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Word Processing Chair

- Adjustable chairs improve your body

By Group 5
position and blood circulation,
Laboton, Aiesha reduce the strain on your muscles
Corminal, Mikaella Fe and decrease pressure on your
Ong, Rica back.
Ventura, Neome o swivel
o have five wheels for stability
(Section 1-6 ) o use breathable fabric on the seat.

Word-Processing Program Work surface

- Editing - Your elbows should be at a 90-
change an existing document degree angle so that your forearms
by inserting or deleting text are parallel to the floor or sloping
slightly downwards. You should have
- Copy and paste text from other enough room under your desk for
sources your legs to move freely.
so that you never have to
type something more than Monitor
- The monitor should be approximately
- Formatting 50 cm away from your face.
present text in an almost
infinite variety of Document

- Graphics - Place any documents you are using

add pictures to a document in a document holder close to the
add tables, charts, diagrams, monitor so that you don’t have to
etc. twist your neck or bend your head
down to read as you type. The
Reviewer’s note: The video presentation document holder should be
about ergonomics is presented in a plain approximately 50 cm away from your
and simple manner than in this reviewer. face.

Ergonomics Keyboard and Mouse

- When you are typing on a keyboard,

you should keep your forearms and
wrists straight elbows bent at
approximately 90-degrees.
- Place your mouse as close to the
edge of your keyboard as you can.


- Poor lighting can create reflections

on the monitor, which increase
eyestrain. 6. Where possible, print two pages side
o Avoid reflections and by side.
shadows by placing the 7. Use a circulation slip and send a
monitor to the side of the light single document around to everyone,
source. rather than printing one copy each.
o Try not to put the monitor 8. Use the Print Preview function to
near a window. avoid making printing mistakes.
o Use a low-level service 9. Carefully proofread your work,
light of 300 lux correcting it and only reprinting the
§ Lux is a unit of page(s) necessary.
measurement for light 10. Put waste paper in a separate bin or
o If there are strongly bag so that it can be collected by a
contrasting light levels. High- recycling company.
quality, anti-glare screens
may be necessary. Drives, files and folders

Eyes and Body Drives

- Staring at a computer screen for - Random-access memory (RAM)

long periods can produce tired and o While a computer is
sore eyes and eye strain. turned on, data is held in here
- Take short rests and look into the o The more RAM a
middle distance. computer has, the more
‘powerful’ it is.
Posture and Movement
- C drive
- You may find that your muscles o The hard drive is a
become tired and sore. This spinning disc that’s usually
happens when you sit in the same given the label ‘C’
position for long periods or use your
fingers to make the same quick and - Gigabytes (Gb)
repetitive movements. o The storage capacity of
o Occupational overuse the drive.
syndrome if you don’t
manage your work and - USB thumb drives
workspace carefully. o They are typically about 5
cm long, are inexpensive and
Conservation of Resources can store a large amount of
1. Only print a document when it’s
really necessary. Files
2. Only use good quality paper when
it’s really necessary. - File
3. Reuse paper that has only been o When you save data to a
used once (unless it contains drive, it is stored here.
confidential information). o Name a file with a logical
4. Put paper that can be used again name
ready for use by the printer, or save
it for rough notes. - File extension
5. Print on recycled paper whenever o Most programs
possible. automatically add a three
letter to the file name. directory to better organize
§ .doc, .pdf, .mp4 your files.

- In naming files, there are some - File paths

characters that you can’t use: o A file path gives you
o \ backslash directions to the file you’re
o / forward slash looking for.
o : colon
o * asterisk Getting Help
o ? question mark
o ! exclamation mark Manuals
o < less than symbol
- In the past, all computer programs
o > greater than symbol were supplied with an operator’s
Folders o This was usually a fairly
thick book with step-by-step
- Folders
instructions and an index at
o The concept of keeping
the back.
files in folders is when you
have just a few files on a The Help Function (F1)
drive, it’s easy to keep track
of them. However, it doesn’t - All computer programs have a Help
take long to get so many files function.
that things become confusing - There is usually a help button on the
and files become hard to find. menu bar at the top of the screen.
o You should give folders - The F1 key is assigned by nearly all
logical names too software programs as the shortcut
way to get help.
- Sub-folders
o For example, your ‘Letters’ Other ways of getting help
folder could contain
subfolders called ‘January’, - Try asking a question in your search
‘February’ and so on. engine.
o ‘How do I do such and
- File management such in [insert your program]?
o Any workplace you find
yourself in will have a file Documents: the basics
management system or folder
structure in place so that you - Document
and others can locate files o A blank sheet of paper on
and folders quickly and the screen when you start a
easily. word-processing program.

