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eLearning Trends for 2023

The View from the Trenches & The Way Forward

Trends for 2023

Trend #1
Understand and Empower Your L&D Unit …………..………….. 6

Trend #2
Align Business Goals and Training ……………………….………12

Trend #3

Ensure Learning Resonates with Multiple Generations

of Learners ………………………………………………..……….. 15

Trend #4
Make Smart Training Investments …………………………….… 23

Trend #5
Leverage Emerging Technology …………………….…………... 28

L&D’s Role in the Post-Pandemic Workplace

For decades, instructor-led classroom training has been the most common
method to deliver learning in the corporate environment. Even as organizations
began to experiment with more informal and experiential modes of learning, most
learning still took place in the classroom. However, the COVID-19 pandemic took
the classroom out of the equation almost overnight, forcing organizations to offer
alternatives for a remote workforce.

As the pandemic winds down, Learning and Development (L&D) teams are faced
with a hybrid learning audience with new synchronicity, communication, and
collaboration challenges. The New ‘Normal’ has now become the Reality!

The pandemic sped up digital transformation and highlighted the ever-enlarging

skills gap. L&D has to understand opportunities and challenges and adapt to the
change – while offering learning solutions that contribute to the bottom line.

L&D teams have started focusing on the convergence of talent development, skill-
based planning, and internal mobility to build a work culture based on continuous
learning. Business Leaders are looking to meet strategic business objectives and
look to training initiatives to demonstrate impact on goals. The spotlight is now
on L&D to speak the language of the business.

How can L&D units weather the change?

Be aligned with
Identify and
business Never stop
owners and learning

Listen to
with HR Budget wisely


54% of L&D pros agree that internal mobility has become a higher priority at their
organization since COVID-19
Source: 2022 Workplace Learning Report | LinkedIn Learning

So whether you are an L&D pro or a business leader, this eBook will show you
how change can be navigated successfully through the lens of five trends, and
offers a roadmap for your personal and professional development.
Learning Culture

in Corporate

Pulse Check – Where Do YOU Stand?
What are your company’s top Learning & Development objectives for the next
two years?

Onboard employees

internal talent

Create a culture
of learning

Retain employees

Build company
brand through

Trend #1 Understand and Empower Your L&D Unit

Over the last few years, L&D has evolved by leaps and bounds. Apart from the
usual training programs, L&D should now be enabled to create, support, and
sustain your overall organizational learning culture. 72% of L&D leaders agree that
L&D has become a more strategic function in their organizations [2].

To address current and future training requirements, L&D professionals need to

Emotional intelligence is Design thinking focuses

the capacity to recognize on the end user. Using
and handle emotions in design thinking in L&D
oneself, others, and will help us better
groups. Leaders in L&D Emotional Design identify performance
Intelligence Thinking
must hone their issues and design
emotional quotient (EQ) solutions that address
and incorporate EQ skills gaps better.
in their training programs, Learning
to help employees solve Agility

Learning agility is the skill to continuously learn and unlearn behaviors from people
or events and to use that new learning in a different environment to drive learner
engagement and achieve business goals.

While design thinking tops the list of skills, it is closely followed by the ability to
offer contextualized, personalized learning experiences, and promote knowledge-
sharing ecosystems [3].
Learning experience design is also one key area for upskilling amongst the L&D
fraternity. Learning needs to be holistic, rather than ad-hoc, one-off training
events – with the learner at the center, based on empathy and an accurate
understanding of their needs and motivations to learn.

Top three learning motivators for employees – learning that [2]:

Helps them stay Caters to Enables them

relevant by their grow – be
upskilling career promoted
and reskilling ambitions or succeed
and interests internally

Today’s hybrid workforce draws in a pool of challenges. Gallup's 10th employee

engagement meta-analysis [4] found a strong link between employee
engagement and performance outcomes such as retention, productivity, safety,
and profitability. By understanding learner behaviors, L&D can rollout training
programs that make an impact and improve learner engagement.

In today’s complex, global workplaces, L&D has to address DE&I, support

sustainability objectives, maximize ROI on enterprise-wide applications, train
employees in their preferred languages, sensitize employees to changes in
various fields, ensure employee wellbeing – and incorporate these actively in

By actively supporting strategic corporate goals such as safety, future-proofing
employees, and building learning ecosystems, L&D professionals are now required
to foster a learning culture and focus on upskilling and reskilling.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital change while highlighting the
growing skills gap. Training formats that successfully link with employees'
learning goals, while engaging them and meeting organizational goals are the
need of the hour. This has led to an increase in the usage of virtual formats,
covered later in the book. L&D must recognize both opportunities and challenges
while also adjusting to this change.

