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A ltenses- Present Simple/ Present Progressive /Past Simple / Past Progressive

I (carry). the glasses when the dog (jump). on me.

That was how the glasses (fall) and (break).
I (not let ) anyone in while I (collect) the pieces
fromthe floor. I (not want) anyone to get hurt. Ronit (offer)
to help me, but I (refuse ) Ronit is very kind,
but when it (come). to cleaning, she (mess)
everything up. Her room (look). ike a flee market. Her shoes,
books and wallets are scattered around. I (not know). how
she can find anything in her room. No wonder it (take)_ her
hours to get ready for work. '

When I (enter) her room some days ago I (see)

her under her bed. Guess what she (do). there. She (look)
for her other shoe She (wear)_ one shoe and
one slipper .I (stand) _ aside. I (not interfere)
(want to learn a lesson.


Fill in the correct form of the verb.

Present Progressive,Present Simple , Past Progressive,Past Simmple, Future.

Be quiet, I (plan) a surprise party for Tom.

Oh, oh, Tom (not like).- surprises. When people (Surprise)
him he (become) very nervous. I (wonder)
why he (hate) surprises.( it be)_
because of some bad experience in the past ?
Well, 1(guess) it (be). Once I (ask)
him why he (be) _ so much againstsurprises.
He (not want) to discuss it with me. He simply (drop)
the subject.
Yesterday I(enter) his room when he (mop)
the floor. I1 just (want). to leave the present I
had bought him and leave. He (Imake). me stand in the corner

until he (finish). cleaning the toom. I (not know)

that he was crazy about cleanliness. While I (Starid)
there I (notice)_ that the plhone was off the
hook. (want). t o place the receiver back, but he (stop)
me. He (explain) that he (not want)
anyone to interrupt his work.
glad when his sister (burst) into
I (be)_
the room. She (ignore). him. She (say). slhe
Line for his obsessions. As she (leave)
not have) the bucket and (spill)
the room she (push)
it on the floor.
Fill in the right tense.
1. We (want)_ to be in London for Ron's birthday. The
present (ie) beside me. As we (drive)_
to London the car (begin)_ to make strange sOunds. At
first (think)_ Something (be)_ Wrong
with the engine. While I (try) to find out why, another.
car (pass)_ and the driver (stop) He
(offer his help. As he (turn)_ on the
switch he (see)_ that the petrol tank was empty.
2. As Ron (plan)_ to go to sleep Dafna
(show) up. She (hold)_ a a big parcel.
She (hand) i t to Ron with a big kiss, "Happy
3. Who (you wait)_ for when
meet) you at the station last week?
I(expect Some visitors who
(not know) t h e way to my house, so l.
(decide) to pick them up.

4. 1(believe)_ that Ron (do)_ his

project-at the moment in his room.

How (you know)_ that?

Well, he (not nag)_ us, as he always

(do)_ He always (have)_
something to tell or ask us. Well , ie's not that I (not
like) him, but sometimes he (drive)_
me crazy.

Sh....Sh.... There is Ron. He (seem) irritated,


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