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3B [SUBJECT] Digests

Reynaldo Bascara vs. Sheriff Rolando he then gave her the owner’s duplicate
of the TCT of the property and
Javier & Evangeline Pangilinan
P135,000.00 to pay what Cacalda made
Date: July 17, 2015 him to believe were taxes and expenses
G.R. No.: 188069 Ponente: Peralta, J. for the supposed transfer;
o Cacalda never got the transfer done and
Related Article: Tickler: was never seen again by Bascara, and
Art. 805- Art. 806 subsequently he discovered the
annotation of the REM on the title of the
subject property and thus filed his
Doctrine of the Case: adverse claim;
A deed of donation mortis causa – which partakes in o in response Pangilinan filed her
the nature of a testamentary provisions – must be opposition and MTD, citing the REM
executed in accordance with requisites on solemnities with the special power to sell mortgaged
of will and testaments under Art.’s 805-806, otherwise property w/o judicial proceedings
allegedly signed by Pardo, the
the donation is void.
Community Tax Cert. of Pardo, and 2
photo’s showing Pardo signing the loan
Parties – Roles
Reynaldo Bascara- Petitioner - It clear from the foregoing that the real Rosalina
Sheriff Rolando Javier & Evangeline Pangilinan- Pardo could not have entered into any of the
Respondent contracts with Pangilinan because she had been
long dead, as proven by her death certificate and
Facts: obituary. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the
- In 2004 Rosalina Pardo allegedly executed in woman in the two photographs were absolutely
favor of Evangeline Pangilinan an REM over a not Pardo and the signatures (as well as
parcel of land in order to secure her loan from the thumbmarks) on the REM and other documents
latter amounting to P200,000.00. Since Pardo were fake and forged. Bascara then filed a
failed to comply with the terms and conditions of complaint directly attacking the validity of
the loan, the mortgage was duly foreclosed and Pangilinan’s title, alleging that it emanated from
the property sold at a public auction with an illegal source and that it be reinstated in the
Pangilinan emerging as the highest bidder. Pardo name of Pardo.
was allegedly unable to redeem the property and
do Pangilinan caused the title to be consolidated RTC Ruling: The RTC ruled in favor of Pangilinan,
under her name and a new TCT was issued in denying Bascara’s petition to recall WOP and directed
her favor. Despite all of this, Pardo, her agents, the sheriff to implement such.
and persons claiming rights under her (Bascara)
refused to vacate the property – this prompted CA Ruling: CA affirmed the RTC finding that RTC did
Pangilinan to file a petition for the issuance of a not act in a capricious/despotic manner and that the
write of possession. question of the validity of the extra-judicial foreclosure
- Reynaldo Bascara, claiming to be the true and sale should not be raised as justification for opposing
lawful owner of the property, filed a Third-Party the issuance of the WOP since the proceeding is
Claim and Motion to Recall WOP. He alleged the heard ex- parte.
o he is the nephew and ward of the late
Rosalina Pardo, who was the owner of
1. WON the extra-judicial foreclosure sale was
the subject property;
o in 1999 Pardo allegedly executed a
2. WON the deed of donation mortis causa was
deed of donation mortis causa in favor valid and enforceable. 🡨 Syllabus Issue
of Bascara, and four years later in 2003
she died a widow and without any
children; Ruling:
o that he also rented out portions of the Issue on Mortgage
subject property to boarders, one of 1. YES, upon the expiration of the period to
which was Evangeline Cacalda who redeem and no redemption was made, the
offered to be able to transfer the purchaser, as confirmed owner, has the
property under his name on his behalf – absolute right to possess the land and the
3B [SUBJECT] Digests

issuance of the writ of possession becomes a Disposition: Petition is denied, resolution of CA

ministerial duty of the court upon proper is affirmed.
application and proof of title.
- Sec. 7 of the REM Law, when a purchaser is
seeking possession of the foreclosed property
bought at the public auction sale after the
redemption period has expired without
redemption having been made, he can do so
without making a bond – unlike a situation where
the period has not yet expired then the purchaser
must make a bond before he/she is entitled to
possession of the property. The Court cited China
Bank v. Lozada:
It is thus settled that the buyer in a foreclosure
sale becomes the absolute owner of the property
purchased if it is not redeemed during the period
of one year after the registration of the sale. He is
entitled to the possession of the said property
and can demand it at any time following the
consolidation of ownership in his name and the
issuance to him of a new transfer certificate of
title. The buyer can in fact demand possession of
the land even during the redemption period
except that he has to post a bond in accordance
with Section 7 of Act No. 3135, as amended. No
such bond is required after the redemption period
if the property is not redeemed.
- However there is an exception to the rule, where
there is a third-party holding the property in a
capacity adverse to the judgement obligor. In this
case, the court’s obligation to issue ex-parte
WOP ceases to be ministerial and the court must
order a hearing to determine the nature of the
possession. Furthermore this exception only
applies to third-persons possessing the property
in their own right and not just as successor or
transferee of the right of possession. The Court
ruled that Bascara does not fall within the
ambit of the said exception, because he had
no independent right/interest on the property.

Issue on Succession (the topic related to succession

is just ONE paragraph…)
2. NO, the execution of Pardo of donation mortis
causa in favor of Bascara does not
immediately transfer title to the property to
the latter.
- Considering that the alleged donation is one of
mortis causa, the same partake of the nature of
testamentary provision. As such, said deed must
be executed in accordance with the requisites on
solemnities of wills and testaments under Articles
805 and 806of the New Civil Code; otherwise, the
donation is void and would produce no effect.
Unless and until the alleged donation is probated,
i.e., proved and allowed in the proper court, no
right to the subject property has been transmitted
to petitioner.
3B [WILLS] Digests

LETICIA VALMONTE ORTEGA vs. JOSEFINA C. when the testator together with the three
VALMONTE witnesses of the will went to his house cum law
December 16, 2005 office and requested him to prepare his last will
and testament.
G.R. No.: 157451 Ponente: PANGANIBAN, J .
After the testator instructed him on the terms and
dispositions he wanted on the will, the notary
Related Article: Tickler:
public told them to come back on June 15, 1983 to
give him time to prepare it. But the testator and
Articles 798 - 800 Mental Capacity
witnesses returned on August 9, 1983.

Doctrine of the Case Before the testator and his witnesses signed the
prepared will, the notary public explained to them
The law favors the probate of a will. Upon those who each and every term in Ilocano, a dialect which the
oppose it rests the burden of showing why it should not testator spoke and understood.
be allowed. In the present case, petitioner has failed to
discharge this burden satisfactorily. For this reason, Though it appears that the will was signed by the
the Court cannot attribute any reversible error on the testator and his witnesses on June 15, 1983,
part of the appellate tribunal that allowed the probate formal execution was actually on August 9, 1983
of the will.
o The notary public also testified that to his
observation the testator was physically and
mentally capable at the time he affixed his
Parties – Roles signature on the will.

Placido – testator Leticia’s arguments:

Leticia – oppositor
o Deception is reflected in the varying dates of the
Josefina – Placido’s wife
execution and the attestation of the will.

o She attacked the mental capacity of the testator,

declaring that at the time of the execution of the
notarial will the testator was already 83 years old
Placido, Fil-American pensioner, married Josefina
and was no longer of sound mind.
Valmonte on February 5, 1982. Two years later,
Placido died on October 8, 1984. A year prior to his
During that time Placido lived with her, the
death, Placido executed a notarial last will and
testator's physical and mental condition showed
testament written in English wherein Josefina inherited
deterioration, aberrations and senility. This was
properties owned by Placido. The will was dated June
corroborated by her daughter Mary Jane Ortega.
15, 1983 but acknowledged only on August 9, 1983.
RTC Ruling:
Leticia, opposed the allowance to probate the will and
attacked the mental capacity of the testator.
The RTC held that the evidence adduced, reduces the
opposition to two grounds, namely:
Josefina’s arguments:
1. Non-compliance with the legal solemnities
o Josefina declared that the testator never suffered
and formalities in the execution and
mental infirmity because despite his old age,
attestation of the will; and
Placido went alone to the market, cleans the
kitchen, and would travel to Manila alone from La
2. Mental incapacity of the testator at the time of
the execution of the will as he was then in an
advanced state of senility.
o Notary public who notarized the testator’s will
testified that it was in the first week of June 1983

[SOLIS, Astrid]
3B [WILLS] Digests

"It then found these grounds extant and proven, and not even require that a [notarial] will x x x be
accordingly disallowed probate.” executed and acknowledged on the same
occasion." More important, the will must be
CA Ruling: subscribed by the testator, as well as by three or
more credible witnesses who must also attest to it
CA held that the testator had testamentary capacity at in the presence of the testator and of one another.
the time of the execution of the will. That his "sexual Furthermore, the testator and the witnesses must
exhibitionism and unhygienic, crude and impolite acknowledge the will before a notary public
ways" did not make him a person of unsound mind.

