Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 048166802

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : MKWI4201/Bahasa Inggris

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Masa Ujian : 2022/23.1 (2022.2)

1. Please identify the part of the letter numbered 1-3! (Identifikasi
bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3.) :

1. Part of mailing address (Bagian alamat pengirim surat)

2. Part of the mailing address (Bagian alamat tujuan surat)
3. Content of letter (isi surat)

2. Please identify 3 (three) errors in the letter above. (Identifikasi 3

(tiga) kesalahan pada surat di atas)!! :

1. Wrong date writing, (example: January, 3rd 2022 and January,

10th 2022). ( Penulisan tanggal salah , (contoh : January, 3rd
2022 dan January, 10th 2022)

2. The sender's name does not need to be written in the

institution's address. (Nama pengirim tidak perlu dituliskan di
alamat lembaga) .

3. The purpose of the letter should be to Ms. Renaldi, not Ms.

Thermopolis. (Tujuan surat harusnya ke Ms. Renaldi, bukan Ms.

3. You are a purchasing manager of a well-known smartphone

company and you would like to collaborate with a speaker
company. Please write a body letter that explains your needs and
you ask for their catalogue, price list, and product sample!
(Anda adalah purchasing manager di sebuah perusahaan ponsel
terkemuka, dan ingin bekerja sama Dengan sebuah perusahaan
pengeras suara. Tulislah sebuah surat singkat yang menyatakan bahwa
Anda Tertarik untuk bekerja sama dan Anda meminta perusahaan
tersebut untuk mengirimkan katalog, daftar Harga, dan contoh produk
mereka) :
Samsung, Ltd.
231, Avenue
South Korea

November, 04 2022

Sharon McEvans
JBL Professional
8500 Balboa Boulevard,
Northridge, California

Dear Ms. McEvans,

We are a very reputable smartphone company in South Korea with
several branches. We heard about your speaker company and would
like to collaborate with you. Since we work in the field of technology,
there is a suitable opportunity for both of us.

Would it be possible if you send the catalog, pricelist, and product

sample of your company. It will be an honour to work with your
company. Thank you for your attention and help. We are looking
forward to hearing your reply.

Shannon Herbert,
Purchasing Manager
4. You are going to move to a new job. Your boss and colleagues held
a farewell party and gave you a tablet As a goodbye gift. Write a
thanking email about the gift. (Anda akan pindah ke kantor baru.
Atasan dan rekan-rekan Anda di kantor lama mengadakan acara
perpisahan dan memberi Anda hadiah berupa tablet. Tulislah sebuah
email ucapan terima kasih terkait pemberian hadiah tersebut ) :

November, 04 2022

Dear my boss and my coworkers,

Thank you for the release you made for me, thank you for making me
comfortable in the office with you and a very good boss. I am very
happy to meet you and work together in this office, may you all be
given health and be protected by God. Thank you for the gift given to
me , without you I probably would not be like this , would not be able
to develop . I am very happy to meet good bosses and coworkers like
all of you. Thank you very much, and see you later. God bless you..

Shanon Herbert .

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