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Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 10 0 0 06

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Geosystems and Geoenvironment

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The India-Eurasia convergence system: Late Oligocene to early

Miocene passive roof thrusting driven by deep-rooted duplex stacking
Xiaoyu Guo a,b, Chunsen Li a,b, Rui Gao a,b,∗, Sanzhong Li c,d, Xiao Xu a,b, Zhanwu Lu e,
Wenhui Li e, Bo Xiang a,b
School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory, Zhuhai 519080, China
Key Lab of Submarine Geosciences and Prospecting Techniques/Institute for Advanced Ocean Study, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
Laboratory for Marine Mineral Resources, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266237, China
Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Late Oligocene-Early Miocene epoch represents a critical stage in the collisional history of the India-
Received 28 September 2021 Eurasia dominant collision zone. Within this timeframe, a set of tectonic events occurred simultaneously
Accepted 29 September 2021
or progressively. However, the key responsible for triggering these nearly coeval events remains unclear.
This study used an integrated analysis of both geological and geophysical data to document the tectonic
Keywords: interactions throughout the Himalayan Orogenic Belt from west to east. Deep seismic reflection profiles
India-Eurasia convergence system outline crustal geometry of a decoupled Indian subduction front, and the overlying sheets over the Main
Crustal-scale architecture Himalayan Thrust (MHT) is evidenced with a sequence of detachment-associated ramp-anticlines. Mean-
Post-Eocene deformation while, regional magnetotelluric (MT) profiles document rheologic connections in the form of a high-
Tectonic interactions
conductivity anomaly running top-to-the south between the southernmost Tibet and the areas beyond
the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone to the south. The overall architecture provides a complete picture of the
complex deformation pattern beneath the tectonic convergence system. Together with previous studies
in surface geological investigations, we propose that the enhanced duplex stacking of the underthrusting
Indian crust increased crustal shortening of the convergence system. The consequent sudden exposure of
the northern Himalayan domes released the accumulated stress to trigger the onset of a south-dipping
passive roof thrusting through the convergence system to the southernmost Tibetan Plateau. Recognition
of this exchange pattern from crustal duplex stacking to passive roof thrusting replenished an under-
standing of the tectonic interactions of the ongoing India-Eurasia collision.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Ocean University of China.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction Robinson and Pearson, 2006) and widespread anatexis which

induced the emplacement of leucogranites (Gao et al., 2017;
Post-Eocene deformation of the India-Eurasia dominant colli- Harrison et al., 1999b; Searle et al., 2003). The tectonism was ac-
sion zone has brought the convergence system to its current con- companied in southern Tibet by early Miocene emplacement of
figuration (Windley, 1983) (Fig. 1). The convergence system is adakites (Chung et al., 2003) that emplaced within the widespread
prominently characterized by coeval tectonic events during Late Gangdese Magmatic Arc.
Oligocene-Early Miocene epoch to produce some orogen-scale, The collisional history of the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen dur-
east-trending fault zones in both the northern Himalayas and ing Late Oligocene to Early Miocene has also attracted several
southernmost Tibet (Hubbard and Harrison, 1989; Kellett et al., structural investigations aimed at constraining the geodynamic in-
2019; Kellett and Grujic, 2012; Li et al., 2008; Quidelleur et al., teractions occurring at depths. This approach has led to some
1997; Yin et al., 1999, 1994), as well as the northern Himalayan observation-based mechanisms. In terms of mechanisms for ana-
inverted high-grade metamorphism (Harrison et al., 1999b; texis beneath the Himalayas, previous researchers have proposed
(1) shearing heating (Harrison et al., 1999a, 1999b), (2) decom-

Corresponding author. pression melting (Davidson et al., 1997), (3) radiogenic heating
E-mail address: ruigao126@126.com (R. Gao). (Molnar et al., 1983), (4) radiogenic heating after crustal thickening

2772-8838/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Ocean University of China. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

Fig. 1. (a) Simplified geological map of the study area (edited after 1:5 Million International Geological Map of Asia by Ren et al. (2013)). The inset shows the study area in
the larger context of the Tibetan Plateau. MT lines (A to F) were from studies by Xie et al. (2017), Liang et al. (2018) and Sheng et al. (2019). Seismic reflection lines cover
the western Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic belt (line I) (Gao et al., 2016), the middle orogenic belt (lines II and III) (Guo et al., 2017), and the eastern orogenic belt (line IV)
(Dong et al., 2020). (b) Zoomed-in geological map in the central part of the convergence zone to show more details on the surface geological structures. TP: Tibetan Plateau;
JSS: Jinsha Suture; BNS: Bangong-Nujiang Suture; IP: Indian Plate; MFT: Main Frontal Thrust; MBT: Main Boundary Thrust; MCT: Main Central Thrust; STDS: South Tibetan
Detachment System; CR: Cona-Qiga Rift; YG Rift: Yadong-Gulu Rift; XD Rift: Xainza-Dingjye Rift; NT Rift: Nyima-Tingri Rift; LG Rift: Longgar Rift; YR Rift: Yare Rift; KKF:
Karakorum Fault; GCT: Gangdese Counter Thrust; GT: Gangdese Thrust; LMF: Luobadui-Milashan Fault; YS: Yarlung-Zangbo Suture; XB: Xigaze Basin (same abbreviations