- File directories Reviewer’s note: The ‘Creating and saving

o A file directory is another your first document’ would be best
term for a folder. It is a understood via the video in our presentation
location on a hard drive or because there is actual enactment using
portable storage drive used word processing programs.
for storing files. You may
have subdirectories within a Creating and saving your first document
Start your word-processing program. document should close, and most of
your screen should now be blank.
1. Open the View menu and select 9. Start the word-processing program
Print Layout. This will show you how again. Go to File/Open and locate
the document would look if you First document, then click Open
printed it. It should be blank at the (double-clicking the file name is a
moment. shortcut). Your document should be
o Note: From now on when in front of you again. A shortcut for
we want you to carry out a File/Open is Ctrl+O.
menu selection, we’ll just say 10. Go to File/Save As. This will let you
‘Go to View/Print Layout’, for save the document with a different
example. name or in a different place (or both).
A shortcut for File/Save As is F12.
2. Next, go to Tools/Options which 11. In the File name window, call the file
opens under the View tab. In the ‘Document 2’ and click Save. Then
Formatting marks section tick the close the file using File/Close. A
Paragraph marks box, then click OK. shortcut for File/Close is Ctrl+W.
3. Your document should now have a 12. Start the word-processing program
mark on the top line that looks like again. Go to File/New. You’ll
this ¶. This is called a paragraph probably get a dialogue box asking
mark and shows that the document what type of file you want. Select
has one empty paragraph in it. ‘Blank document’. A new empty
4. Type a few letters or numbers, then document will appear.
hit the Enter key a few times. Every o Any new document you
time you hit the Enter key, it inserts a open this way will have all the
paragraph break. A paragraph can default (‘factory’) settings
have text in it or it can be empty. The supplied by the word-
¶ symbol shows you where these processing program. That
paragraph breaks are, and you are may be OK, but later on we’ll
strongly advised to always have see how we can open new
them turned on. It’s easy to get lost documents so that they have
and have mysterious things happen the settings and preferences
if you don’t! we want.
5. Go to File/Save. In the dialog box
that appears, the word processor will 13. Close the document without saving
suggest a file name for your it.
document, usually the first few letters
or numbers that appear on the first Toolbars and tool buttons
line. In place of what it suggests,
type ‘First document’, but don’t yet Toolbars and tool buttons
click Save. - The toolbar, also called bar or
6. Near the top of the dialogue box standard toolbar, is a row of buttons,
there will be a ‘Save in’ section. This at the top of an application window,
is where you tell the word processor that controls software functions. The
where you want to store the boxes are above the menu bar and
document. Your lecturer will tell you often contain images corresponding
where this should be (it might be in with the function they control.
your folder, on your USB thumb
drive, or somewhere else). Toolbar
7. Now click Save.
8. Now go to File/Close. Your
how much text you want to affect.

Tool buttons

Keyboard Shortcuts
- These are a combination of two or
more keystrokes that perform an
action. Over the years, software
developers have assigned the same
Basic editing and setting yourself up
shortcut keys in most programs, so
that if you know what Ctrl+A does in
Using undo and redo
one program, you can use it to
- The ‘Undo’ command (Edit/Undo
perform the same action in many
Typing or Ctrl+Z) undoes your last
action, and is probably the most
useful command you’ll ever learn!
Entering, navigating and selecting text
- - the ‘Redo’ command (Edit/Redo
Typing) redoes or repeats the last
action you did. The shortcut for Redo
Data Entry
is Ctrl+Y.
- Another way to talk about typing in
words using a word processor is to
Copying and pasting
call this ‘data entry'.
- Copying and pasting is a really
useful way to speed up data entry.
Navigating around a document
This function allows you to select text
- There are a number of ways you can
from your document or any other
move around a document, and to
document, make a copy of this text
make this process faster a number of
and ‘paste’ it into your own
shortcuts have been developed.

