ratio, healthy
namely 87.26%, 85.37%, and 81.26%, PT. Bank Very
2017 15.89%
respectively. This shows PT. BNI Syariah is Mandiri healthy
Syariah Very
getting better at reducing costs incurred in 2018 16.26%
operational activities. The lower it means,
the more efficient the operational costs 2019 16.15%
incurred by the Bank concerned so that the
Source: Annual Financial Ratio Report
possibility of the Bank in troubled Based on table 10, it can be seen that
conditions is getting smaller. the CAR ratio value of PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk
The value of the BOPO ratio of PT. Bank from 2017 to 2019 received a very healthy
Syariah Mandiri, based on table 9 above, rating because the CAR ratio value was
shows the value of the BOPO ratio from above 12%, which shows that the capital
2017 to 2018 has decreased in value. owned by PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk can
539 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
Conformity and Profitability) Model

anticipate the risk of financing losses. Commercial Banks for the 2017-2019
Based on table 10, it can also be seen period, it can be seen that PT. BRI Syariah,
that the value of the CAR ratio of PT. BNI Tbk during 2017-2019 was at composite
Syariah, from 2017 to 2019, received a very level 3, which was categorized as a bank in
healthy rating because the CAR ratio was a reasonably healthy condition. This reflects
above 12%. This shows that the capital that the Bank's condition is generally
owned by BNI Syariah can anticipate the healthy enough to face significant effects
risk of financing losses. adverse from changes in business
Similarly, based on table 10, it can be conditions and other external factors. In the
seen that the CAR ratio value of PT. Bank table above, it can be seen that PT. BRI
Syariah Mandiri from 2017 to 2019 received Syariah, Tbk in the last three years did not
a very healthy rating because the CAR ratio experience an increase in performance
was above 12%, this shows that the capital when measured by the RGEC method, in
owned by Bank Syariah Mandiri can contrast to the other two banks, which
anticipate the risk of credit losses. experienced an increase in the last year.
Based on the descriptive data for For PT. BNI Syariah in 2017-2018 was
measuring the financial performance of at composite level 2, which was categorized
BUMN Sharia Commercial Banks in as a bank in a healthy condition. This
Indonesia using the RGEC method above, reflects the condition of the Bank, which is
the following is a recapitulation of the generally healthy. It is considered capable
soundness of BUMN Sharia Commercial of facing significant adverse effects from
Banks for the 2017-2019 period based on business conditions and other external
the RGEC method. factors, however, for PT. BNI Syariah, in the
Table 11. Recapitulation of Composite 2019 period, experienced an increase in
Ratings of State-Owned Sharia performance so that it was at composite
Commercial Banks for the 2017-2019 level 1, which was categorized as a very
Period Based on the RGEC Method healthy bank. This reflects the condition of
commerc The Period the Bank, which is generally very healthy, so
ial banks it is considered capable of dealing with
2017 2018 2019
Sharia significant adverse effects from changes in
PT. BRI PK 3 PK 3 PK 3 business conditions and other external
Syariah, (Enough (Enough (Healthy
Tbk Healthy) Healthy) Enough)
It is the same with PT. BNI Syariah at
PK 1
PT. BNI PK 2 PK 2 PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri in 2017-2018 was
Syariah (Healthy) (Healthy) at composite level 2, which was categorized
PT. Bank PK 1 as a bank in a healthy condition. This
PK 2 PK 2 reflects the condition of the Bank, which is
SyariahM (Very
(Healthy) (Healthy)
andiri Healthy) generally healthy so that it is considered
Source: Annual Financial Ratio Report capable of facing significant adverse effects
Based on table 4.16 recapitulation of from changes in business conditions and
the composite rating of BUMN Sharia other external factors. For PT. Bank Syariah
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 540

Mandiri in the 2019 period experienced an state-owned Islamic banks in Indonesia

increase in performance so that it was at that are the object of this study that have
composite level 1, which was categorized high income or profitability are Islamic
as a very healthy bank. This reflects the commercial banks with high ratios profit-
condition of the Bank, which is generally sharing, while Islamic commercial banks
very healthy, so it is considered capable of that have low profitability tend to have low
dealing with significant adverse effects profit-sharing ratios. . This is because
from changes in business conditions and Islamic commercial banks are channeling
other external factors. more financing with a profit-sharing
Financial performance based on system, their income is higher. If it is
aspects is sharia conformity and explored more deeply, the income
profitability divided into two variables, obtained by the profit-sharing system will
namely sharia conformity variable, and be greater than the income obtained from
variable profitability. The variable sharia the sale and purchase or other contracts,
conformity consists of the ratio of Islamic although with a relatively high risk. This
investment (), Islamic income, Islamic follows the axiom of financial management
income (), and profit-sharing profit sharing high-risk, high return.
(ratio). In contrast, the variable profitability BRI Syariah in 2017 was in the lower left
consists of ROA, ROE, and profit margin. In quadrant of the Bank, which indicates the
the table above, the research object in the Bank has a low level of compliance with
form of state-owned Islamic banks in sharia principles and profitability among
Indonesia in 2017-2019 has good other BUMN Islamic Banks. Meanwhile, BRI
performance. This can be seen in the ratio Syariah in 2018 and 2019 is in the Lower
of Islamic investment all banks obtaining Right Quadrant, which indicates that BRI
the same achievement of 1 or 100%. Syariah in 2018 and 2019 has a high level of
In comparison, BNI Syariah in 2018 sharia compliance but low profitability.
obtained the achievement highest of 1 or BNI Syariah in 2017 and 2018 is in the
100% for sharia income. The profit-sharing Upper Left Quadrant (ULQ) position, which
ratio for BRI Syariah in 2019 obtained the means that BNI Syariah has a low level of
highest score of 0.421 or 42.10%. In the sharia compliance with a high level of
aspect of profitability measured by the profitability in sharia financial performance.
ROA, ROE, and ratios, the profit margin BNI Syariah is in sharia financial
results obtained that BNI Syariah in 2019 performance, which is quite good in
had the ROA value highest of 1.82%, while obtaining Islamic investment, Islamic
the ROE ratio and profit margin of Bank income, and profit-sharing. At the level of
Syariah Mandiri had the value highest, profitability, BNI Syariah managed to
namely ROE of 15.66% and profit margin of obtain a pretty good performance; this is
12.40% means the ability of Islamic Banks evidenced by the achievement of the value
in 2019 to generate high net profits from of profitability BNI Syariah, which was
other banks. 7.33% and 7.71% higher than the average
The results of the study show that the value of other Islamic commercial banks,
541 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
Conformity and Profitability) Model

