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Normal Physical Exam Template

Vital Signs:
BP: __ mmHg P: __ bpm 1. BP: blood pressure
RR: __ per minute SpO2 __% on __ 2. P: pulse
Temperature: __ oC BMI: __ 3. RR:
Weight: __ kg Height: __ cm 4. SpO2: peripheral oxygen saturation
5. BMI: body mass index
General: Healthy appearing, well-developed, NAD. 6. NAD: no apparent distress
Psych: Good judgment, AOx4. Normal memory, 7. AOx4: alert and oriented to person, place, time, situation
mood, and affect 8. NC/AT: normocephalic, atraumatic
HEENT 9. PERRLA: pupils equal, round, reactive to light & accommodation
-Head: NC/AT. 10. EOMI: extraocular movements intact
-Eyes: PERRLA, EOMI. No discharge or redness. 11. MMM: moist mucus membranes
-Ears: Normal external ears, normal TMs. 12. RRR: regular rate and rhythm
-Nose: Normal nares 13. m/r/g: murmurs, rubs, or gallops
-Mouth and Throat: MMM. Normal gums, mucosa, 14. CTAB: clear to auscultation bilaterally
palate. Good dentition. 15. w/r/r: wheezes, rales, or rhonchi
NECK: Supple, with no masses. 16. NT/ND: non-tender, non-distended
CV: RRR, no m/r/g. 17. NBS: normal bowel sounds
LUNGS: CTAB, no w/r/r. 18. CN: cranial nerves
ABD: Soft, NT/ND, NBS, no masses or organomegaly. 19. AC > BC: air conduction > bone conduction
GU: Normal genitalia. 20. JVD: jugular venous distension
SKIN: Warm & well perfused. No skin rashes or 21. AP: anteroposterior
abnormal lesions. 22. TM: tympanic membranes
MSK: Normal extremities & spine. No deformities. 23. ROM: range of motion
Normal gait. No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. 24. ICS: intercostal space
NEURO: Normal muscle strength and tone. CN II to 25. GU: genitourinary
XII intact. No focal deficits. 26. DTR: deep tendon reflexes

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