(Searle et al., 2003) and (5) partial melting of the Himalayan lower southern Tibetan Plateau, which are separated by the south-
crust during channel flow or heat transfer that migrated from dipping Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone (Fig. 1, abbreviated as YZSZ).
southern Tibet to the Himalayas (Robinson and Pearson, 2006; This orogen formed mainly from Cenozoic amalgamation of the In-
Yin and Harrison, 20 0 0; Zheng et al., 2016). For the exhumation of dian and Eurasian plates (Yin and Harrison, 20 0 0). Fig. 2 shows all
some northern Himalayan gneissic domes, some researchers have available geochronological data for major structural features in the
proposed diapirism (Teyssier and Whitney, 2002), extensional ex- study area. Detailed descriptions of tectonic units are given as fol-
humation (Guo et al., 2008), contractional exhumation (Burg et al., lows.
1984) and/or a combination of these processes (Lee et al., 2004;
Zhang, 2007). The Gangdese Counter Thrust to the southern 2.1. The Himalayan fold-thrust belt
edge of the Gangdese Batholith is proposed to initiate as a re-
sponse of the tectonic activities of the South Tibetan Detachment The Himalayan Block south of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone
(Zhang, 2007), a process has brought flexural bending of south- is presented mostly with folds and thrusts (Fig. 1). The gneissic
ern Tibet to result in a currently asymmetrical wedge architecture domes and inverted metamorphism are accommodated by a set
(Wang et al., 2015). of orogen-scale imbricate thrusts (Yin and Harrison, 20 0 0). From
Although the various mechanisms were proposed to explain the south to north, the block consists of four orogen-parallel tectonic
variety of the observed structures, the overall Himalayan-Tibetan units, including the Late-Cretaceous- Paleogene Sub-Himalayan
Orogen lacks a comprehensive analysis with multidiscipline Foreland Basin, the greenschist-facies Lesser Himalayan Sequence,
datasets on the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene tectonic events. and the gneissic Greater Himalayan Sequence, as well as the north-
The Himalayas and southern Tibet have interacted ever since the ern Himalayan belt that comprises of the lightly-metamorphosed
collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate. The domi- to unmetamorphosed Tethyan Himalayan Sequence and the north-
nant collision zone in this region underwent the strongest strain ern Himalayan Gneissic Domes (Kellett et al., 2019; Kellett and
localization which is thus the ideal place to study the triggering Grujic, 2012). Additionally, two 1500 km-long, E-W-striking intru-
mechanism of the coeval tectonic events. These tectonic events sive belts containing anatexis-derived leucogranites develop within
can be yielded by some geochronological data obtained in recent the northern Himalayan Gneissic Domes and along the Southern
decades. In light of these new constraints, this study evaluates Tibetan Detachment of the Himalayas, respectively (Fig. 1).
deep seismic reflection profiles and magnetotelluric (MT) profiles
from the western Himalayas to the eastern to re-interpret crustal- 2.1.1. The east-striking, Orogen-scale tectonic units
scale architecture beneath the dominant convergence system. This The active Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) separates the Sub-
paper combines geophysical data with previous geochronologic Himalaya from the Indian Craton to the south, while the Main
and petrologic data to clarify what mechanism triggered the Boundary Fault (MBT) separates it from the Lesser Himalayan Se-
onset of nearly coeval tectonic events and how the deep process quence (Fig. 1). The Lesser Himalayan Sequence abuts the Greater
controlled the shallow-level deformation. Himalayan Sequence along the Main Central Thrust (MCT). The
Greater Himalayan Sequence represents the core of the Himalayan
2. Regional geological setting fold-thrust belt, which consists of Neoproterozoic to Early Cam-
brian units and Cambrian to Ordovician plutons (Windley, 1983).
The Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen consists primarily of the Hi- The exhumation of the Greater Himalayas is thought to have
malayan Fold-thrust Belt and the Gangdese Magmatic Arc in the occurred through south-vergent channel flow from mid-crustal

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

Fig. 2. Geochronologic constraints on post-collisional tectonism within the Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic belt. Symbol shapes shown in the upper right corner represent indi-
vidual dating methods and are filled with different colors according to rocks/mineral type analyzed. Age estimates for individual tectonic units of the Gangdese Counter Thrust
and Gangdese Thrust from Yin et al. (1994), of the Luobadui-Milashan Fault Zone from Xiang et al. (2012), of the Southern Tibetan Detachment from Kellett et al. (2019),
of the Main Central Thrust by Hubbard and Harrison (1989), of the Karakorum Fault by Li et al. (2008), of leucogranites by Guo and Wilson (2012), of the Gurla Mandhata
Dome in western Tibet from Murphy et al. (2002) and of Himalayan uplift at ∼22 Ma from Ding et al. (2017). NH: Northern Himalayas; SLT: Southern Lhasa Terrane.

depths (Robinson and Pearson, 2006). This accommodated thrust- All the main accommodating faults, i.e. the MFT, MBT and MCT,
ing of the MCT in the footwall (Robinson and Pearson, 2006) and a as well as the STDS, appear to sole into the Main Himalayan Thrust
north-dipping, low-angle normal-sense Southern Tibetan Detach- (MHT) at depth (Zhao et al., 1993), while the STDS is also proposed
ment System (STDS) (Kellett et al., 2019) along the Greater Hi- to have extended to the north, breaching as the Great Counter
malaya’s northern edge. The Lesser Himalayan Sequence that in- Thrust (Yin, 2006). The MHT is seismically active to perform a
cludes Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic rocks lies beneath in southward extrusion through crustal-scale duplexing which in turn
the footwall of the MCT (Yang et al., 2019). Initial motion along transports the Indian crustal material southward from the lower
the MCT occurred at ∼ 20–22 Ma (Hubbard and Harrison, 1989), plate to the upper plate (Gao et al., 2016).
while U-Pb dating of zircon and monazite and 40 Ar/39 Ar mus-
covite cooling ages estimate a coeval ∼ 22–12 Ma shearing for 2.1.2. Leucogranite
the STDS (Fig. 2; Kellett et al., 2009). The shearing along the STDS Two sub-parallel Oligocene-Miocene leucogranite belts appear
may have extended further northward to accommodate exhuma- within the Himalayan fold-thrust belt. One occurs along the
tion of the northern Himalayan Gneissic Dome Belt (Kellett et al., northern edge of the Greater Himalayan Sequence and the other
2019). This belt consists of intermittent domes (Fig. 1) and has within the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence of the northern Himalayas
also been referred to as the northern Himalayan granitic-gneissic (Figs. 1 and 2). Both of them contain highly fractionated or evolved
dome belt (Yin et al., 1999). Many domes are composed of 8– granites (Wu et al., 2015). The leucogranites intruding into the
18 Ma (Yin and Harrison, 20 0 0; Zhang, 20 07) mica granites or Greater Himalayas appear as a discontinuous chain of sills and
leucogranites of the Miocene age. Some of them even emplaced dikes adjacent to the STDS (Harrison et al., 1999b; Searle et al.,
at ca. 44 Ma and 28 Ma in a way of dike swarms (Liu et al., 2014). 2003). One pluton intruding into the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence
These overlie Ordovician to Eocene low-grade metamorphic units penetrated either the axial zone of the gneissic dome or the
of the Tethyan origin (Lee et al., 20 04; Zhang, 20 07). The domes Tethyan sedimentary sequence (Fig. 1). Previous studies have gen-
show diverse contact relationships with the Tethyan Himalayan erally categorized the leucogranites as mica-bearing, tourmaline-
country rock, including intrusive contacts (Burg et al., 1984), core- bearing and garnet-bearing peraluminous rocks (Wu et al., 2015).
cover unconformable contacts modified after extensional exhuma- Although these intrusive belts share a number of structural fea-
tion (Lee et al., 2004) and fault contacts with north-dipping de- tures (Guo and Wilson, 2012; Zhang et al., 2005; Zheng et al.,
tachment structures (Zhang, 2007). Various local mechanisms have 2016), the belts express a number of unique features as well.
thus been proposed to explain the exhumation of the north- Researchers have estimated different melting temperatures for the
ern Himalayan Gneissic Dome. These include diapiric processes two leucogranite belts (Harrison et al., 1997; Montel, 1993), includ-
(Teyssier and Whitney, 2002), extensional exhumation (Guo et al., ing ∼700 °C along the crest of the Greater Himalayas and > 750 °C
2008), contractional exhumation (Burg et al., 1984) and/or a com- along the northern Himalayan belt. The Greater Himalayan Se-
bination of these processes (Lee et al., 2004; Zhang, 2007). quence appears to have been emplaced at lower temperatures
relative to those estimated for the north Himalayan granite belt

