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To: the One Supreme Conrt of the United States Republic.

I sam, operating in pro se to present my Sequestrators Petition
and Bill in Peace and i am Praying upon the one De Jure Supreme Court of the United States

of America for the Republic, who has the soie jurisdiction to up ho'd and enforce the Judicial
requirements of the Constitution for the United States of America and this Fquity Action; based
on the establishment of Justice. to insure domestic Tranquillity and to secure the blessings of

Liberty for All Americans.

My Petition and Bill of Peace is also based upon the United States Republic Rule of

Law known as Presumption; that from a collection of facts and actions on the part of the
present dc facto government of which only one conclusion can be drawn and that is
in control;

that this country is being operated by a BLick Communistic Religious Society.

The Black

stands for the Unjust Bankers or the Dead Bankrupt Fictions under their implied contracts and
the usage of False Debts in the Bankers Black kdgcrs that have been created under their
Monetary Commuthstic rules ofTEN, known as the Tenth payment to given to the Communistic

Society's Architects for the creation of their belief system of Deceptions and Controls Justice,
Tranquillity and Liberty cannot be had.. ifone is a Communistic Slave.

;: My Present Standing; i am an American 'born free individual" Citizen and additionally

: classified as an independent Indian Tribe for al! Amencan Just Commerce per the Constitution,
rticle I SecUon 8, as L am a sovereignty body born from the So'ereign Land L have taken an Oath
of Office to support and defend the Republic from all enemies be they foreign or domestic therefore I
j: will continue to honor that Oath. I am the holder of my original Hospital Birth Certificate under my
one true and
t: and signed by a duly authorized Officer and under the Official Gold Sea! as the


valid "First Lien' Title of Claim to my name and my American Inheritance. It stands as a Good and r

Indefeasible Title. A title vhicb enables the owner to exercise absolute and e'h.cluswe control .

as against ail others. Ad 11- / íS S73 42 ¿ Jj $4 ¡8 S C Í79

L have fUlfIlled all ofmy United States Canstilutionaf Republic Obligations as listed below:
welt over the age o121 years to c'aim my American Inheritance
being withh&d by a de facto Registrar
, am ,

against perpetuities under a "DEAD Bankrupt

iransfer as a lifetime perpetuity in violation of the rule
Communistic" Membership Corporation and claimed as a De Factû
IJNUEU STATES InSular Possciuu.
the age of2S years to claim
; 2. 1havc fulfilled my required Repub'ic military service obligations and I am over
are being withheld by a de facto Registrar transfer as 1ifetme
my Militaiy Service Bounty and Accruals that
under a 'DFAD Dankrupt CGinmwústic" :

perpetuity in 'ioIatíon of the rule against perpctuities
- ---------------------- -.---- -"--,.,: -

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Corporation and dairned as a D Facto UNITED STATES Insular Possession.
I I am now a Free man; with my Right cf Free Choice as a Lawfiul Ekctor and fully competent; having the
required undcrtandings to know right from i also know which government is which now.

4. 1 am IOT AT WAR with anyone or any lawt'uf corporation. but t do maintain the right to defend myself and
my righthil property by ail justifiable means for any Breaches of Peace, if need be.

5_ I have my Independent Indian Tribal onstiniiim in place and it is consistent the United States Republic nstitution

and the Bill ofRights. i ai vested wíth the executM poweras the Tribal Chiefofmy ndividual Ameiican Domestic

Reservation of which I shall hold for iny lifetime.

: ............ ...-..-',-.- ..................... : .......'

11RENT- Ari ¡nscfiirabk qiility O part ola tJthgor a person; intriitcic a thrng ora person. Anno: 23 ALR 1095.
INDL&N TRiBE: A separatt aud dstinctiornmuni OR 13f 5bOIigin1 !ndian ce ofrocu found in thc UfiLted Suecs.

2. Surb a thhc. si1iiatc1 ithin th boundarics of a sta!e, and excicising th powers ofgovtrnment aovreigmty. zinder thc natkmat

govemiticnI. is £lecTI1d po1ihI1y a State; that ï, a disìtt potitical suciet, capabieufsdf-governnint but i is n dcimed
state, in thesense ofthc cmtitutron. li is rutka donisti dependent natioii. Such a tribe may properly be dccaed in a stete
afpnpi!ge sud
ieiníaÙoniothc UnicdStarcscinbksthatofa wxdiaguardian. 5 PL R. I, I, 17;2OJohn. R. l3:3 KcnLCcm. 308 o31; Skuryon
.. .-._i.-..-,. ---------.-...-,--., - -.- ------ ------ -_-...:-- -- -:-_ ----- ..- ..
' ..-...-....-.

