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Chapter III

Results and Discussion


After the process of giving a survey to a two hundred (200) Grade11 students who study in Saint Joseph
Institute of Technology, it revealed the problems encountered in learning English as a second language.

Part I. Motivation results and interpretation.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 77 385 38.5%

Agree 4 85 340 42.5%

Moderately Agree 3 22 66 11%

Disagree 2 14 28 7%

Strongly Disagree 1 2 2 1%

Total 200 821 100%

MeanTotal 4.105

Table 1.1. Motivation Question 1

Table 1.1. shows that the respondents answers and most of them agreed having 42.5% , that they have
interest in learning English as a second language. The other grade 11 responded that they strongly
agreed having 38.5%, few Moderately agreed with 11%, disagreed with 7%, and strongly disagreed with

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 71 355 35.5 %

Agree 4 97 388 48.5 %

Moderately Agree 3 18 54 9%

Disagree 2 11 23 5.5 %

Strongly Disagree 1 3 6 1.5 %

Total 826 100 %

Mean Total 4.11


Table 1.2. Motivation Question 2

Table 1.2. shows that respondents agreed with 48.5% percentage, stating that grade 11 like to learn
English as a second language to be able to communicate with others. They also strongly agreed with
35.5 % percentage, moderately agreed with 9 %, disagreed with 5.5 % and strongly disagreed with 1.5 %.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 76 380 38 %

Agree 4 90 360 45 %

Moderately Agree 3 21 63 10.5 %

Disagree 2 11 22 5.5 %

Strongly Disagree 1 2 2 1%

Total 200 827 100 %

Mean Total 4.135


Table 1.3. Motivation Question 3

Table 1.3. shows that most of the respondents agreed with 45% percentage that the grade 11 students
are encouraged to learn English as second language to overcome their problem learning it. The 38 %
strongly agreed of being encouarged to learn English. Some of the respondents moderately agreed with
10.5 %, disagreed with 5.5%, and strongly disgareed with 1 %.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 68 340 34 %

Agree 4 99 396 49.5 %

Moderately Agree 3 23 69 11.5 %

Disagree 2 9 18 4.5 %
Strongly Disagree 1 1 1 0.5 %

Total 200 824 100 %

Mean Total 4.12


Table 1.4. Motivation Question

Table 1.4. shows that most of the grade 11 students agreed with a percentage of 49.5 %, they enjoy
learning English as second language, the 34 % of the respondents strong agreed that they also enjoy
learning English. Few responded with 11.5 % that they moderately agree, 4.5 % as they are disagreed,
and 0.5 % that they strongly disagreed.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 74 370 37%

Agree 4 103 412 51.5 %

Moderately Agree 3 11 33 5.5 %

Disagree 2 11 22 5.5 %

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1 0.5 %

Total 200 838 100 %

Mean Total 4.19


Table 1.5. Motivation Question

Table 1.5. shows that respondents agreed with 51.5 % that they can express their thoughts in English,
also 37% strongly agreed about it. Some respondents moderately agreed with 5.5% same percentage
with disagreed 5.5% and strongly disagreed got 0.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 78 390 39 %

Agree 4 100 400 50%

Moderately Agree 3 15 45 7.5%

Disagree 2 6 12 3%

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1 0.5%

Total 200 848 100 %

Mean Total 4.24


Table 1.6. Motivation Question

Table 1.6. shows that grade 11 agreed with 50% that they are forced to learn English as a subject
requirements, they also strongly agreed with 39%. Some responded moderately agreed with 7.5% ,
disagreed with 3%, and strongly disgareed with 0.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 81 405 40.5%

Agree 4 89 356 44.5%

Moderately Agree 3 25 75 12.5%

Disagree 2 4 8 4%

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1 0.5%

Total 200 845 100 %

Mean Total 4.225


Table 1.7. Motivatinal Question

Table 1.7. shows that 44.5% of the respondents agreed to received feedbacks in learnung English, 40.5%
strongly agreed about it. Some moderately agreed with 12.5%, disagreed with 4% and strongly
disagreed with 0.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 61 305 30.5%

