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A EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS, IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN Nod (OVE The Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and has the honour to forward an invitation for foreign students to study in the Belarusian republican unitary enterprise “Central research institute for integrated use of water resources”. The Embassy kindly requests the Ministry to deliver the aforementioned letter to concerned departments. The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry the December 05, 2022 MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN Assistant Director (Europe IV) ISLAMABAD ce: Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training ISLAMABAD Ministry of Water Resource ISLAMABAD Higher Education Commission ISLAMABAD ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ADVANCED TRAINING IN THE FIELD OF we State Educational Establishment "Republican Centre for State Ecological Expertise ahd Advanced Training of Senior Officials and Specialists" of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus is a specialized provider of educational services in the field of additional education for adults in the field of environmental protection and carries out continuous and systematic advanced training of senior officials and specialists of environmental protection agencies, environmental specialists and other specialists responsible for ensuring environmental safety of planned and ongoing economic activities. The centre offers a wide range of continuing educational programmes, it is also ready to consider the possibility of organizing thematic courses (seminars) on request, in the following areas: Emirormental mentoring (Geology and mineal exploration Training at the Centre provides students with knowledge on all aspects of environmental protection. Teachers and lecturers cooperating with the Centre are practicing specialists, both in the field of legislative regulation and in the field of implementation of environmental measures and the best available technologies in ‘organizations of the Republic of Belarus. the following services on a reimbursable basis: = development of an individual educational programme on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources that meets the needs of the customer; ~ organization of online seminars on environmental issues with the opportunity to answer questions and share experience with participants; = lecturing and practical training by leading academic specialists from the institutes and senior officials from environmental protection agencies of the Republic of Belarus; e = organization’ of classes in comfortable classrooms with modern equipment as well as the possibility of familiarization as visits to existing enterprises; ~ issuance of state educational documents (advanced training or study certificate); — accommodation in the hotel "EcoDom" located at the Centre, meals at the cafe "EcoPause", services of the sports and recreation centre "EcoSport"; — organization of trips and support during the stay in the Republic of Belarus, organization of transfer, meals, accommodation and other necessary services. We offer full-time, distance and combined training in more than 30 educational programmes, including such relevant topics 4s) planning and implementation of environmentally hazardous activities, environmental protection, environmental audit, industrial waste management: collection, storage and burial, transportation, use and disposal, including waste management in medical institutions, development and implementation of ISO 14001-2017, occupational safety when working at a wind power plant and many others. ‘The individual advanced training programmes developed by the Centre allow for the inclusion all theoretical and practical issues of interest to the customer, organize visits to industry organizations and establish contacts for further mutually beneficial cooperation. The cost of training depends on the duration and form of the educational programme, the number of students in the group, the number of laboratory and practical Classes, study trips and visits to production facilities as part of the training. More detailed information on the Centre’s educational courses and activities is available on the official website: Contact person: Deputy Director for Educational and Scientific Work Mr. Dzmitry Melnichenka, tel.:+375 (17) 360 56 68, e-mail: The Republican Unitary Enterprise « Central research institute for integrated use of water resources» is the only state specialized research organization that performs fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of rational use and protection of water. Annually carries out recruitment for the training of highly qualified scientists through postgraduate studies at the expense of enterprises and organizations, students’ own funds (on a paid basis): > specialty 25.03.13 — «Geoecology»; > specialty 25.03.05 - «Land Hydrology, Water Resources, Hydrochemistry». Education in the full-time form of education - up to 3 years, in correspondence - up to 4.years, in the form of competition - up to 5 years. Accepting applications - until April 1 Reception of documents - from August | to September 30 Entrance exams - from | to 30 October Foreign citizens entering graduate school must have higher education at the level of Master of Science (Ph.D.). Applicants for full-time and part-time studies must have candidate exams passed in the Republic of Belarus. Those who have not passed candidate exams in the Republic