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A Training Report
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the Degree of






(Established by Jharkhand Government under Sec.2(f) of UGC Act 1956)

This is to certify that the work presented in the training report entitled
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration of Usha Martin University, Jharkhand is an
authentic work carried out under my supervision and guidance.

To the best of my knowledge, the content of this training report does

not form a basis for the award of any previous Degree to anyone else.

Date : (Mrs. Sephalika Sagar)

Department of Management
Usha Martin University, Jharkhand

(Dr. Anupama Verma)

Head of Management
Usha Martin University, Jharkhand

The training report entitled “internship report on Consumer behavior in

Gujrat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (Amul), is hereby
approved as a creditable training report presented in satisfactory manner
as prerequisite to the degree for which it has been submitted.

It is understood that by this approval, the undersigned do not necessarily

endorse any conclusion drawn or opinion expressed therein, but approve
the training report for the purpose for which it is submitted.

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)


I would want to convey my heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Sephalika Sagar, my

mentor, for his invaluable advice and assistance in completing my project. He
was there to assist me every step of the way, and his motivation is what
enabled me to accomplish my task effectively. I would also like to thank my
company guide SHUBHAM CHOWDHARY supporting personnel who
assisted me by supplying the equipment that was essential and vital, without
which I would not have been able to perform efficiently on this project.

I would also want to thank the USHA MARTIN UNIVERSITY for accepting
my project in my desired field of expertise. I’d also like to thank my friends
and parents for their support and encouragement as I worked on this

Chapter Chapter Title Page

No. No.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Company History/Background

1.2 Corporate Policies & Strategies
1.3 Organizational Structure
1.4 Products/ Services offered
1.5 Clients (Buyers & Sellers)
1.6 Competitors
1.7 Capital Structure
Chapter 2 Topic 2.1 Consumer Behavior

Chapter 3 Training 3.1Introduction to the Department

3.2 Summary of Departmental

3.3 Training Objectives

3.4 Trainee’s Contribution

3.5 Result

Chapter 4 Suggestions 5.1 Suggestions to the Company

Chapter 5 Conclusion

Chapter 6 Reference
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Company history
Amul has a storied history, having been created in 1946 in response to the exploitation of
marginal milk producers by traders from Polson dairy, which was then the region’s only

Polson Dairy, a locally-owned dairy in Anand, Gujarat, was procuring milk from farmers at
very low rates to sell to the Bombay (now Mumbai) government.

In 1946, Gujarat was in the middle of the nationalist movement. During that time,
Polson dairy, which had complete rights to supply milk to Bombay under the Bombay
Milk Scheme, was exploiting the Indian dairy farmers by procuring milk from them at
very low rates and selling it to the Bombay Government at excessively high rates.
While Polson prospered and the middlemen happily made money, it was the poor dairy
farmers who suffered.
This continued until Tribhuvandas Kishibhai Patel started a revolution to help poor
dairy farmers and landless labourers. He approached Sardar Vallabhbahi Patel and
Murarji Desai, who was then Bombay’s home and revenue minister, to seek their
permission to form a cooperative with their own pasteurisation plant. After getting
support from the duo, the cooperative – Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers’
Union – was formed.
Any farmer was free to join the Kaira Union irrespective of his or her caste, religion or
financial status.

Tribhuvandas Kishibhai Patel demanded the Bombay government to procure milk

from this cooperative.

The whole of Gujarat was in a rebellious mood and was not contributing milk to the
Polson Dairy, by which the Polson Dairy was on the verge of breaking down. The
British government initially tried to dread the protesting farmers. They farmers refused
to buckle under pressure.

They decided to go on a ‘milk strike’ and suspended milk supply to Bombay. The city
went without even a drop of milk from Anand for 15 days.

Later, reluctantly the British allowed the farmers to set up their own cooperative,
thinking that the cooperative would not last for even a couple of days because most of
the farmers were illiterate. And this is how Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers
Union, popularly known as Amul Dairy today, was born. Tribhuvandas Kishibhai
Patel went on to become the chairman of the Kaira union.

In 1949, Patel sought the help of Dr Verghese Kurien, who was then working at the
Government Creamery at Anand, Gujarat, to put the dairy equipment together and run
the units. He was also entrusted with the responsibility of marketing and external
affairs of the Union.

Patel and Kurien were joined by HM Dalaya. Dalaya looked after the technical and
internal aspects of running the dairy. These three went on to become the pillars of the
cooperative movement.

