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Key stakeholders and partnerships 

(max 100 words)

Beneficiaries, implementers, institutions, donors or other partners. Methods of

engagement and participation, including any special contextual features. Extent to
which outcomes/results were validated by stakeholders (e.g. stakeholder perspectives
and testimony). Innovative partnerships.

- The beneficiaries are youth and children with their parents. All were involved in
drafting their child protection policy and livelihood policies. The children and youth
were capacitated in advocacy work and in helping the group livelihood project of
their parents every weekend. . At least 60% trained children and youth leaders
promoted child’s rights in other communities while 90%reduction of child abuses and
exploitation in the community. Zero percent child laborer and human trafficking
incidence in the community.
The implementor or the facilitators are volunteers: CAJDEN staff and youth
themselves. The donor for transportation and food & venue is the SDG-IPA

Implementation of the Project/Activity (max 500 words)

How the project/activity has been applied and executed. May include the initiation, planning and execution
of the project. What monitoring mechanisms, if any, are in place.

The activities were applied separately among youth and children and parents.
Workshop, Visual Aids, videos, storytelling, Theater Arts and lectures were used.
The theatre forum conducted by the victims themselves became a tool in
capacity building among the youth and the parents; performers and audience in the
effort to end poverty and hunger. The play depicted the effect s of poverty and hunger
in a family and challenges both the performers (actors, actresses and crew) and
audience to be responsible parents and developing responsible children in our
campaign to end poverty. Likewise, it pose a big challenge for the government to take
action on the dire poverty situation of its constituents.
On the other hand, parents were capacitated in managing their group livelihood
and recording, bookkeeping and accounting. Every group livelihood has a Project
management team running the project composed of Manager, cashier, bookkeeper,
auditor and Chairman of People’s organization. Indeed, they just received their
dividend’s share and paid their accident insurance.
Furthermore, Each People’s organization (PO) has a monthly meeting for youth
and among parents to plan, monitor and evaluate. Monitoring plan is in place. The
Objectives: Indicators Tools/Process: When: Area /where :In-charge: Enabling Hindrance

Results/Outputs/Impacts (max 500 words)

Evidence based results and outputs (quantitative and qualitative) arising from the practice. Changes in
status and trends (e.g. with relation to individuals, families or geographic areas). Unanticipated spill-
overs - positive and negative, including how negative impacts were alleviated or mitigated. Longer term
results to which practice contributes. Differential impacts including how to contribute to leaving no-one

More than 100 youth and children were aware of their basic rights and
responsibility. About 130 youth and children were aware of how to prevent children
from being sexually abuse while more than 200 youth and children were aware of
cyber safety and off- line social network for the protection of children. The spill - over
effect is the revised child protection policy of every faith-based PO and the Disaster
Management or the DRR team.
The theatre forum conducted by the victims themselves became a tool in
capacity building among the youth and the parents; performers and audience in the
effort to end poverty and hunger. The play depicted the effect s of poverty and hunger
in a family and challenges both the performers (actors, actresses and crew) and
audience to be responsible parents and developing responsible children in our
campaign to end poverty. Likewise, it pose a big challenge for the government to take
action on the dire poverty situation of its constituents.
The said activity was spread through tri-media and social media which has an
overspill outcome : accessing livelihood project from DOLE and local government
unit to reduce poverty and hunger.
Enabling factors and constraints (max 500 words)

Enabling conditions that helped the practice to succeed, including but not limited to financing,
investment, STI. Specific constraints that needed to be overcome and how this was done. Innovations
that the practice may have brought about, or new ideas/technologies/ways of thinking that it was able
to leverage.
The vital role of youth and children was clearly specified in the goal to help
end poverty and hunger. This year while the youth continue their advocacy
campaign through theatre and on- line advocacy campaign they are engage also
in art craft ( fashion bracelet making and recycling materials) as sort of livelihood
and fund raising for sustainability of this project that terminates last December
2018. There is still a need to continue the capacity building of youth in terms of
Disaster preparedness or Disaster Risk reduction (DRR) because youth and
children are the most vulnerable.
Sustainability and replicability (max 500 words)

Elements that are in place for environmental, social and economic sustainability and resilience.
Cost/efficiency implications - benefits relative to costs. Plans for extending the practice more widely or
encouraging its adoption in other contexts.

Since the project terminated last year , the training of youth on DRR
continues with the help of Philippine National Red Cross and we are still looking
for donors on ( First Aid kit for every First Aid station in the community). The
leaders come-up with watch group team in every community to monitor on-line
safety of children and trafficking including child labor and exploitation.
For sustainability and resiliency of the community , the rice trading,
project, basic commodity store, bakery and natural fish cage continue to operate.
We are still looking for donors to capacitate them in terms of values formation,
skills training on innovative marketing, warehousing and inventory and financial
management for grassroots entrepreneurs.
Ways forward in rural communities: the planting of root crops and
adaptable crops for climate change. Roots crops sustains flood and storm.

Conclusions (max 500 words)

Key messages including impact, what made the practice break new ground,
and other lessons learned.

Impact can be measured after 5-10 years of implementation. In our case ,

we have a year of implementation we have lots of lesson learned and break new
Children and youth are capable of a child/youth Advocacy and DRR/ climate
adaption .
Theater a relevant tool for education.
Children rights advocacy should be dealt holistic.
Children 15 – 18 years old should be trained on public speaking for
advocacy work
Involvement of school in child’s rights advocacy to create impact in the
Establing a network is very important for sustainability especially in a year

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