of Belarus are enrolled in graduate school for study in the form of a job seeker: for a period of not more than five years - to prepare and pass candidate exams and tests, as well as to complete a dissertation research. Full-time and part-time postgraduate students take only the candidate's exam in the relevant specialty. Passports and programs of minimum specialties are posted on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus: ; htips:// Citizens who are holders of foreign diplomas of higher education, before submitting documents for admission to graduate school, must confirm the equivalence (compliance) of their foreign documents with Belarusian diplomas of higher education and academic degrees in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. A necessary condition for the enrollment of foreign citizens in graduate school is that they have a passport or a document replacing it, a document confirming the right to stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, a contract of compulsory medical insurance drawn up in the manner prescribed by legislative acts, and in case of admission to graduate school with instruction in Russian (Belarusian) language - knowledge of the Russian (Belarusian) language at a level sufficient to master the relevant educational program of postgraduate education. Additional information can be found on the website - hitp:// in the section "Postgraduate studies". Send documents to: Republic of Belarus, 220086, Minsk, st. Slavinsky, 1 building. 2. E-mail: mail@cricwwr. by Inquiries by phone: (8017) 272-05-23, fax: (8017) 272-27-34. Since 2010, the State Enterprise “Research and Production Centre for Geology” has been training highly qualified specialists in the following specialities: 25.01.01 “General and regional geology” 25.01.02 “Palaeontology and stratigraphy” 25.01.03 “Geotectonics and geodynamics” 25.01.04 “Petrology, volcanology” 25.01.06 “Lithology” 25.01.07 “Hydrogeology” 25.01.09 “Geochemistry, geochemical methods of mineral prospecting” 25.01.10 “Geophysics, geophysical methods of mineral prospecting” 25.01.12 “Geology, mineral exploration and prospecting of oil and gas fields”. Postgraduate students can enrol on full-time courses and correspondence courses. Postgraduate students applying to the State Enterprise “Research and Production Centre for Geology” for a PhD degree are offered courses in five specialities: 25.01.01 “General and regional geology” 25.01.03 “Geotectonics and geodynamics” 25.01.06 “Lithology” 25.01.09 “Geochemistry, geochemical methods of mineral prospecting” 25.01.12 “Geology, mineral exploration and prospecting of oil and gas fields”. The training of highly qualified specialists of the State Enterprise "RPC for Geology" is carried out on the scientific base of the branch "Institute of Geology”, which meets all requirements for establishments providing postgraduate education. Upon successful completion of a course, a postgraduate student obtains the scientific qualification “Researcher in the field of geological and mineralogical sciences”. Applications to the State Enterprise "RPC for Geology" for a postgraduate course are open for entry from August 1* to September 30" at 7 Kuprevich St, office 228. Entry Requirements for Foreign Citizens Postgraduate courses for foreign students are taught in Russian, To apply for a course, foreign citizens should submit: e aMaster’s degree; e an ID card; © a document confirming the right to stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus; © medical insurance. The training period is 3 years for a full-time course and 4 years for a correspondence course. If an applicant doesn’t have an appropriate level of Russian, the training, period can be extended by a year. The tuition fee per person is approximately $2000 a year. If you are interested in the programme, send in your application form to the State Enterprise “RPC for Geology”. Contact person for postgraduate studies Anna Bubnova, PhD e-mail: Information on the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Research and Production Centre for Geology” (State Enterprise “RPC for Geology”) The State Enterprise “RPC for Geology” has been accredited as a scientific organization (the certificate is valid until December 19" 2023). The activities of the State Enterprise “RPC for Geology” involve the geological study of natural resources, including regional scientific facilities for mineral prospecting, training highly qualified specialists in 9 specialities in the field of geological and mineralogical sciences, editing and publishing the scientific journal “Lithosphere”. The institute. specializes. in carrying out research and implementing results in the field of natural and technical sciences. Scientific functions are performed by the branch “Institute of Geology”. The branch “Institute of Geology” of the State Enterprise “RPC for Geology” consists of 58 specialists, including 54 researchers. The State Enterprise trains highly qualified specialists in 9 specialities in the field of geological and mineralogical sciences. After completing a course, postgraduate students acquire the qualification “Researcher in the field of geological and mineralogical sciences”. The State Enterprise “RPC for Geology” has a permanent body (the Council for the defence of dissertations K 12.01.01) responsible for awarding PhD degrees in geological and mineralogical sciences in the specialities 25.01.01 —“General and regional geology” and 25.01.09 ~ “Geochemistry, geochemical methods of mineral prospecting”.

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