L&D teams need to

Rollout training that
helps business
leaders meet their

Understand learner Demonstrate the

needs and value of learning to
preferences the C-suite

1 3

And to do all this L&D also needs to learn, unlearn, relearn, and reinvent itself!

The State of L&D

Motivation / engagement
Technology use Strategic alignment skills
Tech strategy Storytelling
Leading others

Data analysis
Technology Research
Leadership Literacy
Agility External environm-
Resilience Personal ent analysis
Productivity / readiness Strategic thinking
Data &
efficiency Problem solving
Adaptability / making

L&D core

Communication core Content creation
Collab / teamwork Learning science
Empathy Human Centered Design
Relationship – building Marketing
Ability to upskill
/ networking Personal Dev planning
Content curation
Change mgt
Training delivery
Project mgt
Learning exp design
Creativity / Innovation
Needs analysis /
Business acumen
evaluation skills

Source: RedThread Research in LinkedIn Learning Report

Pulse Check – Where Do YOU Stand?
As an L&D professional, in which of these areas do you want to grow in the
following year?

Social Media

Data Analysis
Experience Design

Consulting Creativity &

Coaching Innovation


Trend #2 Align Business Goals and Training
For training to impact the bottom line
positively and maximize ROI, it has to
be aligned with business goals. And
organizations are increasingly viewing
the L&D unit as a consultative partner
– that helps improve employee
performance and contributes actively
to business goals through training
L&D has come a long way in the last
two years – from being a lone player to
coherently working with teams across
the organization, to actively being
involved in building a learning culture.
Stakeholders are always on the lookout
for tangible results. L&D needs to
study the KPIs of the business, align
learning interventions to meet them,
define the right assessment metrics –
and demonstrate the effectiveness or
impact of training L&D should
contribute to defining and
implementing the vision of leadership
as a strategic business partner.
Research shows that there is a
significant lack of alignment between
learning, talent and business
objectives in most organizations. Less
than half organizations believe that
needed performance outcomes are
directly tied to learning objectives, and
even fewer believe that business and
talent development objectives and
talent development and performance
outcomes are aligned.

How Well is Learning Linked to Talent & Business Objectives?

Business objectives tied directly to

38% talent development objectives

Talent development objectives tied

31% directly to learning Performance

Learning performance outcomes tied

46% directly to learning objectives

Source: Brandon Hall Group Study, Transforming learning for the Future of Work

To streamline training initiatives to align with business objectives, L&D and

business leaders must engage in meaningful dialog. L&D needs to get
stakeholders and subject matter experts (SMEs) to the table – to consult,
educate, debate, and identify the right training needs, and their solutions. The
cure – after all – will be successful only if the right problem is treated!
And leadership development, operational improvement, career advancement,
financial growth, market leadership are just some of the areas of work affected
by learning – highlighting the need for L&D and business leaders to be on the
same page.

Leadership Development

Operational Improvement

Talent Mobility & Readiness 68%


Employee Retention

Risk Mitigation

Career Advancement
Impact of Effective Learning & Development

Client Retention

Source: BHG, Transforming Learning & Development for the Future of Work
Financial Growth

Market Leadership

Succession Planning

Ensure Learning Resonates with Multiple
Trend #3
Generations of Learners

The workplace of today is hybrid not just in its locations but also in employee
demographics. While the Gen Z and Millennials (digital natives) are entering the
work arena, Digital Immigrants too are in play.
Technology is another unpredictable game changer. Things can go from fad to
dud by the time organizations implement them.

The onus of business leaders is three-fold – to ensure:
Employees are trained on using the software and technologies needed for
their daily operations

Training is tech-enabled and immersive (in the form of learning games,

AR/VR, simulations, scenarios, and more)

Provide collaborative opportunities to peers scattered across the globe

And in this context, the 70:20:10 model of mode of Learning has transformed
into the 55:25:20 model. Learners want learning to be personal, experiential,
and offer connectivity. The ‘water cooler’ conversations that drive so much of
our informal learning have to be replicated in the virtual space.