New machinery was bought and milk procurement increased from 200 litres in 1948 to
20,000 litres in 1952. However, during this period, the surplus milk found no takers,
so farmers had to face the problem of fluctuating milk production. This gave birth to
the idea of converting extra milk to milk powder. Kurien’s batchmate from America HM
Dalaya invented the process of skimmed milk powder and condensed milk from
buffalo milk instead of cow milk and a dairy was set up in 1955 to process excess milk
into milk powder and butter. 

With the commercial success of the modern dairy at Anand, the brand name Amul
(from the Sanskrit Amulya or priceless, and also an acronym for Anand Milk Union
Ltd) was registered in 1957.

Verghese Kurien’s vision of offering thousands of small dairy farmers centralised

marketing and quality control facilities took Amul to great heights. The small Kaira
District Co-operative Milk Producers Union, which began with merely two village
cooperative societies and 247 litres of milk went on to become the world’s ninth-largest
dairy company in the world- Amul Dairy.

1.2 Corporate policies and strategies

Business Strategy of Amul:

AMUL’s business strategy is driven by its twin objectives are-

i. Long-term, sustainable growth by its member farmers
ii. Value proposition to a large customer base by providing milk
and other dairy products a low price.

1.3 Organizational structure

It has established itself as a uniquely appropriate model for rural development. Amul
has spurred the WhiteRevolution of India, which has made India the largest producer
of milk and milk products in the world. It isalso the world's biggest vegetarian cheese



1.4 Products
 There are wide ranges of products from Amul and these products are used by millions of homes
in India, as it is said rightly as "Taste of India". If you are looking for these high quality products,
then you have stepped in to the right place, where in you can get to know many products at
reasonable price from Amul. Various products from Amul such as Amul Butter, Milk Powder,
Ghee, Cheese, Chocolates, Ice cream, Milk can be known here
It consists of wide ranges of products which are outlined below:

 Amul Bread Spreads Range

 Amul Beverage Range / Milk Drinks

 Amul Powder Milk Range

 Amul PRO

 Amul Fresh Milk Range

 Amul Cheese Range

 Amul Cooking Range

 Amul Dhai Range

Amul Mithai / Desserts Range

Amul Health Drink

Amul Chocolates

Amul Ice creams

1.5 Clients
The majority of clients of Amul are from both the sec C and Sec B segments which
are characterized by middle-class and/or lower-class. Amul generally uses massive
marketing and thus is targeted at these two classes most. Customers who have a
high-end lifestyle tend to favor Naturals or a Baskin Robbins or other similar brand
that matches their tastes and status.
1.6 Competitor

There are several brands in the market which are competing for the same set of customers.
Below are the top 6 competitors of Amul:
1. Britannia
2. Nestle
3. Mother Dairy
4. Cadbury
5. Baskin Robbins
6. Kwality Walls

1.7 Capital distribution

Source of Capital of AMUL are:
 All the products are sold and distributed by Gujarat Co-operative milk
marketing federation (GCMMF). So federation gives them daily amount
decided by union if selling of Amul products will be happened or not.
 Fix deposit of society is the major source of finance.
 Interest of fix deposit of bank like UTI, BOB, GEB Bond and Sardar
Sarovar Bond etc. are one of the sources of finance.
 Share capital of Amul, which is not listed in market because it is not
for public. It is only for the members of societies.
Chapter 2: Introduction to topic
2.1 Consumer behavior and its significance
Consumer behavior is a study of a complex of those factors which result in particular
buying decisions of consumers-based on rationality, emotions or compulsions.

Significance of Studying Consumer Behavior:

(i) Realistic Implementation of the Marketing Concept:

The modern marketing concept is consumer-oriented. To give a realistic

implementation to this concept, a study of consumer behaviour is imperative. More

specifically, a study of consumer behaviour is a must for developing an ideal

marketing-mix; which is the cornerstone of the concept of marketing.

It is, in fact, very true to state that unless the marketer knows what consumers buy

and why; it is not possible to design and implement a successful scheme of marketing-

mix to, beat the completive elements.

(ii) Planning Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation:

For planning product differentiation strategies (i.e. making the product so

differentiated and unique that consumer may be tempted to buy only that product due

to its unique features); a study of consumer behaviour is very significant or necessary.

Again, for designing schemes of market segmentation (a process of dividing a potential

market into distinct sub-markets of consumers with common needs and

characteristics), a study of consumer behaviour is very necessary.

