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: Journal of Islamic Education Management
Volume 11, No.1 February 2021
A dSNaa:r2a4,07V-o81l.0171, NoE.-1IS,SFNe:b26r8u5a-4r5i328021

Educational Marketing Towards an Era

Industrial Revolution 5.0

Fajri Dwiyama
Bone State Islamic Institute

The development of the world of education is so rapid, in proportion to the level of competition
between educational institutions. This happened due to a paradigm shift towards the views of
educational experts who initially looked at the social aspect of society and turned to corporate.
Educational institutions are not only seen as a forum for producing superior human resources, but
beyond that. Educational institutions grow into production organizations that produce products
and services offered to consumers. The use of assistive devices in the form of technology also
contributed greatly to the marketing of education carried out by institutions. Technological
sophistication allows educational institutions to expand the marketing area in an unlimited and
seamless direction. However, behind this various problems have emerged in the management of
educational institutions related to marketing competition. Educational institutions that master
technology can market well will get a high response from the community, on the other hand
institutions that do not have the ability to master technology in supporting marketing will be left
behind and abandoned by the community.

Keywords: Educational Marketing, Industrial Revolution 5.0

The industrial revolution since its emergence in the 18th century has continued to
develop, until this decade it has reached the 5.0 era or known as the era of society. In contrast
to the 4.0 era which emphasizes more on digitization, in the 5.0 era the concept is how to
humanize humans with technology. This concept appeared for the first time in Japan on the
basis that if you prioritize technology without thinking about the human side, the impact is
very dangerous.1According to Shinzo Abe at the World Economic Forum that “society 5.0 is not
just a model, but data that connects everything, helping to fill the gap between the upper and
lower classes from medicine to education.2
Basically the concept of the industrial revolution 4.0 and 5.0 there is not much difference.

If the industrial revolution 4.0 is marked by the ease of humans accessing and
disseminating information through internet media, then the industrial revolution 5.0 is
marked by all technology being part of human life. There is almost no difference between
the two, because each uses artificial intelligence for the benefit of human life.

1Kresnoadi, "The History of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 And What Is the Era of Society 5.0?"Teacher's room,
2Y Puspita et al., “Goodbye Industrial Revolution 4.0, Welcome to Industrial Revolution 5.0,”, https://

Adara,Vol. 11, No. 1, September 2021

But what marks the era of the industrial revolution 5.0 is where humans and machines work together in

improving the facilities and efficiency of a job.

The progress of the times to the era of the industrial revolution 5.0 allows for rapid
changes in civilization, considering that the main goal of that era is to open barriers to access
technology to all people of the world regardless of social status. Access to the economy,
health and education will be easier in this era.3Not only the industrial world is growing
rapidly, but rapid developments also occur in the world of education. The development of
technology has also colored a very big change in the world of education. The teaching and
learning process that used to take place in classrooms has shifted to virtual spaces. There are
various kinds of learning applications that can be accessed anywhere. The teaching and
learning process can also be carried out remotely.
Changes that occur in the education system due to rapid technological
developments also affect the community's paradigm of the need for education.4
People are more selective in choosing educational institutions, according to their needs and
desires. As a result, this has a direct impact on the marketing of educational institutions,
where educational institutions are forced to provide quality educational services in
accordance with the wishes and needs of the community. Educational institutions that are
unable to provide educational services along with satisfactory services are gradually
abandoned by the community. It also triggers competition between educational institutions,
especially in marketing education.
The facts show that there is so high competition between educational institutions in Indonesia

Indonesia so that educational institutions need good marketing management. A Efferi's 2014
research results reveal that the emergence of new educational institutions fosters the
dynamics of competition between schools. Such intense competition can be addressed by the
managers of educational institutions by improving or improving the ways of marketing
education.5The results of ME Ariwibowo's research in 2017 revealed that:

3Darin Rania, "Journey of the Industrial Revolution 1.0 to 5.0,"

many-disebut-dalam-debat-pilpres-ternyata-ini-lo-different-revolutionindustri-1-0-until- 5-0/.