which was 5.52%. Meanwhile, BNI Syariah in shows that PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk has a low
2019 is in the upper right quadrant, which profitability value and if assessed by the
indicates that BNI Syariah in 2019 has a RGEC method.
high level of sharia compliance and high For PT. BNI Syariah, when viewed from
profitability. It can be seen that from the the composite level of the RGCE method,
last three years, BNI Syariah has increased experienced an increase in performance in
both in terms of sharia and in terms of 2017 and 2018 PT. BNI Syariah is at
finance. composite level 2 or PT. BNI Syariah is
Bank Syariah Mandiri in 2017 was in categorized in a healthy condition and
the Upper Left Quadrant (LLQ) position, increased in 2019 to a composite rating of
which means that BSM has a low level of 1, or a bank is categorized as a bank in very
sharia compliance and profitability in sharia healthy condition. Similar to the SCP
financial performance, and 2018 is in the model, on the side shariah conformity, PT.
Upper Right Quadrant (LRQ) position, BNI Syariah increased from Upper Left
which means that BSM has a high level of Quadrant in 2017 and 2018 to Upper Right
sharia compliance and profitability. Low on Quadrant in 2019 with a value of shariah
Islamic financial performance. For 2019, the conformity which successively increased
position of the level of sharia compliance each year, namely 74.38%, 76.38%, and
and the level of profitability increased in 78.41%. While in terms of profitability in the
value, which made BSM in 2019 be in the SCnP model PT. BNI Syariah is at a high
Upper Right Quadrant, which indicates that level of profitability.
BSM in 2019 has a high level of sharia For PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri, when
compliance and a high level of profitability viewed from the composite level of the
compared to other BUMN sharia banks in RGCE method, experienced an increase in
Indonesia. performance which. In 2017 and 2018, Bank
PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk in the last three Syariah Mandiri was at composite level 2,
years, has not experienced an increase in Bank Syariah Mandiri was categorized as
performance when viewed from the RGEC healthy and increased in 2019 to composite
composite level, which is still in the rank 1, or the Bank was categorized as a
category of a reasonably healthy bank. In bank in very healthy condition. Similar to
contrast to the SCP model, it describes that the SCP model, on the side shariah
PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk, in 2017 to 2018, conformity, PT. BNI Syariah increased from
experienced an increase in shariah Lower Left Quadrant in 2017 became Lower
conformity, which indicates an increase in Right Quadrant in 2018 and Upper Right
sharia conformity at PT. BRI Syariah, Tbk Quadrant in 2019 with a value of shariah
from Lower Left Quadrant to Lower Right conformity which successively increased
Quadrant. The value of shariah conformity each year, namely 77.89%, 76.81%, and
PT proves this. BRI Syariah, Tbk, which has 79.08%. While in terms of profitability in the
increased successively with a value of SCnP model, Bank Syariah Mandiri
77.45%, 79.97%, and 80.81%. However, in experienced an increase in low profitability
terms of profitability, the SCnP Model in 2017 and 2018 increasing to high
Saparuddin Siregar, Mutiara Shifa | 542

profitability in 2019 with profitability values While the performance measurement of PT

of 3.59%, 5.20%, and 9.92%, respectively. BNI Syariah using the SCnP model in 2017
From the explanation above, a bank and 2018 is in the Upper Left Quadrant,
with a composite level of 2 and 1 or a which means that BNI Syariah has a high
healthy bank according to the RGEC level of profitability but a low level of sharia
method will be reflected in the SCP compliance. For 2019, BNI Syariah is in the
diagram, which shows the upper Upper Right Quadrant, which means that
profitability (URQ/ULQ). Meanwhile, the BNI Syariah in 2019 has a high level of
high or low level of sharia compliance profitability and compliance with sharia.
(LLQ/ULQ) of a bank cannot be seen in the
RGEC method. Therefore, based on the REFERENCES
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543 | Analysis of Financial Performance Measurement Sharia Bank Using RGEC And SCnp (Shariah
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for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
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