.-..... -

_:- ...... -

False and Implied claims and Perpetuities have been entered in the Original
Recording by an unauthorized court de facto registrar to transfer the contrats ofmy birth rights.

powers and inheritance over to the Independent PoIiIica Society known as the "UNITED
STATES'S. a foreign copyrighted banker's communistic corporation and the Independent
Religious Society known as th CITURCI-I OF ROME. They then established the Communistic

Membership Corporations to place us and our property under their Corporate Controls. This

action is an infringement of my Beliefs of having protected rights and powers as they are

addressed in the Deciamtion ofindependence and the Bill of Rights.

Sc, both as the Plaintiff and the Prosecutor in this Judicial Action
I am appearing in Pro
which no valid and lawful thing defendant can be found to appeai theretbrc, I am addressing the
the Republic for their final approval in order
fo11oing Actions to this Supreme Court of

and Relief in Equity and Iaw bt awfiu11y enforced per the Laws of -the
Ameiicn Justice

American Republic Iinds:


here and now Purging and Exoneratrn myself of all of my implied actions and

my past life and I will now move forvvard to live in honor )

unconscionable wrong decisions for
; lawful prospective Per the Fortieth Congress. Seas U CH
and operate my life with a new and
An act concerning the nghts ofAmencan citizens in foreign -

249 I86 Right ofExpatnation -

states" Etiacted on July 27, 1 868. 1 ani by my free will disavowing all Foreign Allegiances. -

................. _-_--.-.: -... --;..:. ----

--.- -
-:--- -;--_ - -.-- .-::--.. ----- ..

-:._ --._. --. --:--

rqu4uaton by e jsr.on ofus pnor iuconsrursuaMí or rorgfid
PURGE OF RON 4c ackquutc a'ud eefr reiuPiC?aJWu2 and oMiints ad commaedby another,rsurson
P2d The asswnp!ion ofrespo1sibi1iyfoT.x
Dickeros i Mu,eJd 1i3 Or 662. 147 ¡94.
areemenr and dw esucniio ofi 4ew obIigdfionßr Thu
P1JRGNG IevR}': Re,ntȓrjuJire ithnt ofuisav. as by nbandonng the nsuuriouo
uwy. and benrsng knJ interest. .55 JIs &urv 5 97.
o»Fie actiwl debifrtefnum the
releasefrnnu iia&1itjç the applica!iQn of
cJargu or inupututio qfguiit; the Jflirzg pia burn; dthchcee; i'

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor
1ipror (jatL 1PLkSÍ.21e L1 the pcvmrn! q[hic i&c ami the realproprty thenfro,& 2/ Jm J2dEr & .&1 39!. &e
con:nburio nvjir

NL4fO PUNITURPROAL1FoDjj'g- No o ¡spuizithdforjh1 crÄrnt fanoih

NEMO TE!'ETUR ARMAREA1WERSApjfj CONTRA SL? OM is boundto ann h,s ersri'igainst kiae1f
NEMO TENETfJR EDERE 17.STNUMENFA COJVTRA SE. Romw, law) A ç hawk! to prothic rnanaÍenps or wrzings which ore
against Ilimsel!

ACTION LI - PARDONING o( my Enemy Societies, with CONDITIONS:

As an Ameiican Citizen of the American Republic am by my free will Pardonm& the
Implied 'B1ack or Dtd Bankrupt Communist Party Governments known as the Amendment
z(JNJTED STATFS' and the "STATE OF _______" which are in fact 1X71 English Banker
Copyrighted Conirnunistic Bankmpt Corporations arid the Independent Religious Society

'C}IURCH OF ROME". a "Communist Party offlcad Baptized Perpctuiües", byway ofthe Roman
Catholic Church; ofall ofthe following listed items that have Breached my Righis and Peace and for
the Perpetuities iíth they created that bave hamicd mc both physically and mentafly. But only

under the following conditions in that if any future Breaches of my Rights arid Peace or harm is

caused; these items will be converted into criminal charges and justly enfórced per the Ametican
Constitution and its valid pi-e l4" Amendment enacted Statutes.

