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SQL Code


1. show all data stored in employee table

2. Show employee id, full name, department and salary. sort by salary (show
highest salary first)

3. show all employee details for employees hired between 2015 and 2018
(use Year(DATE) function)

4. Show email address and year of birth and salary of employees in

department HR or IT. Sort the output by employee year of birth and then
salary both from highest to lowest value
5. show full name of employee whose first name or last name contains the
letter ‘e’

6. show all salary and department of managers

7. find the average salary of all female employees

8. show employee name, salary and total payment for all managers
Total payment=salary+bonus

9. show minimum, maximum and total salary of employees whose name

starts or ends with ‘a’

10. how many department are there in the company

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