As a matter of fact, the success of marketing management depends on designing

schemes of product differentiation and market segmentation, the background data for

which is furnished by a study of consumer behaviour.

(iii) Selection of Distribution Channels:

A study of consumer behaviour not only includes what consumers buy; but also the

source from where they buy’. For example, men of status in society may never buy

things from ordinary shops and ordinary markets. They may prefer to buy from

prestigious stores and markets; even though they may have to pay a higher price and

so on for various categories of consumers.

Thus a study of consumer behaviour guides the marketer to select suitable channels of

distribution, to provide maximum convenience and satisfaction to different groups of


(iv) Designing Promotional Techniques:

Promotional techniques include advertising message and media, personal selling

approaches and special sales promotional devices. Designing promotional techniques

is much facilitated by a study of consumer behaviour; which may throw light on the

psychology of people as to the factors which affect their buying decisions.

Those factors which affect consumers’ buying behaviour may be suitably incorporated

into the promotional techniques of the organisation.

(v) Trade-Off between Price and Quality:

A study of consumer behaviour is likely to reveal whether target consumers of the

enterprise emphasize more on the price of the product or its quality. On this basis, the

marketer can device suitable pricing strategies and programmes aimed at upgrading

the quality of organisation’s products to suit the needs, habits and behaviour of

Chapter 3: Training Details
3.1 Introduction to the department
I was under the sales and marketing department which was headed by Shubham Choudhary
(Sales and marketing coordinator, Amul).
Our department took care of the smooth functioning and growth of supply chain of the Amul
products all over the Patna.
The whole system was controlled by WD Infosys.
The main objective of summer training was given by the management of Amul. The objective

3.2 Summary of departmental activities

 Analyzing budgets, preparing annual budget plans, scheduling expenditures, and
ensuring that the sales team meets their quotas and goals.
 Researching and developing marketing opportunities and plans, understanding consumer
requirements, identifying market trends, and suggesting system improvements to achieve the
company's marketing goals.
 Gathering, investigating, and summarizing market data and trends to draft reports.
 Implementing new sales plans and advertising.
 Training, scheduling, coaching, and managing marketing and sales teams to meet sales and
marketing human resource objectives.
 Maintaining relationships with important clients by making regular visits, understanding their
needs, and anticipating new marketing opportunities.
3.3 Training Objective
● To know consciousness of individuals towards Amul items.
● To know the inclination of Amul items with correlation with other serious brands.
● To know the variables which influences purchaser's purchasing conduct while buy milk.
● Swot examination of Amul and its rivals.
● To examine different factors, for example, quality, value, accessibility, inclination and so
● Thoughts regarding to expand the offer of the "Amul"
● Understanding AMUL Brand an incentive in the present and future market.

3.4 Trainee’s Contribution

I started my summer internship on 1st July 2022. And during summer training I had to
report at the organization at sharp 10:00 am and was asked to work till 6:00 pm. First 15
days I spent on various marketing activities like I had visited 32 retail store to record their
feedback towards Amul Milk.
I also worked 30 days on WD Infosys which is managing software of the Amul. I was only
allowed to work on the sales and distribution part of the software, every evening I have to
submit daily report of sales to my guide Shubham Choudhary.
And then at last 15 days I worked with questionnaire a sample size of 130
respondents was taken for the study whose response were studied and interpreted. The
sampling design was used convenience sampling. The process of analysis was done through
excel work sheet, frequency table, percentage analysis etc.
During the preparation of questionnaire I faced difficulties regarding the selection of
questions and in collection of data I found some difficulties like the customers had no time to
There is one thing that I have found that the people working at AMUL are very much helpful
in all areas. Everytime they come to me and told me that they are available at any time for
me for anything, which really boost me and motivates me towards my goal and objectives.
The culture of Amul is very much friendly.

I completed my Internship on 31st August’ 22, and during this period, I have achieved my all
objectives of my Internship.

Research Methodology
The research methodology is the basic procedures or techniques used to classify, select,
process and evaluate information on the subject. It includes following terms: Research
• Seek the general perception of consumer towards Amul Milk.
• To know the consumer psyche and their behavior towards Amul Milk.
• To know the relationship of sales with the advertisement.
• To know awareness of people towards Amul Milk.
• To know which advertisement tool is mostly preferred by people.
• To know the preference of Amul Milk with comparison to Other competitive brands.

Research Design
A Research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular study. It
is a map (or) blue print to which the research is to be conducted. Descriptive research design
has been considered as a suitable methodology for present study and for data analysis.