;; Therefore, I am now surrendering this Action over to Supreme Court ofthe Republic
the to

hold as nfl Open Action fbr any futui Breaches ofmy Rights and Peace or harm caused.
RREACH OF PE.ICE: Szck a vitiaiia.a ¿ilMa pthiic order as wnounis a cirbtvvoe af/he public tnmqtt. ly ar cir co'dttci

OF li; lncitingor Wnthngto mneiíesudz a dlsturhance ofthepublie nnquillt ¡2 Ami2dßreach P4

.4LTER,4TION: A change ojo thingfram orejorm or stale to another-that is, makrnga ihing thifereatirorn what
iwas. hai withul de.ttroythg
r;: ifsideniiy
OFJNSTRUMENT: A clawge An the seae or Iaiage ojthe instrwiwnt .zffecwd l' an iniepizional ccrpeífrrmed -. the
z bi apar nitted:i me tostruniera
¡nP-wnapf Ti the ¡egaJ'sea. of the term aZierauw of.nsirumst" ii doe' wt melada an act performed

: °' ¿he irIrwnent bye y4rwger îhereaf 4Am J2dAlt ffnsi § I. efl'cljrom thai which
m i aforgiy an alteration muse he zrc* us IQ riaAc the incerunwnr pea a language dierent in legai
vrifWg 23 Am 12d 683
ii origiaJ!y spoke. OR which carries with If sorne chag la the righLt, iJ'tesi, or obligations oftheparties o the

r IorgJ6
the ten 36AerEdForg' l Esserrtia/l; thejà!se niaA.g
E: FORGERY- .4 crimino! offense eIcommoa law
k*h h*'!enttodfrau4 undtrsore statutes. intern !a injure (Green vSrae (Ra.) 71So 2cl 645. 49ALR2C1847).
J orrnaieriataiie,-aion.
ey wntingivhich.

fganuine. máh: apparenth be o(lgai efficzc' or tlwfot,ndaiion ofa 1gathabiJiij 36ifmJ2dhorg L

io exivitor ohtabnoney ¡fcain1 F1athanvtIzirray 21
R4CRETEFR: Lsingoncvposition. especiixllyaposiiioins off;cer,faJaha.-infon,
p, NJ I 15, 124 A2d i The orrwred ,se cfshreats. ccterciai iazimtcfatio ard violence ta compel the paynwnzfor aduaf or lleeiJ er'ices of
¿MiedS/ates y Äfdthne (DC
arbitrary or ecñw rhare. ¿wderthe guiw ofmemhership dues. proecttoafees. rovahies arseri'ica

Fai /9FSupp25, 286.

The knun which Fand4. heM&ya religious or other incorporahdar wincorporaíed
&e 45 AmJlst Reh Soci 52
reihe,hítw2 .airpentkreii camuonfor the beriÍ olaf!.

ecia(aitdance os the part oftho amoag wham The litt

BL-ICXLIST: A generieterm that may be defìneda. a lis! ofpersons marhedoutfor

uik!erslctv. r'frs la Ii.ts ofd(thargtch'nipIowe.

sent by the
i iìrended ía cIr1ate. bet which, as the tcri, is nail mostgenerd&
r. ofntttmet with information tratismilled hy a union
dLhangeaIo)k!r1aothere,np(ojerzc 31 AmJREV ed Lab Ç83; andlo the kctfflg
or ieaiinatu the ionploymení ofthe workmen agaiu.t whom the
member or agent o otherk with the inteutwn that the tnsith wil? he to prevent
.; within ihejnrLtdiction ofthe wüor Anna: 46ALR2d
;: infarînsthwrisdirecse4 andic make it inypossibkfor them toobtain ctherewp1oerii
£' threat ofeposww rifo crlitiinaloffense by or c(.taine candeal
IIL4CKhtIIL: A criminal afflaise as afonn ofeort1nn; usted/y.
to extortion by threat ofaiekace to the
to hit iJiaMintae: cecasionailyapplied
act Q t1i iicUm which, fmade ptbIi.; will operate
or mii7Thr ofhisfamily. 3/ AtnJ2d&Jor$
1& Anoiher riwan4ngofiha lenti is black ienLî.
or rnoi«y haer thati ik«r. as thstinguishedfrorn
FILACF RENTh: Itenik, a1.& called 'red/tus nig,f' and b1ac(mail. 'pa.th1e in work graJa.
white reni which wepavab!e L'i silver orwhik' monay Ste 2 BI Conan 42
thing by compulsion. achtaI1ôrc. or
ofltnte E2foblaiP?ing money or other volzwbk
EJtTORTION: Oppression ztmkr calar û rigliL the crimiiial color ofita offi ofany
the naJmjd ialarn M' an Offitr Q/tha law. bi'
for' ofvtwtis tq,phedto the will; more tecinileafl-e de1necIas
. .


PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor
; gny or thig íiihe that n«du io hini or the raking ofinore thai ¡s due, or the lakthg ofoomey before it L due. &sft y Stzte. 19 Ar
195, /63 é iO8 3! Am J2dEWIY J. A meMOdtfthUSe ofprw-c I AmJ2dAhuw PS 12.
ILLEGAL BP.AJDING: Th stariIori øfJs qfb,iii&ng or markín ìrie thom the caisern fthe cníer. wid with inten(w defratd Siate r
. RaI!, 27 Tez 331 54nJisi Wts& L54
JNTEJVT TU DEFR4 UD: 4,i jan( ¿o onvqit afriw.i The wcis
used in aíim,Je nrkJng i, an offie a pr*nd ¿o be c officer or
: emp!o»e acting under t#e auhoFy of/he UnitedStates, do io rtqníre mor than that the person thargedhus, by artEfice w decei srsug)it
Io asuse ¿he ceÄperoI iofr!faw same corirse e wou! riot ha-ve pursued btiffor the deceiflileonducL UnkeciSiates y Lirpowilcb, 318
Lis 707, 87 L Ed 11)9!. 63 SCi 91-L
4DHESION CONTRACT d comriset il £ draftedMnik7ÍeraJV by tbe domthant paiy andLIpreseniedon a lake t or kave itbcsLr fa the
*earpiry, who has no rrit parwity to bergai thout its wrms. Resa(eownt Second. ConjTic ofLaws § 337a. Com#ent e.
INFR!NGEMENT A pioIirn of ri&í orprivikge: an enadueifl
INFRINGEMENT O! NAPfE: llae adoption 1y a eorporaion ija name eo similar ¿o that ofanotber coora10 aswelatton. orfioit as will
result rn ctfisioï ordec,ption 18 Am J2d Corp § 156.
INFRf!V6EMENT OF TRADENIME: Such a cotorutile 1miiaiors ofa iradenarne thai & gcreralpubhc, in the exercise oJreasoaì51e care.
mghi think th ir is the nan ofthe onef,rsr appropriaMg it. 52 Am JIst Tradem /27 ci seq.
CONDONABLE OFFENS& A smg!e ccl or series ofacs ofiniscoaduci con!ihung a graundfar divorce which ¿o theoy may beforgotten or
forgiven. or i; species tJfliscmdLtct which conskkroie andqj'thonate 1reatme1 ,niglrr ser io oblilerale. 24 iimJ2d 0ñ & 5 204.
j; CONTRACTS MALA IN 8E CoaracJ which a absohit* the acir to beiedormed thereunder are imora! iiïqmirous. and
confrary to a sovndptthftcpoIic as well as in viokztkm ofsahae I 7 Am Ed Contr § 367.
CONT&ICTS MALI FROHIB1TA Contracts ujïth are no cthsa1ely uìid ii all Instaaces bccasse the aces to beperfermed thereunder are
prohibiwdby sraizthr, bWw! d orvniñthle accorthn Io the nure cfloftheadjruMbitd 17 Am 32d Cani, § ¡67.
IMPLiED FOkC- The eloj,neií oJwords or nàdí,rnsherinfsiofhödìp MIJ#J71Ie dootgIe
wu arxithmiz See 35 Am

; J2dForcE&D58.
N1OAUENONOM!NE EEGEAGERE POTES'T. (Gin/law) NO ONE can SUE rn the name of amothe r.
¿INL4WFUL ACCLIMÍJLATION 4isaccwmr!aiim ofw ezJe ¡n vthliuîon ofthe ni/e againseperpcniae cirwnlawJid accirnndat/on.
accumgd.athrn fan etm h. iidathm ofvh rukngiiupezpeitk or in vioIatior aJsfrrns comparaMe to the ThiJWszo's
4d of
: E.ng1ari4 4! im Jirt Perpâ .

