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DIRECTION: Answer the questions briefly but substantially. (5 pts each).

1. What are the five (5) words that describe your personality?
⚫️The five words that describe my personality is first
2. How do you describe yourself?
3. What has to happen before your “real life starts”?
4. Do you think your dreams are a reflection of something deeper within your
5. What are the things that you do but don’t like doing?
6. What is that you like the most about yourself?
7. How far do you think you are achieving your big dream?
8. How do you measure success?
9. If money didn’t exist, what would you be doing with your time?
⚫️If there was no money people wouldn't really want to work anymore.
They would rather spend time with their friends and family. The reason
why many people will stop working is also because they won't really see a
reward at the end of the day, and if everyone stopped working, think about
what would happen to the world.
10. What do you think the better being the biggest fish in the small pond or a
small fish in a big pond?
11. How do you prioritize your goals and desires in life?
12.Which decision did not work out as your hope? And why do you think that is?
13.What beliefs are holding you back from progress and which one are helping
14.What opportunities are you looking out for? How prepared are you to take up
if that opportunities arrive?

“ He who has a why to live for can bear at most any how”



Mrs. Nimfa DC. Bautista


REMINDER: Write your answer in a short bond paper and print, Don’t forget to write
your full name, course, year and section. DUE DATE until Thursday ( January 19,2023)
3 pm at OIB faculty. Thank you class

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