Week 7

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Recycle waste, untapped resources

Recycling and reusing waste sources is a trend that has been applied in many countries,
contributing to environmental protection and resource saving. However, at present, the recycling
of this waste source has not been given due attention. Waste is also a resource According to
statistics of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), the total amount of
solid waste (CTR) of the whole country per year is estimated at 28.5 million tons/year, of which
domestic solid waste is about 28.5 million tons/year. 19 million tons/year. Domestic solid waste
in urban areas nationwide increases by an average of 10% per year, especially in 2 big cities, of
which in Hanoi, the amount of domestic solid waste is up to about 6,500 tons/day, and Ho Chi
Minh City is about 6,500 tons/day. 7,081 tons/day. Experts estimate that generating a large
amount of solid waste is both a challenge for the environment but also an opportunity to develop
a renewable energy source from this waste source. Up to 50-70% of waste contains compounds
that can be recycled, creating new energy sources, but currently the amount of waste that can
be recycled is very limited. Meanwhile, the cost of transporting and treating waste is currently
quite high, as Ho Chi Minh City has to spend hundreds of billions of dong a year for this. Along
with that, the current popular method of solid waste treatment is landfilling. There are about 458
waste landfills nationwide with a scale of over 1 hectare, of which only 121 are sanitary landfills,
the remaining 337 are open-cast landfills, without leachate collection and treatment systems.
Garbage is a source of environmental pollution. In addition, there are many small-scale landfills
in communes that have not been fully enumerated. According to the general assessment, the
current method of burying waste is unsafe, causes environmental pollution, generates and
increases methane (a greenhouse gas), and consumes a lot of land. , cannot take advantage of
recyclable and reusable CTRs. Currently, the percentage of domestic solid waste collected and
processed into compost is still low, on the other hand, due to its poor quality, it is difficult to

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