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Year & Section: BTLED-IA 4TH YEAR




1. Discuss comprehensively the significance and relationships arts to human.

Answer: For me, arts to human has a big purpose. It should make human being real on its own selves,
sharing and expressing their emotions and situation in life by inspiring that other people can relate
and motivate. Arts also a way to deal with feelings that cannot be expressed through typical means
like conversation or words. It can help also the human in improving their self by making artwork and
creative things. Art also can be a source of income to human by selling their skills and creativeness
through making fantastic and authentic masterpiece.

2. Describe the indigenous creative crafts in the Philippines.

Answer: The indigenous creative crafts in the Philippines Indigenous crafts are the products manually
created by ethnic or tribal groups in the Philippines. It has a creative concept and design which are
very amazing in our eyes. These are arts that are purposive in nature as they reflect the way of life
during early times. These crafts serves as the starting point of manual innovation that has lasting
meanings and functions to the society. It was made by different materials like rattan, bamboo,
sinamay, abaca and etc.

3. Discuss the significance and relationship of Indigenous arts and crafts to BTLED-IA. Cite an examples.

Answer: For me, the significance and relationship of indigenous arts and crafts to BTLED-IA are the
indigenous arts make the student creative and has ability to create their artwork by means of
different materials such as rattan, bamboo, and many others. It help to have available resources to
use in making an artwork. For instance, in the field of carpentry and masonry, the students can make
bahay kubo made by bamboo and kawayan, on the other hand, the students can make art sculpture
made by wood and sculpture of different design made by cement. It also have a chance to promote
the indigenous creative arts and crafts to different places by means of exhibit of man-made artwork.
4. Being a BTLED- IA Students, how are you going to develop a sense of responsibility and conserving the
Philippine culture through arts and crafts. Please provide a related video and watch. Don't forget to
upload or submit the link.

Answer: For me, as a BTLED IA Students I would preserve and conserve the Philippine Culture by
making an artwork and sharing it to other people for them to recognize the culture of the Philippines.
Promote crafts by way of selling different creative artwork that can society benefits it for their daily
lives, since we are in an industrial arts course there are many opportunities that can student can do
for the culture that we have. It also connects us to other people by means of introducing our arts and
crafts by other places such as bag made by basket, bamboo spoon, display figuring made by bamboo
and wood and others.

Link of the video:

5. From the video you've watched, write a synthesis. Discuss the important lesson or values you've

Answer: Before I watch the video, the first 1 minute I realized the word "respect" by showing our co-
filipino maintaining his/her skills by helping other people by sharing their talents for everybody. Even
they getting older, they will not forget and skip the arts that they have and learned from the past.
Moreover, they preserve and conserve the arts of history of places or persons by displaying it in our
Philippine Museum. Other are all about the dance we have which is festival dance that has many
styles every place depending of the culture of a certain place or persons. It shows what the persons
identity, characteristic and life by seeing their creative arts and crafts. At last, the video makes people
inspired by realizing how the arts important to our lives and how it shaped and change our selves
from the reality we faced today.

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