WHEREFORE, the appeal is GRANTED, and the
a) Whether or not Placido Valmonte has Decision appealed from is REVERSED and SET
testamentary capacity at the time he allegedly ASIDE. In its place judgment is rendered approving
executed the subject will and allowing probate to the said last will and testament
of Placido Valmonte and ordering the issuance of
b) Whether or not the conflict between the dates letters testamentary to the petitioner Josefina
will invalidate the will Valmonte. Let this case be remanded to the court a quo
for further and concomitant proceedings."

Ruling The assailed Resolution denied petitioner's Motion for

a) The Court ruled in the affirmative. In
determining the capacity of the testator to make a
will, the Civil Code gives the following guidelines:

1. Article 798;
2. Article 799; and
3. Article 800.

According to Article 799, the three things that the

testator must have the ability to know to be considered
of sound mind are as follows: (1) the nature of the
estate to be disposed of, (2) the proper objects of the
testator's bounty, and (3) the character of the
testamentary act. Applying this test to the present
case, we find that the appellate court was correct in
holding that Placido had testamentary capacity at the
time of the execution of his will.

It must be noted that despite his advanced age, he was

still able to identify accurately the kinds of property he
owned, the extent of his shares in them and even their
locations. As regards the proper objects of his bounty,
it was sufficient that he identified his wife as sole
beneficiary. As we have stated earlier, the omission of
some relatives from the will did not affect its formal
validity. There being no showing of fraud in its
execution, intent in its disposition becomes irrelevant.

b) The Court ruled in the negative. The conflict

between the dates appearing on the will does not
invalidate the document, "because the law does

[SOLIS, Astrid]
3B [SUBJECT] Digests

In the Matter of the Petition for the Probate of the The instrumental witnesses testified that after the late
Last Will and Testament of Enrique S. Lopez, Enrique read and signed the will on each and every
Richard B. Lopez vs. Diana Jeanne Lopez, page, they also read and signed the same in the latter's
Marybeth De Leon, and Victoria L. Tuazon presence and of one another. Photographs of the
November 12, 2012 incident were taken and presented during trial. Manalo
further testified that she was the one who prepared the
drafts and revisions from Enrique before the final copy
G.R. No.: 189984 Ponente: Perlas-Bernabe
of the will was made. Prior to August 10, 1996, Enrique
consulted Atty. Nolasco in the preparation of the
Related Article: Tickler: Will consists of 7
subject will and furnished him the list of his properties
Art. 805 and 809 of pages when it actually
for distribution among his children. He prepared the will
the Civil Code comprises of 8 pages
in accordance with Enrique's instruction and that
before the latter and the attesting witnesses signed it
Doctrine of the Case: The law is clear that the in the presence of one another, he translated the will
attestation must state the number of pages used upon which was written in English to Filipino and added that
which the will is written. The purpose of the law is to Enrique was in good health and of sound mind at that
safeguard against possible interpolation or omission of time.
one or some of its pages and prevent any increase or
decrease in the pages. On the other hand, the oppositors presented its lone
witness, Gregorio B. Paraon (Paraon), Officer-in-
Charge of the Notarial Section, Office of the Clerk of
Parties – Roles:
Court, RTC, Manila. His testimony centered mainly on
• Petitioner Richard B. Lopez (Richard) –
their findings that Atty. Nolasco was not a notary public
executor and administrator, compulsory heir
for the City of Manila in 1996, which on cross
• Respondents Diana Jeanne Lopez (Diana),
examination was clarified after Paraon discovered that
Marybeth de Leon (Marybeth) and Victoria L.
Atty. Nolasco was commissioned as such for the years
Tuazon (Victoria) – compulsory heirs
1994 to 1997.

Facts RTC Ruling: The RTC disallowed the probate of the will
On June 21, 1999, Enrique S. Lopez (Enrique) died for failure to comply with Article 805 of the Civil Code
leaving his wife, Wendy B. Lopez, and their four which requires a statement in the attestation clause of
legitimate children, namely, petitioner Richard B. the number of pages used upon which the will is
Lopez (Richard) and the respondents Diana Jeanne written. It held that while Article 809 of the same Code
Lopez (Diana), Marybeth de Leon (Marybeth) and requires mere substantial compliance of the form laid
Victoria L. Tuazon (Victoria) as compulsory heirs. down in Article 805 thereof, the rule only applies if the
Before Enrique’s death, he executed a Last Will and number of pages is reflected somewhere else in the will
Testament on August 10, 1996 and constituted Richard with no evidence aliunde or extrinsic evidence
as his executor and administrator. required. While the acknowledgment portion stated
that the will consists of 7 pages including the page on
On September 27, 1999, Richard filed a petition for the which the ratification and acknowledgment are written,
probate of his father's Last Will and Testament before the RTC observed that it has 8 pages including the
the RTC of Manila with prayer for the issuance of letters acknowledgment portion. As such, it disallowed the will
testamentary in his favor. Marybeth opposed the for not having been executed and attested in
petition contending that the purported last will and accordance with law.
testament was not executed and attested as required
by law, and that it was procured by undue and improper CA Ruling: The CA affirmed the RTC ruling. It found no
pressure and influence on the part of Richard. The said valid reason to deviate from the findings of the RTC
opposition was also adopted by Victoria. After that the failure to state the number of pages of the will
submitting proofs of compliance with jurisdictional in the attestation clause was fatal. It noted that while
requirements, Richard presented the attesting Article 809 of the Civil Code sanctions mere substantial
witnesses, namely: Reynaldo Maneja; Romulo compliance with the formal requirements set forth in
Monteiro; Ana Maria Lourdes Manalo (Manalo); and Article 805 thereof, there was a total omission of such
the notary public who notarized the will, Atty. Nolasco. fact in the attestation clause. Moreover, while the
acknowledgment of the will made mention of "7 pages

[Name of Digester]
3B [SUBJECT] Digests

including the page on which the ratification and compliance for defects in the form of the attestation
acknowledgment are written," the will had actually 8 clause, Richard likewise failed in this respect.
pages including the acknowledgment portion thus,
necessitating the presentation of evidence aliunde to The statement in the Acknowledgment portion of the
explain the discrepancy. subject last will and testament that it "consists of 7
pages including the page on which the ratification and
Issue: Whether or not the CA erred in affirming the acknowledgment are written” cannot be deemed
RTC decision to disallow the probate of will substantial compliance. The will actually consists of 8
pages including its acknowledgment which
discrepancy cannot be explained by mere examination
Ruling: No. The provisions of the Civil Code on Forms
of the will itself but through the presentation of
of Wills, particularly, Articles 805 and 809 of the Civil
evidence aliund.
Code provide:

On this score is the comment of Justice J.B.L. Reyes

ART. 805. Every will, other than a holographic will,
regarding the application of Article 809, to wit:
must be subscribed at the end thereof by the testator
himself or by the testator's name written by some other
person in his presence, and by his express direction, The rule must be limited to disregarding those defects
that can be supplied by an examination of the will itself:
and attested and subscribed by three or more credible
whether all the pages are consecutively numbered;
witnesses in the presence of the testator and of one whether the signatures appear in each and every page;
another. whether the subscribing witnesses are three or the will
was notarized. All these are facts that the will itself can
The testator or the person requested by him to write his reveal, and defects or even omissions concerning them
name and the instrumental witnesses of the will, shall in the attestation clause can be safely disregarded. But
also sign, as aforesaid, each and every page thereof, the total number of pages, and whether all persons
required to sign did so in the presence of each other
except the last, on the left margin, and all the pages
must substantially appear in the attestation clause,
shall be numbered correlatively in letters placed on the being the only check against perjury in the probate
upper part of each page. proceedings.

