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OGL 320: Foundations of Project Management

Module 6 Reflection Worksheet

Use your own words; however, when you quote or paraphrase, remember to cite per APA
Standards using information in the APA Tools and Template Area.
Be sure to proofread your work for spelling or grammatical errors because repeated errors will
result in earning fewer points.
A paragraph is 4-5 sentences.
Section 1: Quality Control

After you have watched the video of Jimmy Wales on the Birth of Wikipedia answer the
following questions:

1) What are your impressions of Wikipedia’s quality control process?

I was inspired by this video. I loved that Jimmy Wales empowered a group of volunteers and gave
them the tools and resources to help create Wikipedia. Allowing others to be creative and have freedom
can be very beneficial for a team. I’ve often found myself in teams where the project was very restrictive
and there was not a lot of wiggle room to give feedback or share my ideas. As a team member, I feel the
most productive when my thoughts and ideas are able to be shared freely to my leaders within a project. I
think it’s an important aspect to hear from others from all points of view within a project. The most
exciting part of a team is the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and personalities that come together.
Utilizing everyone’s uniqueness and strengths is what makes a team successful.

2) Do you think this is a reasonable approach? If so, why? If not, identify two specific

I do believe that this is a reasonable approach. As a leader, I believe it is important to invest

in your people and get to know your team.

Section 2: Reflection

Look back at the previous modules, as well as this module’s content, before starting this section
of the worksheet in order to incorporate some specific examples from the course to illustrate you
points. Now that we have addressed project management from beginning to end, you are better
able to take an even more refined view of the process.

July 2020
1) Identify and explain at least THREE (3) of what you feel are the principles and practices of
effectively managing projects.

In all of our learnings throughout this course, I believe it’s safe to say that communication is
key in managing projects effectively. Communication is the heart of any project, without it
teams and goals quickly crumble. We see this in the “Ducor Chemical” case study. In the
very beginning, communication was weak and the project moved very quickly when it
shouldn’t have. A project manager was assigned and he was unable to communicate the
issues he was experiencing with the in-house rep or find a way to communicate effectively
with him, in the end the project was a failure as a result to poor planning and communication.

Thinking ahead. Obviously, any project comes with a great deal of planning. But to be highly
effective and successful, a project manager needs to think ahead and be prepared for all of the
risks associated with a project. We learned in the very beginning of this course about post
mortem thinking in a project and this approach has been proven to be highly effective. I tend
to associate this to the Titanic reading we had back in module 1. There were plenty of risks
involved in the planning and launch of the Titanic, but unfortunately not everything was well
thought out or planned. As a project manager, it is critical and necessary to think through
your project and weigh all of the risks involved in order to be successful.

Lastly, learning to work with people is highly important as a project manager. You are
working with a team to reach it’s goals and without the right people skills there can be
negative consequences. In my experience as a team member, I want to work for leaders who
respect me as a part of their team and are able to connect with me. Communication doesn’t
always have to be perfect, we’re all human after all, but feeling seen and valued by
leadership is huge. Project managers should be able to connect with their team and build
strong relationships. I believe this is a major aspect of what makes a project successful.

2) What areas of project management do you feel you excel (or at the very least have a strong

As a project manager, I excel at managing people. I get to know my team and all stakeholders
on a personal level and work towards building relationships. I’m very flexible in my
leadership style as I think it’s important to be able to identity and adapt into what others need
in a leader. I also have experience building relationships with vendors which helps add to the
success of my current projects at work. I’m able to work well with individuals who are
negative and help mediate issues that may arise with relationships or disagreements between
the team. Having emotional intelligence as a project manager has been extremely useful in
beneficial when working with many different individuals to achieve goals.

July 2020
I also excel at thinking of the big picture in a project. As a leader, I’m always 10 steps ahead
of myself and am already thinking about what’s next. I have the ability to see my project
from all perspectives and put myself into the shoes of others (this would include team
members, stakeholders, partners, reps, etc.) This helps me anticipate the needs of others and
the project and has helped me be successful in the past. As a project manager, it is important
to have a global perspective and be open minded.

3) What areas do you feel you still have additional room for growth?

My area for improvement is definitely the financial and budget part of a project. I’ve had
experience mostly with team members and not going over allocated budget hours, but I never
had too much riding on finances as a leader in a retail setting. In my new office role, this is
something I will have to be more aware and cautious of. This class was my first experience
with anything budget related and I’m so thankful for the introduction. I’m already thinking
like a project manager in terms of finance and I believe it will set me up for success in my
future projects.

