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Factual Claim, Commonplace Assertion or Opinion

DIRECTIONS: With your small group, read the following statements and decide if the
sentence is a factual claim (F), a commonplace assertion (CA), or an opinion (O). Discuss your
thinking, label the sentence, and be prepared to defend your answer.

1. Sugary sodas will cause you to get fat.

2. A can of Coke contains 140 calories.
3. Cherry limeade tastes better than Dr. Pepper.
4. Doctors are the smartest people on the planet.
5. Milk is good for your body.
6. Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor of ice cream sold.
7. Blue Bell ice cream is sold at HEB, Market Basket and Kroger.
8. My mother makes the best lasagna I’ve ever tasted.
9. Bill drives an ice cream truck on the weekends.
10. Ice cream sundaes should always come with a cherry on top.
11. My sister is a dietician that specializes in treating childhood obesity.
12. Taking vitamins everyday makes you healthy and strong.
13. Exercise is the best way to lose weight.
14. If you eat too much candy, your teeth will fall out.
15. Grocery stores stock candy and other sweets by the checkout counter.

16. Write one original sentence that contains an opinion about your favorite food.

17. Write one original sentence that contains a commonplace assertion about school.

18. Write one original sentence that contains a fact about your school.

1. Sugary sodas will cause you to get fat. Commonplace Assertion (Sugary sodas
can cause weight can, but drinking one a day if you exercise and eat right won’t necessarily
cause you to gain weight or get fat.)
2. A can of Coke contains 140 calories. Factual Claim
3. Cherry limeade tastes better than Dr. Pepper. Opinion
4. Doctors are the smartest people on the planet. Commonplace Assertion or Opinion
5. Milk is good for your body. Commonplace Assertion (While milk does
contain calcium, it also contains a high amount of fat. Many people also suffer from lactose
intolerance, so milk is not good for everyone.)
6. Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor of ice cream sold. Opinion
7. Blue Bell ice cream is sold at HEB, Market Basket and Kroger. Factual Claim
8. My mother makes the best lasagna I’ve ever tasted. Opinion
9. Bill drives an ice cream truck on the weekends. Factual Claims
10.Ice cream sundaes should always come with a cherry on top. Opinion
11. My sister is a dietician that specializes in treating childhood obesity. Factual Claim
12. Taking vitamins everyday makes you healthy and strong. Commonplace Assertion
(Actually, most people do not need to take over-the-counter vitamins because they get the
vitamins they need from food. On the other hand, vitamins can be good for people who don’t
eat enough healthy foods.)
13. Exercise is the best way to lose weight. Opinion or Commonplace Assertion
14. If you eat too much candy, your teeth will fall out. Commonplace Assertion
15. Grocery stores stock candy and other sweets by the checkout counter. Factual Claim

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