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Purpose of reading
Reading is one of the most important academic tasks faced by students, it is equally important in
the commercial world.
The purpose of reading is to make sense out of what you read, to understand the topic or enrich
your knowledge about a topic, to derive pleasure. To understand what is happening around you.
During reading you need to concentrate and be alert so that you will be able to grasp the message
at first reading.
Reasons for poor comprehension skill
 Inability to understand a word, Inability to understand a sentence

 Inability to understand how sentences relate

 Lack of interest

 Noise

 Prejudice

 Improper content

Tips for improving comprehension skills

Improved comprehension skills can positively impact many facets of student‗s academic
The following are some of the ways in which comprehension skills can be improved:
• Read a variety of materials. Do not limit yourself to textbooks.

• Read a fairly long portion of the material. It would be difficult to assess reading
comprehension based on one or two paragraphs. Try to read an entire section or chapter

• Circle unknown or unfamiliar words as you read.

• After reading, recall as much of the information as possible. Jot down points if you like.
Then check the accuracy and completeness of your recollections. If the main ideas are
presented in a particular order, see if you can recall the structure.

• Consider how interesting the subject matter is and how much you already know about the

• Answer questions about the material after reading it.

Department of English
• To enhance understanding of the content in a text.

• To improve understanding of how information is organized in a text.

• To improve attention and concentration while reading.

• To make reading a more active process.
• To increase personal involvement in the reading material.
• To promote critical thinking and evaluation of reading material.
• To enhance registration and recall of text information in one's memory.

Types of reading
Scanning Skills
• Locate information as soon as possible

• Know what you want to Find

• Do not Read Everything

• Know the Organization of the Material

• Concentrate while Scanning

Skimming Skills
• Rapid reading technique

• Identifying the Central Idea

• Recognizing Main Ideas

• Identifying the Writing Patterns of the Passage/Text-definition-description-sequence of

events-generalization- illustration

Difference between scanning and skimming
Skimming is-
• Reading and finding important points

• central idea, overview, Recognize- illustration

Scanning is -
• Look for particular information

• Finding what you are looking for-definition-description- fact- figures

Department of English
Intensive Reading
• Detailed reading- needs concentration

• Identify, evaluate, understand, respond

• Examples and ideas

• Distinction between Facts and Opinions

• Drawing Inferences

• Drawing Conclusions

Extensive Reading
• For general reading

• Looking for core and supporting ideas

• No focus on vocabulary, syntax

• Enjoy rather than comprehend

• Supportive reading

Other Types
• Silent and loud

• Critical reading

Department of English

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