The attestation shall state the number of pages used Hence, the CA properly sustained the disallowance of
upon which the will is written, and the fact that the the will.
testator signed the will and every page thereof, or
caused some other person to write his name, under his
Disposition: WHEREFORE, premises considered,
express direction, in the presence of the instrumental
the petition is DENIED.
witnesses, and that the latter witnessed and signed the
will and all the pages thereof in the presence of the
testator and of one another. If the attestation clause is
in a language not known to the witnesses, it shall be
interpreted to them.

ART. 809. In the absence of bad faith, forgery, or fraud,

or undue and improper pressure and influence, defects
and imperfections in the form of attestation or in the
language used therein shall not render the will invalid
if it is proved that the will was in fact executed and
attested in substantial compliance with all the
requirements of Article 805.

The law is clear that the attestation must state the

number of pages used upon which the will is written.
The purpose of the law is to safeguard against possible
interpolation or omission of one or some of its pages
and prevent any increase or decrease in the pages. In
the case at bar, while Article 809 allows substantial

[Name of Digester]
Date: January 19, 1906.

G.R. No.: 1641 Ponente: CARSON,


Related Tickler: 

Art. 805 

Doctrine of the Case

It is sufficient that the witnesses are together, for the purpose of witnessing the execution of the will, and in a position
to actually see the testator write, if they choose to do so; and there are many cases which lay down the rule that the
true test of vision is not whether the testator actually saw the witness sign, but whether he might have seen
him sign, considering his mental and physical condition and position at the time of the subscription.

Parties – Roles




● The last will and testament of Macario Jaboneta was denied in the probate proceedings, as the lower court
was of the opinion, from the evidence adduced at the hearing, that Julio Javellana, one of the witnesses, did
not sign the will in the presence of Isabelo Jena, another of the witnesses, as required by the provisions of
section 618 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
● Macario Jaboneta executed under the following circumstances the document in question:
o He was in the house of Arcadio Jarandilla, in Jaro, where he ordered that the document be written,
and calling Julio Javellana, Aniceto Jalbuena, and Isabelo Jena as witnesses, executed the said
document as his will.
o Him and the witnesses were all together, and were in the room where Jaboneta was, and were
present when he signed the document.
o Isabelo Jena signed afterwards as a witness, at his request, and in his presence and in the
presence of the other two witnesses.
o Aniceto Jalbuena then signed as a witness to the presence of the testator, and in the presence of
the other two persons who signed as witnesses. At that moment, Isabelo Jena, being in a hurry
to leave, took his hat and actually left the room while Jalbuena was signing the document.
o As he was leaving the house, Julio Javellana took his pen and put himself in position to sign the will
as a witness, but he allegedly did not sign in the presence of Isabelo Jena; but nevertheless, after
Jena had left the room, the said Julio Javellana signed as a witness in the presence of the testator
and of the witness Aniceto Jalbuena.

RTC Ruling:

The probate court denied the last will and testament of Macario Jaboneta.

CA Ruling:


Whether the lower court was correct in holding that one of the witnesses, Julio, did not sign in the presence of
another witness, Isabelo. (NO)


● The Court ruled in the negative.

● We cannot agree with so much of the above findings of facts as holds that the signature of Javellana was
not signed in the presence of Jena, in compliance with the provisions of section 618 of the Code of Civil
● The fact that Jena was still in the room when he saw Javellana moving his hand and pen in the act of
affixing his signature to the will, taken together with the testimony of the remaining witnesses, which showing
that Javellana did in fact there and then sign his name to the will, shows that the signature was affixed in the
presence of Jena.
● The fact that he was in the act of leaving, and that his back was turned while a portion of the name of the
witness was being written, is of no importance.
● He, with the other witnesses and the testator, has assembled for the purpose of execution the testament,
and were together in the same room for that purpose, and at the moment when the witness Javellana signed
the document he was actually and physically present and in such position with relation to Javellana that he
could see everything which took place by merely casting his eyes in the proper direction, and without any
physical obstruction to prevent his doing so, therefore we are of opinion that the document was in fact
signed before he finally left the room.
● "The purpose of a statutory requirement that the witness sign in the presence of the testator is said to be
that the testator may have ocular evidence of the identity of the instrument subscribed by the witness and
himself, and the generally accepted tests of presence are vision and mental apprehension. (See Am. & Eng.
Enc. of Law, vol. 30, p. 599, and cases there cited.)"
● In the matter of Bedell (2 Connoly (N.Y.) , 328) it was held that it is sufficient if it witnesses are together for
the purpose of witnessing the execution of the will, and in a position to actually see the testator write, if they
choose to do so; and there are many cases which law down the rule that the true test of vision is not
whether the testator actually saw the witness sign, but whether he might have seen him sign, considering his
mental and physical condition and position at the time of the subscription. (Spoonemore v. Cables, 66 Mo.,
● The principles on which these cases rest and the tests of presence as between the testator and the
witnesses are equally applicable in determining whether the witnesses signed the instrument in the
presence of each other, as required by the statute, and applying them to the facts proven in these
proceedings we are of opinion that the statutory requisites as to the execution of the instrument were
complied with, and that the lower court erred in denying probate to the will on the ground stated in the ruling
appealed from.
● Thus, the court ruled in favor of the validity of the will.

The judgment of the trial court is reversed, without especial condemnation of costs, and after twenty days the record
will be returned to the court from whence it came, where the proper orders will be entered in conformance herewith.

So ordered.
3B WILLS Digests

EUTIQUIA AVERA, petitioner-appellee, vs. MARINO When the proponent rested the attorney for the
GARCIA, and JUAN RODRIGUEZ, as guardian of opposition introduced a single witness whose
the minors Cesar Garcia and Jose Garcia, testimony tended to show in a vague and indecisive
objectors-appellants manner that at the time the will was made the testator
September 14, 1921 was so debilitated as to be unable to comprehend what
he was about.
G.R. No.: 15566 Ponente: Street, J.
Trial Court ruling:
Related Article: Tickler: One witness, signing
Art. 805, NCC on the right margin, deviation
The trial judge found that the testator at the time of the
did not invalidate the
making of the will was of sound mind and disposing
memory and that the will had been properly executed.
He accordingly admitted the will to probate.
Doctrine of the Case
From this judgment, an appeal was taken in behalf of
So far as concerns the authentication of the will, and of the persons contesting the will.
every part thereof, it can make no possible difference
whether the names appear on the left or on the right
margin, provided they are on one or the other. Issue/s

Where ingenuity could not suggest any possible (1) Whether or not a will can be admitted to probate,
prejudice to any person, as attendant upon the actual where opposition is made, upon the proof a single
deviation from the letter of the law, such deviation must attesting witness (YES)
be considered too trivial to invalidate the instrument. (2) Whether the will in question is rendered invalid
because the signature of the testator and of the
three attesting witnesses are written on the right
Parties – Roles margin of each page (NO)

