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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

1. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill M P N Example and brief description of how a specific

e a o assignment or activity meets the skill
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1.1 Express ideas clearly, in written, X I believe this skill was learned through research
multimodal, and oral communication, presentations in the Lifespan Development course,
considering purpose, audience, and format.   and classes in the exercise science curriculum.

1.2  Analyze issues, make decisions, and X I believe this objective was met in almost if not all of
address problems using critical thinking. the courses I have taken, especially.

1.3  Demonstrate leadership, including X This skill has been instilled in me through countless
negotiation, relational, consensus-building, group projects, some of which I was assigned a lead
and teamwork skills. role, such as presentations in Exercise Leadership
and Biomechanics.
1.4  Communicate and express ideas through X I believe this skill was partially achieved through the
the arts. liberal arts program. The Drawing and World Music
courses I took during my second semester showed
me how to express myself, but not necessarily actual
ideas through the arts.

1.5  Integrate appropriate technologies to X The introduction of several softwares and

solve problems, complete tasks, and applications used during my collegiate career such as
accomplish goals. powerpoint and excel were crucial to my learning.
Applying this new knowledge to Chemistry and
Biology labs allowed me to solve problems and
complete my academic goals.

2. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill M P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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2.1 Relate effectively across various X I feel this skill has been obtained through multiple
linguistic and cultural settings. Spanish and Western Cultural Traditions courses
respectfully. These courses forced me to see the
world through other culture’s point of views while
also learning a new language.

2.2 Use time, place, and social change as X I learned of disciplinary perspectives in my Lifespan
frameworks for analyzing social Development and Sports Psychology courses, and I
developments from multiple disciplinary learned plenty of social change through my
perspectives. involvement in football and Senior Seminar, but not
necessarily how to analyze social developments from
these perspectives.

2.3 Evaluate current and historical events X I learned how to evaluate these events spiritually
through the lens of spirituality and global through the introduction of Catholic Social Teaching
social justice. during my time at Seton Hill.

2.4 Critique privilege and oppression from X This skill was obtained through learning about
the perspective of diverse identities. others’ perspectives in my Senior Seminar and
Liturgy and Sacrament courses.

3. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill M P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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3.1 Generate, analyze, and interpret X This skill was acquired through chemistry and
numerical data. biology weekly labs where we processed data on
organisms and calculations.

3.2 Locate, analyze, evaluate, and organize, X Collecting sources to convey significance of issues
primary and secondary sources, including was a crucial part in research projects for courses
expressive media, to comprehend the such as Composition and Culture and Biology.
significance of an issue or an event.
3.3 Interpret quantitative and qualitative X This skill was achieved through my Exercise Science
information to formulate positions to reach Senior Synthesis class while creating an exercise
conclusions or to present a logical argument. program that I presented to my client, and convinced
them to take part in based on the reliability of my
findings from their data.

3.4 Demonstrate respect for multiple ideas X This skill was found through my Faith, Religion, and
and worldviews. Society class as I did extensive research about other
religions and ideologies around the world.

4. Self Reflection and Assessment

Skill M P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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4.1 Employ ethical decision-making grounded X This skill was achieved through researching Codes of
in philosophical inquiry. Ethics in my Exercise Leadership Course. Learning of
these Codes of Ethics taught me how to make
decisions ethically.

4.2 Apply Catholic social teaching to the X This skill was met through acquiring knowledge of
analysis of contemporary social issues. CST principles and writing essays on how they apply
to current issues in the socioeconomic landscape.

4.3 Explain the value of diverse spiritual and X I learned to explain these values through research of
religious perspectives. other religions and how they view ethics and issues
in my Faith, Religion, and Society and Liturgy and
Sacrament courses.

4.4 Integrate the action of charity with the X I learned how to achieve this skill specifically in my
virtue of justice Senior Seminar class, as we applied social justice to
charity in our group project on Food Insecurity and
Poverty awareness for the semester.

4.5  Exercise responsible freedom and civic X I feel I have learned and exercised civic engagement
engagement based on an informed  value through my involvement on the football team, but I
system. am not sure of the informed value system.

5. Professionalism and Career Readiness

Skill M P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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5.1 Model ethical behavior, responsible X I have learned these values through learning of
freedom, and engaged citizenship. ethics through CST and social justice perspectives
during my liberal arts education and enrollment in
the Senior Seminar course.

5.2  Demonstrate accountability, effective X This skill can only be learned through making
work habits, and the ability to assess areas mistakes and having shortcomings, which I have.
necessary for professional, personal, and Group discussions with guest speakers throughout
societal growth. my academic and athletic career have taught me to
look inward and change what needs to be changed

5.3  Identify and articulate skills, strengths, X This skill was obtained through the application and
knowledge, and experiences relevant to one’s interview process for Physical Therapy school.
career goals.
5.4 Complete experiential learning to pursue X This skill was achieved through preparing a resume
professional opportunities. based off of my educational background to search
for and find an internship at the PT group.

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