Bayani Han

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“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct
individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows
common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie
Bayanihan (pronounced as buy-uh-nee-hun) is a Filipino custom derived from a
Filipino word “bayan” which means nation, community, or town. The term bayanihan
literally means “being in bayan” or can also be translated as “teamwork” or
“cooperation” and it is the core essence of the Filipino culture. Doing task together that
helps lessen the workload and helping out one’s neighbor as a community is Filipino’s
specialty. With the modern advancements we are now enjoying, some of our fellow
Filipinos have forgotten some traditions that we have and one of it was the bayanihan
spirit. Right now we are facing a great dilemma and our country is suffering because of
it. The bayanihan spirit can no longer be seen from each other but rather pride and
anger was dominating on the hearts of our fellow Filipinos. However, some Filipinos are
still having the bayanihan spirit in them and these people can be found on the islands of
Mindanao – the land of promise.
When people hears the word Mindanao, they often think of it as a dangerous
island. But, little they know, that the people on Mindanao was the most obedient and
responsible just as what we can observe today. Bayanihan was not just all about
carrying nipa huts or small houses together, it can also be seen spiritually and
emotionally. People of Mindanao was still practicing the bayanihan spirit until today that
when some people was filled with complaints and irresponsibility, the Mindanaons was
cooperating with the government and as a result, Mindanao has less case among
others. People can reflect on this practices and this can help our country fight the
dilemma we had today. Our country can’t face this alone therefore it needs our utmost
help. We must put aside the habit of “crab-mentality” and practice the spirit of
bayanihan. Pray for one another, support our fellow countrymen who’s in need and the
government who is untiring in helping us, and preserve our traditions especially the
bayanihan spirit.
To make our country great again, we must not forget the traditions from the past
that made us who we are right now. Even with the advancements of technologies, we
must preserve the traditions and culture, especially the bayanihan spirit that made us
Filipinos. Bayanihan was our forte, our core as a Filipino. Practice and nurture it that
even if we will face great problems on our future, we will still stand us one – bayanihan.

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