Petitioner-Appellee/Proponent: Eutiquia Avera

Objector-Appellant: Marino Garcia Ruling
Objector-Appellant and guardian of Cesar and
Jose Garcia: Juan Rodriguez (1) While it is undoubtedly true that an uncontested
Deceased: Esteban Garcia will [m]ay be proved by the testimony of only one
of the three attesting witnesses, nevertheless in
Cabang vs. Delfinado, the court declared after an
Facts elaborate examination of the American and
English authorities that when a contest is
Eutiquia Avera instituted the proceedings for the instituted, all of the attesting witnesses must be
probate of the will of Esteban Garcia. Contest was examined, if alive and within reach of the process
made by Marino Garcia and Juan Rodriguez, the latter of the court.
in the capacity of guardian for the minors Jose Garcia
and Cesar Garcia. Upon the date appointed for the In the present case no explanation was made at
hearing, the proponent of the will introduced one of the the trial as to why all three of the attesting
three attesting witnesses who testified that the will was witnesses were not produced, but the probable
executed with all necessary external formalities, and reason is found in the fact that, although the
that the testator was at the time in full possession of petition for the probate of this will had been
disposing faculties. Upon the latter point the witness pending from December 21, 1917, until the date
was corroborated by the person who wrote the will at set for the hearing, which was April 5, 1919, no
the request of the testator. Two of the attesting formal contest was entered until the very day set
witnesses were not introduced, nor was their absence for the hearing; and it is probable that the attorney
accounted for by the proponent of the will. for the proponent, believing in good faith the
probate would not be contested, repaired to the
court with only one of the three attesting witnesses
at hand, and upon finding that the will was

Cellen Jardiel
3B WILLS Digests

contested, incautiously permitted the case to go to on the right margin, provided they are on one or
proof without asking for a postponement of the trial the other.
in order that he might produce all the attesting
witnesses. The instrument contains the necessary signatures
on every page, and the only point of deviation from
Although this circumstance may explain why the the requirement of the statute is that these
three witnesses were not produced, it does not in signatures appear in the right margin instead of
itself supply any basis for changing the rule the left. By the mode of signing adopted every
expounded in the case above referred to; and page and provision of the will is authenticated and
were it not for a fact now to be mentioned, this guarded from possible alteration in exactly the
court would probably be compelled to reverse this same degree that it would have been protected by
case on the ground that the execution of the will being signed in the left margin; and the resources
had not been proved by a sufficient number of of casuistry could be exhausted without
attesting witnesses. discovering the slightest difference between the
consequences of affixing the signatures in one
It appears, however, that this point was not raised margin or the other.
by the appellant in the lower court either upon the
submission of the cause for determination in that The court cited the ponencia of Justice Avanceña
court or upon the occasion of the filing of the in a case where the signatures were placed at the
motion for a new trial. Accordingly, it is insisted for bottom of the page and not in the margin (In Re
the appellee that this question cannot now be will of Abangan):
raised for the first time in this court. We believe this
point is well taken, and the first assignment of error The object of the solemnities surrounding the
must be declared not be well taken. execution of wills is to close the door against
bad faith and fraud, to avoid substitution of will
Properly understood, the case of Cabang vs. and testaments and to guarantee their truth
Delfinado, contains nothing inconsistent with this and authenticity. Therefore the laws on this
ruling, for it appears from the opinion in that case subject should be interpreted in such a way
that the proponent of the will had obtained an as to attain these primordial ends. But, on the
order for a republication and new trial for the other hand, also one must not lose sight of the
avowed purpose of presenting the two additional fact that it is not the object of the law to
attesting witnesses who had not been previously restrain and curtail the exercise of the right to
examined, but nevertheless subsequently failed make a will. So when an interpretation already
without any apparent reason to take their given assures such ends, any other
testimony. Both parties in that case were therefore interpretation whatsoever, that adds nothing
fully apprised that the question of the number of but demands more requisites entirely
witnesses necessary to prove the will was in issue unnecessary, useless and frustrative of the
in the lower court. testator's last will, must be disregarded.

(2) Under Section 618 of the Code of Civil Procedure, Where ingenuity could not suggest any possible
as amended by Act No. 2645, it is essential to the prejudice to any person, as attendant upon the
validity of a will in this jurisdiction that the names actual deviation from the letter of the law, such
of the testator and the instrumental witnesses deviation must be considered too trivial to
should be written on the left margin of each and invalidate the instrument.
every page, and not upon the right margin. It is
undeniable that the general doctrine is to the effect
that all statutory requirements as to the execution Disposition:
of wills must be fully complied with. The same
doctrine is also deducible from cases heretofore It results that the legal errors assigned are not
decided by this court. sustainable, and the judgment appealed from will
be affirmed. It is so ordered, with costs against the
So far as concerns the authentication of the will, appellants.
and of every part thereof, it can make no possible
difference whether the names appear on the left or

Cellen Jardiel
3B WILLS Digests
Josefa Villacorte- decedent, referred to in the
case as testatrix
IN THE MATTER OF THE TESTATE ESTATE Celso Icasiano- proponent, requesting to be
OF THE LATE JOSEFA VILLACORTA. CELSO executor Natividad Icasiano- oppositor, a
ICASIANO, vs. NATIVIDAD ICASIANO and daughter of the Josefa
ENRIQUE ICASIANO, Enrique Icasiano- oppositor, a son of Josefa
June 30, 1964 Jose V. Natividad – one of the witnesses to the
G.R. No.: L-18979 Ponente: REYES, J.B.L., will, his missing signature in page 3 of the
J. original is in issue

Related Article: Tickler: Requisites of

Article 805, 806 a valid will.
18979 Appeal from an order of the Court of First
Instance of Manila admitting to probate the
document and its duplicate, marked as Exhibits
"A" and "A-1", as the true last will and testament
Doctrine of the Case of Josefa Villacorte, deceased, and appointing
as executor Celso Icasiano
The inadvertent failure of one witness to affix his
signature to one page of a testament, due to the
The case began as a petition for the allowance
simultaneous lifting of two pages in the course of
and admission to probate of Exhibit "A" as the
signing, is not per se sufficient to justify denial of
alleged will of Josefa, and for the appointment of
probate. Impossibility of substitution of this page
petitioner Celso as executor thereof to which
is assured not only the fact that the testatrix and
Natividad and Enrique, children of Icasiano filed
two other witnesses did sign the defective page,
their opposition.
but also by its bearing the coincident imprint of
the seal of the notary public before whom the They petitioned individually that they should be
testament was ratified by testatrix and all three the special administrator. The probate court
witnesses. The law should not be so strictly and admitted the will and its duplicate as the true last
literally interpreted as to penalize the testatrix on will of Villacorte and appointed Celso Icasiano
account of the inadvertence of a single witness as the executor. Oppositors (children of
over whose conduct she had no control, where Villacorte named Natividad and Enrique)
the purpose of the law to guarantee the identity appealed directly to the Supreme Court, the
of the testament and its component pages is amount involved being over P200,000 in the year
sufficiently attained, no intentional or deliberate 1959 on the ground that the same is contrary to
deviation existed, and the evidence on record law and evidence. Records showed that the
attests to the full observance of the statutory original will does not contain the signature of
requisites. one of the attesting witnesses, Atty. Natividad on
page three out of the five pages, but the
duplicate copy attached is signed by the
The law should not be so strictly and literally attesting witness.
interpreted as to penalize the testatrix on
account of the inadvertence of a single witness Witness Natividad, testified on his failure to sign
over whose conduct she had no control, where page three (3) of the original, admits that he
the purpose of the law to guarantee the identity may have lifted two pages instead of one when
of the testament and its component pages is he signed the same, but affirmed that page three
sufficiently attained, no intentional or deliberate (3) was signed in his presence.
deviation existed, and the evidence on record
attests to the full observance of the statutory Oppositors also contended that the signatures of
requisites. the testatrix in the duplicate are not genuine nor
were they written or affixed on the same
Parties – Roles occasion as the original and that they were
executed through mistake and with undue instrumental witnesses, namely; that the will was
influence and pressure because the testatrix acknowledged by the testatrix and by the said
was deceived into adopting as her last will and three instrumental witnesses on the same date
testament the wishes of those who will stand to before attorney Jose Oyengco Ong, Notary
benefit from the provisions of the will. Public in and for the City of Manila; and that the
will was actually prepared by attorney Fermin
on June 2, 1956, the late Josefa Villacorte Samson, who was also present during the
executed a last will and testament in duplicate at execution and signing of the
the house of her daughter Mrs. Felisa Ino,
published before and attested by three

