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Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the LGBT Students Association th

Held on Wednesday 25 February 2004 in Committee Room 2,Queen Margaret Union

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Those Present and Apologies Pride Week Review Finances Spending Plans Remainder of Term Constitutional Amendments Befriendment Scheme Guidelines Chancellors Fund Update Campaigns Website Postgraduates Night


Those Present and Apologies

Persons present: Robert McLaggan, Genevieve Curran, Craig Milne, Andrew Smyth, Eilidh Jensen, Emma Smillie, Robert Price, John Andrew Murray. Apologies received from: Neil McGuchan


Pride Week Review

Genevieve states that the Social Evenings in the Williams Room with the licensed Bar both in Pride Week and for the Icebreaker the following week were a huge success and said that they should be held more often. Craig pointed out that an organisation can only apply for up to 4 licenses in a 12 month period. Several persons agreed that it would be desirable to have a bar event on the Monday. Robert McLaggan raised the point that the workshops on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were very poorly attended. The Tuesday lunchtime event had a small attendance for the Video screening. Reasons which were suggested for this were that they went on for two hours and people were perhaps only free for one hour. Eilidh raised that point that there was a lack of information on what exactly the workshops would entail. Robert conceded that while the workshops were all arranged in advance, he had failed to obtain a workshop description from those coming to give them and suggested that if others were organising similar events next year, this would be an area for improving on. Robert McLaggan also suggested that the format was perhaps wrong he suggested that running the event as a drop in with come welfare issues raised may prove to be more popular. The general mood that the social events were well attended and worked well. Questions as to the possibility of a third social event were raised possibly on the Friday. Robert Price questioned whether Cheesy Pop would be an option. Craig raised the point that meeting in a venue whether it be the QM, or a venue in town was problematic unless people knew who they were supposed to be meeting. Robert Price suggested that meeting in Committee Room 2 before Cheesy Pop would be an option. Genevieve suggested a ceilidh (bands cost around 300). Andy said that Curlers was an option for a social event during the week. Craig said that publicity was well noticed and others agreed.


Financial Position

Craig talked about the accounts and the financial position of the society. John Andrew brought up the point that the SRC grant had increased substantially from last year (308) to this (439). The Committee appreciated the increase. Robert McLaggan and Craig raised questions about how the grant was awarded. st Both raised the point that the LGBT budgeted for around 300 which can be spent from 1 July to 30th June. The LGBT were awarded the grant near the end of term in December after Freshers week and all of the events in term one. Both said that money was spent on the events in term one with the Committee not knowing if there would be a grant from the SRC or more importantly how much it would be. The Committee were informed that the fundraising in Pride Week and in the subsequent week raised around 200. There is 89 remaining in the grant and around 280 in the Bank Accounts. Robert McLaggan said that a special submission was made for the large Pride Flag which he made. This cost was 62.07. The response of the SRC committee dealing with the matter is awaited.


Spending Plans

The Casino Night prizes and materials cost 20.60 which the Committee accepted and paid. The Mobile Phone has a balance of 4.36 on it and it was agreed to top this up with a further 20 for next year. 48.67 remains in the grant after these costs and there is money in the Bank Accounts which may be used. Robert McLaggan said that the LGBT could buy a printer. Genevieve said that this could be a problem if the person who is elected to the position of PR Officer did not have a computer. Robert McLaggan said that if publicity was done via a photocopying shop, as in previous years, the LGBT would get a lot less publicity for the same money. Robert Price said that the publicity was necessary. Emma asked about the costs of the Laser printer cartridge. Robert said that it would cost around 40-45 with carriage. It was pointed out by Robert Price that Robert McLaggan had said that there could be other problems with the printer, referring to a conversation to which other committee members were not party. Emma and Craig enquired as to what these problems were. Robert McLaggan made no reply. He was questioned again. Robert eventually responded saying that parts of the printer may need to be replaced like the drum and this would be costly. Emma said that the printer would probably last a good while longer. Robert McLaggan said that even if it only lasted a year, it was still good value for money. Craig stated that the LGBT would have to buy a Serial Lead for connecting the Printer to a computer since the one in use at present was needed for Craigs Printer. The consensus was that no decision needed to be taken as regards the printer at present since the grant is reclaimable up until the end of June and the new Committee may take a different view of the situation. Robert McLaggan also suggested that money could be spent on T-shirts. This was seem as potentially quite expensive by some. Emma said that other societies charge people for their T-shirts. Dirty Weekenders charge 10 for Polo Shirts. Craig said that money did not have to be spent for the sake of it. The general view was that T-shirts could be desirable, but that a decision on whether to purchase them was put off since it was not seen as urgent.