Cutting and pasting

- the commands Copy (Ctrl+C) and
Paste (Ctrl+V) can copy and paste
text from one part of a document to
another. But they can also be used
to copy and paste text from another
document, or even another program.
Text from the internet, for example,
can be inserted into a document then
reformatted to match.
Selecting text
- For most formatting or other effects
Setting yourself up
to be applied, text must first be
- This is called a ‘non-printing
selected so that the program knows
character’, because when the
document is printed, it won’t show
up. But it can be useful to have it
visible on screen when you’re
starting out.


Print preview
- The Print Preview function allows
you to see on screen exactly how
your document will look when it’s
Basic Formatting printed. You should always choose
this option before you print. You’ll
Font formatting probably see things at this stage that
- The way the text looks in your need to be ‘tweaked’ before printing,
document is called the font. You will to get your document just right.
see that there are a range of
different fonts available to you, and
you also have control over how each
font is displayed.

- when you select the Print function,
you’ll see a dialogue box that allows
Paragraph formatting you to choose various options,
- formatting can be done before or including:
after the text is typed, but it is better
to format it after it’s typed. If you try • which printers you want to print the
to format as you go, you’ll probably document on
get too ‘hung up’ on the formatting.
(Section 12 -16)
More on editing and formatting
Finding and Replacing Text

- Find function
- allows you to search for a
specific word or section of
text in your document. The
Replace function allows you
to substitute one word or
section of text for another
through your document. Both
are great time savers

- Bullets and numbers

- bullets and numbers are
• how much of the document to print useful for lists of things. If you
(all of it or just certain pages) just want to draw attention to
the fact that it’s a list, bullets
work well. Alternatively,
numbers are useful if you
(elsewhere in the document)
want to refer to a specific
item in the list.
- Format painter
- your program may have a
tool button called Format
Painter (the button has a
paintbrush on it). This tool is
very useful for applying
• the number of copies you want to identical formatting to various
print. parts of a document.
- Borders and shading
- Using borders and shading
can really make text stand
out. It’s a great way to
highlight important parts of
your document.

The View and Window Menus

View Menu - The way you set up the pages in
- There are a number of options in the your document will affect the way the
View menu that enable you to set up document looks when it is printed.
the screen’s work area for better Changing the page orientation from
productivity. Some of them are listed portrait (vertical) to landscape
here. (horizontal) gives you more space for
wide tables or images. Changing the
Reviewer’s Note: Normal shows the margins can provide you with more
document on a plain screen, with a page- space for written feedback on
break line between pages. Some people find documents.
this a preferable way to work, but you may
find it easier to work in Print Layout view. Graphics and drawings
This view is WYSIWYG (what you see is
what you get) and shows your document Graphics
much as it will appear on the printed page. - graphics are a great way to make
Reading layout is similar to Print Layout, documents more interesting, and
and is a good way to read through a whole sometimes they are a crucial part of
document. the document’s content. For
● Ruler example, a document detailing plans
○ This is a ruler that sits and specifications will need to have
across the top of the graphics of plans and drawings
document (and down included in it.
one side if you have
that option selected). Drawings
It is useful for setting - Most word processors have a range
tab stops, and of drawing tools with which relatively
especially when simple drawings can be created. This
working in tables is not true computer-aided design
where it can help you (CAD), but it can be used to add
to set column widths. diagrams to and enhance
● Headers and footers documents.
○ These are lines of text
that appear at the top
and/or bottom of Templates and Properties
every page in a
document. They Templates
- Most word-processing programs
remain in place no
matter how much text come with some pre-set templates.
Depending on the sort of work you
you add or delete
from pages. This do, these may be useful. You can
also create your own templates.
guide has headers
and footers on each - Using the same techniques, you can
design a form that you can use over
and over again and save it as a
template. You can format the font
Window menu and paragraphs the way you want
- can help you work more quickly, by them – it will all be saved in the
using the Split Window and Arrange template. Then it’s at your fingertips
All functions. whenever you need it. Some
programs also allow you to choose
Page setup from dozens of templates on their
creators’ websites. You can Ms, or Miss.
download these, change them to suit Use the first name of the
your exact needs (if necessary) and recipient only if you are familiar
save them as your own templates. with the person. If you are
unaware of the receiver’s name,
- The properties function (under the you may use ‘Dear
File menu) contains information Sir/Madam.’
about the document you are working
on. Probably the most interesting ● Subject Line
part is the Statistics tab. Here you The subject line should
can see how many pages, words, be short and to the point. It gives
etc., the document has. The number
the reader an idea of what the
of words may be handy next time
you’re typing an assignment and letter is about. You can format
want to make sure you’ve typed the the subject line in bold and
required minimum. uppercase so that it stands out.

