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Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences

NLM ID: 101671413 ISSN:2454-2288

Volume 6 Issue 1 Jan-March 2020
Case Report

Management of immature open apex using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Plug Technique-
Case Report
Vijay Ugale1, Mohini Lokhande2, Swapnil Kolhe3, Meenal Gulve4
1Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, MGV’s KBH Dental College and Hospital, Nashik
2Part III MDS, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, MGV’s KBH Dental College and Hospital, Nashik
3Professor, Department. of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, MGV’s KBH Dental College and Hospital, Nashik

4Principal and Head of The Department, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, MGV’s KBH Dental College and Hospital,



Trauma or caries during root development causes pulp necrosis result in immature root formation. The
absence of a natural constriction at the end of the root canal makes control of filling materials difficult.
Apexification or induction of apical closure is choice for such condition. Most commonly used materials
are calcium hydroxide or MTA. MTA has several advantages such as good sealing property,
biocompatibility and periradicular tissue regeneration. This case report present management of maxillary
anterior teeth with immature open apex using mineral trioxide aggregate apical plug.

Apexification, Calcium Hydroxide,
immature open apex, mineral trioxide

INTRODUCTION can be defined as a ‘method to induce a

Health The primary objective in calcified barrier in a root with an open apex
endodontic therapy is complete obturation or the continued apical development of
of root canal space to prevent reinfection.1 teeth with incomplete roots and a necrotic
Management of immature root with a pulp’ (American Association of
necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis is a Endodontists 2003). Calcium hydroxide and
challenging task. Incomplete root MTA is most commonly used for this
development caused by trauma, caries and purpose. Calcium hydroxide is used for the
other pulpal pathosis, result in absence of induction of hard tissue barrier. But, this
natural constriction at the end of the root, material requires 5–20 months to form the
causes difficulty in obturation of the root hard tissue barrier and also weakens the
canal.2 The aim is to seal a sizeable resistance of the dentin to fracture.3 This
communication between the root canal unpredictable and often lengthy course of
system and the periradicular tissue and this treatment create the challenges,
provide a barrier against which obturation including the vulnerability of the temporary
material can be compacted.2 Apexification
* Corresponding author: Dr. Vijay B. Ugale,01, Atharv Heights,Karmayogi Nagar, Nashik.Mobile No. 7972280772Email Address-

coronal restoration to re-infection. private clinic. The medical history was not
Moreover, the treatment requires a high significant. Clinical examination revealed
level of patient compliance.4 slightly grayish discolored tooth 11 and 12
A one step apexification procedure and previously attempted root canal
eliminates these problems. It implies the treatment in the same tooth. The tooth was
non-surgical compaction of a biocompatible tender to percussion. Intraoral periapical
material into the apical end of the root radiograph showed well-defined periapical
canal, thus, creating an apical stop and radiolucency and previous endodontic
enabling immediate filling of the root treatment with over extended gutta-percha
canal.5 MTA has been described as a good in relation to 11 (Fig.1). After examination
material for this procedure owing to its ReRCT of 11 and 12 was decided. After
good canal sealing property, written consent, complete removal of GP
biocompatibility and ability to promote radiograph showed wide open apex in
dental pulp and periradicular tissue relation to 11. After discussing different
regeneration and produces apical hard treatment options with the patient, we opted
tissue formation with significantly greater to go for MTA apexification. Working
consistency than calcium hydroxide.6 It has length was established by radiograph
been reported that MTA root fillings placed (Fig.2). Root canal was chemo-
at the cemental canal limit showed better mechanically debrided with circumferential
results than overfillings and helps inthe filing using the International Organization
formation of bone and periodontium around for Standardization (ISO) 80 K-file
its interface.7 It also offers a barrier at the (DentsplyMaillefer, Switzerland) in
end of the root canal (apical plug) in teeth conjunction with copious amount of 3%
with necrotic pulps and open apices that sodium hypochlorite (Shivam Industries,
permits vertical condensation of warm India) and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic
gutta-percha in the remaining canal.7 acid (EDTA) solution. The canals were
This article presents a case treated dried with sterile paper points and filled
with MTA apexification in immature open with calcium hydroxide (Metapex, Meta
maxillary anterior teeth. Biomed Co. Ltd., Korea) and the access
cavity was sealed with Cavit (3M ESPE
Case 1 AG, Seefeld, Germany). One week later,
A 21 year old female patient reported with a tooth was again accessed under rubber dam
chief complaint of pain in maxillary right isolation, and copious amount of normal
central and lateral incisor. History revealed saline was used to remove any remnants of
that the patient had suffered trauma 10 the calcium hydroxide medicament. Canal
years back and undergone treatment in a was thoroughly dried with absorbent paper

Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences 6(1);2020


points. White MTA Angelus (Angelus, Case 2

Londrina, PR, Brazil) was mixed according A 20 -year-old male patient presented with
to manufacturer’s instructions and carried the chief complaint of discomfort while
to the canal with an amalgam carrier. chewing in front region of upper jaw.
Apical plug of 5mm of thick paste of MTA Patient gave a history of traumatic incident
was condensed using hand pluggers and 5 years back for which she had visited a
confirmed radiographically (Fig.3). After private clinic. Medical history was
placing a moist cotton pellet, the access insignificant. Clinical examination revealed
cavity was restored with Cavit. After 72 slightly discolored tooth 12 and previously
hours, the hard set of MTA was confirmed attempted treatment in the same tooth. The
and the remainder of the root canal was tooth was tender to percussion. Tooth also
obturated with thermoplasticized gutta- did not respond to cold and electric pulp
percha (Obtura II, Obtura Spartan, and vitality tests. Intraoral readiograph showed
Fenton, Missouri, USA) and zinc oxide a well-defined periapical radiolucency
eugenol sealer followed with post endo surrounding the wide open apex of tooth 12
restoration with composite (Fitek Z350 XT (Fig.5). Diagnosis was pulpal necrosis with
3M ESPE) ( Fig. 4). chronic apical periodontitis. After detailed
discussion with the patient, we decided to
perform MTA apexification procedure.
Written consent was obtained from the
patient. After rubber dam isolation, access
cavity was prepared and working length
determined using the radiograph (Fig.6).
Root canal was chemo-mechanically
debrided with circumferential filing using
Figure 1 Figure 2
the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 80 K-file
(DentsplyMaillefer, Switzerland) in
conjunction with copious amount of 3%
sodium hypochlorite (Shivam Industries,
India) and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (EDTA) solution. The canals were
dried with sterile paper points and filled
with calcium hydroxide (Metapex, Meta
Biomed Co. Ltd., Korea) and the access
Figure 3 Figure 4
cavity was sealed with Cavit (3M ESPE

Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences 6(1);2020


AG, Seefeld, Germany). One week later,

tooth was again accessed and copious
amount of normal saline was used to
remove any remnants of the calcium
hydroxide medicament. Canal was
thoroughly dried with absorbent paper
points. White MTA Angelus (Angelus,
Londrina, PR, Brazil) was mixed according
to manufacturer’s instructions and carried
to the canal with an amalgam carrier.
Figure 8 Figure 9
Apical plug of 5mm of thick pasteof MTA
was condensed
Fenton, Missouri, USA) and zinc oxide
using hand pluggers and confirmed eugenol sealer followed with post
radiographically (Fig.7). After placing a endodontic restoration with composite
moist cotton pellet, the access cavity was (Filtek Z350 XT 3M ESPE) (Fig. 8).
restored with Cavit. After 72 hours, the
hard set of MTA was confirmed and the Discussion
remainder of the root canal was obturated Apexification is necessary to obtain
with thermoplasticized gutta-percha an apical barrier which prevent the passage
(Obtura II, Obtura Spartan, and of toxins and bacteria into periapical
tissues, also this barrier is mandatory to
allow the compaction of the root filling
material.8 Apexification is supposed to
create an environment to permit deposition
of periodontal tissues to continue root
development.9 Calcium hydroxide has been
considered as an efficient material for this
purpose. This chemical has several
disadvantages such as difficulty of the
Figure 6 Figure 7 patient’s recall management and delay in
the treatment, unpredictability of apical
closure, failure in controlling infection,
recurrence of infection.10,11 Furthermore,
there is cervical fracture, and increased risk
of root fractureafter dressing.12 MTA has

Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences 6(1);2020


been developed by Torabinejad and silicon oil (Metapex) short term dressing
coworkers in 1990 at Loma Linda was given to disinfect the root canal
University. It is available as grey and white followed by application of MTA.
MTA. The material consists of tricalcium Matt GD et al17 investigated the
silicate, tricalcium aluminate, tetracalcium microhardness of 2mm and 5mm
aluminoferrite, and calcium sulphate thicknesses of white MTA used as an apical
dihydrate and silicate oxide. Presence of barrier and 5mm thickness was found to be
bismuth oxide makes it radiopaque. pH of significantly stronger with less leakage than
the material is 12.5 at three hours.13 The US a 2mm thickness egardless the placement
Food and Drug Administration approved technique used. The previous study
mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in 1998 investigated displacement of MTA as an
as a therapeutic endodontic material for apical barrier material in teeth with open
humans.14 The advantages of this material apices, showing that 5mm thickness of
are (i) reduction in treatment time, (ii) apical barrier offers significantly more
immediate restoration of the tooth, (iii) no resistance to displacement than 1mm
adverse effect on the mechanical properties thickness. This suggests that the thickness
of root dentin. In a prospective study, of MTA directly affects its hardness,
apexification treatment with MTA showed sealing ability and displacement when used
a high prevalence of healing and apical as an apical barrier.18 Therefore, in
closure.4 In MTA plug technique, root accordance with the previous studies, in our
canals must be disinfected with calcium case reports
hydroxide because performing chemo- 5mmofMTAapicalplugwasplaced.Aminosh
mechanical preparation alone is not ariae and coworkers with radiographic and
effective for complete elimination of microscopic evaluation showed that hand
microorganisms and recent data suggest method of placement and condensation of
that the combination of MTA and calcium MTA resulted in better adaptation with
hydroxide in apexification procedures may fewer voids than the ultrasonic method.19
favourably influence the regeneration of the Accordingly in the present case reports
periodontium.15 Cwikla et al. in their in MTA placement and condensation
vitro study determined the antibacterial followed manually with pluggers. In a
efficacy of three Ca(OH)2 formulations and comparative study on effectiveness of MTA
found Ca(OH)2 mixed with iodoform and and Ca(OH)2 in apexification, MTA
silicon oil (Metapex) was the most effective demonstrated good success and an effective
dentinal tubule disinfectant.16 Therefore, in option for apexification. However, MTA is
our case reports after minimal root canal much expensive and more difficult to work
preparation Ca(OH)2 with iodoform and with during placement in a root canal due to

Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences 6(1);2020


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