Mode of Learning Sample online Training Formats

Scenario-based eLearning
Experiential (55%)
Watch-Try-Do Simulations

Online Discussion Boards

Social (25%)
User-generated Content

Formal (20%)
Virtual Instructor-led Training (VILT)

According to a Deloitte report [3], experiential learning accounted for 68% of

total training initiatives, and there has been increased investment in
experiential modes of learning compared to conventional ones, implying that
regardless of what happens with in-person training events, virtual and
experiential modes of learning will continue to rule the roost.

The onus of business leaders is three-fold – to ensure:

Popular online training formats

Virtual Events





Gamified Learning

Learning Platforms

Virtual Events

Virtual Instructor-Led Training or VILT is

synchronous online training that is delivered in a
virtual environment with the instructor and
learners participating in the session at the same
time, but from different locations. It offers
learners all the benefits of human interaction in
a brick-and-mortar classroom without the
hassles of travel, logistics, and space.
Virtual events cater to learners globally using
the latest digital tools and platforms. When
events are held virtually, they save a lot of time,
management efforts, and costs.

Download our ebook to discover the art and science of virtually replicating the real
classroom and everything else about VILT.


Microlearning delivers short bites of

learning, each addressing a single learning
objective. It allows for easy absorption and
retention, and helps close skill and
knowledge gaps, just-in-time. It can be used
in a variety of ways to enhance individual
and organizational performance.

Where does Microlearning fit in your learning strategy?


eLearning can be defined as

TECHNOLOGY – for its design,
development, delivery,
administration, and evaluation.
Its self-paced, anytime,
anywhere accessibility is fast
making it the most preferred
mode of training.

Explore the real eLearning, its various avatars, essentials, and more.


Simulations can be an effective

way to impart training in any
corporate environment. This
technique is becoming extremely
popular due to its ability to
emulate real-work applications
and systems so that employees
can learn in a risk-free
environment, providing
experiential learning.


An easy-to-use digital learning

resource. The beauty of
podcasts is that you can get
your in-house experts or external
influencers and experts to share
their insights with your teams.
They get it to hear and learn –
straight from the gurus!

Gamified Learning

Though gamification in
corporate training is not a new
concept, it has emerged as a
winning solution in L&D with
the rise of immersive learning.
It has changed the way we
learn. Gamified elements such
as leaderboards, badges, and
rewards build enthusiasm
among learners toward
acquiring new knowledge.

Learning Platforms

There are so many online

platforms to get upskilled and
reskilled in today’s world, all
because of the extreme
success of personalized
learning. A few platforms you
can leverage include –
LinkedIn Learning, Coursera,
Udemy, and TEDx.

This brings us next to training programs that were traditionally classroom-
intensive. They are also moving online now – with popular, high-visibility
training programs being:

Employee Leadership
Onboarding Training


The rapid shift in the need for online training is also seeing a corresponding rise for
eLearning translations.

Trend #4 Make Smart Training Investments

Slowly and steadily, the Training industry is making up for lost time.
Organizations are chasing growth aggressively to rebound from the impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2023, leaders foresee a significant increase in
training budgets and focused investments in training technology solutions.

Pulse Check – Where Do YOU Stand?
Which of these options will your organization invest in over the next 1-2 years?

Authoring Tools LXP – Learning

Experience Platform

Augmented Reality Learning Games

According to research by Brandon Hall Group [1],

organizations are ready to increase their stake in
technology by over 51% to meet learning needs. The
top training investment areas include the LMS, LXP,
Social learning, and Adaptive learning – clearly
Adaptive Learning
showing the increasing preference of organizations
to create and sustain learning ecosystems.

What Research Says



50% 53%

40% 42% 42%

30% 33% 33%

29% 29%
25% 25%
20% 22%
Social / Collaboration

Augmented Reality
Adaptive Learning


Video Syndication
Virtual Reality






Source: BHG, Building the Next Generation Learning Technology Ecosystem

More and more organizations are looking to go full throttle with Adaptive
Learning. This highlights that there is a strong emphasis on learning experience
design in terms of customizing and personalizing learning experiences.
Interestingly, 33% of organizations are also looking to invest in third-party
content and outsource some aspects [1].