Sampling Design
The sampling design used was Convenience sampling, which is a non-probability sampling
 Tools used: Pie and Bar-Graph Chart
 Sampling size:50
 Method: Interview through questionnaire
 Scale: Continuous and Likert scale.

Places of study
The study was conducted in the retail outlets in Patna in the following areas:
 Phulwari Sharif
 Kankadbagh
 Patliputra
 Rajendra nagar
 Sri krishnapuri
 Muradpur

Data Analysis and Interpretation

The collected data were not easily understandable, so I like to analyze the collected data in a
systematic manner and interpreted with simple method. The analysis and interpretation of
the data involves the analyzing of the collected data and interpretation it with pictorial
representation such as bar charts, pie charts and others.

1.Which kind of dairy product do you prefer.

2. Are you satisfied with the dairy product you are consuming?

3. What do you like in these products most “Quality, Availability, Price or Taste”?
4. Do you get milk pouch at _______________.

5. What is total consumption of milk in litre/day?

6. What is your monthly expenditure on milk (in Rs.)?

7. In pouch milk which brand do you prefer?

8. AMUL tagline is "......................................................."

9. Do you think the price of the product is low compared to competitor’s product?
10. If you buy AMUL milk pouch which pack you purchase?
11. Can you recall AMUL advertisement?

12. Consumer’s opinion towards AMUL Products:

• Over 62% people chooses pouch packets and total of 92% are satisfied with dairy


• Quality liked most, proceeded by taste, availability and price respectively.

• Daily consumption of milk is upto 3 liters for over 65% of peoples.

• Amul is preferred most by 74% and proceeded by Mother dairy (22%).

• 88% recalls the Amul tagline and over 84% recalls its advertisement.

• Amul Gold purchased by 34% followed by Amul Taaza (46%).

• Over 82% liked the service of Amul product

Chapter 5: Suggestions

1. Purchasing decisions of milk are more decided by women rather than male, because
she act as a invigilator, execute her decision and influence the same to the purchase
while ascertaining the quality, freshness and price. Hence, I suggest GCMMF to
concentrate more on the women and men suggestions for designing the marketing
strategy, because women’s role in the house is dominant, even in the various
2. Occupation of the user influences the purchase decisions. The particular occupation
plays a vital role in deciding the product or services. Women segment are influencing
more on milk. Therefore, an occupation is the factor influencing the product.
3. Income of the people decides the purchasing power. The high income prefers to
purchase product with the quality, freshness, thickness, etc. and vice versa. So I
suggest Amul to concentrate also on low income segment to capture market and
position themselves in the minds of the customer with required quality and quality
4. Since Amul is having loyal customers and therefore should concentrate more on this
factor through various potential programmes such as campaign, premium packs,
offers etc., this helps to increase the loyalty towards the Amul products.
5. Milk is having high demand and it is considered as a very essential products. In
present practice, purchase of milk is through dealers. In this connection dealers
approach towards the product.
6. Introduction of various economic products lies may help Amul to attract the existing
and new customers and may attract all income level groups. Hence I suggest
management to introduce new product line which can satisfy the entire group.

From the survey conducted it is observed that Amul milk has a good
market share.

From the study conducted the following conclusions can be drawn. In

order the dreams come into reality and for turning liabilities into
assets one must have to meet the needs of the customers.

The factors considered by the customer before purchasing milk are

freshness, taste, thickness and availability.

Finally I conclude that, majority of the customers are satisfied with

the Amul milk and Milk products because of its good quality,
reputation, easy availabilities. Some customers are not satisfied with
the Amul Milk because of high price, lack of dealer services, spoilage
and low shelf life etc. therefore, if slight modification in the marketing
program such as dealers and outlets, promotion programmers,
product lines etc., definitely company can be as a monopoly and
strong market leader.

There are following links which had been used in preparing this report:
BOOK: Philip Kotler. Marketing
Management : Pearson, Noida : 2016
WEBLINKS : In finding Background of the company , reports and its product,
following links had been used:
 Google, , Introduction, literature and data analysis, 10/2022
 Google, , Introduction and history, 11/2022
 Google,, Company details, 11/2022
 Google, , Competitors analysis, 11/2022
 Google, , Industry Profile, 11/2022
 Google,
XrfO7laCvqoubxHhl4RBCYep8kMVgcBw/viewform?usp=sf_link Google form 8/2022
meaning-significance-and-determinants/69558, 8/2022
Business Strategy of Amul:
 !!
Business Strategy of Amul:
 !!

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