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

by Gao et al. (2020) and Harrison et al. (1997). Higher melting the Gandgese batholith give U-Pb ages ranging from 210 to 14 Ma
temperatures could produce more buoyant magmas with greater (Zhang et al., 2019). This range includes four age peaks, indicat-
ability to ascend (Harrison et al., 1997). Meanwhile, leucogranites ing magmatic pulses at 200 ± 5 Ma, 90 ± 5 Ma, 50 ± 3 Ma
of the northern Himalayan domes required a low rate of fluid infil- and 15 ± 2 Ma (Lee et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2019; Zhu et al.,
tration (Guo and Wilson, 2012; Le Fort et al., 1987) during mantle- 2011, 2017). These magmatic episodes correspond (respectively)
derived heating (Zheng et al., 2016). The leucogranites in two to the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath the
belts originated either from in-situ partial melting of metapelites Lhasa Block during the Late Triassic, mid-oceanic ridge subduc-
(Harrison et al., 1999b; Molnar et al., 1983; Searle et al., 2003) tion, delamination of the oceanic slab and partial melting of the
or from a high temperature magma that experienced extensive lower crust beneath the southernmost Tibet after crustal thicken-
fractional crystallization after long-distance migration from the ing (Chung et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2015). The
locality of anatexis (Wu et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2019). southward-younging Paleocene to Eocene Gangdese granite occu-
pies the largest area of the southern Lhasa Micro-block (Fig. 1).
2.2. The southern Tibetan Plateau It is proposed to reflect magmatism associated with astheno-
spheric upwelling during a subduction roll-back of the oceanic
The southern Tibetan Plateau consists primarily of the Lhasa slab (Zhu et al., 2015, 2017). The Linzizong volcanics were em-
Block (Fig. 1). The Lhasa Block divides into three micro-blocks placed contemporaneously from 65 to 45 Ma within this domain
(Li et al., 2018), including the southern, the central and the north- (Lee et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2015). Hou et al. (2015) performed
ern Lhasa micro-blocks. The E-W- striking Luobadui-Milashan Fault Hf isotopic mapping of 210–40 Ma felsic rocks of the southern
and the Shiquanhe-Namco mélange zone intervenes between these Lhasa Micro-block. The elevated zircon ε Hf (t) and positive ε Nd
three micro-blocks (Fig. 1; Zhu et al., 2011). The large-scale dex- (t) values for the Gangdese batholith in western Tibet and the
tral Karakoram Fault appears in western Tibet (Fig. 1; Li et al., area around the Xigaze indicate a juvenile crust for the regions
2008). Additionally, the south-dipping Gangdese Counter thrust (Hou et al., 2015; Mo et al., 2007; Niu et al., 2013; Zhang et al.,
and the Gangdese Thrust developed and juxtaposed against the 2019; Zhu et al., 2015).
Xigaze forearc strata (Yin et al., 1999, 1994).
3. Crustal rheology revealed by Magnetotelluric data
2.2.1. Regional-scale faulting
Deep seismic reflection profiles outline the deep contact re- Previous geochemical and petrologic studies have elucidated ex-
lationships among the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ), the tensive magmatic activity in southern Tibet and widespread crustal
Gangdese Counter Thrust (GCT) and the Gangdese Thrust (GT) anatexis beneath the Himalayas. Magnetotelluric (MT) data provide
(Fig. 1b), which appear as upper-crustal features with south- geophysical evidence of crustal fluid distributions and can thus
dipping orientations. Moreover, the YZSZ and GCT are truncated help constrain rheology of the study area (Unsworth et al., 2005).
by the GT at depth (Guo et al., 2017). Stratigraphic constraints Since the first MT study of southern Tibet (Pham et al., 1986), sev-
indicate the GT to form at ∼30 to 24 Ma or approximately dur- eral studies have deployed N-striking MT lines that traverse the
ing Late Oligocene to Early Miocene epochs (Fig. 2; Meng et al., Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ) (Liang et al., 2018; Sheng et al.,
2016; Yin et al., 1999). While its initiation age of 19 to10 Ma is 2019; Xie et al., 2017). These detected conductive layers at depth
not well constrained, the south-dipping GCT accommodates the (Fig. 3).
deformation along the southernmost edge of the plateau (Fig. 2; Xie et al. (2017) summarized the available MT stations used to
Quidelleur et al., 1997). The Luobadui-Milashan Fault (LMF) may collect data since 1995. After 3D inversion, the resultant N-striking
have accommodated additional uplift of the Tibetan Plateau in the broadband MT (BBMT) and long period MT (LMT) profiles across
Lhasa Block (Xiang et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2011). Fission-track anal- the YZSZ divide into three groups, including one profile running at
yses indicate Early Miocene initiation of this fault zone (Fig. 2; ∼80°E (black solid line A in Fig. 1), two profiles roughly at ∼85°E
Xiang et al., 2012). Another large-scale fault zone west of south- and ∼87°E (black solid lines B and C in Fig. 1), and the profile at
ern Tibet, the Karakoram Fault, displays NNW-SSE-trending dex- ∼89.5°E (black solid line E in Fig. 1). The line along ∼91.6°E was
tral shearing along its ∼10 0 0 km in length (Fig. 1). Surface geol- adopted from Unsworth et al. (2005) (black solid line F in Fig. 1).
ogy includes a set of greenschist-facies, granitic mylonite and my- Fig. 3 shows the MT images generated by these surveys. Dense
lonitized gneiss along the fault zone, which show a strong rota- broadband and long period MT studies by Liang et al. (2018) and
tional strain and some nearly horizontal lineations (Li et al., 2008). Sheng et al. (2019) (black solid line D in Fig. 1) provide additional
Microstructural studies have shown that the mylonite formed co- information to a more complete understanding regarding subsur-
evally with syntectonic leucogranite (Li et al., 2008). The emplace- face electrical resistivity and the extent of geodynamic flow at
ment of the leucogranite implies syntectonic melting accompanied depth.
by an initiation of the Karakoram Fault (Li et al., 2008). U-Pb ion The electrical horizontal images reported in
micro-probe dating of zircons from leucogranites gave an age of Xie et al. (2017) show a clear vertical variation in resistivity
27–33 Ma (Fig. 2), which also serves as an estimate for the initia- beneath southernmost Tibet with a clear boundary between high
tion of dextral shearing along the Karakoram Fault (Li et al., 2008). and low resistivity at ∼15 km depth. The conductive layer pro-
A cooling age of 21–15 Ma from 40 Ar/39 Ar K-feldspar analysis may ceeds discontinuously down to the depths greater than ∼50 km
thus represent a minimum age estimate for movement along the where the Gangdese Magmatic Arc resides. Horizontally, the
fault zone (Fig. 2; Li et al., 2008). irregular conductive layer interpreted to represent the Gangdese
Magmatic Arc that generally appears along the subducting front
2.2.2. Magmatism of the Indian crust and south of the Bangong-Nujiang Suture
The Lhasa Block of the southern Tibetan Plateau has experi- Zone (Fig. 3). This scenario indicates an asthenospheric upwelling
enced extensive magmatism. The block consists primarily of the that is either ongoing (Liang et al., 2018) or terminated but still
Gangdese batholith and the Linzizong volcanic successions (Fig. 1; experiences cooling. This conductive barrier extends continuously
Mo et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2011). It also hosts lesser volumes southward beyond the YZSZ to the Himalayas but with decreasing
of Triassic-Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary units exposed east of conductivity. The linear feature extends to the surface among the
the southern Lhasa Block and occasional adakites that appear in exposures of the northern Himalayan gneissic domes (Fig. 3). The
the Gangdese batholith (Fig. 1; Chung et al., 2003). Zircons from MT profiles B to F show that the conductive feature traces further