4F Dwiyama - Adaara: Journal of Education Management and undefined 2019, “BRAND IMAGE: EFFORT TO
5A Efferi - Quality and Undefined 2014, “The Dynamics of Competition Between Educational Institutions,”,

Adaara,Vol. 11, No.1, February 2021

that a good marketing strategy affects the acquisition of good market share, the use of
technology in supporting marketing is a must.6
The research method in this study uses a literature study that relies on a
bibliographic approach, data sourced from books, articles in scientific journals related to
the subject matter, reading data with the thoughts of experts with a constructive
approach and interpretation of the main content.7

Basic Concepts of Educational Marketing

Marketing can be defined as something system that runs as a whole

of the indicated business activities to plan, set prices, promote
and distributing goods and services that satisfy needs, both to existing and potential
buyers. While education as a service product is something that is intangible but can meet
consumer needs that are processed by using or not using physical products where the
process that occurs is an interaction between service providers and service users that
does not result in the transfer of rights or ownership. From these two definitions, it can
be concluded that marketing in the context of educational services is a social and
managerial process to get what is needed and wanted through the creation of offers, the
exchange of products of value with other parties in the field of education.8

The concept of educational marketing is the rationale for how marketing activities
can be carried out based on a solid approach, expressing responsive and responsible
marketing. Since the first there are six service marketing concepts that can also be
applied in educational marketing.9The six concepts in question are as follows:

1. Production concept

This concept is production oriented where the heads of educational institutions

concentrate their efforts on achieving high efficiency and wide distribution. On this concept

6ME Ariwibowo - Scientific Journal Of Reflection: Economic and Undefined 2019, “Strategy
Marketing of Private Higher Education Institutions,”ojspustek.org2, no. 2 (2019): 181–190,
IN MADRASAH,”Adaara: Journal of Islamic Education Management10, no. 1 (February 28, 2020): 1–10, https://
8 Kacung Wahyudi Lecturer and Stit Al-Karimiyyah,Educational Marketing Management,
Journal.Inkadha.Ac.Id, vol. 05, 2017,
9Danang Sunyoto,Marketing Management Fundamentals,(Jakarta: Center of Academuc Publishing Service,
2014), p.27

Adara,Vol. 11, No. 1, September 2021

demand is more than supply. So at this stage supply is smaller than demand, thus in this
concept marketing plays no or less role. This means that the production concept is a
management orientation which assumes that consumers will like educational service
products that are available and can be purchased. In terms of the production concept, the
main task of the leadership is to make improvements in production and distribution so that
they are more efficient. This concept is usually applied by educational institutions in villages
or in remote areas that are difficult to reach.
The production concept is a management philosophy that exists in two circumstances, namely:

- The situation in which the demand for a product or service exceeds the supply. In this

situation, consumers are ready to buy every kind of product or service that can be

- The state of the existence of a production orientation where production costs are high and

must be reduced through efforts to learn how to produce more efficiently.

This concept is usually applied by educational institutions in villages or in remote

areas that are difficult to reach. Both public and private educational institutions located in
villages or remote areas are certainly very much needed by the community so that the
government or private parties who set up educational institutions are certainly in demand by
the community, because of the high public need for education.
2. Product concept

This concept is an educational institution that seeks to produce quality service products

tall. The manager's job is to make quality products, because he thinks consumers like
quality products. So in this concept or stage supply equals demand. Or the product
concept is a management orientation that considers consumers to be more interested in
products offered with the best quality at a certain price level. This production concept
- Consumers buy products not only to fulfill their needs
- Consumers in particular always emphasize product quality

- Consumers know the quality and appearance that distinguishes it from

competing brands
- Consumers choose between competing brands on the basis of the best quality that can

be achieved for the money they sacrifice

- The task of the organization is to constantly improve product quality as the key
to attracting and retaining customers.

Adaara,Vol. 11, No.1, February 2021

The concept of this product is usually found in educational institutions that always
develop their service products to produce the best products, such as excellent accredited
educational institutions or international standard educational institutions.
3. Sales concept
The concept of this educational institution is oriented towards high sales volume.
The manager's task is to increase sales volume, because the manager thinks that the
institution needs to carry out sales and promotion activities that are intensive. So in this
concept the supply of a lot to equal the demand. Or the concept of selling is the
orientation of managers who assume that consumers will or will not purchase the
company's products based on consideration of the real efforts made to arouse or
encourage interest in the product. The sales concept includes:
- Consumers have a normal tendency not to make purchases of non-essential
products and services
- Consumers can be encouraged to buy more through various tools or businesses
that encourage purchases
- The manager's job is to organize a very key sales-oriented section to attract and
retain subscriptions.
This concept is usually owned by educational institutions that have various educational

services, such as international classes, tahfis classes, foreign language classes, entrepreneurship

classes, and others.