3B WILLS Digests
the simultaneous lifting of two pages in the
course of signing, is not per se sufficient to
decedent’s last will and testament, together with justify denial of probate. Impossibility of
former Governor Emilio Rustia of Bulacan, substitution of this page is assured not only the
Judge Ramon Ino, and a little girl. fact that the testatrix and two other witnesses did
sign the defective page, but also by its bearing
Of the said three instrumental witnesses to the the coincident imprint of the seal of the notary
execution of the decedent’s last will and public before whom the testament was ratified
testament attorneys Torres and Natividad were by testatrix and all three witnesses. The law
in the Philippines at the time of the hearing, and should not be so strictly and literally interpreted
both testified as to the due execution and as to penalize the testatrix on account of the
authenticity of the said will. So did the Notary inadvertence of a single witness over whose
Public before whom the will was acknowledged conduct she had no control, where the purpose
by the testatrix and attesting witnesses, and also of the law to guarantee the identity of the
attorney Fermin Samson, who actually prepared testament and its component pages is
the document. The latter also testified upon sufficiently attained, no intentional or deliberate
cross examination that he prepared one original deviation existed, and the evidence on record
and two copies of Josefa Villacorte’s last will and attests to the full observance of the statutory
testament at his house in Baliuag, Bulacan, but requisites. Otherwise, as stated in Vda. de Gil v.
he brought only one original and one signed Murciano, 88 Phil. 260; 49 Off. Gaz. 1459, at
copy to Manila, retaining one unsigned copy in 1479 (decision on reconsideration) "witnesses
Bulacan. may
sabotage the will by muddling or bungling it or
CFI Ruling:
the attestation clause."
After several hearings CFI admitted the will
and its duplicate to probate. That the failure of witness Natividad to sign page
three (3) was entirely through pure oversight is
shown by his own testimony as well as by the
Issue/s duplicate copy of the will, which bears a
complete set of signatures in every page. The
Whether Josefa’s will is executed in
text of the attestation clause and the
accordance with the required formalities?
acknowledgment before the Notary Public
likewise evidence that no one was aware of the
defect at the time.

On the alleged falsity of the signature of Josefa
The court ruled in the AFFIRMATIVE, they held
on the duplicate: the Supreme Court was not
that the inadvertent failure of one witness to affix
convinced by the witness of the oppositor: one,
his signature to one page of a testament, due to
because it is directly contradicted by expert for
the proponents, two and principally because On the alleged slight variance in blueness of the
standards used by him. The expert has used as ink of the signatures does not appear reliable,
standards only three other signatures of the considering the standard and challenged
testatrix besides those affixed to the original and writings were affixed to different kinds of paper,
the SC felt that with so few standards the with different surfaces and reflecting power.
expert's opinion becomes extremely hazardous.
There were no radical differences that would Disposition:
justify the charge of forgery, taking into account
the advanced age of the testatrix, the evident IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the decision
variability of her signatures, and the effect of appealed from is AFFIRMED, with costs against
writing fatigue, the duplicate being signed right appellants.
the original.

3B Wills Digests
be deemed as signature to the attestation clause.


April 29, 1953
G.R. No.: L-5826 Ponente: CJ Paras Issue/s
Will the signature of the witnesses on the left-hand
Related Article: Tickler: The witnesses did margin is substantial compliance with the requirement
Art. 805 not sign the attestation that the witnesses must sign the attestation clause?
clause (NO)

Doctrine of the Case
The attestation clause is 'a memorandum of the facts The Supreme Court held in the NEGATIVE.
attending the execution of the will' required by law to
be made by the attesting witnesses, and it must The attestation clause is 'a memorandum of the facts
necessarily bear their signatures. An unsigned attending the execution of the will' required by law to
attestation clause cannot be considered as an act of be made by the attesting witnesses, and it must
the witnesses, since the omission of their signatures necessarily bear their signatures. An unsigned
at the bottom thereof negatives their participation. attestation clause cannot be considered as an act of
the witnesses, since the omission of their signatures
at the bottom thereof negatives their participation.
Parties – Roles
Vicente Cagro - testator The signatures on the left-hand margin are in
compliance with the legal mandate that the will be
signed on the left-hand margin of all its pages. If an
attestation clause not signed by the three witnesses
Vicente Cagro died in Laoangan, Pambujan, Samar on
at the bottom thereof, be admitted as sufficient, it
February 14, 1949, leaving a will. The CFI Samar
would be easy to add such clause to a will on a
admitted his will into probate.
subsequent occasion and in the absence of the
testator and any or all of the witnesses.
Appellant’s Contentions
The probate of the will was objected by the appellant
Hence, the signatures on the left-hand margin does
because the attestation clause is not signed by the
not substantially comply with the requirements of the
attesting witnesses. It must be noted, however, that
law. The probate of the will is DENIED.
the lefthand margin of the page containing the
attestation clause is signed by the attestation
Arguments of Petitioner and Appellee Wherefore, the appealed decision is reversed and the
The signatures of the 3 witnesses on the left-hand probate of the will in question denied. So ordered with
margin is substantial compliance with the law and may costs against the petitioner and appellee.
Faith Yancha
3B WILLS Digests

26. Nera vs. Rimandi small room with the testator and the other
Date: February 27, 1911 subscribing witnesses at the time when they
attached their signatures to the instrument, and
this finding, of course, disposes of the appeal
G.R. No. L-5971 Ponente: CARSON, J
Had this subscribing witness been proven to have
Related-Article: Tickler:
been in the outer room at the time when the
testator and the other subscribing witnesses
attached their signatures to the instrument in the
inner room, it would have been invalid as a will,
Doctrine of the Case
the attaching of those signatures under
circumstances not being done "in the presence"
The true test of presence of the testator and the
of the witness in the outer room. This because the
witnesses in the execution of a will is not whether
line of vision from this witness to the testator and
they actually saw each other sign, but whether
the other subscribing witnesses would
they might have been seen each other sign, had
necessarily have been impeded by the curtain
they chosen to do so, considering their mental
separating the inner from the outer one "at the
and physical condition and position with relation
moment of inscription of each signature
to each other at the moment of inscription of each
Disposition: The decree entered by the court
Parties – Roles
below admitting the instrument propounded
therein to probate as the last will and testament of
BEATRIZ NERA, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellees,
Pedro Rimando, deceased, is affirmed
NARCISA RIMANDO, defendant-appellant.


There is a question with regard to the due execution of

the instrument in this case and that is whether one of
the subscribing witnesses was present in the small
room where it was executed at the time when the
testator and the other subscribing witnesses attached
their signatures; or whether at that time he was outside,
some eight or ten feet away, in a large room connecting
with the smaller room by a doorway, across which was
hung a curtain which made it impossible for one in the
outside room to see the testator and the other
subscribing witnesses in the act of attaching their
signatures to the instrument.

