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Department of Education

Division of Camarines Sur

Ragay District

4th Quarterly Examination

General Physics

Name:_______________________________ Grade/Level:______Section:_____

Part I.
Instruction: Fill in the blanks.

______________1. This is also known as voltage in electrical term for batteries.

______________2. This is the terminal of the battery which has the higher electric potential.
______________3. This is the property of electrons and protons that is responsible for producing electricity.
______________4. This is the constant term of Charge.
______________5. This could happen if an atom losses its electron which is negatively charge. It becomes what?
______________6. What would be the amp of a fuse for an electric shaver with a power of .5 kW and volt of 230?
______________7. An electric potential energy of 10 J is present when an object with a charge of 1.0 C is laced at a certain
point. Find the electric potential.
______________8. Electric potential at a point is 100 V. Find the electric potential energy when 1.0 C is placed at that point.
______________9. Find the electric potential energy when a charge of 1.0 C is placed at a point with an electric potential of
54 V.
_____________10. An object with a charge of 1.0 C is placed at a certain point with an electric potential energy of 2.5
joules, find the electric potential at that location.
_____________11. A battery does not supply the charges but the what?
_____________12. Translate into symbols electric potential=potential energy/charge.
_____________13. This is SI unit of electric potential.

Part II. Compute for the missing term.

Electric Potential Electric Potential Energy Charge

14. 1.0 V x 10^6 1.0 µC
15. 8.0 x 10^5 J 1.0 µC
16. 7.0 x 10^8 J 1.0 µC
17. 3.0 x 10^-2 1.0 µC
18. 532 V 1.0 µC
19. 675 J 1.0 µC

Part III. Complete each sentence with the correct term.

20. The ____________is a measure of how much charge crosses a portion of a conductor in 1.0 s.
21. The symbol for current is ______.
22. A current of 1 A means that _____ of charge crosses a portion of the conductor every second.
23. An electron has a charge of ________________.
24. A current of 2 A is passing through a flashlight bulb. Due to the current, a charge of __________that passes through the
bulb in 1 min.
25. The total charge of 50 C passed through a bulb in 20 s, therefore the current through the bulb is________.
26. The charge that flows through a heater is ___________ every second when a current of 5.2 A.
III-2 Compute for the following.
Voltage Current Resistance
27. 1.5 .30
28. 0.5 30
29. 1.5 15
30. 3.0 .10
31. 5 23
32. 6.8 16

Part IV: Solve for the following problems.

33. Twenty-five 25 W bulb is used in 6 months._________________

34. 200 Kwh is used up using a 10 W bulb, for how many hours it was on?_________________
35. 4 hours of usage of a bulb used up an energy of 100 kWh. What is the power rating of the bulb?_____________
36. In a week a flat iron with a power rating of 1,000 W is used 180 minutes daily.________________
37. An electric fan with a 55 W power rating is being used every night for about 480 minutes. Compute the energy used for a
38. You used up an energy of 18000 kWh using your computer for a month, what is the power rating or wattage of your
39. 4 Kwh is used for 5 hours with a speaker, how much wattage is present?________________
40. 30 thirty-watt hair blower is used for the arrangement of the hairs of the Miss RSMOHS for 120 minutes. Find the energy
41. 5000 Kwh is used in the production of cheese powder at a certain company using a 250 W powder mixer, for how many
minutes does the machine is used?_______________
42. Charging your cellphone costs you to use up an energy of 33.3 kWh for 9 hours, what is the wattage of your charger?
43. You used up an energy of 18000 kWh using your computer for a month, what is the power rating or wattage of your
44. An electric stove used up 150 Kwh with 30 W power rating, how many minutes it was on?___________________

Part V. Choose the correct answer for the following.

45. A magnet is moved in a coil of wire not attached to anything, what is induced?
a. resistance b. current c. voltage d. all of the above
46. A step-up transformer has what on its core?
a. Primary coil has less turns than the secondary b. Primary coil has more turns than the secondary
c. Primary and secondary has the same number of turns d. none of the above
47. A step-down transformer has what on its core?
a. Primary coil has less turns than the secondary b. Primary coil has more turns than the secondary
c. Primary and secondary has the same number of turns d. none of the above
48. From the diagram, what is at the green arrow in the transformer?
a. Primary coil c. Iron core BLUE
b. Secondary coil d. Magnetic field
49. From the diagram, what is at the blue arrow in the transformer?
a. Primary coil c. Iron core
b. Secondary coil d. Magnetic field
50. From the diagram, what is at the yellow arrow?
a. Primary coil c. Iron core YELLOW
b. Secondary coil d. Magnetic field GREEN
51. From the diagram, what is at the red arrow?
a. Primary coil c. Iron core
b. Secondary coil d. Magnetic field

52. A transformer has 30 turns on the primary and 55 on the secondary, the potential difference on the main supply is 200 V,
What is the other potential difference?
a. 36.66 b. 366.67 c. 366.66 d. 3666.67
53. This is a device that uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to produce electricity.
a. Transformer b. Generator c. Battery d. Fuse box
54. The primary coil of a transformer contains 1200 turns, while its secondary coil contains 3400 turns. What will be the
voltage in the secondary coil if the primary is connected across a 9 volt battery?
a. 25.5 V b. 2.5 V c. 12 V d. 9 V
55. How many turns are contained in the primary coil of a transformer that converts 220 V in the main supply to 800 V in the
secondary coil with 5000 turns?
a. 18, 182 turns b. 1,375 V c. 1,375 turns d. 18, 182 V
56. What is the power associated with a 9 V battery that supplies 1 A of current in five minutes?
a. 9 W b. 2,700 W c. 45 W d. 54 W
57. The power rating of a light bulb is 35 W when used at 220 V. How much energy is consumed by the bulb in 25 s?
a. 0.16 A b. 875 J c. 6.28 A d. 7700 J
58. How much energy is used up by the T.V. in 14 hours if its power rating is 50 W in a 220 V supply?
a. 50, 400 V b. 2,520,000 J c. 2,520,000 V d. 50,400 J
59. It takes an electric fan 300,000 J of energy to work in four minutes, how much power did it take?
a. 1,200,000 V b. 1,250 V c. 1,250 A d. 1,250 W
60. What would be the best fuse for an electric shaver with a power of .25 kW and a rate of 220 V?
a. 1.14 V b. 1.14 A c. 1.14 J d. 1.14 C

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Subject Teacher

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