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K TO 12 School Nicanor Zabala National High School Grade Level 10

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Jackie Lou S. Villarba Learning Area Cookery
Teaching Dates and Time November 02-4, 2022 – 10:30-11:30 Quarter 2


A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding preparing and cooking vegetable dishes
B. Performance The learners independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes
C. Learning LO 1. Perform mise en place
Competencies /
Objectives Write
the LC code for 1.1. identify ingredients 1.2. prepare ingredients according to a given recipe,
each HOLIDAY according to standard required form, and timeframe
1. Principles of preparing vegetables
2. Characteristics of quality vegetables
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide TLE_HECK10- 12VD-IIa-9
2. Learner’s Page 141-193
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal

B. Other .

A. Reviewing the Ask students to enumerate
previous lesson or Let students sing the song Ask students to enumerate vegetables and their colors.
presenting the new “Bahay Kubo” vegetables from their
lesson assignment and classify Video lesson on how a
Enumerate the vegetables them according to their vegetable gets its colors, its
from the song... group. nutrients, and components

HOLIDAY Let students group From their assignment also,

vegetables which they think Ask the student to
are together… enumerate the tools needed
in preparing the dish.

B. Establishing a
purpose for the Group Activity:
lesson Each group will give one
Ask students about the Ask the students what the
purpose on knowing the
importance of knowing the purpose of the color in every
proper tools and equipment
classification of vegetables... vegetable in a dish is.
to be used in preparing
vegetable dishes…

C. Presenting
examples/ Video lesson on the Video lesson on Tools and Showing pictures of a dish.
instances of the classification of vegetables… Equipment Needed in Let students describe and
new lesson Preparing Vegetables and give the purpose of the color
their uses… of the vegetable in the dish.

D. Discussing new Pared activity: Group activity:

concepts and Showing cooking videos on Each student will have
practicing new vegetables. placards Each group will present
skills #1 Some placards have pictures their own ideas on the
Ask students what vegetables of tools and equipment, and following topic:
are used in the cooking the other description on how
to use each tool and
In which classification does equipment. Group 1: Flavor

each vegetable belong? Components of Vegetables
Group 2 : Color Components
The student will search for Group 3: Factors to consider
his pair. in choosing good quality
The pair which has the vegetables
picture and correct uses of it Group 4: Nutritional Value
will gain 5 pts. of Vegetables

E. Discussing new
concepts and Activity sheets on the Video lesson on following
practicing new classification of vegetables. topics:
skills #2
Group 1: Flavor
Components of Vegetables
Activity sheets on tools and Group 2 : Color Components
Group 3: Factors to consider
in choosing good quality
Group 4: Nutritional Value
of Vegetables

F. Developing Enumerate the classification The student will enumerate

mastery (Leads to of vegetables. tools and equipment and Class Activity:
Formative their uses.
Assessment 3) Students will give one Group Yourselves
vegetable for each
classification Each student will have
placards of different words
from the topic discussed.

Students will find their

group to form a particular

Group 1: Flavor
Components of Vegetables
Group 2 : Color Components
Group 3: Factors to consider
in choosing good quality
Group 4: Nutritional Value
of Vegetables

G. Finding
practical Teacher will give one
The teacher will show a
applications of The teacher will give one vegetable.
video on how to use a
concepts and skills vegetable in each particular tool and
in daily living Student will identify the
classification, students will equipment.
flavor and color component
identify the dish where the of the vegetable given and
given vegetable is used. The student will determine
factors to consider in
the tools or equipment used.
choosing its good quality.

H. Making
generalizations Group activity: Class activity: Students will enumerate the
and abstractions following topic:
about the lesson Each group will perform Students will enumerate the
different tasks, the content of tools and equipment and its 1: Flavor Components of
their tasks is the uses. Vegetables
classification of vegetables 2 : Color Components
3: Factors to consider in
The task is: choosing good quality
Group 1: Singing and dance 4: Nutritional Value of
Group 2: Poetry and rap

I. Evaluating Activity sheet for evaluation Activity sheet on tools and

learning on the classification of equipment used in preparing
vegetables… vegetables.

Activity sheet on :
1. Flavor Components of
2 : Color Components
3: Factors to consider in
choosing good quality
4: Nutritional Value of

J. Additional .
activities for Assignment:
application or
remediation Search or look for a
vegetable recipe (5 pts).
Write it on clean bond paper
(5 pts), and design your
recipe (5 pts). Make it
creative, neat, and readable
(5 pts)

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% on
the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with

the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?


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