Agree 4 110 440 55%

Moderately Agree 3 24 72 12%

Disagree 2 5 10 2.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 0 0 0

Total 200 827 100 %

Mean Total 4.135


Table 1.8 Motivational Question

Table 1.8. shows that respondensts agreed with 55% that English is important for them when they travel
in international countries. The other responded strongly agree with 30.5% and moderately agreed with
12%. Few disagreed 2.5% and none of them strongly disagreed.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 74 370 37%

Agree 4 90 360 45%

Moderately Agree 3 27 81 13.5%

Disagree 2 9 18 4.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 0 0 0%

Total 200 829 100 %

Mean Total 4.145


Table 1.9 Motivational Question

Table 1.9. got a 45% higher percentage responds saying that grade 11 students agreed that English is
considered a world language. Some also strongly agreed with 37% that it is a world language. Few
responded moderately agreed with 13.5% and disagreed with 4.5%. None of them answered strongly

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 63 315 31.5%

Agree 4 99 396 49.5%

Moderately Agree 3 16 48 8%

Disagree 2 18 36 9%

Strongly Disagree 1 4 4 2%

Total 200 799 100 %

Mean Total 3.995


Table 1.10. Motivational Question

Table 1.10. shows that 49.5 that they agreed receiving support in learning English, also others strong
agreed with 31.5%. Some disagreed with 9%, moderately agreed with 8% and strongly disagreed with

Opportunity to speak the second language results and interpretation.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 76 380 38%

Agree 4 105 420 52.5%

Moderately Agree 3 13 39 6.5%

Disagree 2 4 8 2%

Strongly Disagree 1 2 2 1%

Total 200 849 100 %

Mean Total 4.245


Table 2.1. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.1. shows that 52.5% respondents agreed that they are encouraged to speak English in school.
38% strongly agreed that they are also encouraged to speak English in school. Others moderately agreed
with 6.5%, diagreed with 2% and stringly disagreed with 1%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 67 335 33.5%

Agree 4 101 404 50.5%

Moderately Agree 3 13 39 6.5%

Disagree 2 17 34 8.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 2 2 1%

Total 200 814 100 %

Mean Total 4.07


Table 2.2. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.2. shows that the respondents agreed with 50.5% that they are encouraged to speak English at
home and some strongly agreed with 33.5%. The other respondents disagreed with 8.5%, moderately
agreed with 6.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 64 320 32%

Agree 4 93 368 46%

Moderately Agree 3 30 90 15%

Disagree 2 11 22 5.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 3 3 5%

Total 200 803 100 %

Mean Total 4.015


Table 2.3. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.3. shows that 46% agreed of grade 11 students received support from their parents
whilenlearning English and 32% strongly agreed about it. Some moderately agreed with 15%, disagreed
with 5.5% and strongly disagreed with 1.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 64 320 32%

Agree 4 90 360 45%

Moderately Agree 3 24 72 12%

Disagree 2 19 38 9.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 3 3 1.5%

Total 200 793 100 %

Mean Total 3.965


Table 2.4. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.4. shows that 45% of grade 11 students agreed that they feel learning speaking English activity
as exciting part and 32% strongly agreed. Others moderately agreed with 12%, disagreed with 9.5%, and
strongly disagreed with 1.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 69 345 34.5%

Agree 4 87 348 43.5%

Moderately Agree 3 14 42 7%

Disagree 2 21 42 10.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 9 9 4.5%

Total 200 786 100 %

Mean Total 3.93


Table 2.5. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.5. shows that 43.5% of grade 11 students agreed speaking English is enjoyable also 34.5%
strongly agreed. Some of the respondents greatly disagreed (10.5%) than moderately agreed 7%. Others
strongly disgagreed with 4.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 57 285 28.5%

Agree 4 93 372 46.5%

Moderately Agree 3 21 63 10.5%

Disagree 2 21 42 10.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 8 8 4%

Total 770 100%

Mean Total 3.85


Table 2.6. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.6. shows that grade 11 students agreed with 46.5% feel comfortable to speak English in class
and strongly agreed with 28.5%. Others moderately agreed and disagreed with 10.5% that they can
speak English in class. 4% strongly disagreed.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 73 365 36.5%

