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Past Tense

Prepared by:

Rowena E. Beniga
Carmen National High School
Division Of Agusan del Nore
Carmen District 1
Title : Action Verb

Simple Past and Past Perfect Tense of the Verb

Learning Competency: Use the Past and Past Perfect

Tense correctly in varied context.
(Code : ENG-III-h-3)


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

• explain the order of events on a picture using the past tense of the verb;
• evaluate the importance of proper using of simple past and past perfect tense of the verb
• Write and caption two unforgettable moments by using the correct simple past and past
perfect tense..
Think and review:

How do you know whether a word is past tense or not?

Review Rules:

An action verb is a word that expresses action. It tells what the subject of the sentence does
or did.

Verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the
predicate of a sentence.

Your Initial Task

Task 1: Time Marks: Start class by having students think things they did the
day before. What time did they get up? What did they do next and next?
Follow the timeline bellow.

Time Activity

______ __________________

______ __________________

______ __________________

______ __________________

______ __________________

Task 2: Picture Sequence: Put the six picture below in order starting with which event
happened first. After you have ordered the pictures write few sentences about
what is happening in each.

_________________ __________________ __________________

_________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ _________________

__________________ _________________ _________________

Task 3: What happened?

Fill in the blank with the correct verb from the word box

Played kicked barked cleaned

painted washed listened smiled

1. The dog ________loudly.

2. Kenney ___________Mona Lisa picture

3. I __________my dirty hands.

4. Sarah ___________the guitar.

5. The girl ___________to music.
Pictures credit: biology of the hand washing 2
Your Text & Let’s Read !

The Simple past tense is used to show an action that took place in the past.
e.g. little Red Riding Hood visited her grandmother last week.

The simple past tense of verbs can be formed in several ways:

a. By adding “ed” or “d” to the verbs.
e.g. walk - walked
smile - smiled
b. By doubling the consonant and adding “ed”
e.g. chop - chopped
grab - grabbed
c. By changing “y ‘ into “ied”
e.g. cry - cried
study - studied
d. Some verbs have irregular forms
e.g. teach - taught
sell - sold
bring - brought
fly - flew
e. Some verbs remain unchanged
e.g. cut - cut
put - put

Let’s Think !

Process Question:

How do you know whether a word is past tense or not?

Activity 1:

A. Write the simple past tense of the verb below.

1. Watch = ____________
2. Witness = ____________
3. Practice = ____________
4. Tell = ____________
5. Drink = ____________

B. Write the simple past tense of the verbs given inside the parentheses
to complete the story.

A bird found a seed and (1.) ____________ carry it back to his nest.

On his way home, he accidentally (2) ______________ drop the seed.

A rabbit passed by. He did not bother to pick it up. He (3) ______________

think “It’s just a tiny seed.”

Then, a duck (4) __________ see the seed. She (5) _________ pick

it up and brought it home. She (6) _________________ plant the seed in

her garden and (7)___________ water it everyday.

A few days later, the magic seed (8) _____________ grow into the field

Of corn. The duck (9) ____________ harvest the crops and (10 ) _________

Eat them for many months.

Activity 2: Puzzle Me Up!

Write the Past Simple form of the following verbs and find out what the
solution is.

Your Text & Let’s Read !

The past perfect tense is for talking about something that happened before
something else.
The formula for the past perfect tense is had + [past participle]. It doesn’t
matter if the subject is singular or plural; the formula doesn’t change.

So what’s the difference between past perfect and simple past? When
you’re talking about some point in the past and want to reference an event that
happened even earlier, using the past perfect allows you to convey the sequence
of the events. It’s also clearer and more specific.
Consider the difference between these two sentences:
Example :
We were relieved that Benny used washable paint.
We were relieved that Benny had used washable paint.

Useful Tip
Time Expressions in the Past Perfect Simple

The time expressions already, for, since, and yet may be used in the past perfect

simple, as they are in the present perfect simple. Remember the following rules for

using other time expressions:

• Use after, as soon as, the moment that, until before using the past perfect


Ex: After she had moved out, I found her notes./ I didn’t say

anything until she had finished talking.

• Use before, when, by the time before the past simple:

Ex. Before I knew it, she had run out the door. / By the time he phoned her,

she had found someone new.

The past perfect simple is used to describe one action that happened before another
action in the past.
In many cases a complete sentence is written in two parts with two different tenses:

1. The past perfect simple, to refer to the action that happened first or earlier
2. The past simple to refer to the action that happened second or later

Sometimes the past perfect simple is used on its own and the action that took place
afterwards is understood.

1. After Sofie had finished her work, she went to lunch.

(First she finished her work and then she went to eat lunch.)
2. I washed the floor when the painter had gone.
(First the painter left and then I washed the floor.)
3. Harold had known about it for a while.
(First he knew about it, then others knew about it)

The past perfect simple tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb had together with the
V3 (past participle). The V3 (past participle) form of a regular verb looks just like a
regular verb in the past simple:

1. walk > walked / study > studied / stop > stopped / create > created

There are quite a few irregular verbs in English though. It pays to memorize them.

Subject had +Verb(V3) Rest of Sentence


had met him before he became famous

Subject had +Verb(V3) Rest of Sentence

I / You / We / had lived here for three years by the time

They we met
He / She / It

Note: The order of phrases may be switched, but the meaning will stay the same.

