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Life path number: year + month + day (tổng thể blueprint)

2. Birthday number: day
3. First impression number: month + day

4. Inner soul number: sum = all of vowels in full name (Your truly desire)
5. Character number: sum = consanants in full name (personality your avatar)
6. Expression number: sum= the whole letters in full name (strength and weakness) destiny

 Birth Day number 1 - The Leader...

 Birth Day number 2 - The Peacemaker...
 Birth Day number 3 - The Creative Child...
 Birth Day number 4 - The Salt of the Earth...
 Birth Day number 5 - The Freedom Lover...
 Birth Day number 6 - Love and Sacrifice...
 Birth Day number 7 - Seeker of Wisdom...
 Birth Day number 8 - Balance & Power...
 Birth Day number 9 - Global Awareness...
 Birth Day number 10 - Taking Charge...
 Birth Day number 11 - The Intuitive...
 Birth Day number 12 - Self Expression...
 Birth Day number 13 - The Rock...
 Birth Day number 14 - The Adventurer...
 Birth Day number 15 - Mother-/Fatherhood...
 Birth Day number 16 - Phoenix Rising...
 Birth Day number 17 - Success Through Detachment...
 Birth Day number 18 - The World is your Oyster...
 Birth Day number 19 - The Individualist...
 Birth Day number 20 - Bringer of Harmony...
 Birth Day number 21 - Express & Create...
 Birth Day number 22 - The Master Builder...
 Birth Day number 23 - Adaptable & Versatile...
 Birth Day number 24 - Teacher & Healer...
 Birth Day number 25 - Spiritual Growth...
 Birth Day number 26 - Between Matter & Spirit...
 Birth Day number 27 - The People's Spirit...
 Birth Day number 28 - Self Empowerment...
 Birth Day number 29 - The Psychic...
 Birth Day number 30 - Perform & Express...
 Birth Day number 31 - Power of Work...

 1. If You’re Born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of the Month
 People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th are all a “1” in numerology. Ones
are leaders, independent, active, adventurous, original, and easily bored. They
often take a heroic stance on life and they thrive on overcoming obstacles. They
can become depressed when not achieving their ideals. Ones are meant to go
their own unique way. They pride themselves on being up-to-date and forward in
their thinking. They can be pioneers in life and sometimes myopic in their point
of view. They can sometimes feel like the square peg in a round hole though.
 2. If You’re Born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of the Month
 People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th are all a “2” in numerology. Twos are
sensitive, creative, understanding and deep people. They are generally more
comfortable in the background. They have skill at being supportive of others and
often a knack for tuning right into whatever individual they are dealing with in
the moment may need. Twos are collectors, and they can be perfectionists. They
work to bring harmony and peace if possible, and relationships are important but
not always easy. Twos can be over-accommodating at times and can get pulled
into losing themselves to please others.
 3. If You’re Born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of the Month
 People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th are all a “3” in numerology. Threes
are outgoing, optimistic, talkative, scattered, and enjoy social exchange. Many
threes are naturally creative but this can express itself in different types of ways.
They are often good at multitasking and handle a lot of different things at once
but sometimes have to learn to finish projects before moving onto the next thing
of interest. They are colorful and often a strong sense of style. Developing
communication skills and self-expression are part of the three’s path. Sometimes
sharing too much can be an issue, too.
 4. If You’re Born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of the Month
 People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st are all a “4” in numerology. Fours are
hardworking, consistent, practical, reliable and build their lives in a stone-by-
stone fashion. The urge to fix, solve, resolve, and make things more efficient is
part of their wiring. They can be very dedicated to the things they commit to.
They may go through a number of job experiences in order to find the right fit.
They can be frustrated at times by things seeming to take a long time and can
sometimes be stubborn. But, like a tortoise, their perseverance usually will
inevitably pay off.
 5. If You’re Born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of the Month
 People born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd are all “5” in numerology. The five is
nonconformist, active, versatile, enthusiastic, gregarious, and adaptive. They love
to taste, touch, smell, and experience all of the physical senses with great
enthusiasm. They are naturally curious, and this can also show itself as
restlessness and even impatience. There focus is on what is next, and this creates
a life of excitement and transformation. They may go through some really rough
patches or storms more than a few times in life but, like the mystical Phoenix,
often transform and evolve in the process.
 6. If You’re Born on 6th, 15th and 24th of the Month
 People born on the 6th, 15th and 24th are all a “6” in numerology. The six is
responsible, natural caretakers, teachers, and love the idea of creating a
comfortable home. They naturally gravitate toward service professions and are
excellent at helping others. They are often more comfortable in the “giver” role.
They often have a strong sense of moral code and tend to make good parents
and may even be inclined to “parent” and teach even if they aren’t asked to!
Sixes may love to travel but will really enjoy coming home to their comfy homes.
Because they are geared toward service to others, they can sometimes get
caught in the trap of being the “rescuer.” This may not always end well.
 7. If You’re Born on the 7th, 16th and 25th of the Month
 People born on the 7th, 16th, 25th are all a “7” in numerology. The seven is
elegant, refined, a perfectionist and often knowledgeable. You may find people
who are avid students seeking new knowledge in both traditional and non-
traditional ways. They look to understand the deeper mysteries of life. Sevens are
usually not materialistic but may actually end up doing very well because of their
tendency to become an expert. They need periods of quiet time and may be seen
as aloof by others. The urge to become a specialist is strong although they may
have pockets of knowledge in areas that might surprise people. The
contemplative natures and tendency to “footnote” experiences can sometimes
make them spend more time thinking about what they would like to do rather
than just doing it.
 8. If You’re Born on the 8th, 17th and 26th of the Month
 People born on the 8th, 17th and 26th are all a “8” in numerology. The eight is
geared toward mastering whatever they do. They often have a loud internal
critic, so they correct themselves before others have to. Eights can be strong,
decisive, blunt, and geared toward success. They often have the “off with your
heads” or “let me do it myself so it gets done correctly” perspective. They may
often find themselves taking over, but this leaves them frustrated when too
much work and responsibility gets dumped in their laps. Still, even when this
happens they are good at handling things. Eights can be surprisingly submissive
at times, especially in relationships. They secretly enjoy someone else handling
things once in a while.
 9. If You’re Born on the 9th, 18th and 27th of the Month
 People born on the 9th, 18th and 27th are all a “9” in numerology. The nine is
philosophical, dramatic, tolerant, intuitive, and compassionate. They are working
on developing understanding and wisdom. They are idealists but may at times
become cynical if things don’t go their way. They can be passionate and at times
moody. The nine is often generous and is geared toward humanitarian works.
Their lives truly need to mean something. There is a strong urge to help others in
both tangible and emotional ways. At times they can be confused and pulled in
multiple directions. Their kind natures can sometimes have people taking
advantage of them and casting them in the role of martyr.
 10. If You’re Born on the 11th and 29th of the Month
 Master number birthdays are the 11th and 29th. They are “two’s” in numerology
but also have an added path of being in the limelight, possibly famous, refined,
eccentric, and inspirational to others. They can experience unrequited love in life
at times because their ability to see the best and the potential in other people.
This naturally attracts many to them, but may lead to getting let down.
 11. If You’re Born on the 22nd of the Month
 Master number birthday 22nd is also a “four” in numerology. They have an added
path of being visionaries, leaders, and masterful. They need to put their high
ideals into the tangible world. They can be master builders and construct great
things in life but may have to guard against having too many plans and setbacks
with less scrupulous people along the way.
 12. If You Have Two Birth Path Numbers
 If you see yourself in another number in this list as well it may be that you
actually have that number too! Aside from our birthday number, our full date of
birth number is another aspect of our life path. Example: if you were born on 4-
23-1980, you would have a “5” (from the 23) birthday but add all of the numbers
together and reduce to a singular digit for a second number: 4+2+3+1+9+8+0=27.
Then 2+7=9. This would make you both a “5” and a “9.”  And if you were born on
9-1-2002, you’d be a “1” birthday, but add all of the numbers and reduce to a
singular digit for the second number: 9+1+2+0+0+2=14. Then 1+4=5. This would
make you a “1” and a “5.”