Some elements organizations can outsource to save time:

eLearning development Development of Video development Leveraging LMS admin

digital assets and subtitling support and data

eLearning translations Development of Modernizing legacy

performance support courses

Business leaders are also looking to repurpose existing content – or support

internal teams in developing digital assets with quality. And time is of the
essence, given the urgent need for upskilling and reskilling workforce. In this
context, investing in rapid eLearning accelerators is a smart move business
leaders can make!

Rapid eLearning Accelerators
Rapid eLearning accelerators
come to the rescue as
organizations look to build
training programs with the
content available in-house or
when L&D needs to scale up with
zero compromise on quality.
Rapid eLearning accelerators are
not just templates. They can
include visual assets,
development kits based on
branding guidelines,
courses/certification programs
that upskill employees quickly,
questions banks to update
courses on a regular basis,
templates to capture stakeholder
requirements, ID checklists,
development and audio
checklists…. these are just a few
assets that propel online learning

These accelerators can be reused, save time, reduce the time and involvement of
SMEs, offer responsive learning, are intuitive and modern – making stakeholders,
facilitators, SMEs, learners happy!

Trend #5 Leverage Emerging Technology
Technology was, is, and will be a game-changer. The Learning domain is witnessing
the influx of several tools – right from those that make it easy to develop videos to
complicated ones that help build learning ecosystems, track online and offline
learner activities, and more.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are influencing learning more
than ever. Big Data and the capabilities of Learning Analytics coupled with AI and ML
are opening new avenues. 60% of organizations believe AI & ML-based learning
technologies are highly important or critical to business[1].

A Snippet
Organizations are now replacing human narrators in online courses with text to
speech software. AI-enabled voices are getting better and natural by the day. Just
imagine not having to search for the same narrator if your course is to be updated
after 5 years!
Video development tools are offering AI-based characters based on photos, the
ability to translate text within the tool, and more – making it easy to produce
highly-engaging videos, user-generated content.
Of course, human intervention is needed to ensure quality. However, these tools
will soon become a must-have in L&D teams’ toolkits.

Handy Tools to save cost, time and reduce the human effort

Here’s a look at some popular tools and technologies that are influencing the
Training domain.

Image Text to Speech eLearning Video

Editing Tools Software Translations Development
Tools Tools

Adobe Amazon Polly Microsoft Synthesia

Photoshop Speech Studio Translator Vyond
PhotoKit by Microsoft Amazon Camtasia
AirMagic WellSaid Labs Translate
Canva Rev DeepL Translate Me

Employees and teams today are using so many other tools to share files, facilitate
communications, streamline projects, and more….
L&D leaders can no longer say technology isn’t their domain. They should partner
with technology teams to understand emerging tech, help their organizations
invest in the right tools, and train employees on using them.

Will Metaverse Impact your Learning Strategy?

Metaverse encompasses AR (augmented reality), VR (virtual reality), 3D

holographics, blockchain, and other digital communication channels and acts as
a one-stop shop for immersive learning. Training in the metaverse can catalyze
the shift to working remotely. Existing technology is bringing the metaverse
closer to becoming a reality, providing it with economic value.

According to a Brandon Hall Group survey [10] , about one-quarter (23%) of

responding organizations said they are leveraging or exploring the use of the
metaverse right now and another 22% plan to do so within the next two years.
However, more than 42% of organizations do not plan any exploration of the

A Few Scenarios of how Metaverse can Reimagine Corporate Training

Scenario 1:
Employees feel better equipped to handle
customers’ demands from Day 1 after completing
a VR onboarding exercise. Before setting foot
behind their own store counter, learners can
practice processing returns, answering questions
about products, and dealing with upset clients.
This VR-enabled activity allows learners to
sharpen their customer service abilities without
jeopardizing their company’s image.

Scenario 2: Employee retention and productivity are more

likely to suffer if an organization has an
inefficient onboarding procedure. VR has the
potential to greatly improve onboarding,
making it more efficient and fun. Before they
even set foot in the office, when participating
in a VR-enabled onboarding activity, new
employees can get familiar with the facility,
their workplace, meet their manager, and also
visit different business locations– all from
the comfort of their own home.

Source: Metaverse: Corporate Training Reimagined! (

What Research Says…

The survey [10] shows that learning and training is the area of human capital
management that would be the first priority for organizations exploring the
metaverse. Specifically, 80% of organizations said the metaverse has the potential
to make the biggest impact on immersive learning. 60% of respondents said the
metaverse has the potential to engage new generations of workers, 57% cited
onboarding and 56% said the metaverse can help build relationships in a hybrid
work environment.