1. By the time Doris got to the party, everyone had gone home.
2. Everyone had gone home by the time Doris had got to the party.

Note: Had Had – A verb combination that often causes confusion in the past perfect
simple is had had. Ex. I had had enough to eat but I wanted dessert anyway. The first
had is the auxiliary (or helping) verb and the second had is the V3 (or past participle) of
the main verb to have. It means that even though I ate enough, I wanted dessert after
that. It may look strange, but it is correct.

Exercises 1:

Underline the verb in the past perfect simple form

1. After Sofie had finished her work, she went to lunch.

2. I washed the floor when the painter had gone.
3. Harold had known about it for a while.
4. I didn’t say anything until she had finished talking.
5. After she had moved out, I found her notes.
6. Before I knew it, she had run out the door.
7. By the time he phoned her, she had found someone new.

Source: 7
Exercises 2:
Fill in the correct form of the past perfect simple or past simple as in the


After Loren had turned on the alarm, she locked the door. (turn on)
Had you known about the contract they signed? (know)

1. After the company _____Joe, he began to work on his first project. (hire)
2. _____you _______ the news before you saw it on TV? (hear)
3. Michael didn’t want to see the movie because he _______ the book yet. (not read)
4. The concert ______ already _______when we _______ the stadium. (begin/ enter)
5. Until Anne ________ Mark, she ____ never ______in love. (meet, be)

Exercise 3

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense – Past
Perfect or Simple Past.

Pat __________ (to live) in Butuan before he _________ (to move) to Surigao.

Pat had lived in Butuan before he moved to Surigao.

1. After Fred (to spend) his holiday in Italy he (to want) to learn


2. Jill (to phone) Dad at work before she (to leave) for her trip.

3. Susan (to turn on) the radio after she (to wash) the dishes.

4. When she (to arrive) the match already (to start).

5. After the man (to come) home he (to feed) the cat.

Your Final task

Task 1:
From the list of irregular verbs, make your own sentences in simple
past and past perfect tense. Then with a partner, check each other’s


Travel and Explore

Wow Carmen!!!
As we all know Municipality of Carmen is very popular among the town of Agusan del
Norte interm of tourist spot.

• Carmen Municipal Hall: new municipal hall officially

opened on July 1, 2011.

• Plaza Beach Resort: beach covered with white sands

in its coast located at Sitio Bulihon, Barangay Tagcatong.
• Mount Carmel View Park: park commonly called by Carmenanons as "Marcos
Park", located at San Isidro, Barangay Tagcatong. From here, one can view the
entire Carmen and nearby municipalities, and the island province of Camiguin.
• Punta Diwata Cave: one of the popular destinations in Carmen consisting of 43
caves, located in Barangay Vinapor.
• Balite Beach Resort: located in Barangay Vinapor.
• Vinapor Blue Waters: located near the Cliffs of Barangay Vinapor, this resort
features carved stones formed into a dinosaurs, a reason for it to be commonly
called "Jurassic Park".

source:Geni.The Kaamiño Family August 11, 2007 Wilfredo P. Kaamiño, Jr. ,
Task 2: Have you been here?

Have you been here? Do you have more memories to be treasured in this place?
Chose the picture and caption at least two events about your unforgettable moments
from that picture. Apply and observe proper use of past simple and past perfect tense of
the verb.

Photo credits:wowcarmenagusandelnorte

Photo credits:wowcarmenagusandelnorte

Task 3: flashback memory

In Carmen, Agusan del Norte, the Kabayawa

Mango Festival is celebrated annually. On
this occasion street dancing are participated
by different groups in colourful attires. This
culminate at the parade ground where each
group performs vying with each other to the
delights of the cheering crowd.

By flashing your memory, if you are one of the

participants of this festival , cite at least five
unforgettable experiences in a paragraph
form using the correct forms of past simple and past perfect tense.



Task 1: varied answer
Task 2: picture story

1 4 1

6 3 5

Task 3:
1. Barked 2. Painted 3. Washed 4. Played 5. Listened
Activity 1
A. Watch - watched
Witness - witnessed
Practice - practiced
Tell - told
Drink - drunk
B. Carry - carried
Drop - dropped
Think - thought
See - saw
Pick - picked
Plant - planted
Water - watered 11
Grow - grew
Harvest - harvested
Eat - ate
Activity 2: PUZZLE ME
1. Opened 6. Did 11. told
2. Saw 7. Came 12. cleaned
3. Sold 8. Slept 13. found
4. Wanted 9. Played 14. washed
5. Visited 10. Went 15. gave
Exercise 1
1. Had finished
2. Had gone
3. Had known
4. Didn’t say/had finished
5. Had moved out
6. Had run
7. Had found

Exercise 2 –Past perfect Tense

1. had hired
2. Had/heard
3. hadn’t read
4. had/begun/entered
5. met/had/been

Exercise 3
1. After Fred had spent his holiday in Italy he wanted to learn Italian.
2. Jill had phoned Dad at work before she left for her trip.
3. Susan turned on the radio after she had washed the dishes.
4. When she arrived the match had already started.
5. After the man had come home he fed the cat.


Connections –English skills Integrated with Christian values 7 (Dr. Emerlita G. Magsajo-Sarno)

English Communication Arts and Skill trough Filipino literature sixth edition
Communication Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature Third edition
English 7 Learners Materials for Grade 7,_Agusan_del_Norte#Attractions

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