1. Leader
2. Creator
3. Communicator
4. Problem solver
5. Talent
6. Server
7. Expert
8. Manifester
9. Humanitarian
11. Intuitive
22. Humanity master
33. Spiritual teacher
Ārambhatha1 nikkamatha2
Yuñjatha3 buddhasāsane4
Dhunātha5 maccuno6 senaṃ7
Naḷāgāraṃva8 kuñjaro9
Yo10 imasmiṃ11 dhammavinaye12
Appamatto13 vihassati14
Pahāya15 jātisaṃsāraṃ16
Dukkhassantaṃ17 karissatī18

(Các người) hãy nỗ lực, hãy xả ly,

hãy sống trong giáo Pháp của đức Phật
hãy tiêu diệt quân đội của Ma vương
Giống như voi tàn phá nhà rong
Người - không phóng dật -
Sẽ an trú trong Pháp và Luật này
Hễ có sự đoạn tận luân hồi tái sinh,
Sẽ có sự chấm dứt khổ đau

(Động từ biến thể thành danh động từ đuôi ya, mục đích nhấn mạnh đến mối
quan hệ nhân quả “hễ có cái này, sẽ có cái kia”)
Pahāya jātisaṃsāraṃ (hoti), dukkhassantaṃ karissati

Nỗ lực -Động từ ngôi II số nhiều (thể mệnh lệnh hoặc hiện tại đơn)
Xả ly – Động từ ngôi II số nhiều (thể mệnh lệnh hoặc hiện tại đơn)
Thể nhập với – Động từ ngôi II số nhiều (thể mệnh lệnh hoặc hiện tại đơn)
Giáo pháp của Đức Phật - C7 Định sở cách số ít danh từ nam tánh đuôi A
Tiêu diệt – Động tử ngôi II số nhiều (thể mệnh lệnh hoặc hiện tại đơn)
Của thần chết - C6 Sở thuộc cách số ít danh từ nam tánh đuôi U
Đội quân - C2 Đối cách số ít danh từ nữ tánh đuôi Ā
Giống như mái nhà rong/ nhà tre - Mệnh đề quan hệ đuôi IVA (so sánh, ảnh dụ): Danh từ + iva.
Con voi – C1 Chủ cách danh từ nam tánh đuôi A. Động từ được hiểu ngầm ở vế trước dhunāti (dhunātha)
Đại từ ya chia theo nam tánh ngôi I đuôi A
Đại từ ima chia theo C7 Định sở cách số ít
Pháp và Luật – C7 Định sở cách danh từ nam tánh đuôi A
Không phóng dật – C1 chủ cách số ít bỗ nghĩa cho đại từ YO
An trú – Động từ số ít thì tương lai
Sự đoạn tận – Danh động từ của ĐT pajahati
Luân hồi tái sinh – C2 Đối cách số ít danh từ nam tánh đuôi A
Sự chấm dứt khổ đau C2 đối cách số ít danh từ nam tánh đuôi A
Khiến cho – Động từ ngôi III số ít thì tương lai đơn

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