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Romina Cali Villegas Dubrasca

Unidad Educativa Franciscana “San Andrés”


8vo “B” Proyecto Supletorio: Ingles

Lic.Terresita Carrillo

The objective of my project is to publicize the typical food that clothes use etc from
Quito and Guayaquil, it is a very important issue since it is reasonable and thoughtful
that focuses on deciding what to do or what to believe, and the relationship between that
problem and environment.
Objetivo Especifico:
Facilitate the learning of Quito and Guayaquil and we do it to solve people's problems,
since it allows the vision from different angles and perspectives, reflection and learning of
new strategies.

 Typical food
Baking: the baking is a typical dish of the city of Quito, this dish contains
many ingredients q are harvested in that city more specific in the sierra area,
the people of Quito eat it a lot
 Typical costume
The typical costume of Quito is characterized by being very colorful having a very
energetic indigenous presence which makes see the respect that exists over the
first inhabitants of the lands of this city. The lady of Quito wears a flat skirt up to
the feet that is carefully designed where the red and green colors predominate as
well as details that are observed from afar adorning the garment in a very splendid
way. The shirt q used by the woman is contains minor details that are limited to
decorating her so as not to leave a neutral color alone. the small mantle that he
places on his back and culminates in the front top of the shirt, is colorful and
represents the culture of Quito On his head the woman wears a hat that is
faithfully decorated in turn. They use espadrilles that represent everything
aboriginal and those first settlers. The man achieves a perfect contrast with the
woman since he dresses all in white taking into account some of the details that
the woman has in his shirt

 Climate of Quito
In Quito, the rainy season is cool and cloudy and the dry season is comfortable and
partly cloudy. During the course of the year, the temperature generally varies from 9 °C
to 19
°C and rarely drops to less than 7 °C or rises to more than 21 °C. the best time of year
to visit Quito for hot weather activities is from mid-June to mid-September

City of Guayaquil

 Encebollado: Encebollado is one of the favorite dishes of Ecuadorians. Albacore,

cassava, tomato, Colorado optional herbs are the base ingredients. A traditional debate
is about which complement is the ideal for the encebollado. Although the spicy and
encebollado were initially served with rice, now the soup is accompanied with bread,
chifles or roasted corn

 Costumes

The full dresses are blue and white dresses, with umbrellas and handkerchiefs for ladies,
gentlemen, guayaberas, black pants and hat.

 climate
The influence of the cold Humboldt and warm El Niño sea currents mean that the climate of the
guayaquil canton is of the tropical savanna and tropical monsoon type, with high temperatures
during most of the year. The average temperature is approximately 25°C.

What year was Quito founded?

This December 6 will celebrate the 486 years of the founding of Quito. In his honor, the traditional
Solemn Session will be held in San Roque (downtown), with the presence of the Metropolitan Council,
and Mayor Jorge Yunda.

Researchers and chroniclers from the capital report that Diego de Almagro remotely founded the town of
San Francisco de Quito on August 28, 1534 at the site of Riobamba. On that date the Cabildo was
appointed, which was made up of two mayors and eight councilors. Thus, Lieutenant Captain Sebastián
de Benalcázar was in charge of establishing the new town, according to documents from Cieza de León.

The effective foundation of the town of San Francisco de Quito in the territory of the current capital of
Ecuador took place on December 6, 1534. On December 4 Benalcázar and his troops arrived at the
Turubamba plain, where they probably rested on Saturday. 5. The next day they advanced towards Quito
and entered the current Maldonado Street to El Panecillo.

What year was Guayaquil founded?

In accordance with the so-called 'Guayaquil founding process' that the Buenos Aires City Council
supports together with the studies of the Historical Archive of Guayas, today we commemorate the
official act of the founding of Guayaquil that occurred on Saturday, August 15, 1534, in the plains of
Liribamba or Riobamba precisely the day in which the Catholic saint celebrates the Assumption of the
Virgin Mary.

Initially bearing the name of Santiago (from Quito) –for the region in which it was born– the city
endured transfers, removals and resettlements to fulfill the purposes and interests of the conquering
company that brought it to the Coast. Thus, he was in the region of Indians called Chilintomo, La Cruz
site, mouth of the Babahoyo River (current province of Los Ríos). The area was ruled by the chief

He was also in Chaday on the banks of the Yaguachi River at its mouth in the Rio Grande or Babahoyo.
Similarly, in the region of La Culata until when, after overcoming other settlement
problems, it reached its final settlement on the slopes of the Santa Ana, Cerrito Verde or
Lominchao hills in 1547.


(Weatherspark, 2021) a%C3%B1o

(Quitourbus, 2020)

(Gobierno del encuentro, 2019)

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