RTC Ruling: N/A

CA Ruling: N/A


Whether or not that the will the is valid


A majority of the members of the court is of

opinion that this subscribing witness was in the

Digested by: Jason Alfred Silo

3B WILLS Digests

TEODORO CANEDA, LORENZA CANEDA, TERESA Manigos, in the preparation of that last will. It was
CANEDA, JUAN CABALLERO, AUREA declared therein, among other things, that the testator
CABALLERO, OSCAR LAROSA, HELEN was leaving by way of legacies and devises his real
CABALLERO, SANTOS CABALLERO, PABLO and personal properties to Presentacion Gaviola,
CABALLERO, VICTOR RAGA, MAURICIA RAGA, Angel Abatayo, Rogelio Abatayo, Isabelito Abatayo,
QUIRICA RAGA, RUPERTO ABAPO, represented Benoni G. Cabrera and Marcosa Alcantara, all of whom
herein by his Attorney-in-Fact, ARMSTICIA* do not appear to be related to the testator.
represented herein by his heirs, JESUS CANEDA, Four months later, Mateo Caballero himself filed a
NATIVIDAD CANEDA and ARTURO CANEDA, petition, docketed as Special Proceeding No. 3899-R
petitioners, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS and before the then Court of First Instance of Cebu seeking
WILLIAM CABRERA, as Special Administrator of the probate of his last will and testament. On May 29,
the Estate of Mateo Caballero, respondents. 1980, the testator passed away before his petition
May 28, 1993 could finally be heard by the probate court. Benoni
Cabrera, one of the legatees named in the will, sought
G.R. No.: 103554 Ponente: Regalado, J.
his appointment as special administrator of the
testator's estate, the estimated value of which was
Related Article: Tickler: attestation clause,
P24,000.00, and he was so appointed by the probate
Art. 805 – Formal widower, attesting witness,
court in its order.
requirements of an substantial compliance
ordinary will
Thereafter, herein petitioners, claiming to be nephews
Art 809 –
and nieces of the testator, instituted a second petition,
entitled "In the Matter of the Intestate Estate of Mateo
Caballero" and docketed as Special Proceeding No.
3965-R, before the same court. Petitioners had their
Doctrine of the Case said petition intestate proceeding consolidated with
An attestation clause refers to that part of an ordinary Special Proceeding No. 3899-R in Branch II of the
will whereby the attesting witnesses certify that the Court of First Instance of Cebu and opposed thereat
instrument has been executed before them and to the the probate of the Testator's will and the appointment
manner of the execution the same. It provides strong of a special administrator for his estate.
legal guaranties for the due execution of a will and to
insure the authenticity thereof. Under the third Benoni Cabrera died hence the probate court,
paragraph of Article 805, such a clause, the complete appointed William Cabrera as special administrator.
lack of which would result in the invalidity of the will. Thereafter, it issued an order for the return of the
records of Special Proceeding No. 3965-R to the
archives since the testate proceeding for the probate of
the will had to be heard and resolved first.
Parties – Roles
Mateo Caballero – testator
Teodoro Caneda et. al – nephews and nieces of In the course of the hearing in Special Proceeding No.
Martin; oppositors to the probate of the will 3899-R, herein petitioners appeared as oppositors and
William Cabrera – special administrator of the estate objected to the allowance of the testator's will on the
of Mateo Caballero ground that on the alleged date of its execution, the
testator was already in the poor state of health such
that he could not have possibly executed the same.
Petitioners likewise reiterated the issue as to the
genuineness of the signature of the testator therein. On
the other hand, one of the attesting witnesses, Cipriano
Mateo Caballero, a widower without any children and
Labuca, and the notary public Atty. Filoteo Manigos,
already in the twilight years of his life, executed a last
testified that the testator executed the will in question
will and testament at his residence in Talisay, Cebu
in their presence while he was of sound and disposing
before three attesting witnesses, namely, Cipriano
mind and that, contrary to the assertions of the
Labuca, Gregorio Cabando and Flaviano Toregosa.
oppositors, Mateo Caballero was in good health and
The said testator was duly assisted by his lawyer, Atty.
was not unduly influenced in any way in the execution
Emilio Lumontad, and a notary public, Atty. Filoteo
of his will. Labuca also testified that he and the other

Abbey Garcia
3B WILLS Digests

witnesses attested and signed the will in the presence It will be noted that Article 805 requires that the witness
of the testator and of each other. The other two should both attest and subscribe to the will in the
attesting witnesses were not presented in the probate presence of the testator and of one another.
hearing as they had died by then. "Attestation" and "subscription" differ in meaning.
Attestation is the act of senses, while subscription
RTC Ruling: is the act of the hand. The former is mental, the
The probate court rendered a decision declaring the latter mechanical, and to attest a will is to know that it
will in question as the last will and testament of the late was published as such, and to certify the facts required
Mateo Caballero and that it was executed in to constitute an actual and legal publication; but to
accordance with all the requisites of the law. The self- subscribe a paper published as a will is only to write on
serving testimony of the two witnesses of the the same paper the names of the witnesses, for the
oppositors cannot overcome the positive testimonies of sole purpose of identification.
Atty. Filoteo Manigos and Cipriano Labuca who clearly
told the Court that indeed Mateo Caballero executed Under the third paragraph of Article 805, such a
the Last Will and Testament. clause, the complete lack of which would result in
the invalidity of the will, should state (1) the number
Moreover, the fact that it was Mateo Caballero who of pages used upon which the will is written; (2) that the
initiated the probate of his Will during his lifetime when testator signed, or expressly caused another to sign,
he caused the filing of the original petition clearly the will and every page thereof in the presence of the
underscores the fact that this was indeed his Last Will. attesting witnesses; and (3) that the attesting
witnesses witnessed the signing by the testator of
CA Ruling: the will and all its pages, and that said witnesses
The respondent court affirmed the decision of the trial also signed the will and every page thereof in the
court ruling that the attestation clause in the last will of presence of the testator and of one another.
Mateo Caballero substantially complies with Article 805 Further, by attesting and subscribing to the will, the
of the Civil Code. witnesses thereby declare the due execution of the will
as embodied in the attestation clause. The attestation
clause, therefore, provides strong legal guaranties
Issue/s for the due execution of a will and to insure the
authenticity thereof. As it appertains only to the
Whether the attestation clause contained in the last will witnesses and not to the testator, it need be signed only
and testament of the late Mateo Caballero complies by them. Where it is left unsigned, it would result in the
with the requirements of Article 805, in relation to invalidation of the will as it would be possible and easy
Article 809, of the Civil Code. (NO) to add the clause on a subsequent occasion in the
absence of the testator and the witnesses.
In Taboada vs. Rizal, we clarified that attestation
consists in witnessing the testator's execution of
The Court ruled in the negative.
the will in order to see and take note mentally that
those things are done which the statute requires
An attestation clause refers to that part of an
for the execution of a will and that the signature of
ordinary will whereby the attesting witnesses
the testator exists as a fact. On the other hand,
certify that the instrument has been executed
subscription is the signing of the witnesses' names
before them and to the manner of the execution the
upon the same paper for the purpose of identification
same. It is a separate memorandum or record of the
of such paper as the will which was executed by the
facts surrounding the conduct of execution and once
testator. As it involves a mental act, there would be no
signed by the witnesses, it gives affirmation to the
means, therefore, of ascertaining by a physical
fact that compliance with the essential formalities
examination of the will whether the witnesses had
required by law has been observed. It is made for
indeed signed in the presence of the testator and of
the purpose of preserving in a permanent form a
each other unless this is substantially expressed in the
record of the facts that attended the execution of a
particular will, so that in case of failure of the memory
of the attesting witnesses, or other casualty, such facts
The Court agrees that the attestation clause fails to
may still be proved.
specifically state the fact that the attesting

