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Home / Warm Up / Hip rolls EN

The Warm Up: Hip


Starting position Supine, pelvis and spine

neutral. Knees flexed, feet abducted hip-
distance apart on mat. Arms long by sides,
palms down.
To prepare, inhale...

Inhale lengthen through spine.

Exhale initiate from tail and sequentially

articulate spine through flexion off mat until
weight rests on thoracic (not on cervical
spine). Extend hip joints as much as
possible without allowing overextension of

Inhale maintain position, expanding sides

and back of rib cage.

Exhale initiate from thoracic region and

sequentially articulate spine through flexion
to mat, finally returning to neutral.

Complete 3–5 repetitions.

Five Basic Principles

1. Breathing

2. Pelvic placement

3. Rib cage placement

4. Scapular movement and stabilization

5. Head and neck placement

The warm up

1. Breathing

2. Imprint and release

3. Hip release

4. Spinal rotation

5. Cat stretch

6. Hip rolls

7. Scapula isolations

8. Arm circles

9. Head nods

10. Elevation and depression of scapulae

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