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MM.40 S. S.

1-6=1marks 7-9=2marks 10-12=3marks

Set P CHEMISTRY Date:06 JAN 2023 13-15=5marks 16=4marks

1. How many coulombs are required for the oxidation of 0.1 mol of FeO to Fe2O3
(a) F (b) 0.2F (c) 0.1F (d) 0.3F
2. One mole of CrCl3 . 6H2O compound reacts with excess AgNO3 solution
to yield two moles of AgCl (s). The structural formula of the compound is
(A) [Cr(H2O)5 Cl] Cl2 . H2O (B) [Cr(H2O)3 Cl3] . 3H2O
(C) [Cr(H2O)4 Cl2] Cl . 2H2O (D) [Cr(H2O)6] Cl3
3. The slope in the plot of ln [R] Vs. time gives
(a) + k/2.303 (b) 2.303/k (c) – k (d)– k/2.303
4. The pair [Co(NH3)4 Cl2] Br2 and [Co(NH3)4 Br2] Cl2 will show
(a) Linkage isomerism (b) Hydrate isomerism
(c) Ionization isomerism (d) Coordinate isomerism
5. Equilibrium constant (Kc) for the given cell reaction is 10. Eocell for reaction
A2+ + B+  A3+ + B is :
(a) 0.0591V (b) 5.91 V (c) 0.00591V (d) 0.0591V
6. Assertion (A) : Hydrolysis of an ester follows first order kinetics.
Reason (R) : Concentration of water remains nearly constant during
the course of the reaction.
7. (a) Define crystal field splitting energy. On the basis of crystal field theory, write the
electronic configuration for d4 ion if o< P.
(b) [Ni(CN)4]2– is colourless whereas [Ni(H2O)6]2+ is green. Why ? (At. no. of Ni = 28)
8. Calculate the mass of Ag deposited at cathode when a current of 2 amperes was passed through a
solution of AgNO3 for 15 minutes.
(Given : Molar mass of Ag = 108 g mol–1 1F = 96500 C mol–1)
9. Difference between order and molecularity.
10. A first order reaction takes 23.1 minutes for 50% completion. Calculate the time required for
75% completion of this reaction.(Given : log 2 = 0.301, log 3 = 0.4771)
11. State Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions. Write its
two application with formula.
12. (i) What type of isomerism is shown by the complex [Co(NH3)6] [Cr(CN)6] ?
(ii) Why a solution of [Ni(H2O)6]2+ is green while a solution of [Ni(CN)4]2– is
colourless ? (At. no. of Ni = 28)
(iii) Write the IUPAC name of the following complex : [Co(NH3)5(CO3)]Cl.
13.(a)The electrical resistance of a column of 0·05 M KOH solution of diameter 1 cm and length
45·5 cm is 4·55 X 103 ohm. Calculate its molar conductivity.
(b) Define limiting molar conductivity. Why conductivity of an electrolyte solution
decreases with the decrease in concentration ?
(a) For the reaction,
2 AgCl (s) + H2 (g) (1 atm) ⎯⎯→ 2Ag (s) + 2H+ (0.1 M) + 2Cl– (0.1 M)
ΔGº = – 43600 J at 25ºC
Calculate the e.m.f. of the cell [log 10–n = –n]
(b) Define fuel cell and write its two advantages .

14. (i) Write down the IUPAC name of the following complex :
MM.40 S. S. 1-6=1marks 7-9=2marks 10-12=3marks

Set P CHEMISTRY Date:06 JAN 2023 13-15=5marks 16=4marks

[Cr(NH3)2Cl2(en)]Cl (en = ethylenediamine)

(ii) Write the formula for the following complex :
Pentaamminenitrito-o-Cobalt (III).
(iii) Draw the geometrical isomers of complex [Pt(NH 3)2Cl2].
(iv) Write the hybridization and magnetic behaviour of the complex [Ni(CO) 4].( Ni = 28)
15. (i) State Rate law write its factor and one of them
(ii)The following data were obtained for the reaction :
A + 2B C

(a) Find the order of reaction with respect to A and B.

(b) Write the rate law and overall order of reaction.
(c) Calculate the rate constant (k).
16. Read the passage given below and answer the followingquestions:
The electrochemical cell shown below is concentration cell. M|
M2+ (saturated solution of a sparingly soluble salt, MX 2 ) || M2+ (0.001 mol
dm-3 ) | M The emf of the cell depends on the difference in concentrations of
M2+ ions at the two electrodes. The emf of the cell at 298 K is 0.059 V.
The following questions are multiple choice questions. Choose the
most appropriate answer:
(i) The solubility product (Ksp, mol3 dm-9) of MX2 at 298 K based on the
information available for the given concentration cell is (take 2.303 x R x
298/P = 0.059)
(a) 2 x 10-15 (b) 4 x 10-15 (c) 3 x 10-12 (d) 1 x 1012
(ii) The value of ΔG (in kJ mol-1) for the given cell is ( 1F = 96500 C mol-1)
(a) 3.7 (b) -3.7 (c) 10.5 (d) -11.4
(iii) The equilibrium constant for the following reaction is
(Given, E0Ce4+/Ce3+=1.44  and EFe3+/Fe2+=0.68 V)
(a) 7.6 x 1012 (b) 6.5 x 1010 (c) 5.2 x 109 (d) 3.4 x 1012
(iv) To calculate the emf of the cell, which of the following options is

(a) emf = Ecathode - Eanode (b) emf = Eanode - Ecathode

(c) emf = Eanode + Ecathode (d) None of these

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