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

Fig. 3. Available N-striking magnetotelluric (MT) profiles that traverse the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone from the Himalayas to southernmost Tibet. From west to the east,
the MT lines are numbered according to how they appear in the main text. See text for detailed discussion. The MT lines were obtained by and described in studies by
Unsworth et al. (2005), Xie et al. (2017), Liang et al. (2018) and Sheng et al. (2019). Same abbreviations as in Fig. 1. YSZ: Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone; MHT: Main Himalayan

southward into the Greater Himalayan Sequence (Fig. 3). Beneath the Tibetan Plateau (Gao et al., 2016; Guo et al., 2016, 2013, 2015;
this less conductive zone, a domain characterized by north-dipping Guo et al., 2017; Zhao et al., 1993). Four major lines traverse the
high resistivity features at depths of 30 km and below outlines YZSZ from the Himalayas to southern Tibet (Fig. 1). These include
the subducting Indian crust (Liang et al., 2018; Sheng et al., 2019; the seismic line at 92°E (yellow solid line I in Fig. 1), an area that
Unsworth et al., 2005) (profiles C-F in Fig. 3). The intervening nearly coincides with the INDEPTH MT line to the east (Line F in
boundary generally coincides with the Main Himalayan Thrust as Fig. 3), and two seismic lines that coincide with the MT line (Line
identified in seismic records (Fig. 3; Zhao et al., 1993). The high D in Fig. 3) in the middle study area at around 88.5°E (yellow solid
conductivity layers beneath the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen outline lines II and III in Fig. 1), as well as the seismic line adjacent to the
some significant rheological properties of the subsurface. MT line at around 80°E in western Tibet (yellow solid line IV in
All the high-conductive anomalies might be driven by par- Fig. 1).
tial melting from radiogenic heat after thickened crust. How-
ever, if this is the case, what drove lateral heterogeneities in 4.1. Structures across the eastern Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen
spatial distribution of the conductive anomalies within the oro-
genic wedge, where crustal thickness reaches ∼78 km on both The easternmost seismic line occurs at 92° E across the YZSZ
sides of the YZSZ (Fig. 3)? Secondly, the crustal-scale high- (seismic line I in Fig. 1; Dong et al., 2020). This provides rela-
conductive barrier beneath the southern Tibetan Plateau is pro- tively comprehensive information regarding the exhumation of the
posed to be associated with currently ongoing upwelling of the Yarlhashamp Dome in the eastern segment of the orogenic belt.
asthenospheric materials. However, it conflicts to the appearance Additionally, the INDEPTH deep seismic reflection profile in the
of discrete crust-mantle boundary (Moho) at the base (Guo et al., Himalayas (Hauck et al., 1998) provides a high-resolution seis-
2017). Therefore, the synthetic analysis leads us to propose that, mic supplement to the crustal structure beneath the Greater Hi-
with some inputs from radiogenic heat, the high-conductive bar- malayan Sequence in the further south. The MT line collected by
rier represents a rheological weak crust that has previously ex- INDEPTH crosses this area (MT line F in Fig. 1) (Unsworth et al.,
perienced intense mantle-crust exchange (Mo et al., 2007) but 2005; Xie et al., 2017). The superposition of these three profiles
currently is undergoing fractional crystallization and southward (Fig. 4a) and the highlighting of high-amplitude signals of the seis-
migration. mic profile (Fig. 4b) confirm some overlapping and backthrust fea-
tures within the domain between the YD and the YZSZ (Fig. 4c).
4. Structural response to conductive flow revealed by seismic The overall seismic profile shows crustal-scale structures associ-
profiles ated with an exhumation within the Himalayan fold-thrust belt.
Several clusters of linear, high-amplitude reflections appear in
High-resolution deep seismic reflection profiles can reveal sub- the domains beneath the Yarlhashamp Dome at depths of 0–10 s
surface architecture at depth (Clowes et al., 1968). Several hundred (two-way traveltime or TWT) (Fig. 4a). They generally show the
kilometers of seismic reflection lines have been deployed around structures of ramp-anticlines with top-to-the south fault propa-

