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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao City
Maa National High School
Maa, Davao City

Technology and
Livelihood Education
Quarter I– Learning Activity Sheet- Week 3
SY 2021-2022

___________ ARLENE V. SOLIVA_________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Maa, Davao City

Name of Learner/Pangalan: __________________________________

Grade Level/Lebel: _________________________________________
Section/Seksiyon: __________________________________________
Date/Petsa: _______________________________________________


WEEK 3. Produce Ladies’ Skirt

Background information for the Learner

In making any garment, the first step is to take the body measurements. Then select a
fabric which will give you the least difficulty during construction. The quality of fabric is important
in the construction of a garment. A fabric with a firm texture can be cut easily. It also allows a
more accurate fitting as compared to a fabric with loose weave. Last, but not least, gather all
necessary materials like needles, threads, pins, and other items before you start sewing.

Learning Competency with code/Kasanayang Pampagkatuto at koda

LO 1. Draft and cut pattern for ladies’ skirts– TLE_HEDM10-12SK-la-c-1
1.2. Take client’s body measurement
1.3. Draft basic / block pattern
1.4. Cut pattern

Directions/ Instructions / Panuto


1. A kind of pattern which contains exact body measurements and reflects no definite
a. Pattern b. Style pattern c. Foundation pattern d. Envelope pattern
2. Body measurements which are taken from side to side in left-to-right direction.
a. Horizontal b. Circumferential c. Vertical d. Diagonal
3. It is taken around certain parts of the body such as bust line, waist line, hip line,
armhole, and the like.
a. Horizontal b. Circumferential c. Vertical d. Diagonal
4. When the tape measure runs from the waistline level down to the skirt length desired.
a. Waistline b. Lower hip c. Lower hip level d. Skirt length
5. A kind of pattern which contains exact body measurements and reflects no definite
a. Pattern b. Style pattern c. Foundation pattern d. Envelop Pattern

Body Measurements for a Skirt

1. Waistline Measurement. Run

the tape measure around the
waistline. (A)
This is the measurement around the
smallest part of your waist. You can
tie a string around to find the smallest
part. Wrap the tape around first to
find your natural waist, then measure.
*When measuring a circumference ,
put two fingers under the tape
measure. This will serve as additional

2. Lower Hip Measurement.. On

the other side of the hip, run
the tape measure from the
waistline level to the level
where the buttocks are fullest.
This will be where the lower hip
level will fall. (B)

3. Lower HipLine. Run the tape

measure along the lower hip
level where the buttocks are
fullest. If the stomach is
prominent or rounded add an
allowance of 2 or more inches
(or 5.1 cm. or more) until the
fullness of the stomach is
covered. (C) This is done so
that the skirt will fall nicely and
not bulge around the stomach

4. Skirt length. Run the tape
measure from the waistline
level down to the skirt length
desired. (D) Skirt length may
vary depending on the skirt
style. Note down the varying
skirt length that you may
desire, like mini length, channel
length, midi length, etc.

Activity 1
Get the body measurements for Ladies’ skirt. Your own body measurement or any member of
the family.
Materials Needed: Tape Measure, Personal Measurement Chart (PMC)


Customer’s Name ____________ Date Taken: _________

Body Parts to be Actual Body Measurement Computed

Measured Measurement Needed Measurement
Waist Circumference 1/4
Hip1 Circumference 1/4
Hip2 Circumference 1/4
Skirt Length
Hem Circumference 1/4

Drafting Basic/Block Pattern of the Skirt

Patterns are carefully drafted to give accurate results. They serve as valuable guide in laying,
cutting and assembling the different parts during sewing. Pattern drafting gives the dressmaker a
blueprint of what a garment will look like. It also serves as a guide for the dressmaker.

Two kinds of Patterns

1. Foundation Pattern is a simple pattern which contains the exact body measurements and
reflects no definite style, It has five parts: back blouse, front blouse, back skirt, front skirt, and
sleeve. Each part has a dart except the sleeve. This pattern serves as a basis for preparing the
style pattern.
2. Style Pattern- shows the style of the garment to be constructed. It contains the necessary
seam allowances that are found in the finished garment.
In drafting the foundation pattern, the following materials should be ready:
1.Pattern paper (positioned on its lengthwise grain)
2.Pencil with eraser
3.Tape measure
5.Hip guide

