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Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: _________________________

Subject: Media & Information Literacy Teacher: ________________________________

Lesson: Quarter 2 Week 2 LAS 1
Activity Title: Massive Open Online Course
Learning Target (s): Describe the new trend in media and information in education
Reference(s): SLM Media and Information Literacy

Massive Open Online Course or MOOC - an online course that offers open access via the
Internet for free or at a low cost. With the continuous growth of media, modernization is anywhere,
learning becomes more accessible. They offer a large number of students the opportunity to study high-
quality courses online with prestigious universities, often at no cost. They are ideal for independent study
and users can select courses from any institution offering them. MOOCs do not always lead to formal
qualifications. There are no entry requirements.
Massive Open Online Content and its Implications
Massive Open Online Content (MOOC) is defined by Educause as a model for delivering learning
content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance. It can be
characterized by the following:
a) A revolutionary approach to education that veers away from the physical to the virtual.
b) A kind of learning that happens online, breaking the norm of traditional schools or universities for
higher education.
c) Utilizes information technologies like analytics to help instructors gauge their student’s learning.
d) Emphasis on connectedness.

Let’s summarize our lesson by answering the following questions briefly. Copy and answer this activity in
your answer sheet.
1. What is MOOC?
2. How was MOOC made possible today?
3. How is it different from taking a course from a college or university?
4. How is it changing or influencing education at present?
Category Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Poor (2)
Content Content is accurate and all required Content is accurate but some Content is accurate but some Content is inaccurate. Information is
information is presented in a logical required information is missing, but required information is missing incomplete making it difficult to
manner. is still generally easy to understand. making it difficult to understand. follow.

Organization Ideas are presented in a cohesive Ideas are presented in a cohesive Some ideas are not presented in a Ideas are not presented in a logical
and concise manner. manner. logical order. manner.
Mechanics There are no grammatical/ There are 1-2 grammatical/ There are 3-5 grammatical/ There are more than 5 grammatical/
mechanical errors on the paper. mechanical errors on the paper. mechanical errors on the paper. mechanical errors on the paper.
Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: _________________________
Subject: Media & Information Literacy Teacher: ________________________________
Lesson: Quarter 2 Week 2 LAS 1
Activity Title: Massive Open Online Course
Learning Target (s): Determine the value of progressive lifestyle and education
Reference(s): SLM Media and Information Literacy

Massive Open Online Content and its Implications

Massive Open Online Content (MOOC) is defined by Educause as a model for delivering learning
content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance. It can be
characterized by the following:
a) A revolutionary approach to education that veers away from the physical to the virtual.
b) A kind of learning that happens online, breaking the norm of traditional schools or universities for
higher education.
c) Utilizes information technologies like analytics to help instructors gauge their student’s learning.
d) Emphasis on connectedness.

The Implications
1. By taking learning into virtual space, attendance is no longer a determining factor in one’s education.
This makes MOOC learning a popular alternative for those whose life situations make them unable to
attend regular schools.
2. Managing MOOC is relatively cheaper than running educational institutions. By taking out the
experiences of Universities – which are passed down to students in exorbitant fees- MOOC addresses
the high cost of education.
3. Analytic provides information about the learning process of students. Through the use of data
collected through analytic, MOOC provides a means to improve learning.
4. Since it focuses on connectedness as part of the learning process, MOOC allows education to take
place on a global scale. Connecting learners and instructors all over the world to one another to
maximize education.

Enumerate the benefits of MOOC as a current trend in media to students, the education system, and
society by filling in the matrix below. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
Contribution to Education
Benefits for the students Contribution to the Society
Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: _________________________
Subject: Media & Information Literacy Teacher: ________________________________
Lesson: Quarter 2 Week 2 LAS 1
Activity Title: Massive Open Online Course
Learning Target (s): Predict future innovations based on observation
Reference(s): SLM Media and Information Literacy

The Paperless society

The paperless society is a society where
communication is done electronically and all forms of
printed communication have become obsolete. It is
characterized by the shift from letters to e-mails,
newspapers to news web pages, books to e-books,
and so on.

Ubiquitous learning
Ubiquitous learning is common in the age of
information. Since the information in the digital age
can be accessed by anyone, at any given time and
place, ubiquitous or an ever-present type learning of
learning is possible.

Describe the technology of today and technology of the future by filling in the chart below.

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