PERPEIU1TY ürerauy. soesiig that 1asrfor*ver. in an a/Ecùi sense ofthe rerm. a used in Jaw ofptoperty. a ¡imifaiió# of a
c.onffi7ge!Tifrhira ¿,Ueres En violatiOn ofthe rvle againsíperpetWlies A lintha!iori, whether execuÌoy Ör iy iy
ofremainder. ofeithcr real or
persoø:l prcJp«ry, hJ is cot io ss nnil fserecpirar!o#af or will irai necesserdy s within. thepariodfred aadprescribed by law for
the creaio offulure estalas and rnierest and w/iidi rs no! desrzzcíib1e bypersoorfor the urne brin.g entii!ed to theprôpery rbjecI io
: f'" Iimiía!us'J, ezeep! with the rwusunce
ofthe individual thieresiedunder That limitation. 43 Am Jisi Peep § 7. See ruTh ngninct

RULEAGAINSTPERPETUITLES The nde hicbprohibitsthe crealAon offtttre inIe,erlr oreskifes hieh byporsthil#y nv inteïesi and
not become
n at cfrbe í.esfaror deafh or ihr et)cuve date o/the instrument crealing thefii!ure
wfthiz a 1k or fM frei the urne
iwelr,ffeye fJze,after togaiher t/iepried cesïtifi when the loefusion ofthe latter i neaìy ¿o cowr cases ofposllnimous

birtk 41 Am.Jisf !erpj3.

thea he rems -orni prof
IWELLUSSONACI: An EagL&i satute ¿ywhich affperson oreprohiM!edfroai seii1Ugpropertyby dccd or slli soduring lire nimoriy of a
Iris dOaf1 or
the!) be wholly crpariid acmuksiedfor a longer venu than the ¡/ ofibe sealor, or 2 1 years after
pci-son or personr ¡Mng ae th 1me OJthe death ôfthe seilfoì or during the minoriry respecrive oiinoritfes
ouy ofape'oi orpersann who.
xfofdIage. wauLihave been thsobe.e!y eniiiled underihe seri1enrnL Aci of39and 40 Ceo Iii. Ch 98: 41 rIm fist Peip 44
ofrestitseion. ihai Lizo receivmg and rokmíion ofpropefly,
UNJUST ENR1CJJMENT Thath'vm-«as which gi rire io uiw ob1igaton is.
126 F'2d 936; giauM y Rowbng Crcen
moae) Or &9fi1S Jricb ¿ojiisiice amieqoiiy belong ta another. FIerniram y 5leason (CM Mich)
Gas Co. 360 Mo 32 227S2d666, 18 4LR2d 1331 Sea resiihaf ion.

UNI.A IFUL BELUGEFEN7 An enemy no enfitki to the prorecrion ofthe laws

ofwo because offhe wail ofa ¡aitñi1 war or OJthC
ViOlaiìO,2 by ii ofthe laws 56 Am usi War §Ç 3 el req.
UNtA WFUL COMBINA liON: An agreerneni i res!raini of irade.
UNLA WFUL DET41NER The un!awfid withhofding or deieiion ofreatproperÍy
aJterrw acuisilion afapsecaNe and achiaL bu wfawfrL
ponçL,s_sioll_ 35 An] 1M Farn: L & D §32.
under the aiithonfte il aia arc/ode nt' injury
tJNLI WFIJL ¡NJUR 4nsctiana& wrong Giving ¿o the term the broathst meanrngpossthle
which an aconfar the rcsthan dwnages coi1d be
ihat is not ofsuch a character thai it wou3 consii(ue an actionable wrong, -an njeryfor fthn remedy al law cere deemed inaäeqiiate.
mnainedagait the perpetrator, or which, fmerey /rrealed. coild be enjoined in eqxii.v
People y Schmir: 7 Cal App 330. 36g, 94 P 4/Y.
ivnl yrthject io thejurÉsdíiion
ÏJMTED ST. TES C1TJZE1': The antithesis ofdien. FJRSJ A rson boni or nhzrallzed in the UnctthS(alesifthe loitepenrient P1Wca! 5iety
thereof US Cmui A,t i4 cl 1. SECOWO: One nbo &y birth. vraIir.atiot o' aiber mirwi is a member
titkin a &Itìert Cominunñic Cinm'ne ti Cizen in forwn ßOIZ&Ie. ofthe Uniled States ofAmerica. 3
(ire:çepiv illnn,Nbershìp
ÁmJ2dAlien.c 1.

