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Title: Teacher’s Strategies for Increasing Student’s Motivation and Engagement Post-Covid-19

1. It’s been a while since the school session is back to normal. Through your observation in the
classroom is there any differences in student’s attitude? Are they as high-spirited as they
were before the pandemic? Or did they become more passive?
2. As a teacher how do you handle these differences in your students? Can you share the
methods used to ensure all of them participate in the lesson?
3. Students have different abilities. There are weak, intermediate and advanced students. How
do you deal with student’s different abilities to catch up with the lesson?
4. Can you share your opinion why some of the students become demotivated in learning once
the school reopened?
5. How did you begin your teaching on the first day of the physical class? Did you start teaching
the syllabus right away or did you give some time for the students to warm up, for example,
letting them do activities in groups?
6. During the pandemic and the school is closed, the learning session is carried out online.
Once the school reopened, how is the student’s progress? Did they do their homework?
7. Referring to Question (5) did you have to reteach the syllabus you’ve covered during online
classes? Why? Do students find the lessons difficult to understand since they are taught
8. Referring to Question (6), does this affect the flow of your teaching? How do you ensure
students don’t feel overwhelm and keep them motivated?
9. What is your opinion on the inclusion of games in your classroom? Did you think this will
arouse the student’s interest towards learning?
10. There has been cases in which people are developing social anxiety due to the long period of
staying at home during the pandemic. If one of your students faces this mental health issues,
how would you help them to engage in the lesson?
11. What is your standard of a successful lesson in terms of student’s participation?

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