Agree 4 82 328 41%

Moderately Agree 3 80 60 10%

Disagree 2 19 38 9.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 6 6 3%

Total 200 797 100 %

Mean Total 3.98


Table 2.7. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.7. shows that grade 11 students agreed with 41% they speak with theirself to improve their
English speaking and 36.5% strongly agreed. Some of the respondents moderately agreed with 10%,
disagreed with 9.5%, and strongly disagreed with 3%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 56 280 28%

Agree 4 90 360 45%

Moderately Agree 3 20 60 10%

Disagree 2 18 36 9%

Strongly Disagree 1 16 16 8%

Total 200 752 100 %

Mean Total 3.76


Table 2.8. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.8. shows that 45% of the respondents agreed that if they are aware on their mistakes in
speaking, it helps them to speak English better and some strongly agreed with 28%. Other respondents
moderately agreed with 10%, disagreed with 9%, and strongly disagreed with 8%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 66 330 33%

Agree 4 77 308 38.5

Moderately Agree 3 25 75 12.5%

Disagree 2 15 30 7.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 17 17 8.5%

Total 200 760 100 %

Mean Total 3.8


Table 2.9. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.9. shows that 38.5% of the respondents agreed on pronouncing the new English words in order
tp remember them and others strongly agreed about with 33%. Some of the students moderately
agreed with 12.5%, strongly disagreed with 8.5% and disagreed with 7.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 60 300 30%

Agree 4 90 360 45%

Moderately Agree 3 16 48 8%

Disagree 2 25 50 12.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 9 9 4.5%

Total 200 767 100%

Mean Total 3.9445


Table 2.10. Opportunity to speak the second language question.

Table 2.10. shows that students agreed with 45% learning English by TV news program and some
strongly agreed with 30%. The other respondents disagreed with 12.5%, moderately agreed with 8%,
and strongly disagreed with 4.5%.

Self-confidence results and interpretation

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 61 305 30.5%

Agree 4 105 420 52.5%

Moderately Agree 3 24 72 12%

Disagree 2 10 20 5%

Strongly Disagree 1 0 0 0

Total 200 817 100 %

Mean Total 4.085


Table 3.1. Self-confidence question.

Table 3.1. shows that most of the grade 11 students agreed with 52.5% that they can easily speak
English and some string agreed with 30.5% . Others moderately agreed with 12% and disagreed with 5%.
No ine strongly disagreed.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 56 280 28%

Agree 4 101 404 50.5%

Moderately Agree 3 22 66 11%

Disagree 2 19 38 9.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 2 2 1%

Total 200 790 100 %

Mean Total 3.95


Table 3.2. Self-confidence question.

Table 3.2. shows that some of the grade 11 students agreed with 50.5% that they can easily write using
English language and strongly agreed with 28%. Others moderately agreed with 11% and disagreed with
9.5%, few strongly disagreed with 1% only.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 40 200 20%

Agree 4 99 396 49.5%

Moderately Agree 3 45 135 22.5%

Disagree 2 13 26 6.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 3 3 1.5%

Total 200 760 100 %

Mean Total 3.8

Table 3.3. Self-confidence question.

Table 3.3. shows that 49.5% of grade 11 srudents agreed to take oppurtunity in learning English better
and strongly agreed with 28%. Some of the students moderately agreed with 22.5%, 6.5% disagreed and
strongly disagreed with 1.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 43 215 21.5%

Agree 4 71 284 35.5%

Moderately Agree 3 52 156 26%

Disagree 2 31 62 15.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 3 3 1.5%

Total 200 720 100 %

Mean Total 3.6


Table 3.4. Self-confidence question.

Table 3.4. shows that most of the grade 11 students 35.5% agreed that their teacher encourage them to
learn English and moderately agreed with 26%. Others strongly agreed with 21.5% , disagreed with 15%
and strongly disagreed with 1.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 48 240 24%

Agree 4 78 312 39%

Moderately Agree 3 26 78 13%

Disagree 2 37 74 18.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 11 11 5.5%

Total 200 715 100 %

Mean Total 3.575


Table 3.5.Self-confidence question.

