Texting A Man 101 Callisto Adams

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Texting a Man 101: Your Ultimate

Texting Kit
Hello and welcome! I’m Callisto Adams, a dating and relationship expert for
more than 6 years now; Here’s what I’ve carefully picked for you!

A list of unheard/unread before texts suitable for di erent situations you might
find yourself in during di erent stages of dating/a relationship with a man.

The list is divided into 6 sections, as follows:

- Flirty Texts
- Funny Texts
- After-First Date Texts
- Reconnecting Texts
- Ask Him Out Texts
- Apology Texts

*The best thing about these texts is that they can be fluid and easily adjustable
to any type of beautiful characters out there reading this. Enjoy!


*The texts below are suitable for any situation as long as you’re in the mood to

1. “I forgot to tell you today, Ben… you’re too handsome to handle when
you wear yellow. How dare you?”
You provoke his thoughts with the first line, you evoke curiosity, perhaps a little uneasy
feeling about what you could’ve forgotten to tell him; Leading him then to a moment of
relief and joy when the next thing he reads is a nice compliment said playfully.

It’s perfect to send after a first date, second, or anytime during the early stages of

Of course, you can send this even if you’re in a three-year relationship as long as
you’ve got the chemistry going on!

2. “It’s not fair to the rest of the people on the planet, you know? You
seem to be one of Nature's favorites, she clearly took her time with
Once again you’re provoking his thoughts, as the first thing he reads is something
intriguing that could lead to any sentence.

Another great moment of relief when he finds out it’s a unique compliment he’s never
heard before!

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3. “I’m drowning in documents, dirty thoughts, and work - all mixed up.
You think you could save me today?”

It’s flirty and enticing because to him, it’ll represent a challenge. He’ll be in between
replying to your text right away with something like “I’m on my way!” and taking his time
to think about what you meant with “dirty thoughts”.

It’ll help build tension and chemistry until you meet up. Until he comes to ‘save’ you.


*Suitable for any situation, whether you haven't met up yet, he’s your date, he’s
your boyfriend, or he’s your husband, these texts will get his face smiling!

1. “Mister, you have electrocuted me with your charm! Writing from the
death bed right now.”
The compliment is sweet enough to make him smile, what comes after it is what’s going
to make him laugh.

You can send this text if he’s showing o about himself, or simply out of the blue after
you met up. Your choice!

2. “No, please! Don’t blame yourself…

Let me do it!”
A text to send him when he’s in worry about something he did to you (or someone else).
This will help you cheer him up.

It’s best to use it in a mild situation when things aren’t heavy to make it inappropriate
to say such a thing.

3. “You’re charming, though I found your flaw: It takes you 84 years to

reply back, mister!
*it’s been 84 years gif*
If you’re dealing with a slow replier who’s very aware of his ability to take hours before
replying, then this’ll do the work.

You let him know you appreciate him by giving him a compliment, AND you let him
know what annoys you about him. A funny warning for his delayed messages.

Hopefully, he’ll get his lesson this time.

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*The texts below will be useful whether you want to let him know you had a
good time and are looking forward to a second date with him, or that you don’t
see him as a future partner.

Note: If slightly adjusted they can be sent after a second date too.

1. “I had no idea it’d be that easy and lovely to be around you. Thank
you for the amazing time!”
You’re being the first one to reach out to him and let him know that you’re still
interested. It’s perfect if you’re looking to throw the ball at his court and make him be
the one to ask you on the second date.

2. “You glow in that yellow shirt! Thanks for the amazing day and view ;)
I’d love to see you again soon, how about next weekend?”
This is for those little rebels that don’t care much about the social constructs and
gender roles! You begin with a unique compliment, follow with a “thank you”, to then
ask him out.

It’s striking and straight to the point. You’re clear about what you want, and that’s
di cult to say no to!