Pattern Markings are universal symbols and lines designed to help the sewer put the pattern
pieces together quickly, easily and successfully. Every marking is necessary for specific reason.
Not every marking is on every pattern because some are specific to a certain style or
construction technique. Construction markings are very helpful during the sewing process and
transferring them to the fabric is a must.
Project Plan for Ladies’ Skirt
Project Planning is the underlying base behind every successful project. This serves as a
guide in making a quality and beautiful project. It should be well structured and carefully drafted.
It should contain the materials and tools to be used, design and procedure in making the project
and the criteria for evaluating the finished output coupled with rubrics designed by the teacher
and students.
Components of a Project Plan
1. Project Plan No. – reflects the number of projects
2. Date Started – date when the construction of the project will start.
3. Date Finished – the exact date when the project will be completed
4. Name of the Project – a specific description of the job/ project.
5. Objectives - states the purpose why a project should be done. This is usually stated in
three learning domains: the cognitive, psychomotor and affective.
6. Tools and Equipment – list of tools and equipment in the accomplishment of the job
7. Materials and Supplies Needed – the itemized list of tools and supplies needed to
produce a project.
a. Quantity suggests the amount needed.
b. Unit is the unit of measure of the quantity.
c. Description refers to the features and characteristics of the materials and supply
d. Unit Cost is the selling price per quantity and unit of the materials
e. Total Cost is the total amount needed per quantity of supply and material needed.
f. Total is the over-all total cost of all the supplies and materials to be used.
8. Design Specifications – the photographic representation of the project in two to five
views: front, back, right, left and top views.
9. Procedure – the chronological steps or operations involved to accomplish the project.
This is divided into two stages:
a. Preparation stage – depicts the preparation to be done before the actual execution
or performance of the operations.
b. Performance stage – the actual procedures involve in the actual making of the
project where all tools, supplies, materials and equipment
intended to make the project ready.
10.Evaluation – the process of assessing the finished project with its given criteria
prepared during planning and evaluating.

Activity 2
Make a Project Plan
Directions: Make a project plan for your sleeping garment using the template
below. Use separate sheet if necessary.

Project Plan No. ___

Name: __________________________Date Started: _____________
Year and Section: _________________Date Finished: _______________
I. Name of the Project: ____________________________________
II. Objectives:
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________

III. Tools and Equipment:

IV. Materials and Supplies Needed:

Quantity Unit Description Unit Cost Total Cost

V. Design Specifications:

VI. Procedure:
A. Pre-sewing stage
B. Sewing Stage

VII. Evaluation:

Criteria for Evaluation (Rubrics of Performance)

Drafting the Fundamental Lines for the Skirt
A. The Skirt Pattern (front and back)
In drafting the skirt (front and back) pattern, locating the four major lines will simplify your drafting

1. On your pattern paper, draw a perpendicular line T.
Mark the midpoint as 1.
2. From 1, measure 1 cm down to get 2.
3. From 1, measure 1½ cm down to get 3.
4. From 1, measure 18 cm to 25 cm down to get 4.
5. From 2, apply the front skirt length down tom get 5F
6. From 3, apply the back skirt length down to get 5B.
7. Square 4 and 5B to the left.
8. Square 4 and 5F to the right.

Fundamental Lines in drafting Pattern for Skirt

Drafting the Back Skirt Pattern

1. On the basic back skirt pattern, from 1 to 6B,
use one-fourth waist measurement plus 4 cm.
Connect 3 to 6B with a broken line.
2. From 4 to 7B, use one-fourth hip measurement
plus 1.5 cm. Connect 6B to 7B by using a hip curve.
3. From 5B to 8B, use one-fourth hip measurement
plus 1 cm. Connect 7B to 8B.
4. From 3 to 9B, use one-half bust point width
minus 1.5 cm.
5. From 9B to 10B, measure 4 cm.
6. Get the midpoint of 9B and 10B, and mark this 11B.
7. From 11B to 12 B, measure 15 cm. Connect 9B,
10B, and 11B to 12B to form the waist dart.
8. Fold 9B over 10B. Connect 3 to 6B with a slight curve.
9. From 6B to 13B, use the back skirt side length.
10.Connect 5B to 13B with a slight curve.

Drafting the Front Skirt Pattern

1. On the basic front skirt pattern, from 1 to 6F, use one-fourth waist measurement plus 5
cm. Connect 6 to 6F with a broken line.
2. From 4 to 7F, use one-fourth hip measurement plus 1.5 cm. Connect 6F to 7F with a
slight curve.
3. From 5F to 8F, use one-fourth hip measurement plus 1 cm. Connect 7F to 8F with a
straight line.
4. From 2 to 9F, use one-half bust point width minus 2 cm.
5. From 9F to 10F, measure 2.5 cm.
6. Get the midpoint of 9F and 10F, and mark this 11F.
7. From 11F to 12F, measure 8cm to 13 cm. Connect 9F, 10F, and 11F to form the waist
8. Fold 9F over 10F. Connect 2 to 6F with a slight curve.
9. From 6F to 13F, use the front skirt side length.
10.Connect 5F and 13F with a slight curve.