Table 3.5. shows that 39% of respondents agreed that they can convey their thoughts in English and
they also strongly agreed with 24%. The other respondents strongly disagreed with 18.5%, moderately
agreed with 13% and strongly disagreed with 5.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 47 235 23.5%

Agree 4 79 316 39.5%

Moderately Agree 3 39 117 19.5%

Disagree 2 26 52 13%

Strongly Disagree 1 9 9 4.5%

Total 200 729 100 %

Mean Total 3.645


Table 3.6.Self-confidence question

Table 3.6. shows that 39.5% of the grade 11 students agreed that they can convey their thoughts in
English and strongly agreed with 23.5%. The other responded moderately agreed with 19.5%, disagreed
with 13%, and strongly disagreed with 4.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 47 285 23.5

Agree 4 76 304 38

Moderately Agree 3 38 114 19

Disagree 2 31 62 15.5

Strongly Disagree 1 8 8 4

Total 200 773 100 %

Mean Total 3.615

Table 3.7.Self-confidence question

Table 3.7. shows that 38% of the respondents agreed of being enthusiastic in learning English and sole
strongly agreed with 23.5%. Other respondents moderately agreed with 19%, disagreed with 15.5%, and
strongly disagreed with 4%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 40 200 20%

Agree 4 84 336 42%

Moderately Agree 3 45 135 22.5%

Disagree 2 24 48 12%

Strongly Disagree 1 7 7 3.5%

Total 200 726 100 %

Mean Total 3.63


Table 3.8.Self-confidence question

Table 3.8. shows that 42% of the students never lose their self-confidence and do their best whatever it
takes to learn English language and some moderately agreed with 22.5%. The other students responded
strongly agreed with 20%, disagreed with12% and strongly disagreed with 3.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 45 225 22.5%

Agree 4 73 292 36.5%

Moderately Agree 3 51 152 25.5%

Disagree 2 23 46 11.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 8 8 4%
Total 200 723 100 %

Mean Total 3.62


Table 3.9.Self-confidence question

Table 3.9. shows that grade 11 students agreed that tjey believe in their self to develop their confidence
in speaking English with 36.5% and modeeately agreed with 25.5%. Others responded strongly agreed
with 22.5%,disagreed with 11.5% and strongly diaagreed with 4%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 47 235 23.5%

Agree 4 80 320 40%

Moderately Agree 3 28 84 14%

Disagree 2 33 66 16.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 12 12 6%

Total 200 717 100 %

Mean Total 3.585


Table 3.10.Self-confidence question

Table 3.10. shows that 40% of the respondents agreed that they are good language learner of English
and strongly agreed with 23.5%. Some of the respondents disagreed with 16.5%, moderately agreed
with 14%, and strongly disagreed with 6%.

Teachers Guidance results and interpretation

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 64 320 32%

Agree 4 107 428 53.5%

Moderately Agree 3 19 57 9.5%

Disagree 2 10 20 5%

Strongly Disagree 1 0 0 0

Total 200 825 100 %

Mean Total 4.12


Table 4.1. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.1. shows that the respondents agreed with 53.5% that the rules in learning English helps them to
learn English the better way and strongly agreed with 32%. Other respondended moderately agreed
with 9.5%, disagreed with 5% and no one strongly disagreed.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 57 285 28.5%

Agree 4 103 412 51.5%

Moderately Agree 3 19 57 9.5%

Disagree 2 19 38 9.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 2 2 1%

Total 200 794 100 %

Mean Total 3.97


Table 4.2. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.2. shows that the grade 11 students agreed with 51.5% their English teacher immediately
correct their mispronounced words in English and strongly agreed with 28.5%. The other respondents
moderately agreed and disgreed both with 9.5% and strongly disgreed with 1%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 45 225 22.5%

Agree 4 109 436 54.5%

Moderately Agree 3 33 99 16.5%

Disagree 2 10 20 5%

Strongly Disagree 1 3 3 1.5%

Total 200 783 100 %

Mean Total 3.95


Table 4.3. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.3. shows that most of the grade 11 students with 54.5% agreed that their English provides
support in learning English and strongly agreed 22.5%. Other students moderately agreed with 16.5%,
disagreed with 5% and strongly disagreed 1.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 58 290 29%

Agree 4 74 296 37%

Moderately Agree 3 46 138 23%

Disagree 2 19 38 9.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 3 3 1.5%