4. Marketing concept
The marketing concept is a management orientation which emphasizes that the key to

organizational achievement consists of the ability of educational institutions to determine the

needs and desires of the target market and the organization's ability to fulfill it with the desired

satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors. The marketing concept contains

three basic points, namely:

- Planning and operations are oriented to the needs and desires of customers or
- All marketing activities are carried out in a coordinated or integrated manner

- The ultimate goal is to meet or achieve the goals of educational institutions and
strive to provide maximum satisfaction to customers.
5. Community marketing concept
In this concept the manager not only seeks to meet customer satisfaction and
achieve goals, but also seeks how to provide social security for human resources involved
in marketing, such as the welfare of teachers, education staff, students, and
stakeholders. The concept of community marketing is an orientation

Adara,Vol. 11, No. 1, September 2021

Management emphasizes that the main task of educational institutions is to determine

the needs, wants and interests of the target market and to ensure that educational
institutions can deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than their
competitors in improving and protecting the interests of consumers and society. The
views of this concept are:
- Consumer desires are not always in line with the long-term interests and future
interests of society
- Consumers will prefer educational institutions that show an interest in fulfilling
consumer desires, the long-term interests of consumers and the general
- The task of educational institutions is to serve the intended market by producing
not only what is desirable but can also benefit individuals and society in the
long term as a way of attracting and retaining customers.

6. Global marketing concept

The global marketing concept in which managers seek to understand all the factors
environment that influences marketing through its sound strategic management. The
ultimate goal is to fulfill the wishes of all parties involved in the company. Competition in
Educational Marketing
A market potential in a certain business field, for example in the marketing of
educational institutions, then in this business field, various forms of competing institutions
must be found. For example, at the high school level, various forms of institutions will be
found such as State Public High Schools, Madrasah Aliyah, Integrated Islamic High Schools,
Vocational High Schools, Islamic Boarding Schools and others that are equivalent. It is
undeniable that because there are many similar educational institutions, the competition that
occurs between educational institutions in fighting for potential market share is inevitable.
The more people who are involved in the competition, the more intense their competition will
be. On the other hand, if there are few market participants, the competition will be looser.
The forms of market competition include perfect competition, monopoly competition,10
1. Perfect Competition
Perfect competition can be found by paying attention to several indicators such as the

number of producers (educational institutions) that market the same service. The characteristics

are as follows:
- There are many sellers for the same goods/services.

10Danang Sunyoto,Marketing Management Fundamentals.H. 51

Adaara,Vol. 11, No.1, February 2021

- The services offered cannot be distinguished from one another (homogeneous)

- The seller cannot influence the price

- Information is perfect
- Ease for consumers to choose.

2. Monopoly Competition

Monopoly competition is a market structure that has the opposite characteristics of a

perfectly competitive market. In a monopoly market there is only one producer for a certain
type of goods or services. The services offered have no similarities or close substitutes. The
characteristics of monopoly competition are as follows:
- There is only one seller (producer), meaning that consumers cannot obtain services from

other producers, because the services produced do not have a very close substitution

relationship with other goods.

- The seller can influence the market price.

- There are barriers to entry into the market.

The occurrence of a monopoly market is caused by the following three factors:

- Producers in monopoly markets have unique resources that other producers do

not have
- Producers in monopoly markets can enjoy economies of scale
- Producers in a monopoly market are given rights by the government through law
3. Monopolistic Competition

Monopolistic competition is a form of competition in which there are many sellers

(producers/educational institutions) that produce various service products with different
styles from one another. Basically, the form of monopolistic competition is between two
forms of market competition, namely perfect competition and monopoly competition. The
similarity with perfect competition, among others, lies in the large number of competitors,
while the difference lies in the characteristics of the products and services offered by each
competitor. The similarity with monopoly competition lies in the ability of educational
institutions to influence prices, while the difference lies in the large number of producers or
The characteristics of a monopolistic competition market are as follows:

- There are many manufacturers

- Different service characteristics

- Sellers have little ability to influence prices

- Sales are relatively easy to enter the market and exit the market

Adara,Vol. 11, No. 1, September 2021

- Competition in sales promotion is very active

4. Oligopoly Competition

Oligopoly competition is a condition in which the market consists of several sellers

(manufacturer) for a certain type of goods. If there are two producers it is called a duopoly. There are two

types of oligopoly, namely oligopoly with product differentiation and without product differentiation. The

determination of prices and outputs for oligopoly competition include:

- The high and low level of product differentiation will affect the behavior of producers
in determining output or price
- The higher the level of differentiation means the lower the level of dependence
on competitors.
- The lower the level of differentiation means the higher the level of dependence
on competitors.
Educational Marketing Towards the Industrial Revolution Era 5.0

