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The project entitled “Student Trainee Management System” has been designed and
developed for any institution to train the students. The main aim of the project is to
computerization of placement and technical exam. It is a database system for creating
selective related information, for subsequent analysis manipulation and application. It
contains several modules to record the details about the different round questions.

It also contains details about the users who have registered for online exam. Timer is
used in the online exam module for each round. When the user starts exam, timer will be
running, and on the completion of time which is set, exam module will close and the score
will be displayed. And it maintains the reports about the users, rounds and scores of the
particular rounds.

The project is very useful to enrich the knowledge. The package is easy to use for
recording the results and performance of users who undertook online exam. It is very simple
in its creation and all the user-friendly facilities are provided. Messages are given whenever
there is a need. Special care has been made for data integrity and security. It is mainly
designed to take handle online exam effectively by eliminating the drawbacks of existing

User need not want to wait for the results a long time, when the online exam is once
completed; scores of the individual user will be displayed. It is developed using PHP and
MySQL. The system will be designed to help students who want to study online or who are
interested in doing extra class work. The system also provides teachers with extra material to
complement their classes. The proposed system is grouped into various categories like
aptitude, English verbs, TNPSC exam materials and technical which can be selected based on
user choice.

In the project mainly there are 5 modules. They are

 Login module
 Registration module
 Exam module
 Result module and Reports module

Login module

Through the login module, registered users can login. It is used for authenticating the
users. After logging in, user can go for exam under various categories.

Registration module

In the form the user has to register the bio-data and a unique code is given to each
user. Once the user has registered, they can participate in all the exam categories.

Exam module

Exams are added for many subjects where candidate can take exam for the desired
subject. The user can participate in all the categories. The user has to complete the attempting
the questions with in a time duration. The project is mainly designed for general aptitude,
English verbs, TNPSC exam materials and technical aptitude questions.

Result module

This module will be used to monitor the performance of the candidate in order to
display the result of the candidate. After completing 4 set of question papers, result will be

Reports module

Reports play an important role to display the performance about the user in the
categories. The report will display the final result in the online exam. Candidate can view the
previous reports as well. If the student score is less than 25, status of the student is “Failed”
and if the score is above 30 result of the student is “Passed with distinction”. If it is above 40,
status is “Second class”. If it is above 45, status is “First class”.


System bus : 64 bit

Processor : Core 2 Duo

RAM Capacity : 3 GB

Hard Disk : 420 GB

Keyboard : 110 Keys

Mouse : 2 Button Mouse

Monitor : LG Monitor 15 inch

Speed : 2.5 GHZ


Operating System : Windows 7 Professional

Front End : PHP

Back End : MySQL

Software Used : WAMP server

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