Grade 10 Exam

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Name:____________________________________ Date:________________________

PART I. Opinion and Assertion

Directions: Categorize the statements into OPINION or ASSERTION. Write your answers in the table
provided. (1-10)

 My last summer is the best summer ever.

 I think my car payments are too expensive.
 Art lifts a human spirit.
 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
 The legal age for drinking should be lowered to sixteen.
 Stephen Curry seems like the new Kobe Bryant in NBA.
 I think orange is the brightest color.
 New York offers diversified opportunities for a person’s career.
 People nowadays have become cruel to animals.
 The representative added that government agencies, specifically the Department of Education,
should help in spreading awareness about this


PART II. Claims of Fact, Policy and Value

Directions: Read the sentences below. Determine if the statement is a fact or opinion. Write your answer
on the blank provided.
11. The cookies my mom makes are the best in town. ____________
12. Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States during the Civil War. _______
13. I enjoy reading books at night. _______________
14. There are seven days in a week. ______________
15. English is an easy language to learn. ______________
16. Jenny thinks Titanic is the best movie of the century. _______________
17. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. _______________
18. A rainbow is more beautiful than a sunset. __________________
19. A bowling ball has three holes in it. ________________
20. Atlanta is the capital of Georgia. __________

PART III. Language of Research, Campaign, and Advocacy

Directions: The statements below speak about an environmental issue which has become a perennial
problem in the country. Choose one then create your own campaign paraphernalia. Be creative and
unique. (21-30)
Advocacy #1 Let’s Educate everyone to practice Proper Waste Management
Advocacy #2 Proper Waste Management is best done with multitude hands and minds

Your campaign paraphernalia.

PART IV. Expository Texts.

Direction: Enumerate what is asked in each item below.
31.-40 The language features of an exposition.
41-44 Examples of Claim of Fact
45-47 Examples of Claim of Policy
48-50 Examples of Claim of Value

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