Total 200 825 100 %

Mean Total 3.825


Table 4.4. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.4. shows that somen of the students agreed with 37% their teacher presents lessons in a way
that is easy to understood and strongly agreed with 29%. Other students moderately agreed with 23%
and disagreed 9.5% and strongly disagreed with 1.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 49 245 24.5%

Agree 4 86 344 42%

Moderately Agree 3 30 90 15%

Disagree 2 28 56 14%

Strongly Disagree 1 7 7 3.5%

Total 200 742 100 %

Mean Total 3.71


Table 4.5. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.5. shows that the respondents highest answer is they agreed with 42% stated that students
teacher motivates them to give their best effort and others strongly agreed with 24.5%. Some
respondents moderately agreed with 15%, disagreed with 14% and strongly disagreed with 3.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 48 240 24%

Agree 4 85 340 42.5%

Moderately Agree 3 40 120 20%

Disagree 2 20 80 10%

Strongly Disagree 1 7 7 3.5%

Total 200 787 100 %

Mean Total 3.735


Table 4.6. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.6. shows that some of the respondents agreed with 42.5% that they are enocouraged by their
teacher for student feedback and strongly agreed with 24%. Few students moderately agreed with 20%,
disagreed with 10%, and strongly disagreed with 3.5%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 54 270 27%

Agree 4 71 284 35.5%

Moderately Agree 3 42 126 21%

Disagree 2 27 54 13.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 6 6 3%

Total 200 740 100 %

Mean Total 3.7


Table 4.7. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.7. shows that grade 11 students agreed with 35.5% stated that their teacher let them takes risks
in learning English activities and some strongly agreed with 27%, moderately agreed with 21%,
disagreed with 13.5%, and strongly disagreed with 3%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 36 180 18%

Agree 4 87 348 43.5%

Moderately Agree 3 50 150 25%

Disagree 2 20 40 10%

Strongly Disagree 1 7 7 3.5%

Total 200 725 100 %

Mean Total 3.625


Table 4.8. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.8. shows that respondents agreed with 43.5% stated that the grade 11 teacher takes time to
assist the student that need help in English and some moderately agreed with 25%. The other
respondents strongly agreed with 18%, disagreed with 10%, and strongly disagreed with 3.5%.
Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 52 260 26%

Agree 4 63 252 31.5%

Moderately Agree 3 48 144 24%

Disagree 2 29 58 14.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 8 8 4%

Total 200 722 100 %

Mean Total 3.61


Table 4.9. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.9. shows that the grade 11 students agreed with 31.5% stated that their teacher guides them in
a positive direction for theirnpersonal growth and learning English and other strongly agreed with 26%.
Some moderately agreed with 24%, disagreed with 14.5% and strongly disagreed with 4%.

Numerical Value Frequency Total (value x Percentage


Strongly Agree 5 56 280 28%

Agree 4 75 300 37.5%

Moderately Agree 3 30 90 15%

Disagree 2 29 58 14.5%

Strongly Disagree 1 10 10 5%

Total 200 738 100 %

Mean Total 3.69


Table 4.10. Teacher's Guidance question.

Table 4.10. shows that some students agreed with 37.5% stated that their teacher has a positive
direction for the students personal growth and strongly agreed with 27%. Other students moderately
agreed with 15%, disagreed with 14.5% and strongly disagreed with 5%.

Summary of question and its mean

Questions (Motivation) Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. I have interest in learning English as a second 4.105 Agree


2. I like to learn English as a second language to be 4.11 Agree

able to communicate with others.

3. I am encouraged to learn English as a second 4.135 Agree


4. I can enjoy learning English as a second language. 4.12 Agree

5. I can express my thoughts/feelings in English. 4.19 Agree

6. I am forced to learn English as a subject 4.24 Agree


7. I received feedbacks if my learnings in English. 4.225 Agree

8. Learning English is important to me when I travel to 4.135 Agree

international countries.

9. English is considered a world language. 4.145 Agree

10. I get support in learning English. 3.995 Agree

Table 6.1. Table of motivation question with summary of mean and its interpretation.

