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“Women of Malolos”

When Jose P. Rizal wrote the Noli Me Tangere he ask himself if bravery is a
common thing for the young Filipina women. And it brought him back to his
recollection and reviewed those he had known ever since his infancy. In his
memory there were his ideal women. Although there’s an abundance of girls with
agreeable manners, beautiful ways, and modest demeanor, but there was an
admixture of servitude and deference to the whims of their so called “spiritual
fathers” due to excessive kindness, modesty, and perhaps ignorance.
However when the news of what happened at Malolos reached Jose P. Rizal, He
said that he saw his error and about his great rejoicing, And ask himself who is to
blamed non other than him. He did not know that women of Malolos nor it’s
young women, except to the one called Emilia Tiongson whom he met in 1887.
Although he barely knew her only in the name. He stated in his letter “We now
even dare to face difficulty because we have you as our allies and are confident of
success since you have replied to our first plea in the interest of the welfare of the
people and have set an example to others who, like you, wish to have their eyes
opened and be freed from servitude. “ The Filipina no longer stand with her head
bowed nor does she spend her time on her knees, that’s because she is quickened
by hope in the future. The mother will no longer help to keep her daughter in the
dark and raise her in disdain and moral oblivion. A polite grin won't be thought of
as the only defense against insult, and modest tears won't be thought of as the
ineffable cure for all ills. Rather, the science of all sciences will no longer consist in
mindless compliance to any unjust rule or extreme complacency. You are aware
that God's will differs from the priest's, and that true religiosity does not consist of
long periods spent knelt down, nor in endless prayers, large rosaries, or filthy
scapularies (a religious garment worn to show devotion), but rather in pure
behavior, firm intention, and righteous judgment. Jose P. Rizal also included in
his letter to the women of malolos about the other agendas about the, Politics and
the shamelessness of other people. And That he inspired the women of Malolos to
take their shield that will protect their childrens against their enemies. And that
their children will have a better future than what they’re going through. He also
said that the Women of Malolos is like the Women of Sparta, He said that they’re
characteristics of not breaking their will and not bowing to anyone nor serving
others. Makes them like the Women of Sparta, They’re ready to die just to prove
their worth and to protect what they believe into. And when ther Women of
Malolos pass their shield to there son’s they always says that either you go back
with it or Return on it. Which means that comeback victorious or dead.
Jose P. Rizal included on his letter to women of Malolos. Is that he did not expect
that he would believed on it because, He is the one saying it. And there are many
people who do not listen to reason, but will listen only to those who wear cassock
or have gray hair or no teeth; but while it is true that aged should be venerated,
because of their travails and experience. And the Life he lived. Only concentrated
to the happiness of other people. He did not pretend to be looked upon as an Idol
or fetish and not to be believed and listened to with the eyes closed, the head
bowed, and the arms crossed over the breast; And he said is that what he ask is
that all of the people will reflect on what he would tell and think it over and that
they would shift through the sieve of reasoning.
The First One is that the tyranny of some is possible through cowardice and
negligence on the part of others; and the Second One is that What makes one
contemptible is because of lack of dignity and abject fear of him who holds one in
contempt; Third one is Ignorance is servitude, because as a man thinks, so he is; a
man who do not think for himself and allowed himself to be guided by thought by
others. Fourth one is He who loves his freedom must help his fellowman, because
he who refuses protection to others will find himself without it; The Fifth One is
that If the Filipina will not change her model of being, Let her rear no more
children, let her merely give birth to them; The Sixth one was that All men are
born equal, naked, without bonds. And God did not create man to be slaved, nor
did he endow him with intelligence to have him hoodwinked, or adorn him with
reason to have him deceived by others. The Seventh one was Consider well what
kind of religion they are teaching you.
On his last statement on his letter for the Women of Malolos he hoped that they
would reflect and consider every situation and how look where to stand. On his
last quote he tells them that everything they would do, may benefit them and that it
would give them a goodlife. s

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