My biggest room for growth was shown through how I handled accountability in our group
project. I excel in a work environment with projects but found myself struggling with a
classroom environment project with fellow students. I was out of my comfort zone with this
one and failed to assign each of my classmates with their own assignments/tasks and instead
took on most of the workload. It was very unlike me and how I would have ran a project in
my office, I would not have allowed others to not pull their weight. My opportunity for
growth is to challenge myself in other projects outside of the workplace and step up in that
leadership role. This can be applied to both school and home. My fiancé has not been doing
his part in a project we started together and I haven’t held him accountable for it. One of my
main takeaways is to not only hold others accountable for not helping, but holding myself
accountable for not using my voice to lead us in the right direction as a team. We learned
from Margaret Heffernan’s Ted Talk to dare to use our voice and disagree when we believe in

4) Retake the Mind Tools Quiz from Module 1.

a. Revisit the Module 1 Mindtools Table
b. Copy and paste it below
c. Complete the final two columns of the table
i. Inserting your new scores
ii. Reflecting why your scores are different or the same

July 2020
(Insert your completed table below.)

July 2020
Aspect Initial Initial Reflection Final Comparison Reflection
Score (Module 1)
Score (Module 6)

(out of 10) (Module 6)

Project 7 These results are accurate. I’m 7 I agree with this score. I wish I I
Integration able to see “the big picture” and would have scored higher like my
create a vision for our goal. original goal was to, but as leaders
Viewing the project from other we are constantly growing and
perspectives allows me to evolving and I am confident in
anticipate all of the elements myself to excel in project
needed in order for successful in integration even more so than I do
planning and execution. I hope now.
to score higher next time and
improve this aspect because I
believe it is one of my strengths.
Scope 8 This result was the most 8 I now have a better understanding
Management surprising to me because I of what scope management means
scored low in “communication”. and I have found myself
During my reflection of my integrating this into my projects at
communication score, I found it work. I’m pleasantly surprised
was mainly due to my challenge with this score as from the
in keeping an open line of beginning I thought this could be
communication with an area of improvement. I now
stakeholders. I’m interested to understand that scope
learn more about this aspect and management is important in
see if I score the same in keeping a project on track and I
module 6. This was a surprising actually am able to do this
score, but I keep finding out effectively. As I mentioned during
more and more about myself as my reflection, I wanted to improve
I continue with these quiz my communication skills. I
results! I’m looking forward to believe I have improved very
developing this aspect in much in my confidence from first
particular. I believe improving starting this class.
my communication will also
improve scope management.

July 2020
Schedule 13 Schedule Management was my 13 I’m not surprised by scoring the
Management highest score of all of the same in schedule management.
aspects. I thought for sure I This is an area I feel extremely
would score highest on “people confident in and where my talents
management” as I normally do shine through. I’ve been able to
when taking leadership apply this strength through this
assessments. I was pleasantly course by helping my classmates
surprised and pleased with in our group work through
having my strengths show timelines for our project and
through in another aspect! I’m discussing the planning. I believe
very good at time management that this strength will help me in
and judging how long we need my future project management
to spend on a task. Hopefully classes and knowing and
this applies, but a strength of understanding how to utilize it
mine is assessing my team’s will be extremely beneficial.
strengths and weaknesses (as
well as my own) and
implementing our strengths in
different areas of the project for
maximum efficiency and to
reach goals quickly. I look
forward to understanding my
strengths in schedule
management and applying it to
my current projects.
Cost 5 As someone who is a big picture 7 Improvement!! I am very proud of
Management thinker, I am able to see all myself for the improvement I have
perspectives of a project. I’ve made in cost management. As I
been successful in the past in mentioned previously, this is an
estimating the amount of area of opportunity and growth for
resources and hours allocation me as a project manager. By
needed to complete a project taking this class, I have become
and meet sales goals. As an more aware of the role budget and
example, while working at finances play into a project and it
Target I had a large project that has helped me think like a project
needed to be done in a certain manager in those terms. I have
amount of hours allocated to our even seen improvement in my
department by corporate. I had current job and I have pitched in
to carefully plan the schedule to help with our expenses and
and make sure we did not go project budgets. This is something
over payroll as a store as well. I would have never done without
The way I was successful in having the exposure I did in this
executing this was looking at all class. Although my rating only
of our departments and went up by two points, that is a
borrowing hours and also huge accomplishment for me and I
minimizing labor in departments am looking forward to challenging
where we could afford to spend myself to be more budget aware as
less. I believe this experience a project manager and help
could be transferrable to cost improve this department in my
management. Although this is current job.
my only experience with
budgeting, I believe I can
improve this score as I begin to
learn more.

