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Why do Admissions Officers rate Cambridge so highly?

We asked some
of the world’s top 98% said 99% agreed
universities, including 98% said 100% agreed 100% agreed Cambridge students
qualifications give
95% agreed Cambridge Cambridge students
Cambridge students
present reasoned
Yale and Harvard, Cambridge students qualifications help think logically and explanations, understand
students excellent have in-depth subject
to tell us what they preparation for
think independently students succeed at present coherent
implications and
university arguments communicate them
think about Cambridge university
logically and clearly

students have ...and apply
achieved a level of ...carry out knowledge
mastery that is “Cambridge
students attack “Students can research... to real life
exams provide atypical of school
structure to graduates [here].” university work communicate situations.”
learn and
United States with confidence.” effectively... United States
complex United Kingdom
United States “Research
and analytical
thinking done by
Cambridge students...

“These well-rounded students are ...and are ...and tend to be
qualifications encourage a good
strong in intellectually curious.” “Cambridge students more confident
independent skills that United States
students need at university.” critical at presenting
thinking and are very prepared
United Kingdom and speaking
writing... analytically.” succeed in higher education.”
and knowledgeable
United Kingdom
on their subjects...

We wanted to find out what university admissions staff around the world look for when selecting candidates. We also wanted to get their views about Cambridge programmes and qualifications, in particular how well
they feel they prepare students for university study. We produced an online survey, supplemented with telephone interviews, and had responses from 130 higher education admissions staff in 10 countries, including the
USA, UK, Australia and Canada. The respondents included admissions staff from Ivy League and Russell Group universities. Please note that for all questions, respondents who selected ‘don’t know’ have been omitted.

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