On a scale of 1 to 5, how will the Metaverse impact your learning strategy to

address the future of work?

1 = Not at all;
5 = Very significantly

21% 22%



1 2 3 4 5

Source: BHG, Transforming Learning & Development for the Future of Work

Pulse Check – Where Do YOU Stand?
To what extent do you see Metaverse impacting your training initiatives in the

Moderate extent

Large extent

No plans to implement
it any time soon

What is Metaverse?

2023 Roadmap for L&D Leaders
Some of the Learning and Development trends that we went through may not be
new to you.
Do you use any of them in your current corporate training strategy? How do you
plan to include them going forward? What’s your roadmap for 2023?

It’s time for L&D Leaders to Make 2023 Matter!

The Way Forward
Speak the Language of the Business
– Don’t work in isolation. You need
your business leaders, and they need
you to improve human potential
through training

Invest in Learning – Identify Rethink Technology – Evaluate

what investments work best your current technology, rethink
to meet your organization’s what can be done differently to
learning needs save time and reduce effort

Become an eLearning Champion – Showcase the benefits of leveraging

online learning and use tech and trends the right way; become a
consultative partner to your business leaders, and build a learning culture

Build a Brand for L&D –

Connect with Peers – Network
Highlight L&D success
with peers both online &
stories, demonstrate the
offline, engage in
value of effective training
communities of practice
to the business

Influence your Sphere – Share your

learning expertise online through
blogs, videos, vlogs, attend
learning conferences

Have a Futuristic Outlook – Focus on

a holistic learning approach and
build & promote a learning culture

Key Takeaways
L&D is always busy – keeping up with requirements, facilitating training and now
demonstrating training effectiveness. Keeping up with the latest trends is not a
mandate but rather, it is something that works in favor of the organization.
The key to success for L&D is to analyze and address gaps between business
goals and organizational and individual performance. L&D should solve business
L&D leaders must take a holistic approach to solving business problems that is
strategic and connects with the entire enterprise. Learning creates value only
when it resolves obstacles to business success. Here is an eight-step roadmap
for learning strategists and leaders:

Roadmap for L&D Leaders

Understand your Play a bigger role

organizational in building the Help managers solve Support
business, strategy learning culture in team performance Communities
and training needs your organization problems of Practice

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

Showcase success Be responsible The three top skills Be social and

stories across for your own needed are Consultative build and maintain
organization! Learning! Mindset, Analytical your Professional
Thinking and Creativity Network!

With this roadmap and trends in hand, you’re all set for 2023!
Happy Training!

1. Brandon Hall Group - Study - Transforming Learning & Development for
the Future of Work
2. LinkedIn Learning - 2022 Workplace Learning Report

3. Deloitte & NHRD – Future of Learning,

4. Gallup’s 10th employee engagement meta-analysis,

5. RDH-413840364.pdf (
6. Essential components of a learning and development strategy |

7. What is Learning & Development (L&D)? | Key Facts & Overview


8. L&D Teams: From Order Taker to Strategic Business Partner


9. Do You Speak the Language of Business? - Chief Learning Officer - CLO

10. Brandon Hall Group's Pulse Survey - How Will the Metaverse Impact
Human Capital Management?

CommLab India Store - For Rapid eLearning Accelerators
CommLab India's online store for L&D professionals is now live. Shop from a plethora
of resources such as game templates, ready reckoners, kits to speed up the
development of training resources, with the aid of instructionally sound, well-
researched resources today!

About CommLab India

CommLab India, with more than two decades of experience in the Learning
industry serving 100 International customers in 30+ countries, is the sought-after
global leader for rapid eLearning solutions. It has been ranked first among the
top providers of Rapid eLearning and Blended Learning Solutions since 2020.

With its formidable authoring tool expertise and decades of experience in

corporate training and instructional design, CommLab India offers rapid eLearning
solutions for speed, scale, and value with any authoring tool for:

Converting ILT material into instructionally sound, visually appealing, engaging

eLearning curriculums, virtual sessions, and other digital learning formats
Converting legacy courses (from Flash or any other authoring tool) to HTML5
Translating English eLearning courses into 35 international languages

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