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

Fig. 4. (a) Superposition of the MT profile (MT line F in Fig. 1) with the uninterpreted deep seismic reflection profile (seismic line I in Fig. 1) east of the Himalayan-Tibetan
orogenic belt (Dong et al., 2020) and INDEPTH deep seismic profile (Hauck et al., 1998). (b) Superposition of the MT profile with the high-amplitude seismic structural
information. (c) Overall crustal structures of the Himalayas from the Greater Himalayan Sequence through the Yarlungshampo Dome to the southernmost Tibetan Platea.
(d) Overlapping electrical features from the MT profile and seismic structures in the seismic reflection profile indicating geometrical divisions of the underthrusting Indian
crust which displays a duplex style of antiformal stacks over regional detachments. The high conductivity barrier in the MT profile shows top-to-the south migration in the
form of ramp-anticlines of thrust system that intersect the surface. TH: Tethyan Himalayas; GMA: Gangdese Magmatic Arc; YZ Suture: Yarlung-Zangbo Suture; GHS: Greater
Himalayan Sequence. Same abbreviations below

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

gation (Fig. 4c). The reflections in association with these folds main that forms the anomaly evident in the MT profile (Fig. 5b
are progressively replaced and truncated by some clusters of re- and c). The north-dipping seismic reflections above the MHT (14–
flections with open folds at depths of 10–14 s (TWT) (Figs. 4b 18 s, TWT) also divide into two domains with different structural
and c). Correspondingly, the ramp-anticlines can be further de- styles and separated by the strongly linear STDS at 6–14 s depths
scribed in detail as the antiformal stacks. Together with the seis- (Fig. 5b and c). The domains include a lower domain of weak
mic reflections from the INDEPTH data, the basal dominant detach- reflections and an upper domain of strong reflections that both
ment shear zone can be traced continuously to the south until it show north-dipping orientations. The upper domain shows a fault
emerges to the surface, where is coincident with the surface ex- contact with the overlying Tethyan sedimentary sequence (Figs. 1
posure of the South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) (Fig. 4c). and 5d), which itself exhibits a convex-upward geometry at 6–
At further depths of 14–22 s (TWT), some reflections appear par- 10 s depth and a subsequent south-dipping sequence at shallower
allel beneath the STDS and gradually diminish. The boundary be- depths (Figs. 5b and d). Together with the apparent Moho, some
tween the strong vs. weak reflection domains thus represents the reflections beneath the MHT outline the northward underthrusting
Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT). Together with the Moho at depth, of the Indian crust (Fig. 5b and d).
these reflections indicate relatively flat underthrusting of the In- The three apparent seismic domains are consistent with the do-
dian crust, but seem in a limited domain (Fig. 4c). The domain to mains identified in the MT profile, which themselves display a de-
the further north appears with some transparent reflections until crease in conductivity (Fig. 5d). The seismically identified upper
to the area beneath the central Lhasa Micro-block where several domain overlaps with a high conductivity linear belt that extends
north-dipping linear reflections are present (Fig. 4c). continuously southward to the surface where it reaches the Mabja
In the larger context of the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen, the do- Dome (Fig. 5d). The seismically identified underthrusting of the In-
main with the highest conductivity in the MT profile and some dian crust overlaps with the low conductivity edges adjacent to
transparent reflections in the seismic profile appear beneath the the high conductivity barrier beneath southernmost Tibet along its
southernmost Tibetan Plateau, where coincides the Gangdese Mag- front (Fig. 5d).
matic Arc (Fig. 4d). The high-conductivity domain represents the Combining the MT profile and the western seismic reflection
high temperature crust which interferes with seismic reflections. profile (III in Fig. 1) further elucidates the contact relationships
The conductive barrier abuts the underthrusting part of the Indian between the high conductivity barrier beneath southernmost Ti-
crust and traces upward towards the Yarlhashamp Dome (Fig. 4d). bet and the underthrusting Indian crust. The western seismic pro-
The MT features are thus consistent with an intrusive contact re- file coincides with the northern segment of the MT line, which
lationship (Infante-Paez and Marfurt, 2017) apparent in the seis- crosses most of southernmost Tibet (Figs. 1 and 6a). In addition
mic reflection profile (Fig. 4d). The Yarlhashamp Dome appears to the underthrusting Indian crust outlined by the MHT (14–22 s)
with some fault-propagation folds, the domain where also displays and the Moho at depth, the seismic reflection profile shows a se-
relatively higher-conductivity anomalies. This scenario implies the quence of north-dipping reflections in its southernmost region at
rheological behavior of the overlying sheet by thermal weakening 10–18 s depth (Fig. 6b). The sequence of some north-dipping re-
(Li et al., 2021). flections disappears gradually to become a cluster of linear, high-
In the northern segment of the seismic reflection profile, a se- amplitude reflections at 6–10 s depth (Fig. 6b). This boundary rep-
quence of the south-dipping seismic reflections appears, which is resents the proposed STDS. We thus interpret the high-amplitude
located beneath the surface expressions of the GCT and the GT ap- reflections as representing the northern edge of the antiformal
pear at 6–10 s depth (Fig. 6b). These south-dipping seismic clus- stacks that constitute an exhumation of the northern Himalayan
ters can be continuously traced to the frontal wall of the north- gneissic domes. In the upper crust beneath the YZSZ, a sequence of
ern Himalayas. In the upper crust of the seismic transect between south-dipping to progressively oblique convex-upward structures
the Yarlhashamp Dome and the YZSZ, overlapping seismic reflec- appear. These trace continuously to the north of the seismic tran-
tions appear with some variegated dip angles (Fig. 4b–d). Together sects (Fig. 6b)
with the southern extent of the GCT and GT, it indicates a regional In the middle segment of the seismic reflection profile, the seis-
adjustment of overlapping and back-thrusting that accommodated mic reflections beneath the surface expressions of the GCT and the
the exhumation of the Yarlhashamp Dome (Fig. 4c and d). This do- GT appear at 6–10 s depth and dip to the south (Fig. 6b). Beneath,
main also exhibits a high-resistivity anomaly (Fig. 4d). The bound- it becomes a domain with nearly transparent reflections (10–22 s;
ary between the low resistivity barrier to the north and high con- Fig. 6b). However, in the intervening area beneath the YZSZ, a clus-
ductivity barrier to the south is marked by the northern edges of ter of reflections exhibit a convex-up geometry that rises from the
the antiformal stacks (Fig. 4d). apparent MHT boundary (6–18 s; Fig. 6b). The southern limb of
the convex-upward geometry gradually disappears into a sequence
4.2. Structures across the middle Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen of north-dipping reflections in the southernmost segment which
show intrusive contact relationships (Fig. 6b). Fig. 6c shows these
Along with the extended MT line at ∼88.5° E, (Liang et al., features at close range.
2018; Sheng et al., 2019), two N-striking long, deep seismic Of the eastern and western seismic reflection profiles, three
reflection lines traverse the YZSZ (Fig. 1; Guo et al., 2017). segments appear in association with the underthrusting processes
Guo et al. (2017) provides a detailed interpretation of the seismic of the Indian crust (Figs. 5d and 6d). The underthrusting Indian
profiles which documented the limited extent of horizontal ad- crust divides into the lower part beneath the MHT which experi-
vance for the subducting Indian crust beneath the southern Tibetan ences the continuous underthrusting. The middle part between the
Plateau. This part of the discussion focuses instead on what seis- MHT and STDS experiences the low-angle duplexing. The upper
mic images reveal about the exhumation style of the Indian crust part above the STDS shows some similar structures of antiformal
and its contact relationship against the southernmost Lhasa Block. stacks, a prominent duplex style that exhumed the Mabja Domes
Superimposing the MT profile on the seismic profiles shows (Figs. 5d and 6d). Consistent with the MT profile, the penetration
that the eastern seismic line (seismic Line II in Fig. 1) coincides of the Indian crust beneath southernmost Tibet is outlined by a
mostly with the southern segment of the MT line (Figs. 1 and high resistivity barrier (Figs. 5d and 6d). Above the underthrust
5a). The former extends to the area adjacent to the Mabja Dome zone, the overlying crust displays some weak seismic reflections
(Fig. 1). The seismic reflection profile (Fig. 5a) includes some clear but high conductivity. The high conductivity barrier generally abuts
high-amplitude signals (Fig. 5b) near the high conductivity do- the underthrusting Indian crust and displays a top-to-the south de-