Abbey Garcia
3B WILLS Digests

witnesses the testator sign the will and all its pages complained of in the present case since there is no
in their presence and that they, the witnesses, plausible way by which we can read into the
likewise signed the will and every page thereof in questioned attestation clause any statement, or an
the presence of the testator and of each other. implication thereof, that the attesting witnesses did
actually bear witness to the signing by the testator of
What is fairly apparent upon a careful reading of the the will and all its pages and that said instrumental
attestation clause herein assailed is the fact that while witnesses also signed the will and every page thereof
it recites that the testator indeed signed the will and all in the presence of the testator and of one another.
its pages in the presence of the three attesting
witnesses and states as well the number of pages that The rule on substantial compliance in Article 809
were used, the same does not expressly state cannot be invoked or relied on by respondents since it
therein the circumstance that said witnesses presupposes that the defects in the attestation clause
subscribed their respective signatures to the will in can be cured or supplied by the text of the will or a
the presence of the testator and of each other. The consideration of matters apparent therefrom which
phrase "and he has signed the same and every page would provide the data not expressed in the attestation
thereof, on the spaces provided for his signature and clause or from which it may necessarily be gleaned or
on the left hand margin," obviously refers to the testator clearly inferred that the acts not stated in the omitted
and not the instrumental witnesses as it is immediately textual requirements were actually complied with in the
preceded by the words "as his Last Will and execution of the will. In other words, the defects must
Testament." be remedied by intrinsic evidence supplied by the will
On the other hand, although the words "in the
presence of the testator and in the presence of In the case at bar, contrarily, proof of the acts
each and all of us" may, at first blush, appear to required to have been performed by the attesting
likewise signify and refer to the witnesses, it must witnesses can be supplied only by extrinsic
however, be interpreted as referring only to the evidence thereof, since an overall appreciation of the
testator signing in the presence of the witnesses contents of the will yields no basis whatsoever from
since said phrase immediately follows the words "he which such facts may be plausibly deduced. It may thus
has signed the same and every page thereof, on the be stated that the rule, as it now stands, is that
spaces provided for his signature and on the left hand omissions which can be supplied by an examination of
margin." What is then clearly lacking, in the final the will itself, without the need of resorting to extrinsic
logical analysis, is the statement that the evidence, will not be fatal and, correspondingly, would
witnesses signed the will and every page thereof in not obstruct the allowance to probate of the will being
the presence of the testator and of one another. It assailed. However, those omissions which cannot be
is our considered view that the absence of that supplied except by evidence aliunde would result in the
statement required by law is a fatal defect or invalidation of the attestation clause and ultimately, of
imperfection which must necessarily result in the the will itself.
disallowance of the will that is here sought to be
admitted to probate.
Petitioners are correct in pointing out that the
aforestated defect in the attestation clause obviously Wherefore, the petition is hereby GRANTED and the
cannot be characterized as merely involving the form impugned decision of respondent court is hereby
of the will or the language used therein which would REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The court a quo is
warrant the application of the substantial compliance accordingly directed to forthwith DISMISS its Special
rule, as contemplated in Article 809 of the Civil Code. Proceeding No. 3899-R (Petition for the Probate of the
Where the attestation clause totally omits the fact Last Will and Testament of Mateo Caballero) and to
that the attesting witnesses signed each and every REVIVE Special Proceeding No. 3965-R (In the matter
page of the will in the presence of the testator and of the Intestate Estate of Mateo Caballero) as an active
of each other, the defect is not only in the form or case and thereafter duly proceed with the settlement of
the language of the attestation clause but the total the estate of the said decedent.
absence of a specific element required by Article
805 to be specifically stated in the attestation
clause of a will. That is precisely the defect

Abbey Garcia
3B WILLS Digests


VILLASOR, Presiding Judge of Branch I, Court of Whether the last will and testament of Valente Cruz
First Instance of Cebu, and MANUEL B. LUGAY was executed in accordance with law, particularly
November 26, 1973 Articles 805 and 806 of the new Civil Code (NO)
G.R. No. L-32213 ESGUERRA, J.
Related Article: Tickler: One of the witnesses The notary public before whom the will was
Art 806 also the notary public acknowledged cannot be considered as the third
instrumental witness since he cannot acknowledge
before himself his having signed the will.
Doctrine of the Case
The notary public before whom the will was To acknowledge before means to avow; to own as
acknowledged cannot be considered as the third genuine, to assent, to admit; and "before" means in
instrumental witness since he cannot acknowledge front or preceding in space or ahead of.
before himself his having signed the will.
Consequently, if the third witness were the notary
Parties – Roles public himself, he would have to avow assent, or admit
● Testator – Valente Cruz his having signed the will in front of himself. This
● Surviving spouse – Agapita Cruz cannot be done because he cannot split his personality
● Instrumental witnesses – Deogracias, Dr. into two so that one will appear before the other to
Francisco, and Atty. Angel(notary public) acknowledge his participation in the making of the will.
● Executor of the will – Manuel To permit such a situation to obtain would be
sanctioning a sheer absurdity.
This involved the probate of the last will and testament Further, the function of a notary public is to guard
of the late Valente Cruz. Agapita Cruz, surviving against any illegal or immoral arrangement. That
spouse opposed the allowance of the will, alleging that function would be defeated if the notary public were
it was executed through fraud, deceit, one of the attesting instrumental witnesses. For then,
misrepresentation, and undue influence; that the said he would be interested in sustaining the validity of the
instrument was execute without the testator having will as it directly involves him and the validity of his own
been fully informed of the content thereof, particularly act. It would place him in an inconsistent position and
as to what properties he was disposing and that the the very purpose of acknowledgment, which is to
supposed last will and testament was not executed in minimize fraud, would be thwarted.
accordance with law.
ART. 806. Every will must be acknowledged before a
Of the three instrumental witnesses thereto, namely notary public by the testator and the witnesses.
Deogracias, Dr. Francisco, and Atty. Angel, the last
name is at the same time the Notary Public before To allow the notary public to act as third witness, or
whom the will was supposed to have been one the attesting and acknowledging witnesses, would
acknowledged. IOW, as the third witness is the notary have the effect of having only two attesting witnesses
public himself, petitioner argues that the result is that to the will which would be in contravention of Article
only two witnesses appeared before the notary public 806 which requires that the testator and the required
to acknowledge the will. number of witnesses must appear before the notary
public to acknowledge the will.
On the other hand, Manuel, the executor of the will,
maintains that there is substantial compliance with the Disposition:
legal requirement of having at least three attesting FOR ALL THE FOREGOING, the judgment appealed
witnesses even if the notary public acted as one of from is hereby reversed and the probate of the last will
them, bolstering up his stand with 57 American and testament of Valente Z. Cruz is declared not valid
Jurisprudence. and hereby set aside.

CFI Ruling:
CFI allowed its probate.

Izel Tan
3B [WILLS] Digests

FELIX AZUELA vs. COURT OF APPEALS & Geralda Castillo – attorney-in-fact of the 12
CASTILLO legitimate heirs
April 12, 2006
G.R. No.: 122880 Ponente: J. Tinga
Related Article: Tickler:
Article 805 & 806 in
relation to 809 Petitioner filed with the RTC probate proceedings
seeking the admission of the notarial will of Eugenia
Igsolo. The will consisted of 2 pages and written in
Doctrine of the Case Filipino.

The signatures on the left-hand corner of every page The three witnesses affixed their signatures on the left-
signify, among others, that the witnesses are aware hand margin of both pages, but not at the bottom of the
that the page they are signing forms part of the will. On attestation clause.
the other hand, the signatures to the attestation clause
establish that the witnesses are referring to the The probate petition adverted to only two (2) heirs,
statements contained in the attestation clause itself. legatees and devisees of the decedent, namely:
Indeed, the attestation clause is separate and apart petitioner himself, and one Irene Lynn Igsolo, who was
from the disposition of the will. An unsigned attestation alleged to have resided abroad. Petitioner prayed that
clause results in an unattested will. the will be allowed, and that letters testamentary be
issued to the designated executor, Vart Prague.

The failure of the attestation clause to state the number

The petition was opposed by Geralda Aida Castillo
of pages on which the will was written remains a fatal
flaw, despite Article 809. The purpose of the law in (Geralda Castillo), who represented herself as the
requiring the clause to state the number of pages on attorney-in-fact of "the 12 legitimate heirs" of the
which the will is written is to safeguard against possible decedent. Geralda Castillo claimed that the will is a
interpolation or omission of one or some of its pages forgery, and that the true purpose of its emergence was
and to prevent any increase or decrease in the pages. so it could be utilized as a defense in several court
cases filed by oppositor against petitioner, particularly
The acknowledgment made in a will provides for for forcible entry and usurpation of real property, all
another all-important legal safeguard against spurious centering on petitioner's right to occupy the properties
wills or those made beyond the free consent of the
of the decedent. It also asserted that contrary to the
testator. An acknowledgement is not an empty
meaningless act. The acknowledgment coerces the representations of petitioner, the decedent was
testator and the instrumental witnesses to declare actually survived by 12 legitimate heirs, namely her
before an officer of the law that they had executed and grandchildren, who were then residing abroad. Per
subscribed to the will as their own free act or deed. records, it was subsequently alleged that decedent
Such declaration is under oath and under pain of was the widow of Bonifacio Igsolo, who died in 1965,
perjury, thus allowing for the criminal prosecution of and the mother of a legitimate child, Asuncion E.
persons who participate in the execution of spurious
wills, or those executed without the free consent of the Igsolo, who predeceased her mother by three (3)
testator. It also provides a further degree of assurance months.
that the testator is of certain mindset in making the
testamentary dispositions to those persons he/she had Oppositor Geralda Castillo also argued that the will
designated in the will. was not executed and attested to in accordance with
law. She pointed out that decedent's signature did not
appear on the second page of the will, and the will was
not properly acknowledged.
Parties – Roles
RTC Ruling:
Eugenia E. Igsolo – decedent
After due trial, the RTC admitted the will to probate, in
Felix Azuela – son of the cousin of the decedent; an Order dated 10 August 1992.
requested for probate on the will of Eugenia
The RTC favorably took into account the testimony of
the three (3) witnesses to the will, Quirino Agrava,

