Netbiter - Activation Code Request

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Netbiter – Activation Code request

This form should be filled in and sent to HMS support via HMS Support Portal to request the
activation code for your Ewon Netbiter device.

Netbiter information

Netbiter MAC-/System ID 00:30:11:FA:47:88

Which company was the Netbiter bought from? ABB limited

Requester identification

Request date 2029-11-20

Name Satish Kumar N

Company name Amararaja Batteries Ltd


Explain why you need the activation code

Need activation code for switching on Power conversion system, which was supplied by ABB
Limited and we brought complete system from ABB

☒ I agree that HMS may contact the Administrator of the Ewon Netbiter Argos account
☒ The content of this request may be shared with the Ewon Netbiter Argos administrator

For HMS Networks Internal Use

Filled in by HMS employee

HMS Industrial Networks AB | Visiting address: Stationsgatan 37, SE-302 50 Halmstad | Postal address: Box 4126, SE-300 04 Halmstad
+46 (0)35 17 29 00 | |

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