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

Fig. 5. (a) Superposition of the MT profile (MT line D in Fig. 1) with the uninterpreted deep seismic reflection profile (seismic line II in Fig. 1) in the middle Himalayan-
Tibetan orogenic belt. (b) Superposition of the MT profile with the high-amplitude seismic structural information. (c) Close-up of the domain that marks the underthrusting
front of the Indian crust in the middle to upper crust. (d) Overlapping electrical features from the MT profile and seismic structures from the seismic reflection profile which
indicate similar rheologic properties for southernmost Tibet and top-to-the south migration of seismic structures.

crease in conductivity until merging with the antiformal stacking into three segments, including the subhorizontally underthrusting
sequences, where the Mabja Dome was exposed above at the sur- Indian crust beneath the MHT, as well as the low-angle north-
face (Figs. 5d and 6d). dipping overthrusting Indian crust between the MHT and STDS
and the overthrusting sheets with structures of antiformal stacks
4.3. Structures across the western Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen above the STDS (Fig. 7c and d). The ramp-anticlines with antifor-
mal stacks are generally present. Meanwhile, excepting the under-
Gao et al. (2016) have documented the flat underthrusting thrusting Indian crust, which has shown a penetration into the
of the Indian crust beneath the Eurasian Plate in western Tibet. Eurasian Plate, the other two segments of the Indian crust exhibit
They further describe crustal-scale duplexing in transferring ma- an obvious contact boundary against the Gangdese Magmatic Arc
terials from the subducting front of the Indian crust upward into of southern Tibet in the middle to upper crust. Correspondingly,
the upper crust. This study focuses on some interpreting crustal from top to bottom, the electrical conductivity gradually decreases
structures in the Himalayan fold-thrust belt (seismic line IV in in these units consistent with seismic properties that highlight the
Fig. 1). Fig. 7a shows an uninterpreted high-resolution seismic pro- geometry.
file. Figs. 7b and 7c show some extracted high-amplitude signals. Overall, as seen in the four deep seismic reflection profiles,
Fig. 7d shows the high-amplitude signals interpreted in terms of the underthrusting Indian crust seismically divides into three seg-
surface geology. The MHT separates the nearly transparent reflec- ments, including the subducting lower crust, the middle crust
tion domains below from rich reflection domains above (Gao et al., and the upper crust that comprises the northern gneissic domes
2016). The images show the domains with two different reflection (Figs. 4d–7d). The latter two segments show ramp-anticlines with
structures (Fig. 7d). The domain at depths of 6–10 s (TWT) con- a similar duplex style of antiformal stacks (Figs. 4d–7d). On the
sists of reflections that run relatively parallel to the adjacent MHT other hand, the MT and available seismic reflection profiles show
boundary, which exhibits a low-angle, north-dipping orientation that the middle to lower crust of southernmost Tibet exhibits some
(Fig. 7d). Another domain at depths of 0–6 s (TWT) includes some high conductivity and weak reflections which indicate high tem-
asymmetric fold structures that imply top-to-the south thrusting peratures for the region. The high conductivity barrier abuts the
(Fig. 7d). A cluster of nearly asymmetric folds can be traced con- underthrusting Indian crust and shows a top-to-the south migra-
tinuously upward to the surface where the Gurla Mandhata Gneiss tion in connection with the northern Himalayan gneissic domes.
Dome is exposed (Figs. 7c and d). These also sole out gradually The convergence system between the northern Himalayan dome
downward to a boundary that differs from that of the MHT (Fig. 7c belt and the YZSZ appears with some overlapping and back-
and d). Here, this boundary is coincident with the seismically thrusting structures, while some reflections in the upper crust of
identified STDS in Figs. 4–6. Moreover, the MHT and STDS iden- southernmost Tibet, including the GCT and the GT, consistently dip
tified in western Tibet also divide the underthrusting Indian crust to the south and show a truncation relationship at depths.

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

Fig. 6. (a) Superposition of the MT profile (MT line D in Fig. 1) with the uninterpreted deep seismic reflection profile (seismic line III in Fig. 1) in the middle of the
Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic belt. (b) Superposition of the MT profile with the high-amplitude seismic structural information. (c) Enlarged view of contact relationships
between the high-conductivity zone abutting the underthrusting front of the Indian crust. (d) Overlapping electrical features from the MT profile and seismic structures from
the seismic reflection profile indicate an intrusive contact between the southern edge of the high-conductivity barrier and the middle crust of the underthrusting Indian
crust. The Indian lower crust continuously penetrates beneath the southernmost Tibetan Plateau; GMB: Gangdese Magmatic Batholith.