Questions (Opportunity to speak the second language) Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. I am encouraged to speak English in school. 4.245 Agree

2. I am encouraged to speak English at home. 4.07 Agree

3. My parents are supportive of my learning English as 4.015 Agree

a second language.

4. Speaking the English language is an exciting 3.965 Agree


5. I enjoy speaking English. 3.93 Agree

6. I feel comfortable if I speak English in class. 3.85 Agree

7. I speak with myself to improve speaking English. 3.985 Agree

8. Being aware of my mistakes in speaking English 3.76 Agree

help me speak better.

9. I try to remember new English words by 3.8 Agree

pronouncing them.

10. I learn English by watching TV news programs. 3.85 Agree

Table 6.2. Table of Opportunity to speak English question with summary of mean and its

Questions (Self-confidence) Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. I can easily speak in English. 4.085 Agree

2.I can easily write using the English language. 3.95 Agree

3. I always take the opportunity to learn English better. 3.8 Agree

4.My teachers encourage me to learn English 3.6 Agree

5. I can convey my thoughts in English. 3.575 Agree

6.I can convey my feelings in English. 3.645 Agree

7. I am enthusiastic in learning English. 3.615 Agree

8. I do my best, whatever is the situation. 3.63 Agree

9. I believe in myself. 3.62 Agree

10.I am a good language learner. 3.585 Agree

Table 6.3. Table of self-confidence question with summary of mean and its interpretation.
Questions (Teacher's Guidance) Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. Rules in learning English help me in learn English 4.125 Agree

the better way.

2. My English teacher immediately make corrections 3.97 Agree

on mispronounced words.

3. My English teacher provides support in learning 3.915 Agree

English for all students

4. My English teacher presents lessons in a way that is 3.825 Agree

easy to understand.

5. My teacher motivates me to give my best effort. 3.71 Agree

6. My teacher encourages student feedback. 3.735 Agree

7.My teacher lets students take risks in learning 3.7 Agree

English activities.

8.My teacher takes time to assist students that need 3.625 Agree
help in learning English.

9. My teacher guides students in a positive direction for 3.61 Agree

their personal growth in learning English.

10.My teacher has a positive attitude in students 3.69. Agree

learning of the English language.

Table 6.4. Table of teacher's guidance question with summary of mean and its interpretation.

Chapter IV

From Motivation Questionnaire

i. Almost half (42.5%) of students have interest in learning English as second language. This will help the
students overcome the problems in learning English.

ii. Nearly half of grade 11 students (48.5%) stated they agreed in learning English as second language.
They know that it will help to be able to communicate with others.

iii. Most of the grade 11 students (45%) are encouraged to learn English as second language. They it is a
skill and learning it will be their edge in academics.

iv. Majority (49.5%) of grade 11 students are enjoying learning English as second language. They find it
useful and possibly seeing that they are improving.

v. More than half (51.5%) of grade 11 students were able to express their thoughts or feelings in English.
They were able to at least speak it when expressing their thoughts.

vi. Half (50%) of the grade 11 students stated thatbthey are forced to learn English as subject
requirement. Some school implemented an EOS policy especillay during English subject or related
English subject. Most of the students that not really well in English feels that they are forced tonuse it in
their subject.

vii. Many (44.5%) of grade 11 students are receivibg feedbacks while learning English. It promotes good
styles and can bring good outcome in learning English.

viii. More than half (55%) students opinion that they agreed that English is important when travelling
international countries. It is only the language they can use since it is considered as the second

ix. About (45%) students agreed English is considered as second language. In the course of ESL (English
as Second Langauge) ,they are developing the other people to be a good speaker of English.

x. Almost half (49.5%) students agreed that they got support in learning English. From the website
(online) or in class, thw ways of learning English is not difficult.

