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Philippine-American War
The Philippine- American war began in 1899 after the Spaniards surrendered manila to the
Americans in 1898. During that time President Aguinaldo wants to occupy the Zapote Line,
Zapote line was the Spanish Defensive Perimeter which stood from Fort San Antonio Abad, Now
the Banco Sentral Complex all the way to Zapote River. On February 4 th The American Colonel
John Stotzenberg gave the order to occupy the Santa Mesa Area. He ordered his men to arrest or
fire upon any Filipinos that attempts to cross over the trenches. After that order, Colonel
Stotzenberg was killed in action in Bulacan later that year at the age of 40. An American camp
established in 1902 in Pampanga. It was named Fort Stotzenberg after the Late Colonel. It was
later renamed the Clark Airbase, The First skirmish was thought to have happened at the San
Juan Del Monte Bridge or the Pinaglabanan Bridge in San Juan. The National Commision
Confirmed in 2013 that the event happened along silencio street in Santa Mesa, Manila. It is also
said that the First Shot was fired by Private William Walter Grayson who is an Englishman who
migrated to America in 1890. Who was deployed in the Philippines during 1898, He was
honorably discharged in August 1899. He died in San Francisco at the age of 65. This event
causes the First Largest battle of the Philippine-American War, The Fight between 19,000
American Soldiers and 15,000 Filipino Militiamen On February 4th to 5th in 1899.
During 1888, 20 women of Malolos wrote a letter to Governor General asking for permission to
study and learn Spanish. They need permission to learn because they’re women and because it
could destroy a family if they study. During 1923 Teodoro Asedillo lost hist job, He was a
elementary teacher that lives in Laguna and he was charged because of being stubborn and he
uses Tagalog which is bad that the language that must be used is English to teach the kids.
During 1972 the song called Bayan ko can’t be sang or be stationed in any radio a song wrote by
Jose Corazon De Jesus and Constacio De Guzman. It’s during American Period.
September 13, 1907 to this day one of the greatest hero of revolution Macario Sakay was hanged
during 1894 he joined the Katipunan and he became Andres Bonifacio’s Greatest Friend. He
secretly rebuilt the Katipunan in Manila during Philippine-American War, He got caught but he
escaped on 1902. After he escaped he built is own revolution in South Luzon it was Called
Republikang Tagalog where he is the President and Franciso Carreon as Vice President. The
Republic he created has it’s own law, rules and flag. He was considered by the Americans as
Dangerous Bandit. In 1905 he was betrayed and got arrested and tried to get information from
him after that he was hanged in September 13, 1907.
General Macario Sakay submitted to American forces on July 14, 1906. He would be one of the
last of the Filipino generals to surrender after the Philippine Revolution. The rebel from Tondo
worked as a barber, a tailor, an apprentice at a kalesa (cart) factory, and even a stage actor in his
early years. In 1894, he enlisted in the Katipunan with the alias Tagausig (Prosecutor).

He was organizing for the Revolution in the Manila region at the time of the Filipino-American
War, and he was later imprisoned. Sakay received amnesty as American administration over the
Philippines began, and in 1901 he joined the Partido Nacionalista, a group that used legal means
to advocate for the country's independence. Dissatisfied with the new arrangement provided by
the United States, Sakay took up arms once more, becoming the president of the Republika ng
Katagalugan (Tagalog Republic) in May 1902.