5. Deep-shallow tectonic coupling during the Indian-Eurasian ridge at around 90 Ma (Ma et al., 2013), (3) an subduction roll-back
collision of oceanic crust at ∼70 Ma (Lee et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2015), (4)
a delamination of the oceanic crust at ∼45 Ma (Zhu et al., 2017)
5.1. Underthrusting of the Indian crust and (5) a partial melting in the lower crust of southernmost Ti-
bet after crustal thickening at ∼23–12 Ma (Chung et al., 2003).
The onset of the India-Eurasia collision at ∼50 Ma resulted in Meanwhile, the crustal anatexis beneath the Himalayas occurred
a sudden decrease in relative convergent rate from ∼15–25 cm/yr as early as ca. 46 Ma (Gao et al., 2020). This has been attributed
to ∼13–18 cm/yr (Patriat and Achache, 1984). The onset of colli- to all kinds of mechanism, including (1) a heating by thrusting
sion with the buoyant continental slab after the delamination of and shearing (Harrison et al., 1999a, 1999b), (2) an exhumation
the intervening oceanic slab (Zhu et al., 2018) or the reduction in to cause decompressive melting (Davidson et al., 1997; King et al.,
force from the waning Reunion Plume in the Indian mid-oceanic 2011), (3) a natural radiogenic decay/heating of continental crust
ridge (Pusok and Stegman, 2020) caused this reduction. The ab- (Molnar et al., 1983), (4) an intracrustal partial melting by crustal
sence in slab-pull or ridge push specifically reduced the northward thickening (Searle et al., 2003) and (5) an anatexis generating from
movement of the Indian Plate from 18 to 19 cm/yr to 4.5 cm/yr mantle-derived heating after MASH (melting, assimilation, magma
(Klootwijk et al., 1992). The reduction in underthrusting of the In- storage and homogenization) (Wu et al., 2015; Zheng et al., 2016).
dian crust allowed more time for the buoyant felsic continental A higher anatexis temperature of 850 °C has been estimated
crust to exhume. Subsequently, the overthrusting occurred due to a for a partial melting of metasedimentary rocks in the northern
subduction resistance, while a mafic lower crust would be subject Himalayas (Gao et al., 2020; Zheng et al., 2016). Additionally,
to underthrusting. This architecture causes a potential division in the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen has undergone at least 30 Myrs of
the underthrusting geometry of the Indian crust apparent in seis- high temperature metamorphism and partial melting in the mid-
mic records. dle crust (Zeng et al., 2011). The internal heating of the thickened
crust could not create this duration of high temperature conditions
5.2. Structural responses of the Gangdese magmatic arc and the mechanisms thus require some additional mantle-derived
sources (Gao et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2020; Zheng et al., 2016).
Previous studies describe long-term, episodic magmatism that Previous deep crustal MT studies have documented a conduc-
formed the Gangdese Magmatic Arc (GMA) of the southernmost Ti- tive barrier beneath southernmost Tibet, i.e. the GMA. This sce-
betan Plateau (Lee et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2015). nario is consistent with previous geochemical and petrologic stud-
The triggering mechanisms for this magmatism include (1) an ini- ies of long-term episodic magmatism. A linear, high conductiv-
tial subduction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust during the Late ity belt connects the GMA and domains to both the northern Hi-
Triassic (Zhang et al., 2019), (2) an subduction of the mid-ocean malayan gneissic domes. Below this linear belt, the relatively low

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

Fig. 7. Structural interpretation and tectonic implications for the deep seismic reflection profile (seismic line IV in Fig. 1) in western Tibet. (a) uninterpreted seismic reflection
profile; (b) extraction of high-amplitude signals in the seismic profile; (c) high-amplitude signals interpreted for structural significance; (d) tectonic implication obtained from
seismic structures. GM Dome: Gurla Mandhata Gneiss Dome; YOP: Yungbowa Ophiolite; LVS: Linzizong volcanic system.

resistivity layers appear in the lower reaches of the Indian crust. Technically speaking, an imbricate fan represents a thrust sys-
The MHT marks the boundary. Together with the MHT and the tem with different branched thrusts from a common detachment
Moho, the low resistivity linear belt outlines the underthrusting of which terminates up-dip without a merging into an upper detach-
the Indian crust beneath southernmost Tibet. ment, while a duplex is an imbricate family of thrust horses be-
The high conductivity barrier beneath the GMA appears in tween roof and floor thrusts (Boyer and Elliott, 1982). Seismic im-
seismic reflection profiles with transparent reflections, indicat- ages outline a clear structural association with antiformal struc-
ing temperatures high enough to erase deformation-related struc- tures, which is truncated by the STDS at its base. Meanwhile, the
tures. Furthermore, the high conductivity linear belt connecting STDS does not appear to sole into the basal MHT (Figs. 4d–7d).
the southernmost Tibet and the northern Himalayas appears in The individual linear surface exposure of the northern Himalayan
seismic reflections with some varied seismic responses. It divides Gneiss Domes and the widespread Tethyan sedimentary rocks in-
further into two groups of linear reflections separated by the STDS. dicate a crustal thickening of the Himalayas through a particular
The reflections resting above ramps of the STDS show some an- duplex style with the spaced ramp-anticlines of the overthrusting
tiformal structures that constitute the northern Himalayan gneissic sheets.
domes. The bottoms of these antiformal structures are truncated To further interpret the MT and seismic structures discussed
by the STDS. Thereafter, some reflections are outlined by the STDS above, we generate three N-striking, crustal cross-sections that tra-
above and the MHT below, which show top-to-the south elonga- verse the western Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen (Fig. 8a), the central
tion structures. Beneath, the underthrusting of the Indian crust (Fig. 8b) and eastern orogens (Fig. 8c). Major features include the
appears in seismic reflection profiles. Correspondingly, the under- dominant thermal source beneath southernmost Tibet, the under-
thrusting Indian crust divides into three parts which include the thrusting Indian crust, and the electrical and seismic structures as-
underthrusting lower crust between the MHT and the Moho, the sociated with an exhumation of the northern Himalayan gneissic
elongated crust between the STDS and the MHT and the folded domes, as well as the sequence of the south-dipping fault system
crust above the STDS. As a response, the high conductivity bar- at the upper crustal scale. The intrusive contact relationships out-
rier beneath the GMA abuts the underthrusting front of the Indian lined by deep crustal structures imply heat/mass transfer to the
crust and continuously migrates upward towards the surface. overlying crust above the MHT beneath the Himalayas, a process