The opportunity to speak the second language.

i. More than half (52.5%) of students agreed that they are encouarged to speak English in school. It
maybe because the teacher assisted and execute the English instructions.

ii. About (50.5%) of students agreed that they are encouraged to speak English at home. People in
students house probably using English language in communication.

iii. Nearly half (46%) of the students agreed that their parents are supporting them in learning English.
The idea itself encourage the students to move forward.
iv. About (45%) of the students agreed that they excitement when learning English language. This only
means that the students are interested in learning it.

v. About ( 43.5%) of the students agreed saying they enjoy speaking English. The feeling of enjoyment
will help in learning English language.

vi. Nearly half (46.5%) of grade 11 students agreed that they are feeling comfortable if they speak
English in class. They know that speaking will improve their learning in English.

vii. About (41%) of the grade 11 students agreed that they speak with theirself to improve their English
speaking. Students are doing self practice as an opportunity to learn it.

viii. Almost half (45%) of the students agreed their mistakes awareness in speaking English is helping
them to learn effectively.

xi. About (38.5%) of the grade 11 students agreed in the technique of pronouncing new English words to
remember it effectively.

x. About (45%) of the students agreed learnung English by watching English Tv news program. They are
encouarged to learn new vocabulary to learn effectively the English language.

Students self-confidence

i. More than half (52.5%) of the students agreed that they can easily speak English. It is resulting to
develop their confidence in speaking more English.

ii. More than half of the students (50.5%) of grade 11 students agreed they were able to write easily
using Englih language. The procesz of writing will also helps to develop self-confidence in learning

iii. Almost half (49.5%) of the grade 11 students always take the opportunity to learn English better to
consistently develop their self confidence.

iv. About (35.5%) of the grade 11 students agreed their teachers encourage them to learn English and
because of that, they were able to boost their self confidence.

v. About (39%) of the students agreed they can convey their thoughts in English. The possible good
outcome of having self cofidence.

vi. Some of the grade 11 students (39.5%) agreed they can convey their feelings in English as another
good outcome of self confidence.

vii. About (38%) of the students agreed of being enthusiastic in learning English. The primary traits of
developing self confidence.

viii. Almost half (42%) of the grade 11 students do their best whatever the sutuation just not to loose
self confidence and to maintain good communication in English language.
xi. About (36.5%) of the students believe in theirself. The most basic of learning English is believing that
you can.

x. About (40%) of the grade 11 students have confidence to say that theya re good language learner.
This will also helps to make the process of learning great experience.

Teacher's Guidance

i. More than half (53.5%) of grade 11 students receives guidance like rules in learning English to learn
English much better from their teacher.

ii. More than half (51.5%)of students agreed their teacher guide making corrections on
mispronounced words.

iii. More than half (54.5%) of students agreed their teacher provides support in learning English. The
guidance of teacher is for the students.

iv. About (37%) of the grade 11 students agreed that their teacher guide them by presenting the lesson
in a way that is easy to understand.

v. Almost half (42%) of the students agreed their teacher guide them by motivating them to give their
best effort.

vi. Nearly half (42.5%) of students have teacher that encourage student feedback. The strategy is a for of
guidance of teacher in effective learning.

vii. About (35.5%) of the grade 11 students agreed of having teacher that letting them to take risk in
learning English activities. The teacher just guide them to correct if necessary.

viii. Almost half (43.5%) of grade 11 students agreed of having guidance from teacher by taking time to
assist them if they need help in English.

xi. About (31.5%) of grade 11 students agreed that their teacher guides them in a positive direction for
their personal growth in learning English.

x. About (37.5%) of students agreed of having a teacher with positive attitude in guiding students
learning of English language.

Being English language as an international language. It is a demand of today’s world. For surviving in
society, people have to understand and speak English language fluently.In this world, you go everywhere
the people can speak English language or even understand English language. English language plays a
greater role for the people in a society. English language is an important subject for people whose
English language is not their native language.For surviving in society, they have to learn, understand, and
speak English language fluently.For communicating and sharing thoughts with people who belong to
other regions who speak different languages, English language is a common language to communicate
with them.

In conclusipn, most of the grade 11 students agreed that motivation, if there's opportunity to speak the
second language, the students self-confidence, and their teacher guidance are helping to overcome the
problems that they encountered in learning English as second language. The mean average of each
variable question showed that the grade 11 students, being the respondents, agree on all the provided
questions. The study concluded that it is normal to have problem in learning English since it is not the
first language of our country but it is important to learn it as part of academic subject. There are
students who learn easily with proper guidance of their teacher. If the students are motivated they most
likely to push theirself in learning it. Sometimes if they have opportunity to speak English, they will grab
it. Even if it is not fluent, the important is they can communicate and practice their English speaking

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