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A quality management system (QMS) is defined as a
formalized system that documents processes,
procedures, and responsibilities for achieving quality
policies and objectives. A QMS helps coordinate and
direct an organization’s activities to meet customer and
regulatory requirements and improve its effectiveness
and efficiency on a continuous basis.
ISO 9001:2015, the international standard specifying
requirements for quality management systems, is the
most prominent approach to quality management
systems. While some use the term "QMS" to describe the
ISO 9001 standard or the group of documents detailing
the QMS, it actually refers to the entirety of the system.
The documents only serve to describe the system.
History of the Quality Management

Though the quality movement can be traced back to the late 13th century, true quality
management systems were originally developed by an American and implemented in
Japan in the 1950s. Aimed at communicating to managers how quality could be increased
within an organization, the original fourteen points focused on two important concepts:
1. Common, systemic causes of errors (caused or shared by numerous personnel,
machines, or products), such as poor product or service design, unsuitable materials,
poor physical conditions, improper bills of lading, etc.;
2. And special causes of errors (caused by individual employees, products or equipment),
such as lack of proper skill or training, poor lot of materials, out-of-order equipment, etc.
History of the Quality Management
Other influential individuals, like Joseph M. Juran, who
defined quality as “fitness for use” also began to work with
Japanese organizations. He was responsible for the
development of a comprehensive approach that focused
on the quality of a product for its entire life cycle, all the
way from design to the end consumer. He believed that, by
dissecting each part and process of quality, companies
could create a product that consumers could rely on one
hundred percent of the time.
By placing so much focus on quality and the satisfaction
of their consumers, the Japanese market began to
dominate the manufacturing industry. By the 1980s,
American companies had started to realize they would
need to make substantial changes in order to survive
against their foreign competitors. Ford Motor Company was
the first to jump in. They called on Deming to help them
transform their organization into a quality-oriented business.
How Companies are Using Quality Management
Systems Today to Improve Profitability
Many organizations have successfully used quality management systems
to skyrocket their earnings, quite often through the hidden and
unconsidered benefits that may not immediately be seen when looking at
the framework of a QMS. These benefits include:
1. Tangible gains in productivity
2. Increased effectiveness in the use of company resources
3. Improved customer loyalty that leads to repeat business
4. Heightened employee and company morale that reduces turnover rates
(thereby decreasing costs of training new employees)
How Companies are Using Quality Management
Systems Today to Improve Profitability
5. Challenging goals and targets that encourage company growth and
6. A sense of accountability and an understanding of individual
contribution that fosters open communication and active participation
from employees on all levels
7. Flexibility that enables fast and appropriate reactions to opportunities
and obstacles
8. Measured and comprehensive tracking and monitoring systems that are
capable of detecting defects, gaps in production and customer
satisfaction, and core issues within processes, goals, or functions
9. And much, much more.
The Different Methods to Managing QMS
Quality management systems should embrace and reflect those differences. To
make this possible, there are many different types of quality management systems,
each with their own set of advantages, disadvantages, and abilities. The following
are the most commonly used.
 Standardized Systems:
Standardized systems are any quality management systems that follow a set of
federal codes and regulations. These include ISO certifications. Organizations that
attempt to follow these standards must meet all criteria and pass detailed audits. In
some industries, it is a requirement. In others, it may provide specific benefits that
appeal to the company’s goals and overall objectives.
 Total Quality Management (TQM):
TQM is a management approach in which quality is emphasized throughout
every aspect of a business. The objectives focus on the long-term development of
quality products and service by breaking down each individual process and
activity to determine if it contributes or detracts from the company’s productivity
and quality goals.
The Different Methods to Managing QMS
 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI):
CQI is a quality system that is never satisfied. Its focus of continual and constant
improvement focuses less on the processes and functions and places more
emphasis on the role that teams and individuals play in the road to quality. Rewards
are an integral part of this quality management system. Its “Plan, Do, Check, Act”
approach has been adapted to fit many industries and companies, including those
that may not use CQI as their sole or primary quality management system.
 Six Sigma:
Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology that aims for
perfection in quality. It focuses on the process of improvement and reduction of
deviation through the application of specifically outlined processes: define,
measure, analyze, improve, and control. Used by multimillion dollar companies such
as Motorola and General Electric, aspiring Six Sigma businesses typically undergo
intensive and specialized training processes to learn how this QMS works.
QMS Obstacles and How to Avoid Them
 The Disorganized Organization:
While disorganization can affect nearly any part of a company, document control is often the
most critical. Responsible for regulating and controlling crucial systems, processes, functions, and
procedures, documents drive nearly every action within a company.
Overcoming obstacles:
Document control management software programs can offer a solution for some of the most
commonly experienced document control issues. However, it is important to understand that not all
document control solutions are equally beneficial.
 Too Much Work, Not Enough Staff:
Although the competitive market has pushed many companies to improve the quality of their
products and services, it has also created a disparity between the amount of work that must be
done and the funds available to employ workers to complete that work.
Overcoming this obstacle:
Staffing issues can be tricky to resolve. On one hand, you can hire more employees, but if the
budget simply does not allow for it, then you must come up with other solutions. Think outside of the
box. Consider the “Do More with Less” mentality and find ways to improve the efficiency of your
company so that employees are not being overworked.
QMS Obstacles and How to Avoid Them
 The Trouble with Change:
Implementing a quality management system means making a lot of changes—some are big,
and some are small. But they all need one key ingredient to be successful: the cooperation and
assistance of your employees. Unfortunately, humans are resistant to change by nature.
Overcoming this obstacle:
Any number of reasons can be responsible for a resistance to change—fear, cynicism,
skepticism, feelings of a lack of sincerity—the list is truly endless. In order to combat these issues, you
must embrace human nature.
 Not Having the Best-Laid Plans:
Why is it that so many businesses attempt to implement a quality management system without
a proper plan? Maybe it’s that they are uncertain of how to create such a plan? Or maybe they
are unaware of the need for one? Or maybe they aren’t fully clear on why it is they want to
implement a quality management system in the first place. Regardless of the reason, it is a formula
for disaster.
Overcoming this obstacle:
The solution to this common problem is rather obvious: you need to create a plan. Of course, when
you are new to quality management and its sometimes obscure rules, regulations, guidelines, and
concepts, this can seem like an impossible task.

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