The Industrial Revolution 5.0 is known as the era of society. Society 5.0 is a society that
can solve various challenges and social problems by utilizing various innovations that were
born in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 such as the Internet on Things (internet for
everything), Artificial Intelligence (artificial intelligence), Big Data (large amounts of data), and
robots to improve the quality of human life. Society 5.0 can also be interpreted as a concept of
a human-centered and technology-based society.11
The changing times from era 4.0 to 5.0 which also mainly affects the world of
education, of course we cannot refuse. Like it or not, educational institutions must be ready to
face new competition due to the changing times. Whether we realize it or not, there has been
a shift in the learning process in the past year, precisely in 2020, where the implementation of
learning has moved from manual classrooms to fully automated digital rooms. For example,
the Learning House platform, Google Suite for Education, Smart Class, Office 365 for
Education, Quipper School, Ruang Guru, Sekolahmu, and Zanius have emerged and become a
trend in online education management.12The presence of various educational platforms is a
sign that the era of society is in sight.
In terms of marketing education in the face of the era of society, there are four
criteria that must be considered from the past until now. These four things in the world
of marketing are known as the marketing mix. The four things are as follows: 1. Products



Adaara,Vol. 11, No.1, February 2021

A product is something that is created or traded by an educational institution, in this case

an educational service. Products owned by educational institutions must have certain advantages
that distinguish them from other service products. The products offered are considered successful
when they are in demand by consumers.13In facing the era of society, educational institutions must
think about educational products that can be accessed online via the internet, products can be in
the form of artificial intelligence that can provide learning experiences through digital media.

2. Price
Grewal and Levy formulate the definition of price as the overall sacrifice that
consumers are willing to make in order to get a product or service. Prices can be
expressed in various terms such as contributions, tuition fees, wages, salaries, honoraria,
and so on. Pricing is one of the most important decisions in marketing. Price is the only
element of the marketing mix that generates income or income for educational
institutions, while other elements only cause expenses. In addition, price is an element of
the marketing mix that is flexible, meaning that it can be changed quickly.14Price is a
component that has a direct effect on profits earned by educational institutions. The set
price level affects the quantity sold. In addition, the price also indirectly affects costs,
because the quantity sold affects the costs incurred in relation to production efficiency.

3. Promotion

The thing that needs to be considered in promotion is the selection of the promotion mix, which consists of:

- Advertising
- Individual sales
- Sales promotion
- Public relations
- Information by word of mouth

- Direct mail
Marketers (managers of educational institutions) can choose suggestions that are deemed

appropriate to promote their services. There are several factors that must be considered in the promotion,


- Indicate in advance the target audience.

13I Nurcholifah - Jurnal Khatulistiwa LP2M IAIN and Undefined 2014, "Marketing Mix Strategy in

Sharia Perspective,",

14Fandy Tjiptono,Marketing Strategy: Principles and Applications,(Yogyakarta: ANDI OFFSET, 2019),


Adara,Vol. 11, No. 1, September 2021

- Define the purpose of the promotion, whether to inform, influence or remind.

- Development of conveyed messages. This relates to the content of the message, the structure of the message, the style

of the message, and the source of the message.15

4. Distribution

In addition to the quality factor owned by educational institutions, in the future the
distribution factor will also be the main choice in determining purchases. Distribution is the most
important part in marketing education, especially in the era of society. Good distribution allows
users of education services to access education more easily and more efficiently. For example, an
educational institution that already has a website, then information about educational institutions
can be accessed anywhere.

One thing that must be realized by the manager of educational institutions is that his life is dead

These institutions depend on the purchasing power of consumers, while the purchasing
power of consumers is influenced by educational marketing. Marketing education towards
the era of society or era 5.0 really needs special attention by educational institutions,
especially those in areas without exception in cities. This becomes important when the era of
society has really entered into people's lives, the readiness of educational institutions is
needed. Readiness in question is related to marketing education.
Facing marketing competition requires knowledge of marketing itself. The knowledge
referred to is understanding the six service marketing concepts, namely 1) the production
concept, 2) the product concept, 3) the sales concept, 4) the marketing concept, 5) the social
marketing concept, and 6) the global marketing concept. In addition, it is also necessary to
know the forms of competition in educational marketing, such as 1) perfect competition, 2)
monopoly competition, 3) monopolistic competition, and 4) oligopoly competition. Finally,
after understanding the things mentioned earlier, it is also important to know the parts of
marketing such as: 1) the product offered, 2) price, 3) promotion, and 4) place. By
understanding these things, the writer hopes that educational institutions can grow together
and compete healthily.

15Lupiyoadi vines,Competency-Based Service Marketing Management,(Jakarta: Salemba Empat,

2001), p.91

Adaara,Vol. 11, No.1, February 2021

A Efferi -, and Undefined 2014. “The Dynamics of Competition Between Educational Institutions.”


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QUALITY OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN MADRASAH.”Adaara: Journal of Islamic Education

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