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ACTION ifi - SURRENDER of the Belligerent Governmental and Religious
Charters as Communislic Perpetuity Memberships.
PART I -All Belligerent Governmental "Communistic" Membership Corporations arc

I am surrendering all IMPLIED Membership Corporation Charters and the implied Communist
Titled, "U.S. Cithenship"that was setup byThe Corporate Amendment and English Copyrighted 1871

- l3arikrupt Communistic 'UNITED STATES. The 2 Covmmental Membership Corpomtìons being

surrendered are listed below and this includes all attached membership EiNs and IJCCs.

SURRENDER OFCH4RTER: Th DZtçojrjiîon r Thinviaion dthe isen ofa corporation by afonnal ac ou thepari ofihe capraio
inyieMing iL d2aflr io th sovereignty wwkr whith the corpoaiioI -wa. creciled arid the acciawe qfthe rnzn bj' the 19 4m
J2dCo,p j J591
CONFUSiON OF RJGHTh4(YD OBUGATTQN A m«,ger JJthC obkgorw(me obligee ft wie prsa; thc cancwrcrw qfiiw zder
righL fo the same thmg u oe a7dthe iw perso,2. th concwrerw qithe dwracze ofthe ok debwr crnd the sole creditor in ihi same
pe)son Lt&ebv eY1ii!jtLckLrigthe frIJL WOOi y Ridky, 30 Tenn (1 1 fiwnpk) 195, i 9&
CORPORATIOV: Art ART?FICML htnp ini*bk iriwiMe. jndx&i, rrn! ñ confrngagn offaw: a association ofperson to n'hrn

the soverkn lkS qßè)eJ afrtznchLw J,com rn wfiei5fjJsridica1 person, with a name ofis own. under
which they can ac and cantraci
ami SUL and be sziet ünd who ¡wr ilhr aecnptetfih offramJ ffecteda coqioraÍio in sabsw,tiaL corormiiy vith ¿ tcrnz (ii wftAcii ca
r and effected cm orzarnatron desincd
a Corporation dejure ha betrt conslift4ed) r hive dmt acL inth&thga ptrpae ta acctp rnch
Io 'c bui. iP7j?ct na fl svbslara1 confon,iiv h s ierms (m which rzjse a corrra1rn De Jwe De Fado ha. becr consçilcd. !8 4m
J2dCorp i.

DE FA CrO CORFOI4TlO!i; .4 corpara4irn infaci. an

caipora ørenÍ oiaion.
aaried to Le a coi-porarran bi' is nembcr. ci.rad

ûcually acting a. such. bui Iackn ofthe law-an orarzrzattoa with color (knv, ierctthig corporale rìghL
11w crcujtíwfzfls
the rigJz fMhch o coi&fxmcíivs wdaitrthus is as güat aiithe wothL ercpt ¡ha sovcreigi 18 Am J2d Corp § 9.
fac:, in the case cf coiparatoris
DE F4CTO DISSOLUTiON: That llsohi1Ñrn of a corporíicion which zakes place. in sub.hzzc and ii
thofrerwy or (r other raan. sizsp'i4aN ¿t crztiots an4çoec into
orgwizirdJor rcainray gai,z wcn the corporation. by re4zon f
LIRÌSIQ1iO1L Yoiw vifome Thw MoL Ins. Co ¡80 Mo 1i3, 164. .9 i 7. W
ua /)k»g5 io ao iwk co'erntive asaciwian, fratrrnd ôrd or mrmber.hip ce.rporlltion Smith r Iron
MEMBER: Oie organiaiion s

ÑL 7 mmr Co. 46 Mant 13. ¡25 P 6.