3. “I just wanted to thank you for being so nice and warm yesterday. I
really did enjoy the time with you, but I didn’t see we’re compatible on
a few ideas that are very important to me. Best of luck!”
You’re politely refusing him by letting him know you appreciate his time and by being
honest about the reason you’re not interested in further dates.

No room for guilt. You’re being respectful by not wasting his time by pretending to
forget you had “that thing” at the last minute.


*The following texts are suitable for those wanting to reconnect with a man
they lost touch with for a while.

Can be used for a simple expression of gratitude, or the need to have him back
in your life. You can pick according to your situation.

1. “I know it’s been quite a long time… I miss your energy, especially
today. How are you?”

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You begin with acknowledging that your text is coming out of the blue and it might’ve
disrupted his peace, however, you follow up with the reason why you decided to break
the silence: you miss them.

The “especially today” might intrigue him to ask you about it, or it can be an
anniversary or a marked date in which you shared something.

You ask him about how he is, which is a simple way of starting the conversation to
know a bit more about where he’s standing in the situation.

2. “I know we haven’t heard from each other in a long while, but I don’t
want to completely lose touch with you. How about a cup of co ee this
Friday evening?”
Again, it’s best that you start by acknowledging that this text is coming out of the blue.
You’re direct about your intentions and the reasons you texted him.

3. “I miss hanging out with you, you were so fun! Please tell me your
spark hasn’t dimmed!”
This one is for those who don’t expect anything back, but if anything, a kind response
is welcomed.

You let him know of something in particular that you remember of him to light your
mood up and show gratitude by letting him know he didn’t lose that ‘power’.


*Some of these texts are straightforward, and some aren’t. Find the one that
most suits your character: something you’d say for realsies.

1. “Hey [name], co ee/beers/wine this Friday?”

It’s short and simple, but most importantly it’s straightforward.

You can insert the time of the day that suits you, but it’s better to leave that option
open for him to suggest something along these lines “Absolutely! I’m free at 5 pm, does
that suit you?”.

2. “Hi there! I’ll be hiking at [name of the spot] this weekend. Since
you’re a hiking junkie too, I thought I’d invite you. Let me know if you’re
This is less forward for those who don’t feel comfortable with the, “You asked me on a
date” statement.

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You’re letting him know you want his company, but you’re not doing this activity
exclusively for him to spend alone time with you. You play it safe, even if you’re ‘refused’
your ego will take it easier than just asking him straightforwardly.

3. “Hi [name]! Your work astounds me every single time. I’d love to
discuss it over co ee this Friday.
Oh, and you’re charming too, so I’d like to know a bit more about you
too ;)”
This is more of a playful text for those feeling bold that day. You’re confident, playful,
and interested in something in particular that he’s good at, and you’re not afraid to
say it.


*The texts below fit into both long-term situations and the ones that were led
by the heat of a moment leading to regret the next morning.

1. “I wanted to apologize for what I did. I’m realizing things now, and I
understand you and the ways I did you wrong. I’m sorry...”
You’re not desperate, you’re aware. You let him know that you thought it through and
understood that what you said wasn’t pleasant, rather o ending. You acknowledge
that and you’re apologizing about it.

2. “I’m sorry for saying what I said… I want to make it up to you tonight.
I’ll be waiting for you at my place/home with a little surprise.”
This text fits those who like to make up for their mistakes. This text will show your
determination to make things right with him without being desperate(though there’s
nothing wrong with showing vulnerability to your partner).

3. “I think I saw you at [name of the place] today. I realized how much
I’ve been missing your energy. I’m sorry that things ended the way they
This is a simple apology with no expectations for a response back. You explain to him
what triggered you to think of him and the situation you went through with him.

You’re owning it and apologizing. It’s how you get things done.

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With these texts, you’ll steal, not borrow! At the end of the day, it’s how most
things are done when it comes to love and well… texting.

For more info on each specific topic and more, read our articles at

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Feel free to write us to let us know what you thought, what you’d add and/or
remove at: callisto@hetexted.com

Sincerely yours,

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