[Faye G. Ramirez]
3B [WILLS] Digests

Lamberto Leano, and Juanito Estrada. The RTC also or by the testator's name written by some other person
called to fore "the modern tendency in respect to the in his presence, and by his express direction, and
formalities in the execution of a will . . . with the end in attested and subscribed by three or more credible
view of giving the testator more freedom in expressing witnesses in the presence of the testator and of one
his last wishes; another.

The testator or the person requested by him to write his

CA Ruling: name and the instrumental witnesses of the will, shall
also sign, as aforesaid, each and every page thereof,
except the last, on the left margin, and all the pages
In a Decision dated 17 August 1995, the Court of shall be numbered correlatively in letters placed on the
Appeals reversed the trial court and ordered the upper part of each page.
dismissal of the petition for probate.
The attestation shall state the number of pages used
The Court of Appeals noted that the attestation clause upon which the will is written, and the fact that the
failed to state the number of pages used in the will, thus testator signed the will and every page thereof, or
rendering the will void and undeserving of probate. caused some other person to write his name, under his
express direction, in the presence of the instrumental
witnesses, and that the latter witnessed and signed the
will and all the pages thereof in the presence of the
testator and of one another.

If the attestation clause is in a language not known to

Whether the will complied with the requirements of the the witnesses, it shall be interpreted to them.
law and, hence, should be admitted to probate. (NO)
Art. 806. Every will must be acknowledged before a
notary public by the testator and the witnesses. The
Ruling notary public shall not be required to retain a copy of
The appellate court, in its Decision, considered only the will, or file another with the office of the Clerk of
one defect, the failure of the attestation clause to state Court.
the number of pages of the will. But an examination of
the will itself reveals several more deficiencies. Article 809 of the Civil Code states: "In the absence of
bad faith, forgery, or fraud, or undue and improper
pressure and influence, defects and imperfections in
As admitted by petitioner himself, the attestation clause the form of attestation or in the language used therein
fails to state the number of pages of the will. There shall not render the will invalid if it is proved that the will
was an incomplete attempt to comply with this was in fact executed and attested in substantial
requisite, a space having been allotted for the insertion compliance with all the requirements of article 805."
of the number of pages in the attestation clause. Yet
the blank was never filled in; hence, the requisite was
left uncomplied with.
The failure of the attestation clause to state the number
of pages on which the will was written remains a fatal
Petitioner cites the report of the Civil Code
Commission, which stated that "the underlying and flaw, despite Article 809. The purpose of the law in
fundamental objective permeating the provisions on requiring the clause to state the number of pages on
the [law] on [wills] in this project consists in the which the will is written is to safeguard against possible
[liberalization] of the manner of their execution with the interpolation or omission of one or some of its pages
end in view of giving the testator more [freedom] in and to prevent any increase or decrease in the pages.
[expressing] his last wishes. This objective is in accord The failure to state the number of pages equates with
with the [modern tendency] in respect to the formalities
the absence of an averment on the part of the
in the execution of wills." However, petitioner
conveniently omits the qualification offered by the instrumental witnesses as to how many pages
Code Commission in the very same paragraph he cites consisted the will, the execution of which they had
from their report, that such liberalization be "but with ostensibly just witnessed and subscribed to. However,
sufficient safeguards and restrictions to prevent the in this case, there could have been no substantial
commission of fraud and the exercise of undue and compliance with the requirements under Article 805
improper pressure and influence upon the testator." since there is no statement in the attestation clause or
anywhere in the will itself as to the number of pages
Art. 805. Every will, other than a holographic will, must which comprise the will.
be subscribed at the end thereof by the testator himself

[Faye G. Ramirez]
3B [WILLS] Digests

the fact that it had been segregated from the other

At the same time, Article 809 should not deviate from requirements under Article 805 and entrusted into a
the need to comply with the formal requirements as separate provision, Article 806. The non-observance of
Article 806 in this case is equally as critical as the other
enumerated under Article 805. Whatever the
cited flaws in compliance with Article 805, and should
inclinations of the members of the Code Commission be treated as of equivalent import.
in incorporating Article 805, the fact remains that they
saw fit to prescribe substantially the same formal Yet even if we consider what was affixed by the notary
requisites as enumerated in Section 618 of the Code public as a jurat, the will would nonetheless remain
of Civil Procedure, convinced that these remained invalid, as the express requirement of Article 806 is that
effective safeguards against the forgery or intercalation the will be "acknowledged", and not merely subscribed
of notarial wills. Compliance with these requirements, and sworn to. The will does not present any textual
however picayune in impression, affords the public a proof, much less one under oath, that the decedent and
the instrumental witnesses executed or signed the will
high degree of comfort that the testator himself or
as their own free act or deed. The acknowledgment
herself had decided to convey property post mortem in made in a will provides for another all-important legal
the manner established in the will. The transcendent safeguard against spurious wills or those made beyond
legislative intent, even as expressed in the cited the free consent of the testator. An acknowledgement
comments of the Code Commission, is for the is not an empty meaningless act. The acknowledgment
fruition of the testator's incontestable desires, and coerces the testator and the instrumental witnesses to
not for the indulgent admission of wills to probate. declare before an officer of the law that they had
executed and subscribed to the will as their own free
act or deed. Such declaration is under oath and under
For one, the attestation clause was not signed by pain of perjury, thus allowing for the criminal
the instrumental witnesses. While the signatures of prosecution of persons who participate in the execution
the instrumental witnesses appear on the left-hand of spurious wills, or those executed without the free
margin of the will, they do not appear at the bottom of consent of the testator. It also provides a further degree
the attestation clause which after all consists of their of assurance that the testator is of certain mindset in
averments before the notary public. making the testamentary dispositions to those persons
he/she had designated in the will.
The Court today reiterates the continued efficacy of
Cagro. Article 805 particularly segregates the It may not have been said before, but we can assert
requirement that the instrumental witnesses sign each the rule, self- evident as it is under Article 806.A
page of the will, from the requisite that the will be notarial will that is not acknowledged before a
"attested and subscribed by [the instrumental notary public by the testator and the witnesses is
witnesses]." The respective intents behind these two fatally defective, even if it is subscribed and sworn
classes of signature are distinct from each other. The to before a notary public.
signatures on the left-hand corner of every page
signify, among others, that the witnesses are aware
that the page they are signing forms part of the will. On
the other hand, the signatures to the attestation clause Disposition:
establish that the witnesses are referring to the
statements contained in the attestation clause itself.
Indeed, the attestation clause is separate and apart WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. Costs against
from the disposition of the will. An unsigned attestation petitioner.
clause results in an unattested will. Even if the
instrumental witnesses signed the left-hand margin of
the page containing the unsigned attestation clause,
such signatures cannot demonstrate these witnesses'
undertakings in the clause, since the signatures that do
appear on the page were directed towards a wholly
different avowal.

Thus, the subject will cannot be considered to have

been validly attested to by the instrumental witnesses,
as they failed to sign the attestation clause.

The requirement under Article 806 that "every will must

be acknowledged before a notary public by the testator
and the witnesses" has also not been complied with.
The importance of this requirement is highlighted by

[Faye G. Ramirez]

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