First Quarter Examination

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

First Quarter Examination in English 9

I. Identify the part of speech each underlined word belongs. Write the correct answer on your answer

Adjective Interjection Pronoun

Adverb Noun Verb
Conjunction Preposition

1. Study hard now for your future.

2. Mother cooks delicious food for her family.
3. Wearing of face masks in public places is voluntary.
4. The students attend face-to-face classes this school year.
5. When some strangers trick you with flowery words, don’t hesitate to report them to the authority.

II. Read the paragraph below then, categorize the underlined words by placing them in the respective
The Wise Son
In Sorsogon, there once lived a man who had three sons. One day, before he left on a long
journey, Pedring gathered his sons around him. He gave each child an egg. “I will be gone for a long
time,” he told his sons. “Use these eggs to help your mother.”
But as soon as Pedring left, the two older boys cooked ate their eggs. The youngest boy,
Dencio gave the egg to his mother, who placed it under a hen to hatch.
Many months later, Pedring returned. The youngest son prepared a feast to
welcome his father. He had many eggs and chickens.
Common Nouns Proper Nouns
6. 8.
7. 9.

III. Choose the most appropriate pronoun for each sentence. Write the correct answer.
11. My mother and (I, me) are strong.
12. Jack saw (we, us) in the park last night.
13. (I, me) love going on holiday to Boracay.
14. (They, Them) need to put it back on the shelf.
15. I love my sister. (She, Her) is really kind to me.
IV. Write a sentence describing each endemic animal by using appropriate adjectives. Make sure to
follow the correct order of adjectives

The Philippine Eagle has a fully feathered

head and strong feet equipped with great
curved talons.


16. 17.

18. Visayan Deer 19.

Sea Cow

20. Whale Shark

V. Rewrite the sentences by using the past tense of the verbs and changing the time expressions.
Example: He plays badminton every day.
Answer: He played badminton yesterday.
21. Some women wear veils every Sunday. __________________________
22. He needs your help right now. __________________________________
23. They want to win the competition this week. _______________________
24. I know your problem with your family. ____________________________
25. The store sells secondhand goods. ______________________________

VI. Write the letter of the correct answer.

26. Which sentence is a request?
a. Will you do me a favor?
b. They will need our assistance.
c. Will you tell him your problem?
d. Will you take the entrance test?
27. Which sentence expresses determination?
a. Shall I wear jeans?
b. I’ll expect you tonight.
c. We’ll do our best to win.
d. You’ll receive a gift from me.
28. Which sentence is a promise?
a. Sleep well.
b. We’ll surely do it.
c. They will need our assistance.
d. The world will have more people in the next decade.
29. Which sentence is an offer?
a. Shall I wear jeans?
b. Shall I expect you tonight?
c. Tomorrow will be a long day.
d. Shall I make you some coffee?
30. Which sentence is a prediction?
a. We will not forget them.
b. I’ll give you h is number.
c. The movie will be a smash hit.
d. If you stay, I’ll give you a treat.

VII. Choose the correct preposition based on the location/position of the cat; then, write a sentence for
each picture.

Example: The cat is hiding under the table.

Behind in in front of next to on under

31. 32.

34. 35. 36.

VIII. Choose the most appropriate conjunctions to complete the following sentences.
And before if neither- nor though
Unless yet

37. You can’t succeed ____________ you work hard.

38. Lisa will play today _________ she gets a chance.
39. She is ________ intelligent _________ hardworking.
40. __________ he is busy, he spends time with his family.
41. We must reach the destination ______________ anyone else.

IX. Draw a star if the underlined phrase is the subject and a heart if the underline phrase is the
42. Sit down.
43. My cat had three kittens today.
44. Jane and I are going to Vista Mall.
45. Someone’s phone is ringing in the store.
46. Students from different schools compete in the contest.

X. Choose the correct modal to complete the paragraph.

Choices: cannot can must not must should would

It is not easy to forget someone who became a part of your life but there are few and
effective ways on how you 47. ______ still enjoy life without the person you loved. You 48.
______ accept the fact that it’s over between the two of you. You 49._________ seek the
help of your family and friends in order for you to move forward. You 50. _______ look back
on the memories you had together. You have to embrace changes and be open to new
friends and new opportunities. Remember that God will always find a perfect way to draw
your best love story.

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