An incorporílor or llz succem- Jan bicoiporalor ofa vipom1ioi weich has no apiIat stock

P&4m i2dCarp 460.

condition or stams of1eotg a tncnzler. In reference ¿o a IniIding and

loan asociaikm. a matter oJconoct and orthAariI'

oreríífiaies ofsiock to th .oianbe'

icred- izkingandiiokithg soch veh benzg evi&iicid/w the sstmc ¿,dddiwry of cerJ.fiwr
and th nsD-pÇiQ! oflus name on ihn book ofthe associahon 13 Am J2d B & L Asoc § ¿6.

Mt2fERSI!IP CERTIFJC4TE: &e cerIflcate of ,ocm1crshjp.

CERTIFICATE OFMFMEERSHIP: Som4iìmes culkda hrne/ cefliÇcair Incd w a nember ofa mviva! gqfi soddy. cnstiMing the

ciiUraCS bewee hiIIi aP?cif! COrpOra!iOn. Mit constrvedandowmcd v its thair ernsm1trio?LamI
sícn ofmostjurisdictioo.i. existirgforpurpose other
MEMßERSIIIP CORPOk1TJON A distinct kindofcoqoratoauthorizedunder the alus fmcrnbess rather than
fraternat. sociai or rdigiouspwpows, rn ivhwh the p«rticipans acquire Plie
than profit, oftenfor cMarnable.
sJodhoIder5 ¡SiIm J2dCoip § 6(L
the rule against perpetoîiies or aalaiifid acsmuIatinn.
f4wFL ACCUMUL4TÌOIQ ¡icciimulotion ofan esim in vo!aaan of
Con2paTafe to the Theffason Act «Englc&L
eie i, violaikw oftlie nile agairisIperphiiIies or ¡n violutian oJsta!a
2c2(nrnIaI, ?fzo
4!Am list Perp44.
a I,m,trMon f a
kJ$tsforiocr In in arficiui sense QJthe Ierni. as used m the
PERPETUITY: Liri(k somethL'g liait

contingentjiiture interest in violation oldie ado agcstperpetuIre

A /imiWion. wJe4r exoL-o!Oy or by wcj. ofremainder, ofeither rector
i within. the perthdJìed andpresrribed
y law for
personaIpopefly. w)kh is no cst oiÍii after awfra&m of or
to necescarily
il1 ro
noi destrijctthle by personfor the tizne being eni#Ied io te property
.nibjsct (o the
the creation offrture esiafr anzi interes, wid whidi i

th concsrrreaoc or the ìndiwdmil interested under iha limjtaton

l Am fist Perp ? See rule against
Jiinirc l,m1ation. except with
pisihiIity mag ont tecome
rhk* prohthi the creation offniore interests or estalas which by
insirwner't creatiog tkefrture interest, and
the Orne ofihe testators deaii or the eIfrcrrw dale lt!
vested wtln a fJè or Jiws in beirga
occessaiy lo coeer cases c(posthumora
tdh rhe peràìd cfgeoation when the inclusion eJihe loner
lwnt-9,ie peiU ihe,iflet togciher
birth. 4/Am JlstFerp
fl.EGISTK4R: OncheringJiie du OJREGA7RJNGA TRANSFER ofrO?71oFale swc ¡8Am J2dCorp § 40&

FIRST - The Belligerent Perpetuity Communistic Membershèp De Facto Corporation per membership
4 issued by a STATE OF - De Facto Registrar.
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Nemo PoteNt EeNe Et Dominos t Tcnru: NO OiEcwtbe btÑ LANDLORD a,d TENANT Lieb2dntz y 400re. ?û md ¡12.

The anti the STATE OF ; as an Implied Perpetuity Membership

Corporation ínitialed by the STATE OF______ de facto REGISTRAR: per Registration as a
Perpetuity TRANSFER al my______ anti lfnited States Public Inherit Shares of the Land Assets. Therefore at
this time as the Land&u4 I am ordering the Termination and Liquidation ofthc ImpUed Perpetuity Membership
CorporatiorLr I11 2SOitd membership EINs and UCCs I am per the Republic Laws for Perpetuities daiming the
release aud return ofall my attached Assets as my Lawftil Rdief.