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

Fig. 8. (a) Crustal-scale cross-section for crustal architecture of the western Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic belt. (b) Crustal-scale cross-section for the central Himalayan-
Tibetan orogenic belt. The southern segment regarding exhumation of the Greater Himalayan Sequence is adapted from Elliott et al. (2016). (c) Crustal-scale cross-section
for the eastern Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic belt. Previous studies of INDEPTH MT profile (Unsworth et al., 2005) and deep seismic reflection profiles (Hauck et al., 1998) are
employed. In three domains, the individually spaced ramp-anticlines in a way of antiformal stacks formed from underthrusting resistance has played an important role in
thickening the Himalayas and bringing inverted high-grade metamorphism to the surface; GMB: Gangdese Magmatic Batholith; XB: Xigaze Basin.

that probably induced a partial melting. Dioritic enclaves within The GMA has experienced episodic magmatism since the Late
the Langkazi leucogranites in the northern Himalayas (Zheng et al., Triassic with the initial subduction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic
2016), together with the 850 °C regional anatexis temperature plate (Zhang et al., 2019). This continued until the Early Eocene
(Gao et al., 2020), represent mantle inputs and thus lend a sup- (∼50 Ma) when the additional magmatic activity occurred within
port to this interpretation. The YZSZ dips to the south indicating a the GMA and the Linzizong volcanic successions (Lee et al., 2009;
tectonic inversion. Spatial and temporal relationships with the GCT Zhu et al., 2015) (Fig. 9a). Researchers have proposed that this
and GT, as well as the LMF indicate that this process was accom- reflected break-off of the intervening oceanic slab (Fig. 9a). The
modated by a sequence of thrusts in southern Tibet. coeval, northward movement of the Indian crust slowed down
The overall electrical and seismic crustal architectures indicate, (Klootwijk et al., 1992; Patriat and Achache, 1984). Together with
together with the subduction resistance, the additional mantle- a subduction of the continental crust, the underthrusting Indian
derived sources have promoted an enhanced crustal duplexing dis- crust may have been cleaved due to vertical variation in crustal
placement. Additionally, the overturned YZSZ, together with the property between the mafic lower crust and the overlying felsic
south-dipping GCT, GT and LMF, outlines a thrust system. crust (Fig. 9a). Mantle-derived, heat/mass transfer may have oc-
curred through weak zones beneath the northern Himalayas, a pro-
5.3. Passive roof thrust system cess that has triggered anatexis at temperatures over 850 °C start-
ing at ∼46 Ma (Fig. 9a; Gao et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2014).
Passive roof thrust system is generally represented by a roof Subduction resistance eventually creates a break-forward se-
sequence that is featured with a relative back-thrusting sense of quence of ramp-anticlines cutting upward from the MHT, while the
displacement with respect to the forelandward propagating duplex mafic lower crust has undergone the continuous northward sub-
(Banks and Warburton, 1986; Bonini, 2001). In this study, our deep duction beneath (Fig. 9b). Meanwhile, the anatexis in the middle-
seismic reflection profiles outline a crustal-scale architecture of the crust along the MHT and beneath the Himalayas reduced a fric-
India-Eurasia Convergence System. The data show the steep and tion and increased the buoyancy of the overlying crust. The crustal
highly elevated northern Himalayas is underlain by oblique duplex duplexing promotes regional-scale ramp-anticlines beneath the
stacks. It is situated immediately to the south of the folded Tethyan Northern Himalayan Gneiss Domes. With a continuous supply of
Himalayas and the adjacent overturned YZSZ, where is truncated duplexed crustal materials along the basal detachment and the
at the base by the GCT and GT. A roof sequence of a passive-roof coevally northward compression from the underthrusting Indian
thrust system is thus recognized to have a sequence of the back- crust, these detachment-associated duplex stacks were fully en-
thrusting sense displacement with respect to the forelandward du- hanced over time, which accumulated a shortening in the conver-
plexing. This process has overturned the YZSZ and has gone north- gence system to produce a passive roof thrust (Fig. 9b).
ward over 100 km into the southernmost Tibetan Plateau. Fig. 9 The eventual intersection of the incremented duplex stacks
shows the overall geodynamic scenario interpreted here. with the surface was accompanied with a dramatic exhumation

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

Fig. 9. (a) Geodynamic evolution from initial tectonic interactions, intense magmatism beneath southernmost Tibet and underthrusting resistance of the Indian crust. An
enhanced crustal duplexing is promoted. (b) These processes have induced contemporaneous anatexis and subsequent leucogranite dike swarms; the Main Himalayan thrust
formed from coeval northward underthrusting in the mafic lower crust and southward overthrusting in the felsic overlying crust; passive roof thrust is progressively devel-
oped toward the convergence zone in the frontal culmination wall of the northern Himalayas. (c) Enhanced antiformal stacks within individually spaced ramp-anticlines over
regional detachments brought the northern Himalayan Gneiss Dome to the surface. Simultaneous uplift with accommodation of passive roof thrust created a sequence of
south-dipping thrust system, which has extended to the southern edge of the plateau. The Gangdese Counter Thrust, the Gangdese Thrust, and the Luobadui-Milanshan Fault
were initiated as a response. Sketch not to scale. See text for details of references. Lithologies: 1-Tethyan Himalayas; 2-Accretionary wedge; 3- Metasediments; 4-Gangdese
batholith; 5-Linzizong volcanic succession; 6-crystalline basement beneath the central Lhasa Terrane; 7-Cretaceous Gangdese granitoid; 8-Ophiolitic mélange; 9-Leucogranite;
STD: Southern Tibetan Detachment; TH: Tethyan Himalayas; NHD: Northern Himalayan Dome; YZS: Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone; XB: Xigaze Basin; MHT: Main Himalayan
Thrust; GMA: Gangdese Magmatic Arc; GCT: Gangdese Counter Thrust; GT: Gangdese Thrust; LMF: Luobadui-Milashan Fault.

X. Guo, C. Li, R. Gao et al. Geosystems and Geoenvironment 1 (2022) 100006

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