Sakay formed his soldiers and granted ranks to integrees who would be able to provide
weaponry to the republic by establishing his center of operations at Morong (now Rizal
Province, Dimasalang in Sakay's documents). By this time, Sakay had also made the decision to
keep his hair long, which would later come to symbolize the revolutionary leader. Sakay was
allegedly ambushed once while having a bath. He was sure that personal care would be harmful
to the cause of achieving independence even though he managed to survive the experience. He
would keep his hair long until he passed away. In the meantime, the American authorities seized
every chance to portray Sakay negatively, branding him a bandit among other things.
After Spain conquered the Ma-I later will be known as Philippines the name Philippines was
Name after their king, King Philip II the Spaniards left a very big influenced in out Country such
as Religion, Structures, Food and ETC. During on the Late 1800’s the Americans came they want
to Liberate the Filipinos. After the Spanish commander meet with American commander in
secret they talked about the rights to the Philippines, and the Spain is willing to surrender to
white people, but not to the Filipinos after the theatrical war that the two colonizers did the
Americans become the new sovereign of the Philippines. They continue with their Liberation so
that their war with Spain is justified.
Pinoy Historian
The Philippines united into becoming a one kingdom called Ma’I but it’s not Ma’I is a place in
the Philippines. Ma’I is the Kingdom of Tondo in Luzon which appears in the laguna copper
plate inscription in the oldest dated document found in the island so far, It dates back to the
year 900 or 621 years before Ferdinand Magellan’s so called discovery of the Philippines. After
Magellan so called discovered the Philippines during 1521-1570’s he tried to conquer it, But he
failed instead Magellan died to Lapu-Lapu. The Sultanate of Sulu and many sultanates in
Mindanao remained independent after the Philippine-American War in the 1900’s. The Spanish
expedition and conquistadors in 1521 was also almost wiped out when they tried to conquer the
Visayas from the battle of Maktan against lapu-lapu’s forces to the plot to massacre the
conquistadors during a banquet in the Rajya huma bud’s court in cebu the Europeans had to
desperately run for their lives to escape being butchered, Which come to the conclusion that the
Spain did not succeed conquering the Philippines 500 years ago.
How the WEST Stole the PHILIPPINES
The Philippines intertwined with Western nations, it includes two nations such as Spain and
United States. The Spain colonize the Philippines for centuries and then after the United States
came to the Philippines they fought against the Spain and then purchased the Philippines for 20
Million dollars in 1898. Without a doubt that the archipelago of Southeast Asia suffered greatly
we fought unnecessary war, forced to many unknown systems and under monopolistic
institution that only benefited the Royalties of Spain. The Influenced of the Western colonizers
hasn’t been long forgotten and still running in our Cultures and etc. The Philippines has
achieved its independence and kicked out all foreign interference.
Why China is Building Islands in the South China Sea
Fiery Cross Island a man made island which is located at South China Sea it’s size is a little bit
more than one square mile in size and it’s home to a Chinese Military Base it has a 10,000 ft air
strip an advance radar station, a Missile Defense system and about 200 Troops. In 2014 it didn’t
exist during 2014 many Chinese ships collecting around remote reefs in Spratly Islands. An
archipelago in the South China Sea on one image the ships rapidly pumping sand and rocks up
onto the reef they’re building islands, And less than a year later the Chinese had seaports
airbases and buildings on their new islands and the world had taken notice. And the Chinese
government uses a military tactic they called CABBAGE strategy where they block the source of
food route and anything that comes up in spratly Island so that they could get the South China
During March 11, 1947
Despite the granting of independence to Philippines, the Parity Rights amendment to the 1935
constitution is submitted for a plebiscite and ratified ridiculously giving American citizens equal
rights as Filipinos to exploit the Natural resources of the Southeast Asia Country in exchange for
World War II aid the administration of President Manuel Roxas had actively campaigned for the
ratification of Parity Rights in what has been described as “Persuasive harangue” and which will
merit him a foiled assassination attempt by a disgruntled barber. And the Archipelagic nation
became a colony of the Imperialistic United States at the turn of century as the fledgling
Philippine Republic, after virtually gaining independence from Spain, succumbed to the enemy
Bald Eagle nation during bloody war of Philippine-American War in 1899-1914.
Spanish Colonization began in 1565 which would eventually extend to over 3 centuries, By the
1880s Nationalism had emerged among the native population, Which led to the outbreak of an
independence war in August 1896. The war ended in a stalemate and in December 1897, A truce
was signed between Spain and the Revolutionaries, although heightened tensions and mutual
distrust remains, After that during April 1898 war broke out between Spain and United States
and then a U.S Fleet was sent to the Philippines which on May 1, 1898 dealt a crashing defeat of
Spanish navy off Manila, The Colonial capital and with American encouragement Filipino
revolutionaries, led by Emilio Aguinaldo restarted the Uprising against spain and quickly gain
control of much of the colony that by June 1898, They had besieged the Spanish Forces in
Manila. And then during June 12, 1898 Aguinaldo declared the independence of the Philippines.
However on August 12, 1898 the United States and Spain signed a peace treaty that ended the
war. The treaty also ended the Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines, moreover Spanish army
allowed the Americans to enter and occupy the Manila, with the Filipino troops relegated to the
perimeter of the Capital.
Philippine-American War won by U.S in July 1902, it left a bad taste in everyone. It would more
likely take a world war to push the Philippines struggle for independence over the line. Those in
between years weren’t a walk in the park and there’s plenty of history in there to bring to light,
such as the bloody Moro Rebellion.
Spaniards are eager to expand their kingdom and defend their lands from the Portuguese that
was why king Philip II of spain decided to find an expedition to the east indies to gain a foothold
in their region and bring gold and spiced back to Mexico or New Spain the Spanish visaroi in
Mexico appointed Miguel Lopez De Legazpi he is a Spanish colonizer or an explorer and served
as the first Governor in the Philippines from 1565 until his death he was told that regardless of
the fact that the voyage was funded by the royal treasury he would be more likely be expected to
fund some of the expeditions needs he will however be awarded 4000 ducats and other owners
if he succeeded in establishing a community in the indies, he accepted the conditions and began
making his preparation with his own money, His desire for tremendous riches as a conquistador
their gospel desire not only in honor but also great fortune.
Balangiga Massacre
Emilio Aguinaldo hides so that he will not get caught by Americans. He goes to the Northern
Part of Luzon with his supporters. He also ordered the practice of guerilla which be led by local
military officials, United States asked the prevalence of Benevolent Assimilation in the whole
Region, They also said to the Filipinos that they’re here not to colonize but to teach them on how
to be liberate as a nation, But Filipinos didn’t agree, therefore the war is inevitable. Emilio
Aguinaldo and his compatriots ensure that they are safe in Ilocos Sur but they didn’t know that
the Americans are already on the foot of the mountain. An Igorot told the way to Americans
which led to Gregorio Del Pilar’s defeat.
The South China Sea is the biggest flash point in Asia involving china and other countries the 3.5
million sq km path of water this is one of the busiest shipping routes and vast oil and gas
reserves lie beneath the sea bed for decades many of its surrounding countries competing for its
claims over who control the hundreds of tiny islands that we see in South China Sea. The china’s
claim over the South China Sea is called nine dash lines which almost covered 90% of South
China Sea. Different Countries within the range of their EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)
disputes that they have also the rights for South China Sea, and Tensions accumulated over the
Years and sometimes they boiled over as to capture others people.
South China sea the world’s busiest water channel route but also the worlds 21 st Century dispute
The surrounding nations of South China Sea is competing for their own rights over this waters.
China has been building artificial islands in this water. And also they’ve send troops around the
waters of south China sea to avoid interference with foreign nations and also to show their force
to those competes with them in South China Sea.

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