July 2020
Quality 11 This aspect is one I need to 9 This result is interesting to me.
Management learn more about. I have a I’m not sure why it dropped from
general understanding of what it an 11 to a 9. I mentioned in my
means, but as we continue in reflection that this is an area I
this class I believe it will start to would like to learn more about.
make more sense. A strength of This score to me means that this
mine is anticipating the needs of area is where I need to improve on
others, so when they ask for the most. I recently got promoted
something specific I’m able to to a new role in my office where I
creatively find ways and will be managing projects. It is my
solutions to implement that into plan to partner with my supervisor
a project. Learning about the and focus on quality management
four phases of PDCA was a within a project. Knowing what I
helpful tool to learn about and I can improve on is going to be
plan to incorporate this into my high;y effective as I continue my
daily projects. During module 6, journey as a leader and project
I would like to reflect on manager.
checking project outcomes and
how they are consistent with
People 7 I was surprised to have received 9 My score increased by two. This
Management a 7 out of 10, when I usually means a lot to me because I deeply
score highest in this category care about my team and building
with previous leadership strong relationships. I mentioned
assessments. Analyzing myself in my reflection that I was
as a project manager has given surprised by scoring lower. This
me a whole new perspective for shows growth and that I was able
myself as a leader. It has given to take my score and challenge
me new insights into what needs myself to do better. I did practice
to be improved. I found the the “forming–storming–norming–
“forming–storming–norming– performing” stages in team
performing” very useful. The development and it is something I
storming stage in team plan to use in the future as I had
development is critical and is recent success with it. I have
something that is happening in utilized this model and have
my office currently as a we start learned a lot as a leader. I consider
a new project. I will utilize this this score a success and I’m proud
model and track the results for of the personal growth and
module 6. accountability I have shown.
Communication 6 This score is a fair assessment. 5 I still have much to improve on
As I have reflected on the other with communication, I wish this
aspects so far, I understand that score would have been higher, that
I have a lot to improve on with was my overall goal for this class.
my communication skills in I know it needs to improved on
project management. I and I now understand to partner
understand I need to be better with my leaders and work on this
about developing relationships aspect of myself. I can say that
and communicating with this class as inspired me and
stakeholders in the right way. pushed me to confront myself as a
My way isn’t always best and I leader and try better. The case
want to learn to be more study have been extremely
adaptable to others and their beneficial as a I learn how to
communication style. It is my communicate as a leader and have
goal to be more adaptable and difficult conversations.
confident in myself to improve
this aspect.

July 2020
Risk 6 Risk management is what I 5 I don’t necessarily agree with this
Management thought I would score higher on. score. I’m not too sure why I
As I’ve mentioned previously, scored lower than my first initial
I’m great at thinking and test, but I believe this shows me
planning ahead. I’m usually that maybe I need to improve on
developing contingency plans in risk management as well. Using
my mind and preparing for the the risk impact/probability chart
unexpected as I work through a has helped me tremendously in my
project. To gain more new role in the office and I am
experience in this aspect, I will thinking critically more than ever
use a Risk Impact/Probability in my projects. Being aware of the
Chart. Getting familiar with risks helps make your project
these tools will help me in the successful. I plan to be aware of
future and hopefully raise my this score and continue to grow
score for next time. and work on this aspect of project
Project 7 Project Procurement is what I 6 I agree with my previous
Procurement believe I need the most help in statement. I am still needing
understanding. My support with Project Procurement.
understanding is that I believe I have struggled with this
procurement could be related to the most during our lessons and
my experience working at projects and need continued
Target and having to work support. By being able to
closely with vendors. We had a acknowledge and address needing
pepsi promotional set that had a support in this category, I believe
strict deadline, and due to poor I can strengthen my skills as a
planning and communication we project manager. Project
did not have enough product on Procurement is something I will
order to fulfill or project need. I begin to understand and have
had to go over budget by more exposure to in future project
expediting shipping of the management classes and real life
product needed and also experiences with my new role at
working overtime/going over work. I have the opportunity to
payroll. My goal is to work with vendors once again in
understand this aspect and be this role and I will continue to
confident in my answer for improve this aspect/
module 6. As I continue on in
this class I believe I will
develop a better understanding
of project procurement.

July 2020
General Project 8 I was surprised by this score. I 9 I am very happy that this result
Management was happy to receive a higher was higher, even if it is only by 1
Skills score than what I had assumed point. I have been challenging
with having little experience. I myself throughout the course of
do have experience leading this class by working on my
projects and a team, but I did negotiation skills and to be able to
not have these reflection and think like a project manager. This
resources to help me develop class helped me realize that I do
my project management skills. I have what it takes to be successful
want to work on my negotiation in project management, it’s about
skills going forward to help with learning to utilize your talents and
my growth. I’m very interested resources. This has been a great
to see what my score will be introduction and I can not wait to
later on in this class and if I can continue my journey and look
improve my general project back on all of the growth I will
management skills overall. have achievedz when I think back
to this class. Thank you!

July 2020

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