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a) The Lloyd’s Register Group (LRG) is also a world leader in evaluating company
processes and goods against internationally accepted standards. LRG employs
8,000 individuals across 186 countries. The company adheres to the notion that
business assurance is something that defines the business rather than
something that it accomplishes. The company's major goal is to establish a
strong presence in the market. Although it has a well-defined purpose, the
problem emerges when individual employee initiatives do not adhere to a certain

II. Statement of the Problem

a) The Lloyd's Register Group can employ Nominal Group Technique to align
individual businesses since ideas are written on a marker board or flipchart and
the procedure is repeated until all ideas are documented. Taking ideas from
group members one at a time ensures a mix of recorded thoughts, making it
more difficult for members to remember which ideas belong to which individual.
b) The Lloyd's Register Group must adopt a Kaizen approach to employee roles in
order to establish a performance metric for employees. Employees must be
responsible for participating in Kaizen by participating in teamwork activities,
engaging in continuous self-improvement activities, and enhancing job skills
through education and training.
c) In terms of customer satisfaction, the ISO 9000 standard has a significant impact
on Lloyd's Register Group. ISO 9000 certification identifies areas where the end
product's quality can be enhanced, leading to continuous improvement in outputs
and, ultimately, higher levels of customer satisfaction.
III. Areas of Consideration

a) The LRG must analyze the management structure in which decisions are solely
made by top management. It may also be seen that employees' tactics do not
adhere to a single measure. Employees lose their voice as a result of this issue,
which might aid in the company's continuous improvement.
 Management System
 Employee Behavior
 Organizational or Managerial Control
 Policy

IV. Alternative Courses of Action

It must contain at least (2) two courses of action for every point stated in the statement
of the problem. It must also present the advantages and disadvantages of each course
of action in resolving the organizational problem.

Alternative 1: The Lloyd's Register Group must communicate openly.

 Allow staff to share their suggestions for continuous improvement. When staff
meet the given quota or target, praise and recognize their efforts.

Alternative 2: The Lloyd's Register Group must closely adhere to the rules for
strategy homogeneity.

 Implement the standards strictly to ensure strategy consistency and provide

personnel with refresher training. Involving employees in brainstorming for
corporate improvement

V. Recommendation

a) I recommend ISO 9000 because experts and businesses that have gone through
the rigorous certification process agree that businesses that appoint someone to
guide the process are much more likely to be able to go through it in a healthy,
productive manner than firms with murky reporting relationships. In resolving any
organizational challenge, it must propose the optimal course of action among the
possibilities presented.

VI. Management Lessons Learned

a) The management must recognize that in every circumstance they created, they
may x it; they must avoid the "closed-loop top management system," which
allowed employees to lose their voice in the continuous development of the
company's various processes. There was little or no link between strategy and
operational performance before the program.

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