SECOND - The Belligereit Perpetuity Coinmunstic Mepibership De Facto Corporation per membership
# issued ty a STATE OF _________- Selective Servici "De Facto" Registrar.
Nemo Miles Adimsiur De PossesÀoue Sui I3euelkn, NÎI CDII ViCIa CUIpII, (ue Sit Lauthuda Fer Judicium Parium Suoruin.
NO SOLDIER be J' í 'edfThepauesioi ofis benefice. uile.c eom'icft'd cf wrongdoing, wh!ch nwsi be deckired i the

judgnieiu fliis peces. 3H! Comm 281

The ________________and the STATE OF as an Implied Perpetuity Membership Corporation

initiated by the STATE OF de facto REGISTRAR: per Registration t as a Perpetuity
TRANSFER of the physical__________ amid his Military Service Bounty arad all accruals. Therefore at this time as
the LandlonL I am ordeting the Termination and Liquidation of the implied Perpetuity Membership Corporation. I am per
the Republic Laws for Perpetuities dafmin the release and return utaH my attached Assets as my LaWIIII Relief

PART Il-All Beffigerent Religious Memberabip Corporations are ORDFRED to be

I am surrendering all IMPLIED BeLligerent Religious Membership Corporation
Charters per the Church - Religious BaptismaI Certificate" dated
and all memberships. This implied contract allowed the
additional implied
Religious Communistic Society to setup lifetime Perpetuities to withhold my awfu1

and then unlawfially accumulate them lix their Collateral usage.

The rule which probebiLc lime creation ofßwre ¡ntercsLs or eslatCS ihic5 I' pcssfóthîy may
noi become
the me oft/me csaior death or the effective dare ofthe insirmaneel cfeatuxg thefriure
¡rnere* end
yes/cd within a !ik or (ims e bemg ai
together with íbe period mfgeskiiioìm when the indtsion ofthc latter i necessetiv te
cove, eases of posthemnous
gwn'-cwte yewt thereiiß.
birth. 11Am fist Perp3.


At this linie, it is requested of the Supreme Court for the Republic upon the Surrender
of the above listed Belligerent Charters and memberships for all of the Communistic
that a Republic Sequestration Receivership be setup with the alci of the
Membership Corporations.
to the Republic, to seize all the American assets held in the
United States Marshals; duty bound
The Dissolulion and Liquidation process is then to be completed and the
illegal Perpetuity accounts.

Relief is to be restored to this plaintiffwithin 3 days.

uiiict« CDqPonIdGJL 4SAm)JstRec 3

EQUESTRATIONRECE!RS'FffP±A zrcewesskip estcifr(&edin a Nequestruf1ønfrocwIi

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.:'A,....- .


As my origina! County Birthing Record, which was entered as a Judicial Record by the
Clerk of the Court, the Court Registrar on _________; but it was then Improperly Altered on
to obtain an un1awfii accumulation of
iJe Facto Corporate Registrar
collateral by a secondary
and the deceived Corporate County Recorder.

RESTORATION OFRECOJ?D Th.wpIatnw,zt ha been to, stkiz or ckcrrowí aLw the rpIiwrmcitin ia
41riginulcmüáoN UfujMdidaI recid Thipertv AIkrei 20 rn J2ç1 ( 63.

ACTION VI - Documents for Safe Harbor and Passage.

I am at this time reqtesting that this Suprne Court for the Republic have an Order issued to both
Republic and the Republic. that thin three
the Office of Secretary of State for the Ullited St*te

days they are to have supplied to _; of the tribe with all documents required

to operate under a Private Safe Harbor and Passage within the public reservation boundaries of the
United States and also all documents required for private international travel and awthI commerce.


As my Final Submission to this Supreme Court for the Republic: I pray that my hopes and

wishes are honored in peace and with True American Republic Justice. One cannot live n the Past

because its time is up; therefoi it is to be a new arid free peaceful birthing.

RerncW,, 5e4 1/i Fuhra IeeAíanr No pnithit person punishi in ocder that past Inintiorts may bc
!flki F7L4k7L PL(flht Ut Praef
revoked, btu bc Joes so in rdcth fi1umacis iny be pevn1

Sealed and Dated on:

Americaj!s CiIizezilhiidioM Tribe


with the Separate Actions

Ths BILL OF PEACE is here and now ORDERED to be ftilfihled

Un ited States Marshals ofthe Republic.

being issued as Ordeis to the Clerk ofthe Court and the

Sealed and Daicd on:

Supreme Court Justice for the United States Republic


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