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Plans for the Remainder of Term 2 and Term 3

3 March: Debate Evening (Robert) 10th March: Quiz evening (decided post meeting) (Genevieve and Andy) 17th March: End of term social (Genevieve and others) 14th April: Blockbusters Night possibly (Genevieve??) 21st April: AGM (Robert and Craig) Robert said that the decision was taken not to run an event on a Wednesday evening with an overt welfare element since the attendance is usually poor. Consequently, the previously mooted event for 3rd March was changed to a debate. Robert McLaggan would like to see it on a Civil Liberties issue possibly around the French decision to ban religious clothing in schools. Emma pleaded that it wouldnt involve pieces of paper with A and B on them. After a brief discussion of the sectarianism which is prevalent in Northern Ireland and how it relates to the welfare part of our committee, discussion moved on.


Constitutional Amendments

Craig went through the changes to be made to the constitution. Comments were made that the SRC constitution would need to be redrafted in places since it was a little unclear. The creation of the new Fellowship status was raised. Several pointed out that it was a lot like the Lord of the Rings. Eilidh suggested that a ring be given to persons who were granted the fellowship. Emma said it could be inscribed with the one society to beat them all or something to that effect Such a proposal was dismissed on grounds of cost. John Andrew said it sounded like a Privy Council. Craig admitted that the proposed change stressing that they were not members was poorly drafted and that he would look at this again. John Andrew questioned why the Public Relations Officer had to be LGBT defining. Craig and Robert McLaggan both said that this would be necessary since this would be the person dealing with all societal publicity. Robert McLaggan said that it was necessary for the aims and objectives of the LGBT. Emma said that it may not be all that necessary. John Andrew said that it may be an issue flagged up by other persons and it could be an issue at the AGM. Craig suggested moving PR Officer up in the list of Committee positions so as to make it look more senior and Eilidh said that Art.10(10) would have to be altered also in this circumstance. Honorary Positions were then discussed. Robert Price said that the Honorary Vice-Presidents ought to be abolished. Robert McLaggan said that they were useful for the LGBT specifically with the interpretation of the constitution. Giving a body other than the committee the power of interpretation and that previous to this year, they had no function. John Andrew said that there ought to be up to three as opposed to three. Craig said that they had been awarded in the past for the reasons other than why they existed. Robert McLaggan said that people were perfectly at liberty to vote against persons proposed for the positions Emma said that they were supposed to be retrospective. Robert said that that could be seen as an issue in the past. The role of the Honorary Vice-Presidents in interpreting the constitution had to be looked at also if there were not three of them. Options were discussed on how to deal with this. Asking the SRC was rejected by Craig on ground that it would take too long to deal with it.

Asking the Honorary President was also deemed impractical depending on who it was. Letting the Committee do it was determined to be the best option. Robert Price still felt that it was inappropriate to have Honorary Vice-President positions given the creation of a fellowship status. It was noted that the Honorary Vice-Presidents had been helpful in the past, given that some attend out committee meetings and raise valid points which had proved useful in dealing with certain committee members in previous years. The Committee eventually decided that; 1. The Honorary President would remain unaltered 2. A Fellowship Status would be introduced 3. The Committee would interpret the constitution subject to ratification by the AGM 4. The Honorary Vice-Presidents would remain, but there would be up to three Craig will draft amendments to these effects and circulate them in a few days.


Befriendment Scheme Guidelines

There are certain issues with these which need to be tidied off and that they need to be discussed when more time is available.


Chancellors Fund Update

Robert said that certain persons at Estates and Buildings had been unhelpful and unprofessional in dealing with him particularly Bob Wilson (who had never even responded to an email) and Lynn Duncan. Robin Leake, the Vice-Principal in charge of Estates and Buildings was very helpful when Robert had spoken to him and acted with professionalism. There are two documents to write for the Chancellors fund.



The Civil partnership consultation summary has been published and the LGBT was quoted four times Hate Crimes would appear in an email on Friday 27th from Robert, which Craig would write.

10. Website
Robert McLaggan said that there was a new parents section on the website. Robert Price and Eilidh agreed to look at writing this section.

11. Postgraduates Club Night

Robert McLaggan said that there was a possibility that the Postgraduates Club would be running a Gay night once a month. There were issues to be resolved on this matter specifically surrounding the guest list. Technical issues regarding entry exist which can be resolved with co-operation with the PG Club.

12. Other Business

None. As compiled by, Craig Milne 26/02/2004

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