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Aug 03 14 09:33a Devine 641-622-3999 p.


. Corpora6ons, as Governmental Brokerage Houses:
BtfTGMLE We the Pen le are the Real Owners of Arican and the Governments' but both TGmLE
Fictitious the Federal and States have been acts SECRETE Governmental Brokers e Just and Real
Commercial "-.Rouses in order to have us e of our Asseeld b Ur Fie6tious OBLIGOR` to Commeree
Comene be toeessed in ComMercmICornrec as P a d CALL 0 lions. SIDE
Aug 03 14 09:33a Dovine 641-622-3999 p.2

Cam If R. FIafv 's Finance DI n`c

BROKED-DEALER: erson th er tha nAn
a ban en a ed in thusiness of b in or sellin securities on ks
beflalpr for othe See: Dealer.
D]EALER: An entity that stands ready and willing to buy a security for its own account (at its bid price) or sell from
its own account (at its ask price) Individual or firm acting as a principalin a securities transacdon. Principals are
market makers in securities, and thus trade for their own account and risk. Antithesis of broker. See: Agency.
CALL : An option that giyes the holder the right to buy the underlying asset.
CALL OPTION: An option contract that gives its holder the right (tut not the obligation) to purchase a specified
number of shares of the underlying stock at the given strike price, on or before the exl)imtion date of the
CALL AN OPTION: To exercise a call option.
CALLABIILITY: Feature of a security that allows the issuer to redeem the security prior to maturity by calling it in,
or forcing the holder to sell it back.
CALLABLE: Applies mainly to convertible securi6es. Redeemable by tf1e issuer before the scheduled maturity
under specific conditions and at a stated price, which usually begins at a premium to par and declines annually.
Bonds are usuafly called when interest mies fall so significandy that the issuer can save money by issuing new
bonds at lower rates.
CALLED AWAY: Conver6ble: Redeemed before maturity.
Ofl6on: Call or put option exercised against the stockholder I:l)ourFicurious OBLIGOR).
PUT: An option granting the right to sell(to your F-:ditions ORLIGOR)the underlying futures contract. Opposite of a
PUT OPTJON: This secun`ty gives investors the right to sell(or put) a fixed number of shares at a fixed price
within a given period. An investor, for example, might wish to have the right to sell shares cf a stock at a certain
price by a certain time in order to protect, or hedge, an existing investment.
PUT AN OPTION: To exercise a put opt]t'on.

PUT TO SELLER (OBUGOR}: Exercise a put option; require that the option writer to purchase the stock at the
strike price.
UBS Ofeliaf Bankin
CALL: Also:calf option. Option conveying the right to purchase the underlying. Opposite; put.
DEALER: Someone who, in addition to acting as a buying and selling AGENT for others, buys and sells for his own
account. See also broker
FUT: Also: put option. An option that confers on the buyer (seller!Obligor) the right to sell the underlying. OPposite:
SERYITffffE: Obligation on the owner of real property to render a speci6cd service (such as maintaining a mad
through the property). Servitudes are recorded on the land certi6cate for the property,
SECIIRITIES: CI) An investment instrument, other than an insurance policy or fixed annuity, issued by a
corpora6on, government Or other organ!on and which is suitable for trading- also derivative instruments.
(2) Instruments that signify an ownership position in a corporation (stocks or sharcs), a creditor relationship with a
corporation or government body (bonds), or rights to ownership such as those embodied in op6oas or
subscription rights.
STOCRIfRORER: Afso; stock exchange dealer, bwker. "An individual or firm which trades Professionally on the
stock exchange in its own name on behalf of clients. More p isely, the broker (as op to the dlet) has .
mely ini or negoti ng eden in t Rn in its o ne but r t of the cl t
or pmvi e s2bil of such so Hes s.

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