Activity 3 (Use pattern paper)

Draft the front and back pattern of the Ladies’ skirt. Use the measurement you’ve recorded in the
Personal Measurement Chart (PMC). (Note: Do not cut the pattern. Submit the front and back
skirt for checking).

Rubrics in Drafting the Pattern of the Skirt

Item 5 3 1 Score

Lack of one tool, Lack of two or

Tools were
some were more tools, some were
1. Use of complete,
appropriate appropriate
Tools appropriate
and correctly and not correctly
and correctly used.
used. used.

Used the Failed to use

Used the correct
correct the correct
method. Procedures
2.Procedure method. method.
Procedures Procedures
partly followed. not followed.

All pattern details Some pattern All pattern details

were correctly details were were not drafted
3. Pattern
measured and inaccurately correctly and
accurately drafted. drafted. accurately.

Finished the Finished the Finished the

4. Speed pattern ahead pattern on pattern more
of time. time. than the allotted time.

20 points Perfect Score

Zipper Allowance, is attached on the center back of a skirt.

Make the zipper allowance from the side edge of the pattern paper, go 1 inch (about 2.5cm.) and
make a straight line vertically. The Back Basic Straight Skirt Pattern Zipper Allowance.
Generally, the zipper is attached on the center back of a skirt. From the side edge of the pattern
paper, go in 1 inch (about 2.5cm) and make a straight line vertically. Print “zipper allowance” on

Pattern for the Waistband
A-B Get the waistline measurement and make a line. Mark this A-B.
C From B, add 3 inches (8cm.) for closure allowance. Mark this C,
From A, go down 1 and ¼ inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband. Mark
D this D. The thickness of the waistband may vary depending on the thickness
From C, go down 1 and1/4 inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband. Mark
this E. Make a line from D to E. The line will eventually be folded.
From D, go down 1 and ¼ inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband. Mark
this F,
From E, go down 1 and ¼ inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband. Mark
this G. Make a line from F to G. Connect all points with a straight line.

Interfacing of the Waistband

Get your interfacing (waist band stiffener or Penellon), and draft the pattern on it directly.
A-B Get the waistline measuremnt and make a line. Mark this A-B.
C From B, add 3 inches (8cm.) for closure allowance. Mark this C.
D From C, go out 1 inch (2.5cm.), for extra sewing allowance. Mark this D.
From A, go down 1 and ¼ inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband. Mark
this E. There is no need for extra sewing allowance.
From D, go out 1 inch and ¼ inches (3cm.) for the thickness of the waistband.
F Mark this F. Connect all points with a straighline. Cut along points A, B, C, D, E,
and F.

Activity 4 (Use Pattern Paper)

Draft the waistband of your skirt. Write the needed measurements on the pattern paper.
(Do not cut the drafted waistband and submit to your teacher.)


A. Multiple Choice. Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write the letter that best
describes the statement. Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. Body measurements which are taken from side to side in left-to-right direction.
a. Horizontal b. Circumferential c. Vertical d. Diagonal
2. It is taken around certain parts of the body such as bust line, waist line, hip line,
armhole, and the like.
a. Horizontal b. Circumferential c. Vertical d. Diagonal
3. When the tape measure runs from the waistline level down to the skirt length desired.
a. Waistline b. Lower hip c. Lower hip level d. Skirt length
4. A kind of pattern which contains exact body measurements and reflects no definite
a. Pattern b. Style pattern c. Foundation pattern d. Envelop Pattern
5. In measuring the hips, measure the most prominent part which is about _____ inches
from the waistline.
a. 3 b. 10 c. 7 to 8 d. 1

B. Identification: Directions: Name the following tools used in drafting pattern.

1. ____________________ 2. _____________________

3. _____________________4. ____________________ 5. ____________________

Reflection / Pangwakas
Directions: Read and study the following questions below. Write your answer on the
answer sheet.

1. Why is pattern making important before sewing a skirt?


2. Why should one must be careful in taking body measurements?


References for learners/Mga Sanggunian

TLE 10(Dressmaking II) MODULE

Congratulations! You did a great job! Rest and

relax a while then move on to the next lesson.
Good luck!

______________________________ Student Name and Signature
Parent/Guardian Name and Signature

Prepared by:
TLE Teacher


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