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傳 染 病 處
Disease Branch

本署檔號 Our Ref. : QO-RBG1000029490404303413 in CDB

來函檔號 Your Ref. :
電 話 Tel. : (852) 2125 1122
傳 真 Fax No. : (852) 2477 2770

Quarantine Order

Section 22 of the Prevention and Control of Disease Regulation (Cap. 599A)

本人為衞生主任,有理由相信你 SO JOHNSON CHEUK HEI (S3809724), 曾接觸2019冠狀病毒病(屬

第22(1) 條,本人現命令你必須即時根據政府命令到政府指定的處所或指定檢疫地點接受檢疫,直至
I, a health officer, have reason to believe that you, SO JOHNSON CHEUK HEI , (S3809724) are a
contact of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (a specified infectious disease under the Prevention
and Control of Disease Ordinance) (“the Ordinance”). Pursuant to section 22(1) of the Prevention and
Control of Disease Regulation (the “Regulation”), I hereby order that you are required, with immediate
effect, to be quarantined at designated premises or designated quarantine venues as ordered by the
Government, until 2022-12-18.

According to section 22(4) and 22(5) of the Regulation, you shall not leave the above said place of
quarantine. Failure to comply with the said section 22(4) or 22(5) is an offence under section 22(6).

如你屬下列人士:(i) 六個月或以上已接種至少兩劑新冠疫苗人士;(ii) 曾確診感染2019冠狀病毒病並已

接種一劑復必泰疫苗的五至十七歲人士; 或(iii) 六個月以下嬰兒,你可在檢疫期的第六天及第七天(
If you belong to the following group: (i) person aged 6 months or above who have received at least two
doses of COVID-19 vaccines; (ii) person aged 5-17 yeas who was confirmed COVID-19 case before and
had received one dose of Comirnaty vaccine; or (iii) infant aged below 6 months, you may conduct rapid
antigen tests (RAT) on the 6th and 7th day of quarantine period (2022-12-05 being the 1st day), and if
you obtain negative RAT result on these two successive days (or any other subsequent two successive
days), you may be deemed as fulfilling the condition of ending your quarantine early on the day of
obtaining the second negative result and this quarantine order can be deemed as finished. There is no
need to notify the Department of Health.

Health Officer
Dr. Albert Au
日期/Date: 2022-12-04

Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health 147C, Argyle Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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