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EUMIND Entrepreneurship has
taught me alot. It has not only
honed my research skills, but
has also forced me to think
outside the box, come up with
new and innovative ideas and
made me step outside of my
comfort zone as I talked to and
discussed our product with local This program has also helped
experts. From making the me meet many people since I
introduction video to talked to many people, all of
distributing our bins to collect whom have given me grains of
organic waste and then selling wisdom to help me create this
the compost to nurseries, I am product, which not only helps
glad to have been able to take in reducing the amount of
part in this program. I have waste that is going into the
learnt that having an idea is not landfill, but it also recycles it
enough, but you need to know and uses it to help nurture
how to present it, explain it, and plants.
most of all, sell it.

I learned a lot about Due to the several people I
entrepreneurship from spoke with through this
EUMIND. In addition to programme and the advice
improving my research they all gave me, I was able to
abilities, it challenged me to meet a lot of people and
think creatively, generate develop a product that not only
original ideas, and venture helps to reduce garbage that is
beyond my comfort zone. I've going to landfills but also
come to realise that having an recycles it.
idea is not enough; you also
need to know how to
communicate it.


EUMIND entrepreneurship I learned a lot about
taught many things. From entrepreneurship from
making me come up with new EUMIND.
and creative ideas that would Along with honing my research
better the world we reside in, techniques, it pushed me to
to It improved my research think creatively, generate fresh
skills. It all started with the ideas, and get out of my
introduction video, our plan comfort zone as I spoke with
blossomed as we made the and debated our product with
presentation and then regional authorities
eventually got started on the I've discovered that having an
product. This included idea alone is insufficient; you
dispensing our bins to also need to know how to
accumulate organic waste and communicate it, explain it, and
then selling the compost to most importantly, sell it.
conservatories. Just the I am happy to have been able to
experience on the whole was participate in this programme.
amazing and i am thankful to
have been able to take part in
this program.

I learnt a lot from this project, but the most important thing was
how to manufacture and sell items. In addition to this, my
research abilities have also become much better since I had to
learn and grasp many new things if we wanted our product to be
great. In order to improve it, I was also able to step outside of my
comfort zone and speak with a variety of people.
From creating and editing the films to manufacturing and
marketing the composter, this programme was for me like being
on a roller coaster.but i had alot of fun doing this whole project.


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