(Section 17-22) ● Body

Letters Contains an introduction, the
main points of the letter, and a
Parts of a good business letter: closing statement.
● Letterhead
Contains the name of the ● Complimentary Close
organization and logo, address, Commonly used complementary
telephone and fax numbers, email closes for business letters are;
address, and website address. Yours faithfully
Yours sincerely
● Date Respectfully yours
The format of the date should
be day-month-year. Like so, General Rule:
15 September 2022. 1. Use ‘Yours faithfully’ as a
complimentary close when
● Inside Address the salutation is ‘Dear
Contains all the details of the Sir/Madam.
receiver of the letter. 2. Use ‘Yours sincerely’ when
you have included the
person’s name in the
Personal Name
Organization Name ● Signature Block
Full address It contains the information of the
sender such as the name and the
● Salutation position or title.
A salutation is a greeting.
We should be mindful of using Reviewing
the appropriate title, - Importance of reviewing the
such as Mr, Mrs, document
- List down at least three
points 1. Company Details
- Shortcut for going to the - Use the company’s letterhead
Tools/Spelling and information or just the company
Grammar. name.
- Download Grammarly.
2. Heading
Tables - This section identifies the type of
- Used in presenting information communication being sent. You can
in an orderly manner1 use ‘Memorandum’ or the shorter
- Are used to sort data version -’ Memo’.
- Can be used with lines or
without lines (fax form) 3. To
- The name of the receiver will be
identified in this section.
A fax header with visible lines 4. Date
- The format of the date shall be
written just like the format in
the letter.
- Day-month-year.
30 September 2022

5. From
- Input the sender’s name here.

6. Subject
A fax header with invisible lines - Gives an idea of what the memo is

7. Message
- The message can be in a formal or
informal tone. It can also be typed or
handwritten. You don’t need to
include a salutation.

Useful tips about Tables: 8. Signature

● Plan your table first before you - Usually, memos have an authorizing
start. signature or, at the least, an initial.
You don’t need to include a
● Rulers might help. Switch it on.
complimentary close.
- The picture above is an example of
Memos or Memorandum
a 1Memo header.
An internal document that is not
as formal as a letter. It does not
contain the ‘niceties’ of a formal letter,
but it should still follow a recognized

Parts of a Memo:
1 Microsoft Word: Working with Tables
- Comments.
- Know the words in the
document by pressing Ctrl +
Shift + C.
- Footnote
- Ctrl + Alt + F.
- Productivity Tools
- Auto Text
- Google docs
- Building blocks include:
1. Meeting Minutes
2. Email Draft
3. Product Road Map
4. Review Tracker
Agendas 5. Project Assets
It is used to help guide meetings in 6. Launch Content Tracker
the workplace. The structure may vary,
however, it usually consists of the
following elements:
1. Meeting Title or topic
2. Date and time
3. Venue
4. Attendees
5. Items to be discussed
A list or points of
issues the attendees raised
or the things they would
intend to discuss at the
meeting. The meeting
organizer will receive
requests for items to be
included in the agenda from
the attendees.

Reviewer’s Note: Agendas may also include

additional instructions on the elements that
appear on every agenda, such as ‘Discuss
minutes of the previous meeting’.

Other Inserts
- Symbols
- such as ‘!@#$%^&’ can help
you in making your message
communicate your feelings.
- Breaks.
- Insert page break by pressing
Ctrl + Enter or go to the
toolbar, click insert, click
break, then select ‘Page

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